Top US Psychiatrist: Hillary Should Drop Out of Monday’s Debate – She Could Get Hurt Badly (VIDEO)

Keith Russell Ablow (born November 23, 1961) is an American psychiatrist, author and television personality. He is also a contributor on psychiatry for Fox News Channel and TheBlaze.


Keith Ablow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What's your point? Or are you just wearing Hillary's dress?

His education seems impressive:
Alma mater Brown University
Johns Hopkins University
The point is that he is clearly biased, just another partisan tossing out red meat, feeding the echo chamber.

The Blaze?

So that "Top US Psychiatrist" thing made me giggle a bit.

OK I get your point, anyone who doesn't dress like Hillary is a liar.

Here watch her eyes, with the added bonus of listening to her promise the world, as if it wasn't Obama and her who were in charge for the last 8 years.

My point, again, is that Ablow is neither unbiased nor a disinterested professional rendering objective analysis.

And instead of addressing issues that is what all on the left do. Do you expect CNN to report on anything negative concerning Hillary? If you do then I have some swamp land for you to invest in.

It is always the same with the left, they scream bias yet they are the most bias of all. They act like they and only they are the holders of truth, which is a breathtaking departure from the truth. Maybe he is biased but is he right? That's my point. You explain her cockeyed look, her fainting, her unnatural head movements. None of which is caused by right wing bias.
Hilly looks like she is disintegrating right before our eyes. Trump is thriving on the campaign. He looks younger, more vital, more energetic. He is loving this. Hilly is dying over it.
Keith Russell Ablow (born November 23, 1961) is an American psychiatrist, author and television personality. He is also a contributor on psychiatry for Fox News Channel and TheBlaze.


Keith Ablow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What's your point? Or are you just wearing Hillary's dress?

His education seems impressive:
Alma mater Brown University
Johns Hopkins University
The point is that he is clearly biased, just another partisan tossing out red meat, feeding the echo chamber.

The Blaze?

So that "Top US Psychiatrist" thing made me giggle a bit.

OK I get your point, anyone who doesn't dress like Hillary is a liar.

Here watch her eyes, with the added bonus of listening to her promise the world, as if it wasn't Obama and her who were in charge for the last 8 years.

My point, again, is that Ablow is neither unbiased nor a disinterested professional rendering objective analysis.

And instead of addressing issues that is what all on the left do. Do you expect CNN to report on anything negative concerning Hillary? If you do then I have some swamp land for you to invest in.

It is always the same with the left, they scream bias yet they are the most bias of all. They act like they and only they are the holders of truth, which is a breathtaking departure from the truth. Maybe he is biased but is he right? That's my point. You explain her cockeyed look, her fainting, her unnatural head movements. None of which is caused by right wing bias.

At the debate, she could freak out, strip naked and start doing the Chicken Dance for all I know.

That wasn't my point, which I'm sure I don't need to describe again.
Keith Russell Ablow (born November 23, 1961) is an American psychiatrist, author and television personality. He is also a contributor on psychiatry for Fox News Channel and TheBlaze.


Keith Ablow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Looks like you need a psychiatrist.

for what? calling you out on yet another insane thread?

some hack who says men should be able to veto women's abortions is who you think is a credible psychiatrist? quiet

run along, kkk'er.
I don't want to see her drop out. I want the lying garbage trumped soundly.
I'd suggest you not watch then? You'll be highly disappointed.

I don't care if she sprouts wings and flies around the stage. I am so sure that I am going to vote against her that I'll probably watch football.
Do. I would and I'm voting for her.
And you've displayed the type of personality that is attracted to her. That's why she just isn't likable. It's a popularity contest and she ain't got it.
Hilly looks like she is disintegrating right before our eyes. Trump is thriving on the campaign. He looks younger, more vital, more energetic. He is loving this. Hilly is dying over it.
Also, Trump has been hammered mercilessly daily, hourly in the media, spent almost nothing in ads compared to team Hillary and is now neck and neck. That's called momentum.
Hillary is gross.
Imagine the smell.
Besides always telling her security personnel to fuck off, they have to deal with the stench.
Higher turnover rate than a Dollar General.
Excellent interview. Dr. Keith Ablow is absolutely correct. The debate is going to be a disaster for Crooked Hillary. Every rational person knows this. The interesting thing is after her humiliation, should The Donald decline further debates and keep on the campaign trail while Crooked Hillary remains in hiding, sleeping and receiving her medical treatments?
The debate is going to be a disaster for Crooked Hillary. Every rational person knows this.
Let's drill down a bit on this, and break the debate(s) into parts.

Given the fact that debates include delivery, macro- and micro-knowledge of the issues and the players and mechanics involved, demeanor, specifics and strategy ideas, on what basis or bases do you make this prediction?
I don't want to see her drop out. I want the lying garbage trumped soundly.

I want her to destroy Donald Drumpf just as much as you do. I have a feeling that the "lying garbage" is going to be fact checked into next week, and the press will call him for his lies this time. Not like Matt Lauer, letting him lie with impunity.
No, Matt just tried to treat them fairly and you stupid liberals can't handle that.
It's a damn shame there aren't enough seats for all of the people the Clinton' have victimized.

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