Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

the problem with liberfools is they have no concept of what IS torture. torture is when.., lets say i am an interrogator, if i were to torture a suspected terrorist, i want to inflict as much pain as possible, i will make him BLEED !! if he had a beard, i would burn it off, rip off a few fingernails, drive bamboo spikes under nails, make many little cuts and sprinkle Copper Sulfate on the cuts, plus many other REAL TORTURE methods i learned during "Escape and Survival" training.

those fucking terrorists you liberscum are defending have been treated very nicely, kinda like telling a kindergarten class there is no Santa Claus, compared to what i would do to them if i were going to TORTURE them, you idiot liberfucks need a lesson in TORTURE, and i would love to be the one to administer the TORTURE. :up: :lmao:
...Label it as snark so people do not think its the usual Right wing stupid...its how you roll....
No different than Left Wing Stupid, to be sure...
Brilliant comeback for sure I am in awe

Here you go learn something grow up...from your Right wing Nanny Government dependency needs...

Photo Credit: I.S. Leader Al Baghdadi via YouTube/Vice

How the CIA Torture Program Helped Give Birth to the Islamic State
Loretta Napoleoni
Here's what the recent report on torture doesn't say
Calm yourself, child.

Learn to hold your tongue, and be more respectful, in the presence of your betters.

Which includes most of the folks contributing to this thread, to date.

The US was wrong to engage in the kinds of interrogation (torture, grotesque humiliation, etc.) that it did...

But to claim that that was a major contributing factor in the formation of ISIS-ISIL-IS is a sick, sad joke, on a cosmic scale...

It might very well have been a propaganda bullet point used in recruiting...

But they are fighting themselves, and amongst themselves, to take territory and political power away from each other...

ISIS-ISIL-IS is the hastily cobbled-together Islamic Miltancy that was spawned to fill a power vacuum in the region Syria-Iraq, and some of its offshoots have spread elsewhere...

That spread is the result of a centuries-old hatred and enmity for all Infidels, and for The West (secularized Christendom) in particular...

Oh, and, by the way... an op-ed piece from AlterNet does not impress...

Now... back to the kiddie table with you...

And let the grown-ups talk in peace...

Don't tell me what to do wingaroo...I told you there is not a group I have more contempt disdain and disrespect for than the American Right wing Nuts are one ...

You better be scared because with all the mighty military equipment the local Police had in Pennsylvania the cops can't catch a suspect who "is known to use a cane or walker"?....this latest incident in Wayne LaPierre's America did give the police in sleepy little rural Lower Salford (population 142,000 or so) the opportunity to break out their Army surplus tank , so there's that. It would have been more impressive if they, ya know, actually CAUGHT the guy,...he commited suicide...yes he was a white man who have a tendency to commit mass murders ...

Could you be slight less specific on whom you are talking about? The sniper that killed the PA state policeman is very much alive so you must be talking about someone else. But on the chance you are talking about him how long do you think it should take to find a survivalist, who come in all political persuasions

When are those who attacked Benghazi going to be brought to justice just as promised by Hillary? Oh right the video producer was thrown quickly into jail.

Any way, please tell us of whom you think they couldn't find that used as walker. Here is the story of the only guy I think fits your bill, slightly.

Suspect in Pennsylvania police ambush denied bail Reuters
the problem with liberfools is they have no concept of what IS torture. torture is when.., lets say i am an interrogator, if i were to torture a suspected terrorist, i want to inflict as much pain as possible, i will make him BLEED !! if he had a beard, i would burn it off, rip off a few fingernails, drive bamboo spikes under nails, make many little cuts and sprinkle Copper Sulfate on the cuts, plus many other REAL TORTURE methods i learned during "Escape and Survival" training.

those fucking terrorists you liberscum are defending have been treated very nicely, kinda like telling a kindergarten class there is no Santa Claus, compared to what i would do to them if i were going to TORTURE them, you idiot liberfucks need a lesson in TORTURE, and i would love to be the one to administer the TORTURE. :up: :lmao:

The left wing knows so much that isn't so.

They classified Alan West shooting a gun next to a prisoner as torture. Of course they do so, so they can destroy another black man but that is just another subject.

They bring this stuff out now as political cover, not sure why but it is pretty damn traitorous in my opinion.
Defending American ideals and values requires sacrifices and yes, sometimes risk. Thank God we've had courageous defenders throughout our history who have been prepared to face that risk without trading away those values we hold dear.

The hell with the sniveling little pants wetters who can't wait to piss away all those previous sacrifices just because they can't value anything more than their own shit-stained asses.

Turning America into North Korea is NOT protecting America. They should be shot as traitors and cowards.
Now your calling America North Korea?

I doubt waterboarding, sleep deprivation and standing for hours is on their list of tortures.

In fact I'd be willing to bet they would be laughing their asses off if anyone suggested they use those methods as TORTURE.

As for traitors and cowards you seem to fit that bill pretty damned well since you don't seem to think we should do anything to gather intel. In fact I'd bet you wouldn't gather intel at all and let the chips fall where they may.

I'll also bet you'll be hoping its not your city or town thats hit when the next 9-11 happens. After all we couldn't get any intell about that attack because, hey, they didn't tell us anything when we politely asked.

Yep. Your a fucking winner allright.
...Label it as snark so people do not think its the usual Right wing stupid...its how you roll....
No different than Left Wing Stupid, to be sure...
Brilliant comeback for sure I am in awe

Here you go learn something grow up...from your Right wing Nanny Government dependency needs...

Photo Credit: I.S. Leader Al Baghdadi via YouTube/Vice

How the CIA Torture Program Helped Give Birth to the Islamic State
Loretta Napoleoni
Here's what the recent report on torture doesn't say
Calm yourself, child.

Learn to hold your tongue, and be more respectful, in the presence of your betters.

Which includes most of the folks contributing to this thread, to date.

The US was wrong to engage in the kinds of interrogation (torture, grotesque humiliation, etc.) that it did...

But to claim that that was a major contributing factor in the formation of ISIS-ISIL-IS is a sick, sad joke, on a cosmic scale...

It might very well have been a propaganda bullet point used in recruiting...

But they are fighting themselves, and amongst themselves, to take territory and political power away from each other...

ISIS-ISIL-IS is the hastily cobbled-together Islamic Miltancy that was spawned to fill a power vacuum in the region Syria-Iraq, and some of its offshoots have spread elsewhere...

That spread is the result of a centuries-old hatred and enmity for all Infidels, and for The West (secularized Christendom) in particular...

Oh, and, by the way... an op-ed piece from AlterNet does not impress...

Now... back to the kiddie table with you...

And let the grown-ups talk in peace...

Don't tell me what to do wingaroo...I told you there is not a group I have more contempt disdain and disrespect for than the American Right wing Nuts are one ...

You better be scared because with all the mighty military equipment the local Police had in Pennsylvania the cops can't catch a suspect who "is known to use a cane or walker"?....this latest incident in Wayne LaPierre's America did give the police in sleepy little rural Lower Salford (population 142,000 or so) the opportunity to break out their Army surplus tank , so there's that. It would have been more impressive if they, ya know, actually CAUGHT the guy,...he commited suicide...yes he was a white man who have a tendency to commit mass murders ...

Could you be slight less specific on whom you are talking about? The sniper that killed the PA state policeman is very much alive so you must be talking about someone else. But on the chance you are talking about him how long do you think it should take to find a survivalist, who come in all political persuasions

When are those who attacked Benghazi going to be brought to justice just as promised by Hillary? Oh right the video producer was thrown quickly into jail.

Any way, please tell us of whom you think they couldn't find that used as walker. Here is the story of the only guy I think fits your bill, slightly.

Suspect in Pennsylvania police ambush denied bail Reuters

Police Find Body of Pennsylvania Man Suspected in Murder Spree
Wall Street Journal‎-16 hours ago
A 35-year-oldPennsylvaniaman suspected in the murder of his ex-wife and five of her ...
the problem with liberfools is they have no concept of what IS torture. torture is when.., lets say i am an interrogator, if i were to torture a suspected terrorist, i want to inflict as much pain as possible, i will make him BLEED !! if he had a beard, i would burn it off, rip off a few fingernails, drive bamboo spikes under nails, make many little cuts and sprinkle Copper Sulfate on the cuts, plus many other REAL TORTURE methods i learned during "Escape and Survival" training.

those fucking terrorists you liberscum are defending have been treated very nicely, kinda like telling a kindergarten class there is no Santa Claus, compared to what i would do to them if i were going to TORTURE them, you idiot liberfucks need a lesson in TORTURE, and i would love to be the one to administer the TORTURE. :up: :lmao:

The left wing knows so much that isn't so.

They classified Alan West shooting a gun next to a prisoner as torture
. Of course they do so, so they can destroy another black man but that is just another subject.

They bring this stuff out now as political cover, not sure why but it is pretty damn traitorous in my opinion.

So you believe that the left wing inside the US Army went after Alan West because the US army is a well known center of radical liberals ? what makes you so deluded as to think must be a wing nut ... hey everybody this wing nut says Leftist are running the US army and cashiered Alan West ....
the problem with liberfools is they have no concept of what IS torture. torture is when.., lets say i am an interrogator, if i were to torture a suspected terrorist, i want to inflict as much pain as possible, i will make him BLEED !! if he had a beard, i would burn it off, rip off a few fingernails, drive bamboo spikes under nails, make many little cuts and sprinkle Copper Sulfate on the cuts, plus many other REAL TORTURE methods i learned during "Escape and Survival" training.

those fucking terrorists you liberscum are defending have been treated very nicely, kinda like telling a kindergarten class there is no Santa Claus, compared to what i would do to them if i were going to TORTURE them, you idiot liberfucks need a lesson in TORTURE, and i would love to be the one to administer the TORTURE. :up: :lmao:
There is an element of torture in listening to Rush Limbaugh but you wing nuts masochists anyways .....
...Don't tell me what to do wingaroo...I told you there is not a group I have more contempt disdain and disrespect for than the American Right wing Nuts are one ... You better be scared because with all the mighty military equipment the local Police had in Pennsylvania the cops can't catch a suspect who "is known to use a cane or walker"?....this latest incident in Wayne LaPierre's America did give the police in sleepy little rural Lower Salford (population 142,000 or so) the opportunity to break out their Army surplus tank , so there's that. It would have been more impressive if they, ya know, actually CAUGHT the guy,...he commited suicide...yes he was a white man who have a tendency to commit mass murders ...

This is a "Battlefront" oh gosh waaaaa haaaaaaaa
Defending American ideals and values requires sacrifices and yes, sometimes risk. Thank God we've had courageous defenders throughout our history who have been prepared to face that risk without trading away those values we hold dear.

The hell with the sniveling little pants wetters who can't wait to piss away all those previous sacrifices just because they can't value anything more than their own shit-stained asses.

Turning America into North Korea is NOT protecting America. They should be shot as traitors and cowards.

Where exactly does it say in law that rendition is against the law?
No different than Left Wing Stupid, to be sure...
Brilliant comeback for sure I am in awe

Here you go learn something grow up...from your Right wing Nanny Government dependency needs...

Photo Credit: I.S. Leader Al Baghdadi via YouTube/Vice

How the CIA Torture Program Helped Give Birth to the Islamic State
Loretta Napoleoni
Here's what the recent report on torture doesn't say
Calm yourself, child.

Learn to hold your tongue, and be more respectful, in the presence of your betters.

Which includes most of the folks contributing to this thread, to date.

The US was wrong to engage in the kinds of interrogation (torture, grotesque humiliation, etc.) that it did...

But to claim that that was a major contributing factor in the formation of ISIS-ISIL-IS is a sick, sad joke, on a cosmic scale...

It might very well have been a propaganda bullet point used in recruiting...

But they are fighting themselves, and amongst themselves, to take territory and political power away from each other...

ISIS-ISIL-IS is the hastily cobbled-together Islamic Miltancy that was spawned to fill a power vacuum in the region Syria-Iraq, and some of its offshoots have spread elsewhere...

That spread is the result of a centuries-old hatred and enmity for all Infidels, and for The West (secularized Christendom) in particular...

Oh, and, by the way... an op-ed piece from AlterNet does not impress...

Now... back to the kiddie table with you...

And let the grown-ups talk in peace...

Don't tell me what to do wingaroo...I told you there is not a group I have more contempt disdain and disrespect for than the American Right wing Nuts are one ...

You better be scared because with all the mighty military equipment the local Police had in Pennsylvania the cops can't catch a suspect who "is known to use a cane or walker"?....this latest incident in Wayne LaPierre's America did give the police in sleepy little rural Lower Salford (population 142,000 or so) the opportunity to break out their Army surplus tank , so there's that. It would have been more impressive if they, ya know, actually CAUGHT the guy,...he commited suicide...yes he was a white man who have a tendency to commit mass murders ...

Could you be slight less specific on whom you are talking about? The sniper that killed the PA state policeman is very much alive so you must be talking about someone else. But on the chance you are talking about him how long do you think it should take to find a survivalist, who come in all political persuasions

When are those who attacked Benghazi going to be brought to justice just as promised by Hillary? Oh right the video producer was thrown quickly into jail.

Any way, please tell us of whom you think they couldn't find that used as walker. Here is the story of the only guy I think fits your bill, slightly.

Suspect in Pennsylvania police ambush denied bail Reuters

View attachment 35077
Police Find Body of Pennsylvania Man Suspected in Murder Spree
Wall Street Journal‎-16 hours ago
A 35-year-oldPennsylvaniaman suspected in the murder of his ex-wife and five of her ...

So it took them awhile to find a dead man, who having a walker or a cane made little difference. As for the tank, why do you think Obama is giving them away?
Defending American ideals and values requires sacrifices and yes, sometimes risk. Thank God we've had courageous defenders throughout our history who have been prepared to face that risk without trading away those values we hold dear.

The hell with the sniveling little pants wetters who can't wait to piss away all those previous sacrifices just because they can't value anything more than their own shit-stained asses.

Turning America into North Korea is NOT protecting America. They should be shot as traitors and cowards.

Where exactly does it say in law that rendition is against the law?
Brilliant comeback for sure I am in awe

Here you go learn something grow up...from your Right wing Nanny Government dependency needs...

Photo Credit: I.S. Leader Al Baghdadi via YouTube/Vice

How the CIA Torture Program Helped Give Birth to the Islamic State
Loretta Napoleoni
Here's what the recent report on torture doesn't say
Calm yourself, child.

Learn to hold your tongue, and be more respectful, in the presence of your betters.

Which includes most of the folks contributing to this thread, to date.

The US was wrong to engage in the kinds of interrogation (torture, grotesque humiliation, etc.) that it did...

But to claim that that was a major contributing factor in the formation of ISIS-ISIL-IS is a sick, sad joke, on a cosmic scale...

It might very well have been a propaganda bullet point used in recruiting...

But they are fighting themselves, and amongst themselves, to take territory and political power away from each other...

ISIS-ISIL-IS is the hastily cobbled-together Islamic Miltancy that was spawned to fill a power vacuum in the region Syria-Iraq, and some of its offshoots have spread elsewhere...

That spread is the result of a centuries-old hatred and enmity for all Infidels, and for The West (secularized Christendom) in particular...

Oh, and, by the way... an op-ed piece from AlterNet does not impress...

Now... back to the kiddie table with you...

And let the grown-ups talk in peace...

Don't tell me what to do wingaroo...I told you there is not a group I have more contempt disdain and disrespect for than the American Right wing Nuts are one ...

You better be scared because with all the mighty military equipment the local Police had in Pennsylvania the cops can't catch a suspect who "is known to use a cane or walker"?....this latest incident in Wayne LaPierre's America did give the police in sleepy little rural Lower Salford (population 142,000 or so) the opportunity to break out their Army surplus tank , so there's that. It would have been more impressive if they, ya know, actually CAUGHT the guy,...he commited suicide...yes he was a white man who have a tendency to commit mass murders ...

Could you be slight less specific on whom you are talking about? The sniper that killed the PA state policeman is very much alive so you must be talking about someone else. But on the chance you are talking about him how long do you think it should take to find a survivalist, who come in all political persuasions

When are those who attacked Benghazi going to be brought to justice just as promised by Hillary? Oh right the video producer was thrown quickly into jail.

Any way, please tell us of whom you think they couldn't find that used as walker. Here is the story of the only guy I think fits your bill, slightly.

Suspect in Pennsylvania police ambush denied bail Reuters

View attachment 35077
Police Find Body of Pennsylvania Man Suspected in Murder Spree
Wall Street Journal‎-16 hours ago
A 35-year-oldPennsylvaniaman suspected in the murder of his ex-wife and five of her ...

So it took them awhile to find a dead man, who having a walker or a cane made little difference. As for the tank, why do you think Obama is giving them away?

Well if rendition is against the law then both Clinton and Bush are guilty of it.
Defending American ideals and values requires sacrifices and yes, sometimes risk. Thank God we've had courageous defenders throughout our history who have been prepared to face that risk without trading away those values we hold dear.

The hell with the sniveling little pants wetters who can't wait to piss away all those previous sacrifices just because they can't value anything more than their own shit-stained asses.

Turning America into North Korea is NOT protecting America. They should be shot as traitors and cowards.

Where exactly does it say in law that rendition is against the law?
Calm yourself, child.

Learn to hold your tongue, and be more respectful, in the presence of your betters.

Which includes most of the folks contributing to this thread, to date.

The US was wrong to engage in the kinds of interrogation (torture, grotesque humiliation, etc.) that it did...

But to claim that that was a major contributing factor in the formation of ISIS-ISIL-IS is a sick, sad joke, on a cosmic scale...

It might very well have been a propaganda bullet point used in recruiting...

But they are fighting themselves, and amongst themselves, to take territory and political power away from each other...

ISIS-ISIL-IS is the hastily cobbled-together Islamic Miltancy that was spawned to fill a power vacuum in the region Syria-Iraq, and some of its offshoots have spread elsewhere...

That spread is the result of a centuries-old hatred and enmity for all Infidels, and for The West (secularized Christendom) in particular...

Oh, and, by the way... an op-ed piece from AlterNet does not impress...

Now... back to the kiddie table with you...

And let the grown-ups talk in peace...

Don't tell me what to do wingaroo...I told you there is not a group I have more contempt disdain and disrespect for than the American Right wing Nuts are one ...

You better be scared because with all the mighty military equipment the local Police had in Pennsylvania the cops can't catch a suspect who "is known to use a cane or walker"?....this latest incident in Wayne LaPierre's America did give the police in sleepy little rural Lower Salford (population 142,000 or so) the opportunity to break out their Army surplus tank , so there's that. It would have been more impressive if they, ya know, actually CAUGHT the guy,...he commited suicide...yes he was a white man who have a tendency to commit mass murders ...

Could you be slight less specific on whom you are talking about? The sniper that killed the PA state policeman is very much alive so you must be talking about someone else. But on the chance you are talking about him how long do you think it should take to find a survivalist, who come in all political persuasions

When are those who attacked Benghazi going to be brought to justice just as promised by Hillary? Oh right the video producer was thrown quickly into jail.

Any way, please tell us of whom you think they couldn't find that used as walker. Here is the story of the only guy I think fits your bill, slightly.

Suspect in Pennsylvania police ambush denied bail Reuters

View attachment 35077
Police Find Body of Pennsylvania Man Suspected in Murder Spree
Wall Street Journal‎-16 hours ago
A 35-year-oldPennsylvaniaman suspected in the murder of his ex-wife and five of her ...

So it took them awhile to find a dead man, who having a walker or a cane made little difference. As for the tank, why do you think Obama is giving them away?

Well if rendition is against the law then both Clinton and Bush are guilty of it.

So was Clinton, he actually started the practice.
Remember this thread the next time you right wing scum make the absurd accusation that authoritarianism is liberal.
You mean like the killing of millions by the liberal left?


Liberals don't kill millions.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians

You mean like Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot?

Yes, none of them were 'liberals'...

What Mao Zedong said about liberalism

"Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension.

It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads."
Combat Liberalism

LOL, you ca't have it both ways......they are ALL Left wing zealots.
...Label it as snark so people do not think its the usual Right wing stupid...its how you roll....
No different than Left Wing Stupid, to be sure...
Brilliant comeback for sure I am in awe

Here you go learn something grow up...from your Right wing Nanny Government dependency needs...

Photo Credit: I.S. Leader Al Baghdadi via YouTube/Vice

How the CIA Torture Program Helped Give Birth to the Islamic State
Loretta Napoleoni
Here's what the recent report on torture doesn't say
Calm yourself, child.

Learn to hold your tongue, and be more respectful, in the presence of your betters.

Which includes most of the folks contributing to this thread, to date.

The US was wrong to engage in the kinds of interrogation (torture, grotesque humiliation, etc.) that it did...

But to claim that that was a major contributing factor in the formation of ISIS-ISIL-IS is a sick, sad joke, on a cosmic scale...

It might very well have been a propaganda bullet point used in recruiting...

But they are fighting themselves, and amongst themselves, to take territory and political power away from each other...

ISIS-ISIL-IS is the hastily cobbled-together Islamic Miltancy that was spawned to fill a power vacuum in the region Syria-Iraq, and some of its offshoots have spread elsewhere...

That spread is the result of a centuries-old hatred and enmity for all Infidels, and for The West (secularized Christendom) in particular, not American interrogation or torture as a major initiating factor...

Oh, and, by the way... an op-ed piece from AlterNet does not impress...

Now... back to the kiddie table with you...

And let the grown-ups talk in peace...
Remember this thread the next time you right wing scum make the absurd accusation that authoritarianism is liberal.
You mean like the killing of millions by the liberal left?


Liberals don't kill millions.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians
Mao, Stalin, Hitler, pol pot, Castro, slavery and abortion says otherwise. Face it you support the ideology of death and hate


NONE are liberals.

What Mao Zedong said about liberalism

"Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension.

It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads."
Combat Liberalism

You are a bigger idiot than I thought if you are going to try and make the case that those Communist pigs are "right wing".

Don't let any facts disrupt your dogma...

The total lack of self awareness by you right wing parrots is the right drools over authoritarians like former communist KGB agents...

...Don't let any facts disrupt your dogma...
I have no idea why I was included in this post... there was no spouting of right-wing dogma there.

Hell, I conceded (rightfully) that we were wrong to engage in such behaviors.

I even conceded that such torture was probably a recruiting bullet-point, in forming militia units.

But my counterpointing post focused primarily upon the power-vacuum left by the Syrian Rebellion and the power-vacuum left in the wake of the Old Regime in Iraq, and the strength of the Fundamentalist Islamic Militancy mindset in pursuit of a resurrected Caliphate, as the primary reasons for the spawning of the ISIS-ISIL-IS filth.

Half-assed op-ed pieces on Alternet opining otherwise do not ipso facto render it thus.

If you see fault with that logic, have at it, but spare us the partisan hyperbole, simply because such logic does not align with your own conclusions, eh?

...The total lack of self awareness by you right wing parrots is amazing...
I have no idea what you are trying to say in the context of my own post. Fortunately, you appear to have no idea what you are trying to say here, either, so, it's a wash. the right drools over authoritarians like former communist KGB agents...
You get your very own style-points here for dramatics, but, again, I have no idea how this pertains to my post.

I think you have me confused with somebody else, in the context of right-wing dogma and Putin-fan status.

Personally, I happen to think that we were wrong to engage in torture (although I'd do it myself, if I was fairly certain that it would save American lives).

Personally, I happen to think that Putin outflanked Obama in the area of foreign policy (the Crimea, Ukraine, etc.), making our Prez look like an amateur.

I also concede that recent countermeasures employed by both the US and the EU are having an effect on Putin's Russia, but,unfortunately, this is an after-thought, it will not result in a return of the Crimea to the Ukraine nor will it force Russian to withdraw from Eastern Ukraine.

It does us little good to slap Russia on the wrist after they've executed their land-grab, especially when that slap on the wrist will not force a return to the old status quo.

But, in my original in this series, and here, I spout no right-wing dogma, and I don't cheer for Putin.

Much obliged, for the opportunity to clear that up.
Last edited:
...Label it as snark so people do not think its the usual Right wing stupid...its how you roll....
No different than Left Wing Stupid, to be sure...
Brilliant comeback for sure I am in awe

Here you go learn something grow up...from your Right wing Nanny Government dependency needs...

Photo Credit: I.S. Leader Al Baghdadi via YouTube/Vice

How the CIA Torture Program Helped Give Birth to the Islamic State
Loretta Napoleoni
Here's what the recent report on torture doesn't say
Calm yourself, child.

Learn to hold your tongue, and be more respectful, in the presence of your betters.

Which includes most of the folks contributing to this thread, to date.

The US was wrong to engage in the kinds of interrogation (torture, grotesque humiliation, etc.) that it did...

But to claim that that was a major contributing factor in the formation of ISIS-ISIL-IS is a sick, sad joke, on a cosmic scale...

It might very well have been a propaganda bullet point used in recruiting...

But they are fighting themselves, and amongst themselves, to take territory and political power away from each other...

ISIS-ISIL-IS is the hastily cobbled-together Islamic Miltancy that was spawned to fill a power vacuum in the region Syria-Iraq, and some of its offshoots have spread elsewhere...

That spread is the result of a centuries-old hatred and enmity for all Infidels, and for The West (secularized Christendom) in particular, not American interrogation or torture as a major initiating factor...

Oh, and, by the way... an op-ed piece from AlterNet does not impress...

Now... back to the kiddie table with you...

And let the grown-ups talk in peace...
You mean like the killing of millions by the liberal left?


Liberals don't kill millions.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians
Mao, Stalin, Hitler, pol pot, Castro, slavery and abortion says otherwise. Face it you support the ideology of death and hate


NONE are liberals.

What Mao Zedong said about liberalism

"Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension.

It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads."
Combat Liberalism

You are a bigger idiot than I thought if you are going to try and make the case that those Communist pigs are "right wing".

Don't let any facts disrupt your dogma...

The total lack of self awareness by you right wing parrots is the right drools over authoritarians like former communist KGB agents...

Putin is a left wing ideology.
...Don't let any facts disrupt your dogma...
I have no idea why I was included in this post... there was no spouting of right-wing dogma there.

Hell, I conceded (rightfully) that we were wrong to engage in such behaviors.

I even conceded that such torture was probably a recruiting bullet-point, in forming militia units.

But my counterpointing post focused primarily upon the power-vacuum left by the Syrian Rebellion and the power-vacuum left in the wake of the Old Regime in Iraq, and the strength of the Fundamentalist Islamic Militancy mindset in pursuit of a resurrected Caliphate, as the primary reasons for the spawning of the ISIS-ISIL-IS filth.

Half-assed op-ed pieces on Alternet opining otherwise do not ipso facto render it thus.

If you see fault with that logic, have at it, but spare us the partisan hyperbole, simply because such logic does not align with your own conclusions, eh?

...The total lack of self awareness by you right wing parrots is amazing...
I have no idea what you are trying to say in the context of my own post. Fortunately, you appear to have no idea what you are trying to say here, either, so, it's a wash. the right drools over authoritarians like former communist KGB agents...
You get your very own style-points here for dramatics, but, again, I have no idea how this pertains to my post.

I think you have me confused with somebody else, in the context of right-wing dogma and Putin-fan status.

Personally, I happen to think that we were wrong to engage in torture (although I'd do it myself, if I was fairly certain that it would save American lives).

Personally, I happen to think that Putin outflanked Obama in the area of foreign policy (the Crimea, Ukraine, etc.), making our Prez look like an amateur.

I also concede that recent countermeasures employed by both the US and the EU are having an effect on Putin's Russia, but,unfortunately, this is an after-thought, it will not result in a return of the Crimea to the Ukraine nor will it force Russian to withdraw from Eastern Ukraine.

It does us little good to slap Russia on the wrist after they've executed their land-grab, especially when that slap on the wrist will not force a return to the old status quo.

But, in my original in this series, and here, I spout no right-wing dogma, and I don't cheer for Putin.

Much obliged, for the opportunity to clear that up.

You weren't included in this post. You included yourself. I was responding to thanatos144
...Label it as snark so people do not think its the usual Right wing stupid...its how you roll....
No different than Left Wing Stupid, to be sure...
Brilliant comeback for sure I am in awe

Here you go learn something grow up...from your Right wing Nanny Government dependency needs...

Photo Credit: I.S. Leader Al Baghdadi via YouTube/Vice

How the CIA Torture Program Helped Give Birth to the Islamic State
Loretta Napoleoni
Here's what the recent report on torture doesn't say
Calm yourself, child.

Learn to hold your tongue, and be more respectful, in the presence of your betters.

Which includes most of the folks contributing to this thread, to date.

The US was wrong to engage in the kinds of interrogation (torture, grotesque humiliation, etc.) that it did...

But to claim that that was a major contributing factor in the formation of ISIS-ISIL-IS is a sick, sad joke, on a cosmic scale...

It might very well have been a propaganda bullet point used in recruiting...

But they are fighting themselves, and amongst themselves, to take territory and political power away from each other...

ISIS-ISIL-IS is the hastily cobbled-together Islamic Miltancy that was spawned to fill a power vacuum in the region Syria-Iraq, and some of its offshoots have spread elsewhere...

That spread is the result of a centuries-old hatred and enmity for all Infidels, and for The West (secularized Christendom) in particular, not American interrogation or torture as a major initiating factor...

Oh, and, by the way... an op-ed piece from AlterNet does not impress...

Now... back to the kiddie table with you...

And let the grown-ups talk in peace...
Liberals don't kill millions.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians
Mao, Stalin, Hitler, pol pot, Castro, slavery and abortion says otherwise. Face it you support the ideology of death and hate


NONE are liberals.

What Mao Zedong said about liberalism

"Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension.

It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads."
Combat Liberalism

You are a bigger idiot than I thought if you are going to try and make the case that those Communist pigs are "right wing".

Don't let any facts disrupt your dogma...

The total lack of self awareness by you right wing parrots is the right drools over authoritarians like former communist KGB agents...

Putin is a left wing ideology.

Putin is left wing ideology? Did anyone tell Putin?

Vladimir Putin, Conservative Icon

Vladimir Putin is calling on the conservatives of the world to unite—behind him.

The Kremlin leader's full-throated defense of Russia's "traditional values" and his derision of the West's "genderless and infertile" liberalism in his annual state-of-the-nation address last week was just the latest example of Putin attempting to place himself at the vanguard of a new "Conservative International."

The speech came on the heels of the appointment of Dmitry Kiselyov—the television anchor who has said the hearts of gays and lesbians who die should be buried or burned—as head of the new Kremlin-run media conglomerate Rossia Segodnya.

And just days before Putin's address, the Center for Strategic Communications, an influential Kremlin-connected think tank, held a press conference in Moscow to announce its latest report. The title: "Putin: World Conservatism's New Leader."

According to excerpts from the report cited in the media, most people yearn for stability and security, favor traditional family values over feminism and gay rights, and prefer nation-based states rather than multicultural melting pots. Putin, the report says, stands for these values while "ideological populism of the left" in the West "is dividing society."
Vigilante comes from the old tradition of being a bullying cowardly blow hard with no redeeming social value or any other redeeming features you faker ., bum you...

You Pond Scum always say the nicest things about me.... A shame you weren't at the WTC on 9/11, would have saved the country another flaming liberal that would let the terrorist alone, so they can continually come back and attack us, and, if you made it through, you could have come back to tell us how REAL TORTURE felt like!


I recall reading this astute commentary after 9/ right wing terrorists are totally obtuse to who and what you really are...cut from the same cloth as the Taliban...

October 16, 2001

What's truly ironic about this whole war is that the conservatives in our country do not seem to realize that the Taliban is simply an extreme version of the same primal impulse that drives them.

In every population there is a distribution of conservative to progressive, aggressive to peaceful, etc. The famous classical game theoretic model, the Hawk-Dove contest, shows that the evolutionarily stable population in that model is not all hawks or all doves, but rather a certain degree of each; in that model, 58% "doves" and 42% "hawks". It stands to reason that it is expected that you will have both types of personality in your population. Similarly, I believe a stable distribution of political sensibility is probably one with both progressive and conservative elements.

Of course, it's funny how the same personality type seems to latch on to radically different ideas depending on the society. "Conservatives" here profess a belief in capitalism and extol the virtues of the good old days of the 1950's, a half century ago; "conservatives" in Russia pine for the bygone days of the stability of the old Soviet empire. I believe that the propensity in conservatives is not towards ideologies per se, but rather towards status quo versus change. I'd bet you'd find much more psychologically (and perhaps genetically?) similar between conservatives here and in Russia, despite the fact that they profess supposedly opposite nostalgias.

But of course a typical conservative doesn't look at the conservatism of their enemy and learn to moderate themselves; they see the enemy as an "other", as confirmation of their own rigid views, despite the evident similarity between the two stances.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Texas Republican Congressman Pete Sessions compares GOP strategy to Taliban insurgency


"Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban, and that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes. And these Taliban -- I'm not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that's not what we're saying. I'm saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with."

Congressman Pete Sessions Compares House Republicans To Taliban | Capitol Annex
Terrorism is liberal ideology.

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