Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

Yes, you've made it clear we can skip the rule of law for the rule of men if it means safety. You're clear on your stance. It goes against everything this country has stood for in inception, but there it is. YOu're alright with it logikandreazon.

It's scary isn't it?
Just crap on all the sacrifices and those who have died to uphold the ideals and principles that have made America a beacon to the world... just to save their own sorry, cowering asses.

I sure hope our enemies don't think these kinds of cowards are in the majority here.
It truly saddens me to see the cowards trying to protect themselves by turning America into North Korea. You like North Korea so much - go there. Maybe you'll feel safe there.

The United States is for people who have the courage to defend ideals and principles. If that leaves you out, so be it.

It saddens me to know that fools like you think terrorists are deserving. That they should be handled with kid gloves and be treated like honorable enemies instead of what they are. Murdering scum.

Your are a indeed a fool.

It's easy to be high handed ...right up until it affects your families life.
You can bet with certainty that his attitude would change if terrorist had his family.

So those people who died to defend these principles .... THEIR sacrifices mean NOTHING? Crap on them - just try to save you own ass?

You must be so proud of yourself and your commitment to American ideals.
The religious and neo-con filth and their defenses remain abominable.

Bush will never to Europe again. None of his neo-con filth advisers will. Up to 30 CIA folks will rot in European jails, if they go to Europe.

And no one in the American government, GOP or Dem, will lift a finger to help them.

LOL whatever, there is no one looking to arrest Bush in Europe and if anyone tried to arrest him his secret service detai wouldn't allow it. Bush could travel wherever he wishes

No, he can't, and if his SS resisted, they would die. The president can no longer travel with impunity, and he will never travel to Europe again, not even Great Britain.

Oh really? Post a credible link to any arrest warrant for Bush LOL You idiot

For one. The Italians are after 25 to 30 CIA operatives. You can look it up.

GORDON DUFF: Bush “Blood Money” Tour Cancelled | Veterans ...
GORDON DUFF Bush 8220 Blood Money 8221 Tour Cancelled Veterans Today
Feb 6, 2011 ... Arrest warrants have been issued in Switzerland for Bush, charging him with a ... This article is without prejudice to any international instrument or national .... Existing laws in Canada and Europe, enacted at the behest of Israel in ..... the behest of the neocons was largely responsible for putting it there with ...

And read up, you fool.
Translation of the morally impaired torture defenders: they hate American values and ideals.

Again I ask, what values and ideals?

Funny that you idiots who scream about "american values and ideals" when it comes to "torture" poo poo "american ideals" when it comes to oh say gay marriage.....
And check out D) from Article 3:

The passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.

I guess we can now take a look at those drone strikes under the current administration, right? Or no? Which is it "liberals"?

Doesn't matter, the Geneva Convention doesn't apply

Article 2 says different;y, but this is the case, right? A little "what loop hole can we jump through" type thing. I'm not going to have that argument. Clearly, the justice department OK'd the torture. But remember, the CIA itself does not acknowledge its actions as torture under the justice departments OK on the matter with legal blanket.

From a legal perspective it's dodgy, from a moral and ethical one it is not. It's torture, it's barbaric and not the stuff of so called civilized societies.

but man do neo-cons love banging their chests like animals.
The religious and neo-con filth and their defenses remain abominable.

Bush will never to Europe again. None of his neo-con filth advisers will. Up to 30 CIA folks will rot in European jails, if they go to Europe.

And no one in the American government, GOP or Dem, will lift a finger to help them.

LOL whatever, there is no one looking to arrest Bush in Europe and if anyone tried to arrest him his secret service detai wouldn't allow it. Bush could travel wherever he wishes

No, he can't, and if his SS resisted, they would die. The president can no longer travel with impunity, and he will never travel to Europe again, not even Great Britain.

Oh really? Post a credible link to any arrest warrant for Bush LOL You idiot

For one. The Italians are after 25 to 30 CIA operatives. You can look it up.

GORDON DUFF: Bush “Blood Money” Tour Cancelled | Veterans ...
GORDON DUFF Bush 8220 Blood Money 8221 Tour Cancelled Veterans Today
Feb 6, 2011 ... Arrest warrants have been issued in Switzerland for Bush, charging him with a ... This article is without prejudice to any international instrument or national .... Existing laws in Canada and Europe, enacted at the behest of Israel in ..... the behest of the neocons was largely responsible for putting it there with ...

And read up, you fool.

LOL I said CREDIBLE links Jake.

Meaning if the Swiss had issued an arrest warrant for Bush there would exist an actual quote from an actual Swiss official stating such. Find that
And check out D) from Article 3:

The passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.

I guess we can now take a look at those drone strikes under the current administration, right? Or no? Which is it "liberals"?

Doesn't matter, the Geneva Convention doesn't apply

Article 2 says different;y, but this is the case, right? A little "what loop hole can we jump through" type thing. I'm not going to have that argument. Clearly, the justice department OK'd the torture. But remember, the CIA itself does not acknowledge its actions as torture under the justice departments OK on the matter with legal blanket.

From a legal perspective it's dodgy, from a moral and ethical one it is not. It's torture, it's barbaric and not the stuff of so called civilized societies.

but man do neo-cons love banging their chests like animals.

And liberal dipshits like you like to pretend that the CIA quit waterboarding after 1/22/08 LOL
It truly saddens me to see the cowards trying to protect themselves by turning America into North Korea. You like North Korea so much - go there. Maybe you'll feel safe there.

The United States is for people who have the courage to defend ideals and principles. If that leaves you out, so be it.

North Korea goes after its own citizens. I for one say you have to grant constitutional protections to our own citizens, but quite frankly, fuck anyone else who doesn't follow the rules, be it of war, or of basic human rights.

Things like the Geneva convention were designed for situations where BOTH sides follow the rules, its the way you make sure the rules are followed, i.e, if you don't follow the rules, we won't follow the rules.

For person who decide the rulebook doesn't apply, that decison applies BOTH ways. If they are American Citizens, then we have to follow the Constitution unless we strip them of said citizenship (a method does exist, ask former Nazi's about this). If they are NOT american citizens and commit acts in violation of the rules of war, FUCK THEM.
Yes, you've made it clear we can skip the rule of law for the rule of men if it means safety. You're clear on your stance. It goes against everything this country has stood for in inception, but there it is. YOu're alright with it logikandreazon.

LOL @ "it goes against everything this country has stood for"

Do you REALLY believe that? Because guess what sport, I can point out atrocities by our country far far worse than fucking waterboarding going back to before the COTUS.

I notice you left out "in inception". That was because you can not defend it from that point of view. You're just another morally and ethically warped neo-con, dude. I've plenty of them.

Just imagine how these types of programs can be expanded. You know, to the civilian population right here? After all, this country has done far worse anyway.

You Statists will throw yourself under the State bus if it saves the omnipotent state some face.
It truly saddens me to see the cowards trying to protect themselves by turning America into North Korea. You like North Korea so much - go there. Maybe you'll feel safe there.

The United States is for people who have the courage to defend ideals and principles. If that leaves you out, so be it.

It saddens me to know that fools like you think terrorists are deserving. That they should be handled with kid gloves and be treated like honorable enemies instead of what they are. Murdering scum.

Your are a indeed a fool.

It's easy to be high handed ...right up until it affects your families life.
You can bet with certainty that his attitude would change if terrorist had his family.

It truly saddens me to see the cowards trying to protect themselves by turning America into North Korea. You like North Korea so much - go there. Maybe you'll feel safe there.

The United States is for people who have the courage to defend ideals and principles. If that leaves you out, so be it.

It saddens me to know that fools like you think terrorists are deserving. That they should be handled with kid gloves and be treated like honorable enemies instead of what they are. Murdering scum.

Your are a indeed a fool.

It's easy to be high handed ...right up until it affects your families life.
You can bet with certainty that his attitude would change if terrorist had his family.

Oh yeah. His high moral outrage would disappear in a heartbeat.

He'd do whatever he had to do to save his loved ones. He'd torture someone for the info to save those loved ones.

Funny how that works.
And check out D) from Article 3:

The passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.

I guess we can now take a look at those drone strikes under the current administration, right? Or no? Which is it "liberals"?

Doesn't matter, the Geneva Convention doesn't apply

Article 2 says different;y, but this is the case, right? A little "what loop hole can we jump through" type thing. I'm not going to have that argument. Clearly, the justice department OK'd the torture. But remember, the CIA itself does not acknowledge its actions as torture under the justice departments OK on the matter with legal blanket.

From a legal perspective it's dodgy, from a moral and ethical one it is not. It's torture, it's barbaric and not the stuff of so called civilized societies.

but man do neo-cons love banging their chests like animals.

And liberal dipshits like you like to pretend that the CIA quit waterboarding after 1/22/08 LOL

Right. Because we do not agree on this I'm suddenly liberal. Don't you fucks ever tire of being partisan hack turds? Or is it enjoyable?
Anyway, go ahead and defend torture, neo-cons. It makes you look like those you are so against and all, but what's a little hypocrisy between you and your friends, screw it.
The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852

Ask the dead in the twin towers. Ask the beheaded.

Oh, that's right, you can't.

Always easy to express an opinion when you set back relaxed watching other folks pay the ultimate price for coddling evil.

Carry on, progressives.
How come liberals didn't demand a no-torture amendment in the Bill of Rights? Yeah, whose fault is it?
“Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause… for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country.- George Washington, charge to the Northern Expeditionary Force, Sept. 14, 1775
Anyway, go ahead and defend torture, neo-cons. It makes you look like those you are so against and all, but what's a little hypocrisy between you and your friends, screw it.

Reading progressive BS is torture enough.
Anyway, go ahead and defend torture, neo-cons. It makes you look like those you are so against and all, but what's a little hypocrisy between you and your friends, screw it.

You do realize whyISIS/ISIL/LMNOP behead those that oppose them, Right?

It instills fear in their opponents, so they run in fear of capture.

Take your damn bleeding heart elsewhere fool
The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852

Ask the dead in the twin towers. Ask the beheaded.

Oh, that's right, you can't.

Always easy to express an opinion when you set back relaxed watching other folks pay the ultimate price for coddling evil.

Carry on, progressives.

Appeal to emotion. -5,000 penalty. To the back of the torture room for you. You have to watch the small screen.
I have no issue with any of what went on... you should watch over and over again the video of all the people that had to make the choice to burn to death or jump to a certain death from seventy floors up. Then ponder those that were instantaneously incinerated on impact or who were later crushed to death in the collapse. Then ponder those that intentionally crashed a plane to protect others and those who died a the Pentagon. Then ponder the beheadings, the massacre of Christians, children etc.and think who does this?

Some seriously fucked up and evil people. I say whatever it takes.
Anyway, go ahead and defend torture, neo-cons. It makes you look like those you are so against and all, but what's a little hypocrisy between you and your friends, screw it.

You do realize whyISIS/ISIL/LMNOP behead those that oppose them, Right?

It instills fear in their opponents, so they run in fear of capture.

Take your damn bleeding heart elsewhere fool

Bleeding heart?

More of that appeal to emotion stuff, heh? Yeah, I realize that those you neo-cons oppose so vehemently aren't all that different from those willing to disregard laws and ethics in order to...well, not look like them.


Fucking morons. Barbaric ones at that.

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