Torture is wrong and unAmerican, nothing but neo-con filth

I have no issue with any of what went on... you should watch over and over again the video of all the people that had to make the choice to burn to death or jump to a certain death from seventy floors up. Then ponder those that were instantaneously incinerated on impact or who were later crushed to death in the collapse. Then ponder those that intentionally crashed a plane to protect others and those who died a the Pentagon. Then ponder the beheadings, the massacre of Christians, children etc.and think who does this?

Some seriously fucked up and evil people. I say whatever it takes.

More appeal to emotion. Is this all you Neo-cons have to throw around about it. It's fine because....all I have ios logical fallacy.
And check out D) from Article 3:

The passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.

I guess we can now take a look at those drone strikes under the current administration, right? Or no? Which is it "liberals"?

Doesn't matter, the Geneva Convention doesn't apply

Article 2 says different;y, but this is the case, right? A little "what loop hole can we jump through" type thing. I'm not going to have that argument. Clearly, the justice department OK'd the torture. But remember, the CIA itself does not acknowledge its actions as torture under the justice departments OK on the matter with legal blanket.

From a legal perspective it's dodgy, from a moral and ethical one it is not. It's torture, it's barbaric and not the stuff of so called civilized societies.

but man do neo-cons love banging their chests like animals.

And liberal dipshits like you like to pretend that the CIA quit waterboarding after 1/22/08 LOL

Right. Because we do not agree on this I'm suddenly liberal. Don't you fucks ever tire of being partisan hack turds? Or is it enjoyable?

LOL you're certainly a liberal, I'm certainly not a partisan hack.

And who said we disagree on whether the US should torture? Have you read me post " we should torture?" Nope, you haven't.

The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852

Ask the dead in the twin towers. Ask the beheaded.

Oh, that's right, you can't.

Always easy to express an opinion when you set back relaxed watching other folks pay the ultimate price for coddling evil.

Carry on, progressives.

Appeal to emotion. -5,000 penalty. To the back of the torture room for you. You have to watch the small screen.

^^^^can't handle truth

Wait till ISIS has a handful of your hair and tilts your head back

That is what it will take for children like you to learn.

Too bad, so sad
TASB trying to apply debating rules is a hoot. :lol: He is doing what he accuses others of doing.

Son, rebut the articles, not deflect so poorly that causes everyone to laugh at you.
And check out D) from Article 3:

I guess we can now take a look at those drone strikes under the current administration, right? Or no? Which is it "liberals"?

Doesn't matter, the Geneva Convention doesn't apply

Article 2 says different;y, but this is the case, right? A little "what loop hole can we jump through" type thing. I'm not going to have that argument. Clearly, the justice department OK'd the torture. But remember, the CIA itself does not acknowledge its actions as torture under the justice departments OK on the matter with legal blanket.

From a legal perspective it's dodgy, from a moral and ethical one it is not. It's torture, it's barbaric and not the stuff of so called civilized societies.

but man do neo-cons love banging their chests like animals.

And liberal dipshits like you like to pretend that the CIA quit waterboarding after 1/22/08 LOL

Right. Because we do not agree on this I'm suddenly liberal. Don't you fucks ever tire of being partisan hack turds? Or is it enjoyable?

LOL you're certainly a liberal, I'm certainly not a partisan hack.

And who said we disagree on whether the US should torture? Have you read me post " we should torture?" Nope, you haven't.


Right, I'm a liberal. OK then. You have me nailed. Anyone in here who has engaged me before want to clear up this morons assertions? It doesn't really matter, but partisan hack gonna hack. It's just the way it is.
The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852

Ask the dead in the twin towers. Ask the beheaded.

Oh, that's right, you can't.

Always easy to express an opinion when you set back relaxed watching other folks pay the ultimate price for coddling evil.

Carry on, progressives.

Appeal to emotion. -5,000 penalty. To the back of the torture room for you. You have to watch the small screen.

^^^^can't handle truth

Wait till ISIS has a handful of your hair and tilts your head back

That is what it will take for children like you to learn.

Too bad, so sad

Oh, more appeal to emotion. Man, you're a logical fallacy fucking champ, pops.
Anyway, go ahead and defend torture, neo-cons. It makes you look like those you are so against and all, but what's a little hypocrisy between you and your friends, screw it.

You do realize whyISIS/ISIL/LMNOP behead those that oppose them, Right?

It instills fear in their opponents, so they run in fear of capture.

Take your damn bleeding heart elsewhere fool

Bleeding heart?

More of that appeal to emotion stuff, heh? Yeah, I realize that those you neo-cons oppose so vehemently aren't all that different from those willing to disregard laws and ethics in order to...well, not look like them.


Fucking morons. Barbaric ones at that.

^^^^ Idiot says what?
I have no issue with any of what went on... you should watch over and over again the video of all the people that had to make the choice to burn to death or jump to a certain death from seventy floors up. Then ponder those that were instantaneously incinerated on impact or who were later crushed to death in the collapse. Then ponder those that intentionally crashed a plane to protect others and those who died a the Pentagon. Then ponder the beheadings, the massacre of Christians, children etc.and think who does this?

Some seriously fucked up and evil people. I say whatever it takes.

More appeal to emotion. Is this all you Neo-cons have to throw around about it. It's fine because....all I have ios logical fallacy.

No, it's called reality... the reality that you are dealing with pure evil.. these fuckers don't care. Furthermore, it isn't like we're rounding scores of random people off the streets; these were carefully targeted people. And in the end, we what, water boarded three people?

The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852

Ask the dead in the twin towers. Ask the beheaded.

Oh, that's right, you can't.

Always easy to express an opinion when you set back relaxed watching other folks pay the ultimate price for coddling evil.

Carry on, progressives.

Appeal to emotion. -5,000 penalty. To the back of the torture room for you. You have to watch the small screen.

^^^^can't handle truth

Wait till ISIS has a handful of your hair and tilts your head back

That is what it will take for children like you to learn.

Too bad, so sad

That Pop23 apparently desires to be a war criminal is despicable.

Put him on the next plane to Iraq with a placard hung around his chest, "I want to torture Muslims."
The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852

Ask the dead in the twin towers. Ask the beheaded.

Oh, that's right, you can't.

Always easy to express an opinion when you set back relaxed watching other folks pay the ultimate price for coddling evil.

Carry on, progressives.

Appeal to emotion. -5,000 penalty. To the back of the torture room for you. You have to watch the small screen.

^^^^can't handle truth

Wait till ISIS has a handful of your hair and tilts your head back

That is what it will take for children like you to learn.

Too bad, so sad

Oh, more appeal to emotion. Man, you're a logical fallacy fucking champ, pops.

^^^^ Reality just kick you worthless ass

The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852

Ask the dead in the twin towers. Ask the beheaded.

Oh, that's right, you can't.

Always easy to express an opinion when you set back relaxed watching other folks pay the ultimate price for coddling evil.

Carry on, progressives.

Appeal to emotion. -5,000 penalty. To the back of the torture room for you. You have to watch the small screen.

^^^^can't handle truth

Wait till ISIS has a handful of your hair and tilts your head back

That is what it will take for children like you to learn.

Too bad, so sad

Oh, more appeal to emotion. Man, you're a logical fallacy fucking champ, pops.

Is hat your phrase-for-the-day? Logical fallacy?

TASB trying to apply debating rules is a hoot. :lol: He is doing what he accuses others of doing.

Son, rebut the articles, not deflect so poorly that causes everyone to laugh at you.

Who applied debate rules, ya fuckin drunk?


Carry on, folks. You like or support the torture or you dont. It wont end either way. Who knows maybe it will come to a neighborhood near you.
I have no issue with any of what went on... you should watch over and over again the video of all the people that had to make the choice to burn to death or jump to a certain death from seventy floors up. Then ponder those that were instantaneously incinerated on impact or who were later crushed to death in the collapse. Then ponder those that intentionally crashed a plane to protect others and those who died a the Pentagon. Then ponder the beheadings, the massacre of Christians, children etc.and think who does this?

Some seriously fucked up and evil people. I say whatever it takes.

More appeal to emotion. Is this all you Neo-cons have to throw around about it. It's fine because....all I have ios logical fallacy.

No, it's called reality... the reality that you are dealing with pure evil.. these fuckers don't care. Furthermore, it isn't like we're rounding scores of random people off the streets; these were carefully targeted people. And in the end, we what, water boarded three people?Whatever.
You have passed the intellectual test for the Gestapo. Congratulations.
The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852

Ask the dead in the twin towers. Ask the beheaded.

Oh, that's right, you can't.

Always easy to express an opinion when you set back relaxed watching other folks pay the ultimate price for coddling evil.

Carry on, progressives.

Appeal to emotion. -5,000 penalty. To the back of the torture room for you. You have to watch the small screen.

^^^^can't handle truth

Wait till ISIS has a handful of your hair and tilts your head back

That is what it will take for children like you to learn.

Too bad, so sad

Oh, more appeal to emotion. Man, you're a logical fallacy fucking champ, pops.

^^^^ Reality just kick you worthless ass


Sure, those logcial fallacies are fucking great, pops. You've really made your point...

So what I'm gathering is that the whole pro-torture argument is based on ... "but we're afraid ..."

Compelling argument, huh?

Those who have died to protect our ideals and principles were surely afraid too. But the difference is THEY had the courage to stand up for something.

If George Washington could defeat the most powerful military force of the day with a bunch of shopkeepers and farmers WITHOUT torture, what makes you think the United States of America can't handle these idiots without it? What a slap in the face to ALL Those - living and dead - who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces
The far right and neo-cons torture America with their lies

Bush was never in the loop: Bloomberg View Op-ed: CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

CIA misled BYU grad who wrote memo used to justify torture program

Bloomberg View Op-ed CIA torture report says Bush was kept in dark The Salt Lake Tribune

View attachment 34852

Ask the dead in the twin towers. Ask the beheaded.

Oh, that's right, you can't.

Always easy to express an opinion when you set back relaxed watching other folks pay the ultimate price for coddling evil.

Carry on, progressives.

Appeal to emotion. -5,000 penalty. To the back of the torture room for you. You have to watch the small screen.

^^^^can't handle truth

Wait till ISIS has a handful of your hair and tilts your head back

That is what it will take for children like you to learn.

Too bad, so sad

That Pop23 apparently desires to be a war criminal is despicable.

Put him on the next plane to Iraq with a placard hung around his chest, "I want to torture Muslims."

^^^ this message sponsored by USMB butthurt Queen
So what I'm gathering is that the whole pro-torture argument is based on ... "but we're afraid ..."

Compelling argument, huh?

Those who have died to protect our ideals and principles were surely afraid too. But the difference is THEY had the courage to stand up for something.

If George Washington could defeat the most powerful military force of the day with a bunch of shopkeepers and farmers WITHOUT torture, what makes you think the United States of America can't handle these idiots without it? What a slap in the face to ALL Those - living and dead - who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces

Yes, they are afraid little sissies that are happy to give up liberty, ethics and the rule of law for a false sense of safety. It's not a new thing. It's just funny to watch them continue to pull every boogeyman they can out from under their beds and try to scare me with them.

Sissies is what they are.
So what I'm gathering is that the whole pro-torture argument is based on ... "but we're afraid ..."

Compelling argument, huh?

Those who have died to protect our ideals and principles were surely afraid too. But the difference is THEY had the courage to stand up for something.

If George Washington could defeat the most powerful military force of the day with a bunch of shopkeepers and farmers WITHOUT torture, what makes you think the United States of America can't handle these idiots without it? What a slap in the face to ALL Those - living and dead - who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces

Is that soap box high enough? The British met us on the field of battle, these current "warriors" go against every convention of modern war and conflict, and those caught do not deserve the protections allocated to those who DO follow modern conventions.
So what I'm gathering is that the whole pro-torture argument is based on ... "but we're afraid ..."

Compelling argument, huh?

Those who have died to protect our ideals and principles were surely afraid too. But the difference is THEY had the courage to stand up for something.

If George Washington could defeat the most powerful military force of the day with a bunch of shopkeepers and farmers WITHOUT torture, what makes you think the United States of America can't handle these idiots without it? What a slap in the face to ALL Those - living and dead - who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces

Is that soap box high enough? The British met us on the field of battle, these current "warriors" go against every convention of modern war and conflict, and those caught do not deserve the protections allocated to those who DO follow modern conventions.

The difference is the patriots were willing to die for their beliefs. While you sissies are more than happy to cower in fear, trade in your principles and act just like them.
So what I'm gathering is that the whole pro-torture argument is based on ... "but we're afraid ..."

Compelling argument, huh?

Those who have died to protect our ideals and principles were surely afraid too. But the difference is THEY had the courage to stand up for something.

If George Washington could defeat the most powerful military force of the day with a bunch of shopkeepers and farmers WITHOUT torture, what makes you think the United States of America can't handle these idiots without it? What a slap in the face to ALL Those - living and dead - who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces

Is that soap box high enough? The British met us on the field of battle, these current "warriors" go against every convention of modern war and conflict, and those caught do not deserve the protections allocated to those who DO follow modern conventions.

Actually that soap box isn't very high at all. How low do you have to be for it to appear high?

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