Torture, or whatever you want to call it, "justified" by majority

By an almost 2-1 margin, or 59-to-31 percent, those interviewed support the CIA’s brutal methods, with the vast majority of supporters saying they produced valuable intelligence.
TRANSLATION: The liberal lies aren't working any more.
Read my last line - the answer is right there in English.

Now, here is my question and it's a more honest question:
...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

So PoliticalChic - what is your answer?

"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," the unnamed military source told the US TV network.

"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

At least six militants entered the Pakistani school wearing security uniforms, before massacring an estimated 132 people and injuring another 122."
Peshawar school attack Taliban burn teacher alive in front of pupils and behead children

What kind of fool would draw any lines that would prevent stopping this?????

Raise your paw.
While I pretty much have accepted that the U.S. tortures, I would like to hear from you how torture could have helped save any of those lives in Pakistan.

Who's talking about torture???

So PoliticalChic - what is your answer?

"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," the unnamed military source told the US TV network.

"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

At least six militants entered the Pakistani school wearing security uniforms, before massacring an estimated 132 people and injuring another 122."
Peshawar school attack Taliban burn teacher alive in front of pupils and behead children

What kind of fool would draw any lines that would prevent stopping this?????

Raise your paw.

You did not answer the question. Are you just going to keep deflecting?

In case you forgot:
...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

It has nothing to do with what you are describing. This is hypothetical.

So PoliticalChic - what is your answer?

"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," the unnamed military source told the US TV network.

"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

At least six militants entered the Pakistani school wearing security uniforms, before massacring an estimated 132 people and injuring another 122."
Peshawar school attack Taliban burn teacher alive in front of pupils and behead children

What kind of fool would draw any lines that would prevent stopping this?????

Raise your paw.

You did not answer the question. Are you just going to keep deflecting?

In case you forgot:
...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

It has nothing to do with what you are describing. This is hypothetical.

"....with or without torture...."

So you mean, without enhanced interrogation....(there was no torture)...

"The CIA’s “best interrogators were just breaking their lance against the guy,” one told me. Kiriakou was one of the first to question Zubaydah, in a secret prison near Bangkok. He hit a brick wall. Then orders came from Langley: waterboard him. After thirty-five seconds, Zubaydah crumpled. “It was like flipping a switch,: Kiriakou said. Miniter, “Mastermind,” p. 151-152.

So....if you "He hit a brick wall," would you use said techniques to save those children and their teacher????

Remember your statement about honesty? Do you have the guts?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

Your own statement seems to be reflecting your tactic here:

In trying to dodge the question, you gave an answer with more twists and turns in that post than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

So you won't answer the question?
He's still trying to spread the lie that waterboarding and sleep deprivation are "torture".

Torture causes damage (cuts, chopped-off fingers, burns, torn joints etc.)

Waterboarding doesn't.

Nice try.
The rest of the world is LAUGHING at this pack of cretins...where's the MOBS of jihadists outside our embassies anyway?
Fact of the matter is that everybody in the ME knows what we're capable of if necessary. They know that if they fuck with us on our Homeland again, all Hell will rain down on them....we do what we must do...our Constitution isn't a suicide pact regardless of what the chattering class thinks.....I just hope Feinstein realizes what's in the swamp she just wandered into.
He's still trying to spread the lie that waterboarding and sleep deprivation are "torture".

Torture causes damage (cuts, chopped-off fingers, burns, torn joints etc.)

Waterboarding doesn't.

Nice try.

Redefining words
: debater uses a word that helps him, but that does not apply, by redefining it to suit his purposes, like leftists calling government spending “investment” Liberals complain that the word left is subjective. Nope. Here’s the first paragraph of the Wikipedia discussion of it: “left-wing politics are political positions or activities that accept or supportsocial equality, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality. It is typically justified on the basis of concern for those in society who are perceived as disadvantaged relative to others and an assumption that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished.”Intellectually honest and intellectually dishonest debate tactics
So PoliticalChic - what is your answer?

"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," the unnamed military source told the US TV network.

"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

At least six militants entered the Pakistani school wearing security uniforms, before massacring an estimated 132 people and injuring another 122."
Peshawar school attack Taliban burn teacher alive in front of pupils and behead children

What kind of fool would draw any lines that would prevent stopping this?????

Raise your paw.

You did not answer the question. Are you just going to keep deflecting?

In case you forgot:
...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

It has nothing to do with what you are describing. This is hypothetical.
So PoliticalChic - what is your answer?

"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," the unnamed military source told the US TV network.

"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

At least six militants entered the Pakistani school wearing security uniforms, before massacring an estimated 132 people and injuring another 122."
Peshawar school attack Taliban burn teacher alive in front of pupils and behead children

What kind of fool would draw any lines that would prevent stopping this?????

Raise your paw.

You did not answer the question. Are you just going to keep deflecting?

In case you forgot:
...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

It has nothing to do with what you are describing. This is hypothetical.

"....with or without torture...."

So you mean, without enhanced interrogation....(there was no torture)...

"The CIA’s “best interrogators were just breaking their lance against the guy,” one told me. Kiriakou was one of the first to question Zubaydah, in a secret prison near Bangkok. He hit a brick wall. Then orders came from Langley: waterboard him. After thirty-five seconds, Zubaydah crumpled. “It was like flipping a switch,: Kiriakou said. Miniter, “Mastermind,” p. 151-152.

So....if you "He hit a brick wall," would you use said techniques to save those children and their teacher????

Remember your statement about honesty? Do you have the guts?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

Your own statement seems to be reflecting your tactic here:

In trying to dodge the question, you gave an answer with more twists and turns in that post than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

So you won't answer the question?

I'm still awaiting an answer from you. Do you have the guts? Or are you going to keep on ducking and dodging?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?
"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," the unnamed military source told the US TV network.

"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

At least six militants entered the Pakistani school wearing security uniforms, before massacring an estimated 132 people and injuring another 122."
Peshawar school attack Taliban burn teacher alive in front of pupils and behead children

What kind of fool would draw any lines that would prevent stopping this?????

Raise your paw.

You did not answer the question. Are you just going to keep deflecting?

In case you forgot:
...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

It has nothing to do with what you are describing. This is hypothetical.
"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," the unnamed military source told the US TV network.

"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

At least six militants entered the Pakistani school wearing security uniforms, before massacring an estimated 132 people and injuring another 122."
Peshawar school attack Taliban burn teacher alive in front of pupils and behead children

What kind of fool would draw any lines that would prevent stopping this?????

Raise your paw.

You did not answer the question. Are you just going to keep deflecting?

In case you forgot:
...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

It has nothing to do with what you are describing. This is hypothetical.

"....with or without torture...."

So you mean, without enhanced interrogation....(there was no torture)...

"The CIA’s “best interrogators were just breaking their lance against the guy,” one told me. Kiriakou was one of the first to question Zubaydah, in a secret prison near Bangkok. He hit a brick wall. Then orders came from Langley: waterboard him. After thirty-five seconds, Zubaydah crumpled. “It was like flipping a switch,: Kiriakou said. Miniter, “Mastermind,” p. 151-152.

So....if you "He hit a brick wall," would you use said techniques to save those children and their teacher????

Remember your statement about honesty? Do you have the guts?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

Your own statement seems to be reflecting your tactic here:

In trying to dodge the question, you gave an answer with more twists and turns in that post than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

So you won't answer the question?

I'm still awaiting an answer from you. Do you have the guts? Or are you going to keep on ducking and dodging?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

Look....we both know that you're the one who won't answer the question.

You remain, not a coyote...but a weasel.

Another chance?

Sure: you've hit the wall, as the CIA interrogator did.....would you use the enhanced methods to save those folks?

If you're simply going to equivocate....just change your name to weasel.
You did not answer the question. Are you just going to keep deflecting?

In case you forgot:
...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

It has nothing to do with what you are describing. This is hypothetical.
You did not answer the question. Are you just going to keep deflecting?

In case you forgot:
...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

It has nothing to do with what you are describing. This is hypothetical.

"....with or without torture...."

So you mean, without enhanced interrogation....(there was no torture)...

"The CIA’s “best interrogators were just breaking their lance against the guy,” one told me. Kiriakou was one of the first to question Zubaydah, in a secret prison near Bangkok. He hit a brick wall. Then orders came from Langley: waterboard him. After thirty-five seconds, Zubaydah crumpled. “It was like flipping a switch,: Kiriakou said. Miniter, “Mastermind,” p. 151-152.

So....if you "He hit a brick wall," would you use said techniques to save those children and their teacher????

Remember your statement about honesty? Do you have the guts?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

Your own statement seems to be reflecting your tactic here:

In trying to dodge the question, you gave an answer with more twists and turns in that post than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

So you won't answer the question?

I'm still awaiting an answer from you. Do you have the guts? Or are you going to keep on ducking and dodging?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

Look....we both know that you're the one who won't answer the question.

You remain, not a coyote...but a weasel.

Another chance?

Sure: you've hit the wall, as the CIA interrogator did.....would you use the enhanced methods to save those folks?

If you're simply going to equivocate....just change your name to weasel.

I answered the question quite clearly with "No" - back when you first asked it.

You have now dreamed up another question.

You have refused to answer my question in return resorting to semantical games and deflection. What are you afraid of?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

So PoliticalChic - what is your answer?

"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," the unnamed military source told the US TV network.

"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

At least six militants entered the Pakistani school wearing security uniforms, before massacring an estimated 132 people and injuring another 122."
Peshawar school attack Taliban burn teacher alive in front of pupils and behead children

What kind of fool would draw any lines that would prevent stopping this?????

Raise your paw.
While I pretty much have accepted that the U.S. tortures, I would like to hear from you how torture could have helped save any of those lives in Pakistan.

Who's talking about torture???
Gee. Nobody. No conversation about torture here whatsoever.
He's still trying to spread the lie that waterboarding and sleep deprivation are "torture".

Torture causes damage (cuts, chopped-off fingers, burns, torn joints etc.)

Waterboarding doesn't.

Nice try.
So...there is no damage to our soldiers who return home with PTSD. I see.
"....with or without torture...."

So you mean, without enhanced interrogation....(there was no torture)...

"The CIA’s “best interrogators were just breaking their lance against the guy,” one told me. Kiriakou was one of the first to question Zubaydah, in a secret prison near Bangkok. He hit a brick wall. Then orders came from Langley: waterboard him. After thirty-five seconds, Zubaydah crumpled. “It was like flipping a switch,: Kiriakou said. Miniter, “Mastermind,” p. 151-152.

So....if you "He hit a brick wall," would you use said techniques to save those children and their teacher????

Remember your statement about honesty? Do you have the guts?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

Your own statement seems to be reflecting your tactic here:

In trying to dodge the question, you gave an answer with more twists and turns in that post than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

So you won't answer the question?

I'm still awaiting an answer from you. Do you have the guts? Or are you going to keep on ducking and dodging?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

Look....we both know that you're the one who won't answer the question.

You remain, not a coyote...but a weasel.

Another chance?

Sure: you've hit the wall, as the CIA interrogator did.....would you use the enhanced methods to save those folks?

If you're simply going to equivocate....just change your name to weasel.

I answered the question quite clearly with "No" - back when you first asked it.

You have now dreamed up another question.

You have refused to answer my question in return resorting to semantical games and deflection. What are you afraid of?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

"I answered the question quite clearly with "No"

I believe you inserted some nonsense implying that there were other ways of gaining said information to save the individuals.

Am I correct in understanding that you are now saying that under no circumstances would you use enhanced techniques?

...even if same would be the only path to success?

So PoliticalChic - what is your answer?

"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," the unnamed military source told the US TV network.

"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

At least six militants entered the Pakistani school wearing security uniforms, before massacring an estimated 132 people and injuring another 122."
Peshawar school attack Taliban burn teacher alive in front of pupils and behead children

What kind of fool would draw any lines that would prevent stopping this?????

Raise your paw.
While I pretty much have accepted that the U.S. tortures, I would like to hear from you how torture could have helped save any of those lives in Pakistan.

Who's talking about torture???
Gee. Nobody. No conversation about torture here whatsoever.

Not from I.
So PoliticalChic - what is your answer?

"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," the unnamed military source told the US TV network.

"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

At least six militants entered the Pakistani school wearing security uniforms, before massacring an estimated 132 people and injuring another 122."
Peshawar school attack Taliban burn teacher alive in front of pupils and behead children

What kind of fool would draw any lines that would prevent stopping this?????

Raise your paw.
While I pretty much have accepted that the U.S. tortures, I would like to hear from you how torture could have helped save any of those lives in Pakistan.

Who's talking about torture???
Gee. Nobody. No conversation about torture here whatsoever.

Not from I.
So you've not talked about torture at all.........
Remember your statement about honesty? Do you have the guts?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

Your own statement seems to be reflecting your tactic here:

So you won't answer the question?

I'm still awaiting an answer from you. Do you have the guts? Or are you going to keep on ducking and dodging?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

Look....we both know that you're the one who won't answer the question.

You remain, not a coyote...but a weasel.

Another chance?

Sure: you've hit the wall, as the CIA interrogator did.....would you use the enhanced methods to save those folks?

If you're simply going to equivocate....just change your name to weasel.

I answered the question quite clearly with "No" - back when you first asked it.

You have now dreamed up another question.

You have refused to answer my question in return resorting to semantical games and deflection. What are you afraid of?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

"I answered the question quite clearly with "No"

I believe you inserted some nonsense implying that there were other ways of gaining said information to save the individuals.

Am I correct in understanding that you are now saying that under no circumstances would you use enhanced techniques?

...even if same would be the only path to success?

Adding a continual barrage of new conditions to your initial question does not mean I'm required to answer the new questions over and over.

Either answer or admit you are incapable of answering a simple question honestly.
"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," the unnamed military source told the US TV network.

"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

At least six militants entered the Pakistani school wearing security uniforms, before massacring an estimated 132 people and injuring another 122."
Peshawar school attack Taliban burn teacher alive in front of pupils and behead children

What kind of fool would draw any lines that would prevent stopping this?????

Raise your paw.
While I pretty much have accepted that the U.S. tortures, I would like to hear from you how torture could have helped save any of those lives in Pakistan.

Who's talking about torture???
Gee. Nobody. No conversation about torture here whatsoever.

Not from I.
So you've not talked about torture at all.........

Only to correct your misapprehensions.

I certainly hope you've learned from same.
All I can say is that its a good thing smarter people than these idiots run things.

People who know we need intel to combat jihadists.

If waterboarding, sleep deprivation and standing get it done then thats what we need to use. Torture my ass.

You idiots better hope and pray that they continue to get that intel or you may find your town or city the target of the next 9-11.
So you won't answer the question?

I'm still awaiting an answer from you. Do you have the guts? Or are you going to keep on ducking and dodging?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

Look....we both know that you're the one who won't answer the question.

You remain, not a coyote...but a weasel.

Another chance?

Sure: you've hit the wall, as the CIA interrogator did.....would you use the enhanced methods to save those folks?

If you're simply going to equivocate....just change your name to weasel.

I answered the question quite clearly with "No" - back when you first asked it.

You have now dreamed up another question.

You have refused to answer my question in return resorting to semantical games and deflection. What are you afraid of?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

"I answered the question quite clearly with "No"

I believe you inserted some nonsense implying that there were other ways of gaining said information to save the individuals.

Am I correct in understanding that you are now saying that under no circumstances would you use enhanced techniques?

...even if same would be the only path to success?

Adding a continual barrage of new conditions to your initial question does not mean I'm required to answer the new questions over and over.

Either answer or admit you are incapable of answering a simple question honestly.

So you insist on being a weasel....a simple yes or no to my post would do the trick.

Am I correct in understanding that you are now saying that under no circumstances would you use enhanced techniques?

...even if same would be the only path to success?
I'm still awaiting an answer from you. Do you have the guts? Or are you going to keep on ducking and dodging?

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?
Since "information could be gained either with or without torture" means that both would work, I can't imagine why you would pose a question.

I mean clearly torture would be a last resort, right?
He's still trying to spread the lie that waterboarding and sleep deprivation are "torture".

Torture causes damage (cuts, chopped-off fingers, burns, torn joints etc.)

Waterboarding doesn't.

Nice try.
So...there is no damage to our soldiers who return home with PTSD. I see.

So now warfare is torture.

You understand what you just implied.

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