Tory leadership rivals make pitch to members at party conference

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Ive just been watching an exercise in collective memory loss. The tory leadership contest is an esercise in futility. 4 no marks spouting rubbish to an audience that thrices on rubbish.

There is no acknowledgement of their part in the debacle. Instead it is all someome elses fault. But nobody is named because they cant risk upsetting a faction.

So these 4 former cabinet ministers blame their govt that they served in for not being conservative enough. But not themselves for being useless. It is all the deep states fault but no exaamples are given.

Some civil servants are told they should be in prison. But no ministers are told the same. So Johnson gets a pass for his many lies and deceptions. Truss is actually welcomed and feted at a fringe meeting.

None of these prospective Prime Ministers is strong enough to call out these people. Just cowards like Sunak. He never had power because he could never call out his predecessors.

They miss the essential point about this contest. None of them will ever gain power ever. They are too associated with the wretched govt that they served in. The next tory PM hasnt finished Eton yet.

So they can riff on the old hits. Immigration (failed) net zero (failed) housing (failed) in fact they failed on everything. But nobody believes what they say.

The ageing membership will get a say on who they choose as a leader. These are the same delusiional people who chose Johnson and Truss so should they have vote in a grown up competition. Who knows. Members have the total control in the US and they dont fare any better.

I suppose a system is better than no system. People are the problem.

Whether the risiculous policies they are spouting today will ever see the light of day again is anyones guess. The winner of this ugly bug ball is unlikely to make the next election.

And then we can enjoy the whole comedy again.

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