Tough-guy firefighters forced into 'Gay Pride' parade

That is good! Seattle and the surrounding areas is pretty diverse anyways and I am glad to hear they worked something out. Now that I don't go over there all the time I don't pay much attention to all that. Hopefully though I will be moving over there in the next few years, Spokane can be such a dark hole.

Spokane seems like a ghost town when I pass through, gotten too use to the bigger cities I guess. No, Seattle is still going in a generally positive route for most of our issues, just the transportation issue that people keep messing up. We are still the most diverse city in the US, even if we aren't recognized for it. Aside from the increased population (only a testament to us being such a wonderful city) and transportation over spending, I am still proud to have grown up here, and very glad I came back after traveling to the other mainland states.
technically, freedom of speech hasn't been the sexual harassment case i've been bringing up in every post thus far.
Spokane seems like a ghost town when I pass through, gotten too use to the bigger cities I guess. No, Seattle is still going in a generally positive route for most of our issues, just the transportation issue that people keep messing up. We are still the most diverse city in the US, even if we aren't recognized for it. Aside from the increased population (only a testament to us being such a wonderful city) and transportation over spending, I am still proud to have grown up here, and very glad I came back after traveling to the other mainland states.
Spokane has actually been growing and our housing market isn't to bad, people move here because of the outdoors and all that jazz but other then that it is still a hole sometimes.
I get that these men should have had the right to say no to being in the parade, that is there right but think about the parades in your town and the fact at least where I live every single one of them always has a fire truck in them and cops riding their motorcycles. If they had not been part of the parade and someone had requested them to it would have been discrimnation. And as for the sexual harassment, I just don't see them having a case against their department if that is who they filed it against(the article didn't say). Plus if they do win their case every women who gets hit on in the streets or whatever is going to be suing someone for sexual harassment. Think about it, I have heard young guys yell things at cheerleaders during parades, is that cheerleader now going to sue her high school because of this?
WHO is out making women be in a location that provokes catcalls? Did a man tell you to wear a two piece at the federal prison? and yes, if that cheerleader is cheering at an event and the CROWD tells her to show them her pussy and the school REQUIRES her to keep cheering.. yes, she's got a sexual harassment case.
I guess then cops or fireman now do not have to work Mardi Gra either because they can recieve the same type of treatmentand if they do work they therefore can sue for sexual harassment. And when I worked at a park that held a gay pride event I could of told my boss I should have the day off because I don't like gay people. The point I was making fireman have to ride in parades all the time, anytime there is a parade fireman are in it. Have you seen a parade where they were not?
I also want to see reports of other witnesses besides these men that what they say happened really did, for the fire chief said she didn't see anything. I am sure it could have really happened that way, I just want to proof besides these what these men who obviously have a problem with homosexuals that all of it happened.
I guess then cops or fireman now do not have to work Mardi Gra either because they can recieve the same type of treatmentand if they do work they therefore can sue for sexual harassment. And when I worked at a park that held a gay pride event I could of told my boss I should have the day off because I don't like gay people. The point I was making fireman have to ride in parades all the time, anytime there is a parade fireman are in it. Have you seen a parade where they were not?
I also want to see reports of other witnesses besides these men that what they say happened really did, for the fire chief said she didn't see anything. I am sure it could have really happened that way, I just want to proof besides these what these men who obviously have a problem with homosexuals that all of it happened.
I think we're going to have to stop letting males become firefighters in case someone winks at them.
If you think that a cop take shit from anyone during Mardi Gras then you clearly have never been to a Mardi Gras celebration
Whether those men had to ride in the parade for safety reasons or not, the sexual harrassment they received from a bunch of howling, horny, nasty sodomites was wrong and Mr Bass would be disgusted if he received that kind of treatment. If that parade was about gay pride, why did the sodomites sexually harass those men? Is that what sodomite pride is all about?

EDIT: Why even ask that question at the end, sodomite pride is all about gay sex acts anyways.
Whether those men had to ride in the parade for safety reasons or not, the sexual harrassment they received from a bunch of howling, horny, nasty sodomites was wrong and Mr Bass would be disgusted if he received that kind of treatment. If that parade was about gay pride, why did the sodomites sexually harass those men? Is that what sodomite pride is all about?

EDIT: Why even ask that question at the end, sodomite pride is all about gay sex acts anyways.

You know Ass ought to check yourself out in a mirror sometime dude.

You keep calling the gays "howling horny, nasty sodomites", but, unfortunately for you dude......

They wouldn't fuck you for practice.
You know Ass ought to check yourself out in a mirror sometime dude.

You keep calling the gays "howling horny, nasty sodomites", but, unfortunately for you dude......

They wouldn't fuck you for practice.

You say that as if it were a bad thing, only a sodomite would be mad at that.
No, you're just pissed that you can't get things done to you.

Shit dude......I'm pretty sure that even chicks wouldn't want you.
I have been there, and yes they do take a lot of shit.

not of the same nature that the firefighters reported. I don't know where your cops were trained but the ones I've seen are not about to be sexually harassed during a mardi gras fest.

I suggest you search "mardi gras" and "cop" on youtube.
not of the same nature that the firefighters reported. I don't know where your cops were trained but the ones I've seen are not about to be sexually harassed during a mardi gras fest.

I suggest you search "mardi gras" and "cop" on youtube.

Someone's edited vids are not a good substitute for personal experience. Yes they do, and mostly from heteros of the opposite gender. But since there is no one crying about it they can't do much to stop it.
Someone's edited vids are not a good substitute for personal experience. Yes they do, and mostly from heteros of the opposite gender. But since there is no one crying about it they can't do much to stop it.

someones EDITED vids? As opposed to your word on your personal experience? ooook.

Try going up to a cop and telling them to come eat your pussy, Kitty. See what happens to you. There will be some crying, alright.
I was gonna say. I've never seen them pull a gun or arrest anyone for making lewd remarks. They'd be laughed out of town.

At the least, they'd be fired. They are there to do nothing but maintain a small amount of order and nothing else. They are good men and women though, they do their job and don't complain about it.
San Diego Fire Dept. revises parade rules for firefighters | Chicago Free Press

SAN DIEGO—The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department said it would no longer require on-duty crews to drive parade routes, a move that follows complaints by four firefighters who say they were harassed during a gay pride event.

The department said Aug. 9 it would rely solely on firefighters who volunteer to ride engines used in parades, effective immediately, said spokesman Maurice Luque.

Ah, so it was SOP for firemen to participate in city parades.

Given that, I don't think these guys have much of a legal case.

They did get the rules changed, though, and I think that's a good thing. Being in parades is good PR for the department but it's hardly a vital part of the job and participation should be voluntary and compensated.

So: it's a good thing they sued, since it prompted a sane change, but they deserve to lose their case, since it was part of their job (at the time) to participate.

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