Tow truck driver refuses to tow Bernie supporter

He saw a "Bernie 2016" sticker on the car's bumper. Told the driver she would have to call another towing service. Got back in his tow truck and drove away. ...... :cool:

This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.

Personally, I hope this lady finds some way to sue the shit out of him.
Typical lib response. Touts freedom of speech and dicersity then wants to sue the shit out of people that have different point of view. LOL.

There is no right to a tow service, jerkoff.

You do realize that our court system is designed to met out justice right...if she's in the wrong it isn't like she will reach a settlement. However, in the likely case that this guy was doing something that is so wrong that we can judicially act upon it...would you really deny us the freedom to exercise our rights to settle our disputes in court?

Or maybe you just want to do away with the court system altogether...because, at this point, you seem to think that using the court is somehow AGAINST freedom of speech or diversity...instead of actually put in place to protect those basic rights.

The woman exercised her freedom of speech. She wasn't arrested. No one destroyed her property. If she thinks she has a cause of action she can sue. She probably doesn't have a cause of action. If the tow truck has a contract with something like AAA they can end the contract.
So how do the resident leftists view the recent roadblocks and civil unrest some of the anti-Trump forces are doing in order to thwart Trump supporters from enjoying their right of association??
Yes, because my avatar is a direct representation of whether or not I help people out or do my job. I mean, by that logic, you must be a nazi! Why? Well you have for your avatar a picture of the soup nazi...obviously indicating that you are in favor of Adolf Hitler!
Or, you could be an idiot without an actual retort. Either or.
Put the bong down and get some fresh're becoming delusional. ....... :cuckoo:
Probably the stupidest thing I've heard of today. Someone in this economy turning down work (and money), because they don't like the political bent of the person needing his service.

Like some posters have said before, I don't care who you vote for, especially if you're going to pay me for my business services.

Yep, just tack on a Democratic tax.
He saw a "Bernie 2016" sticker on the car's bumper. Told the driver she would have to call another towing service. Got back in his tow truck and drove away. ...... :cool:

This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.

Personally, I hope this lady finds some way to sue the shit out of him.

So sue someone for exercising their freedom? He is an asshole, but that is was freedom is about.
He saw a "Bernie 2016" sticker on the car's bumper. Told the driver she would have to call another towing service. Got back in his tow truck and drove away. ...... :cool:

This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.

Personally, I hope this lady finds some way to sue the shit out of him.

So sue someone for exercising their freedom? He is an asshole, but that is was freedom is about.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that you are allowed to sue somebody if they deny you a service that they advertise as providing.

Put it this way, let's say I'm a white guy and I walk into a grocery store. The grocery store is owned by a racist black man. He denies me the right to buy goods at his store. In this scenario I'm 99% certain that you are allowed to sue, and that you will win a pretty large sum of money in that lawsuit.

In this case we have a similar situation where, instead of it being based off of race, it is based off of ideology. Now, I'm not actually sure how that works out in court, but I'd hope she would be able to find the right lawyer and win a large settlement...because it is blatantly discriminatory. Is he an asshole? Sure. However, this goes a bit further than that as he refused to provide a business service that he both advertised that he was providing, and (seeing as he was called by somebody) had agreed on providing until he arrived on scene and decided to discriminate.

It isn't about whether he's an asshole...and he is about how this guy denied service due to blatant discrimination. I mean take the reverse. If some liberal yahoo was contracted out to provide a service and he denied to to a right-winger or Trump supporter would that sound legit in any way shape or form? I'm not here saying that you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion. I am saying that you shouldn't actuate your opinion in such a malicious manner as to deny business service to somebody you had already agreed to help. The fact that you would defend a point is absurd.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that you are allowed to sue somebody if they deny you a service that they advertise as providing.

Put it this way, let's say I'm a white guy and I walk into a grocery store. The grocery store is owned by a racist black man. He denies me the right to buy goods at his store. In this scenario I'm 99% certain that you are allowed to sue, and that you will win a pretty large sum of money in that lawsuit.

In this case we have a similar situation where, instead of it being based off of race, it is based off of ideology. Now, I'm not actually sure how that works out in court, but I'd hope she would be able to find the right lawyer and win a large settlement...because it is blatantly discriminatory. Is he an asshole? Sure. However, this goes a bit further than that as he refused to provide a business service that he both advertised that he was providing, and (seeing as he was called by somebody) had agreed on providing until he arrived on scene and decided to discriminate.

It isn't about whether he's an asshole...and he is about how this guy denied service due to blatant discrimination. I mean take the reverse. If some liberal yahoo was contracted out to provide a service and he denied to to a right-winger or Trump supporter would that sound legit in any way shape or form? I'm not here saying that you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion. I am saying that you shouldn't actuate your opinion in such a malicious manner as to deny business service to somebody you had already agreed to help. The fact that you would defend a point is absurd.
Yep, your a Bernie supporter.

Don't want to work.......just wanna sue money!! money!! ...... :cool:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that you are allowed to sue somebody if they deny you a service that they advertise as providing.

Put it this way, let's say I'm a white guy and I walk into a grocery store. The grocery store is owned by a racist black man. He denies me the right to buy goods at his store. In this scenario I'm 99% certain that you are allowed to sue, and that you will win a pretty large sum of money in that lawsuit.

In this case we have a similar situation where, instead of it being based off of race, it is based off of ideology. Now, I'm not actually sure how that works out in court, but I'd hope she would be able to find the right lawyer and win a large settlement...because it is blatantly discriminatory. Is he an asshole? Sure. However, this goes a bit further than that as he refused to provide a business service that he both advertised that he was providing, and (seeing as he was called by somebody) had agreed on providing until he arrived on scene and decided to discriminate.

It isn't about whether he's an asshole...and he is about how this guy denied service due to blatant discrimination. I mean take the reverse. If some liberal yahoo was contracted out to provide a service and he denied to to a right-winger or Trump supporter would that sound legit in any way shape or form? I'm not here saying that you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion. I am saying that you shouldn't actuate your opinion in such a malicious manner as to deny business service to somebody you had already agreed to help. The fact that you would defend a point is absurd.
Yep, your a Bernie supporter.

Don't want to work.......just wanna sue money!! money!! ...... :cool:
Not a fan of socialism, but nice try Nazi.

You are welcome to actually try to debate the legalese of my points instead of misplaced ad hominem attacks that aren't even close to accurate.
He saw a "Bernie 2016" sticker on the car's bumper. Told the driver she would have to call another towing service. Got back in his tow truck and drove away. ...... :cool:

This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.

Personally, I hope this lady finds some way to sue the shit out of him.

So sue someone for exercising their freedom? He is an asshole, but that is was freedom is about.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that you are allowed to sue somebody if they deny you a service that they advertise as providing.

Put it this way, let's say I'm a white guy and I walk into a grocery store. The grocery store is owned by a racist black man. He denies me the right to buy goods at his store. In this scenario I'm 99% certain that you are allowed to sue, and that you will win a pretty large sum of money in that lawsuit.

In this case we have a similar situation where, instead of it being based off of race, it is based off of ideology. Now, I'm not actually sure how that works out in court, but I'd hope she would be able to find the right lawyer and win a large settlement...because it is blatantly discriminatory. Is he an asshole? Sure. However, this goes a bit further than that as he refused to provide a business service that he both advertised that he was providing, and (seeing as he was called by somebody) had agreed on providing until he arrived on scene and decided to discriminate.

It isn't about whether he's an asshole...and he is about how this guy denied service due to blatant discrimination. I mean take the reverse. If some liberal yahoo was contracted out to provide a service and he denied to to a right-winger or Trump supporter would that sound legit in any way shape or form? I'm not here saying that you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion. I am saying that you shouldn't actuate your opinion in such a malicious manner as to deny business service to somebody you had already agreed to help. The fact that you would defend a point is absurd.

You are missing a few things. We are allowed to be discriminatory. Under certain circumstances, we cannot discriminate against a protected class. We cannot discriminate against someone based on race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin or disability. Ideology isn't in the list. Political party is not on the list of protected classes. I could go through contract law and explain why he had no contractual obligation to help her. She had not partially performed, she had not changed her position. She had only to call another tow service.

This is something we should get used to because both sides are going to be doing this whenever they can.
The only case she's got, I believe, would be a hard sell that he discriminated against her due to the disability. I don't think that would fly, so basically he's free to be a prick to Sander's supporters if he wishes.
This is just the beginning. This is the breakdown of the civil society. This is where we treat each other like shit for the sheer joy of the doing. The polite society is dead.
He saw a "Bernie 2016" sticker on the car's bumper. Told the driver she would have to call another towing service. Got back in his tow truck and drove away. ...... :cool:

This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.

Personally, I hope this lady finds some way to sue the shit out of him.

So sue someone for exercising their freedom? He is an asshole, but that is was freedom is about.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that you are allowed to sue somebody if they deny you a service that they advertise as providing.

Put it this way, let's say I'm a white guy and I walk into a grocery store. The grocery store is owned by a racist black man. He denies me the right to buy goods at his store. In this scenario I'm 99% certain that you are allowed to sue, and that you will win a pretty large sum of money in that lawsuit.

In this case we have a similar situation where, instead of it being based off of race, it is based off of ideology. Now, I'm not actually sure how that works out in court, but I'd hope she would be able to find the right lawyer and win a large settlement...because it is blatantly discriminatory. Is he an asshole? Sure. However, this goes a bit further than that as he refused to provide a business service that he both advertised that he was providing, and (seeing as he was called by somebody) had agreed on providing until he arrived on scene and decided to discriminate.

It isn't about whether he's an asshole...and he is about how this guy denied service due to blatant discrimination. I mean take the reverse. If some liberal yahoo was contracted out to provide a service and he denied to to a right-winger or Trump supporter would that sound legit in any way shape or form? I'm not here saying that you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion. I am saying that you shouldn't actuate your opinion in such a malicious manner as to deny business service to somebody you had already agreed to help. The fact that you would defend a point is absurd.

You are missing a few things. We are allowed to be discriminatory. Under certain circumstances, we cannot discriminate against a protected class. We cannot discriminate against someone based on race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin or disability. Ideology isn't in the list. Political party is not on the list of protected classes. I could go through contract law and explain why he had no contractual obligation to help her. She had not partially performed, she had not changed her position. She had only to call another tow service.

This is something we should get used to because both sides are going to be doing this whenever they can.


Just to be clear, I believe that we do need to protect a business' right to refuse service to some patrons...for instance a customer in a bar who becomes too drunk and unruly to keep serving. I'd also say that a business that cultivates a certain culture (like a men's only club or the like) should be allowed to refuse service to protect the culture that they have created. I just feel that in this case there isn't any of that. This lady called (or had a service call) a tow truck...and was obviously in a bad situation in need of help...this guy agrees to come and perform a service and, upon arriving, refuses service. I think that there is something so inherently wrong about this as to be actionable.

I don't think I would have an issue if he had pre-advertised this, refused the service outright instead of after accepting it, etc. However, the fact that this guy said he would perform the service, then reneges on his agreement due to a bumper sticker really rubs me the wrong way. With that said, I would say that we should codify something into law stating that a business needs to explicitly state customer groups it will or will not serve. Leaving somebody stranded on the side of the road because you refuse to do the job you were hired to do is something we shouldn't stomach.
With that said, I would say that we should codify something into law stating that a business needs to explicitly state customer groups it will or will not serve.
Typical looney liberal......we need to get the government involved.....make more laws.....force people against their will and beliefs. ........ :cuckoo:
If she was stranded on the Dalton and only prick towing inc would run that route, then maybe I'd buy an "left to die" argument that might be actionable, but she wasn't, she just had to pick up her phone and dial a different tow company - this is no more an inconvenience than when my husband and I call for a flat-bed truck and the particular tow company we called doesn't have one available at the time...
He saw a "Bernie 2016" sticker on the car's bumper. Told the driver she would have to call another towing service. Got back in his tow truck and drove away. ...... :cool:

This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.

Personally, I hope this lady finds some way to sue the shit out of him.

So sue someone for exercising their freedom? He is an asshole, but that is was freedom is about.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that you are allowed to sue somebody if they deny you a service that they advertise as providing.

Put it this way, let's say I'm a white guy and I walk into a grocery store. The grocery store is owned by a racist black man. He denies me the right to buy goods at his store. In this scenario I'm 99% certain that you are allowed to sue, and that you will win a pretty large sum of money in that lawsuit.

In this case we have a similar situation where, instead of it being based off of race, it is based off of ideology. Now, I'm not actually sure how that works out in court, but I'd hope she would be able to find the right lawyer and win a large settlement...because it is blatantly discriminatory. Is he an asshole? Sure. However, this goes a bit further than that as he refused to provide a business service that he both advertised that he was providing, and (seeing as he was called by somebody) had agreed on providing until he arrived on scene and decided to discriminate.

It isn't about whether he's an asshole...and he is about how this guy denied service due to blatant discrimination. I mean take the reverse. If some liberal yahoo was contracted out to provide a service and he denied to to a right-winger or Trump supporter would that sound legit in any way shape or form? I'm not here saying that you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion. I am saying that you shouldn't actuate your opinion in such a malicious manner as to deny business service to somebody you had already agreed to help. The fact that you would defend a point is absurd.

He denied service because of politics. Not because of race, color, sex, sexual preference, religion, age or any other protected class. You come to my store without shoes, I can kick you out. You are obnoxious, I do let you purchase anything. If I choose, I can ban you from my store. No law was broken. The fact you would go against the Constitution is absurd.
He saw a "Bernie 2016" sticker on the car's bumper. Told the driver she would have to call another towing service. Got back in his tow truck and drove away. ...... :cool:

This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.

Personally, I hope this lady finds some way to sue the shit out of him.

So sue someone for exercising their freedom? He is an asshole, but that is was freedom is about.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that you are allowed to sue somebody if they deny you a service that they advertise as providing.

Put it this way, let's say I'm a white guy and I walk into a grocery store. The grocery store is owned by a racist black man. He denies me the right to buy goods at his store. In this scenario I'm 99% certain that you are allowed to sue, and that you will win a pretty large sum of money in that lawsuit.

In this case we have a similar situation where, instead of it being based off of race, it is based off of ideology. Now, I'm not actually sure how that works out in court, but I'd hope she would be able to find the right lawyer and win a large settlement...because it is blatantly discriminatory. Is he an asshole? Sure. However, this goes a bit further than that as he refused to provide a business service that he both advertised that he was providing, and (seeing as he was called by somebody) had agreed on providing until he arrived on scene and decided to discriminate.

It isn't about whether he's an asshole...and he is about how this guy denied service due to blatant discrimination. I mean take the reverse. If some liberal yahoo was contracted out to provide a service and he denied to to a right-winger or Trump supporter would that sound legit in any way shape or form? I'm not here saying that you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion. I am saying that you shouldn't actuate your opinion in such a malicious manner as to deny business service to somebody you had already agreed to help. The fact that you would defend a point is absurd.

You are missing a few things. We are allowed to be discriminatory. Under certain circumstances, we cannot discriminate against a protected class. We cannot discriminate against someone based on race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin or disability. Ideology isn't in the list. Political party is not on the list of protected classes. I could go through contract law and explain why he had no contractual obligation to help her. She had not partially performed, she had not changed her position. She had only to call another tow service.

This is something we should get used to because both sides are going to be doing this whenever they can.


Just to be clear, I believe that we do need to protect a business' right to refuse service to some patrons...for instance a customer in a bar who becomes too drunk and unruly to keep serving. I'd also say that a business that cultivates a certain culture (like a men's only club or the like) should be allowed to refuse service to protect the culture that they have created. I just feel that in this case there isn't any of that. This lady called (or had a service call) a tow truck...and was obviously in a bad situation in need of help...this guy agrees to come and perform a service and, upon arriving, refuses service. I think that there is something so inherently wrong about this as to be actionable.

I don't think I would have an issue if he had pre-advertised this, refused the service outright instead of after accepting it, etc. However, the fact that this guy said he would perform the service, then reneges on his agreement due to a bumper sticker really rubs me the wrong way. With that said, I would say that we should codify something into law stating that a business needs to explicitly state customer groups it will or will not serve. Leaving somebody stranded on the side of the road because you refuse to do the job you were hired to do is something we shouldn't stomach.

BS, it is a personal freedom. Businesses turn away business everyday for thousands of reasons, it isn't anyone's business. We the need to force people to do something they don't want to do?
He saw a "Bernie 2016" sticker on the car's bumper. Told the driver she would have to call another towing service. Got back in his tow truck and drove away. ...... :cool:

This is why America is falling apart. Instead of accepting that we are a diverse nation with a lot of different opinions and still looking to help each other out (or in this case do your fucking job)...we have a ton of people, on the right AND the left, that are so radicalized as to try and divide us.

Personally, I hope this lady finds some way to sue the shit out of him.

So sue someone for exercising their freedom? He is an asshole, but that is was freedom is about.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that you are allowed to sue somebody if they deny you a service that they advertise as providing.

Put it this way, let's say I'm a white guy and I walk into a grocery store. The grocery store is owned by a racist black man. He denies me the right to buy goods at his store. In this scenario I'm 99% certain that you are allowed to sue, and that you will win a pretty large sum of money in that lawsuit.

In this case we have a similar situation where, instead of it being based off of race, it is based off of ideology. Now, I'm not actually sure how that works out in court, but I'd hope she would be able to find the right lawyer and win a large settlement...because it is blatantly discriminatory. Is he an asshole? Sure. However, this goes a bit further than that as he refused to provide a business service that he both advertised that he was providing, and (seeing as he was called by somebody) had agreed on providing until he arrived on scene and decided to discriminate.

It isn't about whether he's an asshole...and he is about how this guy denied service due to blatant discrimination. I mean take the reverse. If some liberal yahoo was contracted out to provide a service and he denied to to a right-winger or Trump supporter would that sound legit in any way shape or form? I'm not here saying that you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion. I am saying that you shouldn't actuate your opinion in such a malicious manner as to deny business service to somebody you had already agreed to help. The fact that you would defend a point is absurd.

You are missing a few things. We are allowed to be discriminatory. Under certain circumstances, we cannot discriminate against a protected class. We cannot discriminate against someone based on race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin or disability. Ideology isn't in the list. Political party is not on the list of protected classes. I could go through contract law and explain why he had no contractual obligation to help her. She had not partially performed, she had not changed her position. She had only to call another tow service.

This is something we should get used to because both sides are going to be doing this whenever they can.


Just to be clear, I believe that we do need to protect a business' right to refuse service to some patrons...for instance a customer in a bar who becomes too drunk and unruly to keep serving. I'd also say that a business that cultivates a certain culture (like a men's only club or the like) should be allowed to refuse service to protect the culture that they have created. I just feel that in this case there isn't any of that. This lady called (or had a service call) a tow truck...and was obviously in a bad situation in need of help...this guy agrees to come and perform a service and, upon arriving, refuses service. I think that there is something so inherently wrong about this as to be actionable.

I don't think I would have an issue if he had pre-advertised this, refused the service outright instead of after accepting it, etc. However, the fact that this guy said he would perform the service, then reneges on his agreement due to a bumper sticker really rubs me the wrong way. With that said, I would say that we should codify something into law stating that a business needs to explicitly state customer groups it will or will not serve. Leaving somebody stranded on the side of the road because you refuse to do the job you were hired to do is something we shouldn't stomach.

It might run you the wrong way and outrage your personal sense of justice but there is nothing she can do. He didn't leave her stranded. She was already stranded. We cannot codify the entirety of human behavior. Nor should a free people have every possible action regulated by law.
He saw a "Bernie 2016" sticker on the car's bumper. Told the driver she would have to call another towing service. Got back in his tow truck and drove away. ...... :cool:

And what's the point of this? Turning America into a country where no one bothers any more unless they agree with everything of the other person. Come off it.

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