Towering, dangerous, incompetence ... Sanders rips Pence: His response to an epidemic was to 'pray'

Come November ... the outbreak will be over, Pence will still be VP, and Bernie will be doing the rounds of the talk shows screaming about how he was 'cheated' out of the election.

As good a Xmas present as ever.
That's right...fat donnie said the corona virus would just disappear. You have to go with that.
Liars Never Cease Lying
But Tree, there's the Donald
Fool In A Crisis: Trump Feverishly Attacks Dems As Coronavirus Fears Spread
Fool In A Crisis: Trump Feverishly Attacks Dems As Coronavirus Fears Spread

Mere hours after claiming efforts to combat the pernicious coronavirus “isn’t about political advantage,” President Donald Trump took to Twitter early Friday morning to trash Democrats while patting himself on the back for his response to the disease.

“So, the Coronavirus, which started in China and spread to various countries throughout the world, but very slowly in the U.S. because President Trump closed our border, and ended flights, VERY EARLY, is now being blamed, by the Do Nothing Democrats, to be the fault of ‘Trump,'” Trump tweeted.

He was back at it less than an hour later.

“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus,” Trump wrote. “Dems called it VERY wrong!”

The President also whined about the press coverage his administration’s blundering response to the disease, saying that the media “refuses to discuss the great job our professionals are doing!”
Fool In A Crisis: Trump Feverishly Attacks Dems As Coronavirus Fears Spread
Fool In A Crisis: Trump Feverishly Attacks Dems As Coronavirus Fears Spread

Mere hours after claiming efforts to combat the pernicious coronavirus “isn’t about political advantage,” President Donald Trump took to Twitter early Friday morning to trash Democrats while patting himself on the back for his response to the disease.

“So, the Coronavirus, which started in China and spread to various countries throughout the world, but very slowly in the U.S. because President Trump closed our border, and ended flights, VERY EARLY, is now being blamed, by the Do Nothing Democrats, to be the fault of ‘Trump,'” Trump tweeted.

He was back at it less than an hour later.

“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus,” Trump wrote. “Dems called it VERY wrong!”

The President also whined about the press coverage his administration’s blundering response to the disease, saying that the media “refuses to discuss the great job our professionals are doing!”
60 cases in the US, no deaths, two folks in Chicago that had it are recovered, and no one else caught the virus here. so What's your issue?
Libs are hoping for an epidemic in America
Fool In A Crisis: Trump Feverishly Attacks Dems As Coronavirus Fears Spread
Fool In A Crisis: Trump Feverishly Attacks Dems As Coronavirus Fears Spread

Mere hours after claiming efforts to combat the pernicious coronavirus “isn’t about political advantage,” President Donald Trump took to Twitter early Friday morning to trash Democrats while patting himself on the back for his response to the disease.

“So, the Coronavirus, which started in China and spread to various countries throughout the world, but very slowly in the U.S. because President Trump closed our border, and ended flights, VERY EARLY, is now being blamed, by the Do Nothing Democrats, to be the fault of ‘Trump,'” Trump tweeted.

He was back at it less than an hour later.

“The Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting time on the Immigration Hoax, & anything else they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early BORDER & FLIGHT closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with Coronavirus,” Trump wrote. “Dems called it VERY wrong!”

The President also whined about the press coverage his administration’s blundering response to the disease, saying that the media “refuses to discuss the great job our professionals are doing!”
60 cases and no deaths in the US. crisis where?
60 cases in the US, no deaths, two folks in Chicago that had it are recovered, and no one else caught the virus here. so What's your issue?
Libs are hoping for an epidemic in America
they want americans to die. hell they want half the population in the world to die off.
Some liberal/socialist/progressives do think we have to die to save Mother Earth
60 cases in the US, no deaths, two folks in Chicago that had it are recovered, and no one else caught the virus here. so What's your issue?
Libs are hoping for an epidemic in America
they want americans to die. hell they want half the population in the world to die off.
Some liberal/socialist/progressives do think we have to die to save Mother Earth
then they should go die and take themselves out of their misery and ours.
So let me get this straight......

Bernie 'Tails From the Communist Crypt' Sanders, who has never successfully accomplished anything politically and who is on his 4th (?) wife, is calling into question the competence and ability of the United States Vice President based on his personal faith, which Bernie falsely claims was / is the VP's only response / answer for COVID-19?

And snowflakes create a post declaring this, as if it in itself is some great accomplishment / victory......

:lmao: bwuhahahahahahaha..........

60 cases in the US, no deaths, two folks in Chicago that had it are recovered, and no one else caught the virus here. so What's your issue?
Libs are hoping for an epidemic in America
they want americans to die. hell they want half the population in the world to die off.
Some liberal/socialist/progressives do think we have to die to save Mother Earth
then they should go die and take themselves out of their misery and ours.
Thats called leading by example
They will die too during the 21 Judgments in Revelation.

In one Judgment 1/4 of the world dies, and then this is followed up by 1/3 of what is left dying due to War

So let’s say you have a population of 1 Billion.

The first Judgment kills 250 Million.

You are left with 750 Million, and The Judgment of War takes 1/3rd of that, which will be another 250 Million.

This adds up to half of Earth’s Population Dying in 7 Short Years. There are others who die too die to other judgments, and The AntiChrist hunting down Jews and others who won’t worship him so 1/2 of Earth’s population is just the starting point. It’s probably closer to The 2/3rds of The Earth’s population being lost within 7 short years.

And this is after The World is Depopulated of All The Christians in The Rapture.

60 cases in the US, no deaths, two folks in Chicago that had it are recovered, and no one else caught the virus here. so What's your issue?
Libs are hoping for an epidemic in America
they want americans to die. hell they want half the population in the world to die off.
Some liberal/socialist/progressives do think we have to die to save Mother Earth
Last edited:
So let me get this straight......

Bernie 'Tails From the Communist Crypt' Sanders, who has never successfully accomplished anything politically and who is on his 4th (?) wife, is calling into question the competence and ability of the United States Vice President based on his personal faith, which Bernie falsely claims was / is the VP's only response / answer for COVID-19?

And snowflakes create a post declaring this, as if it in itself is some great accomplishment / victory......

:lmao: bwuhahahahahahaha..........

I just need to know how he got three houses since Capitalism doesn't work?
I'd also like to know if someone would rather be rich or a socialist earning nothing?
And now has $100 million in the bank.

So let me get this straight......

Bernie 'Tails From the Communist Crypt' Sanders, who has never successfully accomplished anything politically and who is on his 4th (?) wife, is calling into question the competence and ability of the United States Vice President based on his personal faith, which Bernie falsely claims was / is the VP's only response / answer for COVID-19?

And snowflakes create a post declaring this, as if it in itself is some great accomplishment / victory......

:lmao: bwuhahahahahahaha..........

I just need to know how he got three houses since Capitalism doesn't work?
On your knees knaves and Trump supporters.

Space Captain, VP, Mike Penis is incompetent and is a lip-service warrior led by, and subservient to a demented orange buffoon, Donald Trump.

The stock market is plunging and US store shelves are emptying of Chinese goods as supplies dry up.

It won't be long before the effect is serious enough in US business to trigger a recession.

There could be a hidden benefit in the coronavirus, it could make Trump a victim as his chaotic presidency is ended by the voters.

Sanders rips Pence: His last response to an epidemic was to 'pray' it away

Sanders rips Pence: His last response to an epidemic was to 'pray' it away
BY ZACK BUDRYK - 02/27/20 08:58 AM EST

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday slammed President Trump’s appointment of Vice President Pence as point man on the coronavirus outbreak, noting the HIV outbreak that occurred during Pence’s tenure as governor of Indiana as well as Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar’s refusal to promise that a coronavirus vaccine would be affordable to all.

“Trump's plan for the coronavirus so far:

-Cut winter heating assistance for the poor

-Have VP Pence, who wanted to 'pray away' HIV epidemic, oversee the response

-Let ex-pharma lobbyist Alex Azar refuse to guarantee affordable vaccines to all

Disgusting,” Sanders tweeted Wednesday. ...

I love it. This is fantastic. This is what the public really need to understand about Bernie and other left-wingers. They do not just not believe in faith, but they mock and belittle people of faith.

The more you expose how much disgust and disdain you have for all the people of this country with faith, the less and less chance you have of winning an election.

Prayer isn't going to save anyone. Careful planning and execution is.

I don't see anyone suggesting that we avoid planning and execution. Do you?

So this is just you overreacting to someone of faith, praying. That just makes you a bigot.

I'm not seeing a lot of planning but that all started when they cut funding awhile ago for situations like this. So, the prayers really don't mean shit except to pander to the base.

We've had a hundred threads about how Trump is over spending.

So what would you like to cut, that isn't a fundamental duty of the government, in order to pay for tons of HHS spending?

See that's the problem. If we cut health care spending, to increase spending on CDC, you'll scream. If we cut Social Security, to pay for the CDC, you'll scream.

In fact, anything we cut, other than national defense which is the entire fundamental duty of the federal government, you'll scream.

So you really don't care about deficits, unless a Republican is in office.

Nevertheless, the PROPOSED cuts, nothing has been cut yet... were already in the budget, long before Corona was a thing.

Regardless, it isn't Trump who is supposed to plan. Only an idiot thinks that the President, is sitting there with a map, and a spreadsheet, planning out where and how to stop a pandemic.

There are people in positions in the government, who are doing all the planning. It isn't Trump and his administration that is supposed to do that.

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