Towering, dangerous, incompetence ... Sanders rips Pence: His response to an epidemic was to 'pray'

This is exactly the wrong thing to do. At times like these it's important to allow the professionals to be able to appropriately warn the public about what could happen so we can prepare for it. The last thing we need is for the admin to be filtering statements about the virus with politics, not the public's health, in mind.

WH Moves To Screen Scientists’ Statements On Coronavirus
WH Moves To Screen Scientists' Statements On Coronavirus

As fears grow of a politicized White House response to the coronavirus outbreak, the White House has placed Vice President Mike Pence in charge of messaging about the virus, the New York Times reported Thursday.

Pence, who Trump said Wednesday night would be the White House point person on the outbreak, will clear public health officials’ statements on the virus, the Times reported citing several unnamed people familiar with the matter.

The White House also announced Thursday that top economic adviser Larry Kudlow, along with the surgeon general and the Treasury secretary, would join the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

If the Trump administration is telling public health officials at CDC or the National Institutes of Health what they can say, the Obama administration’s Ebola czar Ronald Klain tweeted of the Times’ report, “it is a danger to public health.”

Public health officials — rather than Trump loyalists like Kudlow — have been praised for speaking bluntly about the virus.
This is exactly the wrong thing to do. At times like these it's important to allow the professionals to be able to appropriately warn the public about what could happen so we can prepare for it. The last thing we need is for the admin to be filtering statements about the virus with politics, not the public's health, in mind.

WH Moves To Screen Scientists’ Statements On Coronavirus
WH Moves To Screen Scientists' Statements On Coronavirus

As fears grow of a politicized White House response to the coronavirus outbreak, the White House has placed Vice President Mike Pence in charge of messaging about the virus, the New York Times reported Thursday.

Pence, who Trump said Wednesday night would be the White House point person on the outbreak, will clear public health officials’ statements on the virus, the Times reported citing several unnamed people familiar with the matter.

The White House also announced Thursday that top economic adviser Larry Kudlow, along with the surgeon general and the Treasury secretary, would join the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

If the Trump administration is telling public health officials at CDC or the National Institutes of Health what they can say, the Obama administration’s Ebola czar Ronald Klain tweeted of the Times’ report, “it is a danger to public health.”

Public health officials — rather than Trump loyalists like Kudlow — have been praised for speaking bluntly about the virus.

Blow hard media is trying to hype the virus for political BS.................there is no need to cause harm to the country and use FEAR MONGERING in our response to the virus...............The left and their MEDIA MACHINE are using the virus to LAUNCH another POLITICAL ATTACK against the President.
This is exactly the wrong thing to do. At times like these it's important to allow the professionals to be able to appropriately warn the public about what could happen so we can prepare for it. The last thing we need is for the admin to be filtering statements about the virus with politics, not the public's health, in mind.

WH Moves To Screen Scientists’ Statements On Coronavirus
WH Moves To Screen Scientists' Statements On Coronavirus

As fears grow of a politicized White House response to the coronavirus outbreak, the White House has placed Vice President Mike Pence in charge of messaging about the virus, the New York Times reported Thursday.

Pence, who Trump said Wednesday night would be the White House point person on the outbreak, will clear public health officials’ statements on the virus, the Times reported citing several unnamed people familiar with the matter.

The White House also announced Thursday that top economic adviser Larry Kudlow, along with the surgeon general and the Treasury secretary, would join the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

If the Trump administration is telling public health officials at CDC or the National Institutes of Health what they can say, the Obama administration’s Ebola czar Ronald Klain tweeted of the Times’ report, “it is a danger to public health.”

Public health officials — rather than Trump loyalists like Kudlow — have been praised for speaking bluntly about the virus.

This is exactly the wrong thing to do. At times like these it's important to allow the professionals to be able to appropriately warn the public about what could happen so we can prepare for it. The last thing we need is for the admin to be filtering statements about the virus with politics, not the public's health, in mind.

WH Moves To Screen Scientists’ Statements On Coronavirus
WH Moves To Screen Scientists' Statements On Coronavirus

As fears grow of a politicized White House response to the coronavirus outbreak, the White House has placed Vice President Mike Pence in charge of messaging about the virus, the New York Times reported Thursday.

Pence, who Trump said Wednesday night would be the White House point person on the outbreak, will clear public health officials’ statements on the virus, the Times reported citing several unnamed people familiar with the matter.

The White House also announced Thursday that top economic adviser Larry Kudlow, along with the surgeon general and the Treasury secretary, would join the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

If the Trump administration is telling public health officials at CDC or the National Institutes of Health what they can say, the Obama administration’s Ebola czar Ronald Klain tweeted of the Times’ report, “it is a danger to public health.”

Public health officials — rather than Trump loyalists like Kudlow — have been praised for speaking bluntly about the virus.

Blow hard media is trying to hype the virus for political BS.................there is no need to cause harm to the country and use FEAR MONGERING in our response to the virus...............The left and their MEDIA MACHINE are using the virus to LAUNCH another POLITICAL ATTACK against the President.

Maybe Pence knows something BERNARD doesn't! But then again, that is a given-)

Israeli scientists say they are just WEEKS away from developing a vaccine to beat coronavirus | Daily Mail Online
No, those states have the highest rates of obesity.

These are the 10 most obese states in the US, report finds

  1. West Virginia (38.1 percent)
  2. Mississippi (37.3 percent)
  3. Oklahoma (36.5 percent)
  4. Iowa (36.4 percent)
  5. Alabama (36.3 percent)
  6. Louisiana (36.2 percent)
  7. Arkansas (35 percent)
  8. Kentucky (34.3 percent)
  9. Alaska (34.2 percent)
  10. South Carolina (34.1 percent
Many of those religious states also have porn addictions.

Top 10 US states that watch the most porn | Secure Thoughts

HIV or be fat hmmm lol

Gluttony is a sin.
So is lust.

Two of the deadly sins.

I guess that went over your head.
Cool story

Kind of funny, right? The states that pray the most sin the most as well. It is a cool story, it's just not mine.
More rape and sexual assault happens in towns run by democrats go away loser

On a per capita basis? Hmm, have a link to that?
On your knees knaves and Trump supporters.

Space Captain, VP, Mike Penis is incompetent and is a lip-service warrior led by, and subservient to a demented orange buffoon, Donald Trump.

The stock market is plunging and US store shelves are emptying of Chinese goods as supplies dry up.

It won't be long before the effect is serious enough in US business to trigger a recession.

There could be a hidden benefit in the coronavirus, it could make Trump a victim as his chaotic presidency is ended by the voters.

Sanders rips Pence: His last response to an epidemic was to 'pray' it away

Sanders rips Pence: His last response to an epidemic was to 'pray' it away
BY ZACK BUDRYK - 02/27/20 08:58 AM EST

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday slammed President Trump’s appointment of Vice President Pence as point man on the coronavirus outbreak, noting the HIV outbreak that occurred during Pence’s tenure as governor of Indiana as well as Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar’s refusal to promise that a coronavirus vaccine would be affordable to all.

“Trump's plan for the coronavirus so far:

-Cut winter heating assistance for the poor

-Have VP Pence, who wanted to 'pray away' HIV epidemic, oversee the response

-Let ex-pharma lobbyist Alex Azar refuse to guarantee affordable vaccines to all

Disgusting,” Sanders tweeted Wednesday. ...
So you are saying it is okay for a young woman to have several babies with different fathers. For this is what your Prog programs represent when enacted.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Highlights of CDC’s Response

Continue reading if you want...........but the response is ADEQUATE...........and the Gov't issued Travel restrictions early in the game..............which was the right thing to do..

Spewing their slime ..............and TDS daily op-eds..................The New York Slime Machine posts Garbage on the Coronavirus...................

These people have NO SHAME..............
Cool story

Kind of funny, right? The states that pray the most sin the most as well. It is a cool story, it's just not mine.
Your next cool story will be your first because you’re a devout Leftist.

You got a problem with fat horny Christians or something?
Fat people are unhealthy. Regardless of religion.
Lose some weight. It’s easy.

Oh, I see. You're coming into this late and don't even know why were talking about fat people. Got it, next time let me know you don't have a clue what the conversation is about before you get into it.

Damn it, I made the cardinal sin of over estimating Azog the Defiler.
Why are you angry at me because you’re fat?
Cool story

Kind of funny, right? The states that pray the most sin the most as well. It is a cool story, it's just not mine.
Your next cool story will be your first because you’re a devout Leftist.

You got a problem with fat horny Christians or something?

Fat people are unhealthy. Regardless of religion.
Lose some weight. It’s easy.

Your 'dear leader' is obese physically and mentally.
Why would you talk that way about my wife? You’re a terrible person.
This is exactly the wrong thing to do. At times like these it's important to allow the professionals to be able to appropriately warn the public about what could happen so we can prepare for it. The last thing we need is for the admin to be filtering statements about the virus with politics, not the public's health, in mind.

WH Moves To Screen Scientists’ Statements On Coronavirus
WH Moves To Screen Scientists' Statements On Coronavirus

As fears grow of a politicized White House response to the coronavirus outbreak, the White House has placed Vice President Mike Pence in charge of messaging about the virus, the New York Times reported Thursday.

Pence, who Trump said Wednesday night would be the White House point person on the outbreak, will clear public health officials’ statements on the virus, the Times reported citing several unnamed people familiar with the matter.

The White House also announced Thursday that top economic adviser Larry Kudlow, along with the surgeon general and the Treasury secretary, would join the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

If the Trump administration is telling public health officials at CDC or the National Institutes of Health what they can say, the Obama administration’s Ebola czar Ronald Klain tweeted of the Times’ report, “it is a danger to public health.”

Public health officials — rather than Trump loyalists like Kudlow — have been praised for speaking bluntly about the virus.
LMAO. More cut and pastes from this Bernie Bro or as he calls himself, “Berg”. Never an original thought. Like Sanders himself.
This thread almost sickens me. It is indicative of the complete lack of morals of many in our country on both sides, but particularly on the Democratic side if the aisle, where these types are glorified. So glad I am not part of that crowd...a completely Godless, mean spirited group who has absolutely no hope beyond their earthly lives and no accountability accept to the government.

What a crock of shit.

The wretchedness of DBAs own life is the source if its sickness.

Yeah, us God fearing, moral folks live such "wretched" lives.

I feel so sorry for folks like you.

You are one of the sorriest posters on USMB.
This is exactly the wrong thing to do. At times like these it's important to allow the professionals to be able to appropriately warn the public about what could happen so we can prepare for it. The last thing we need is for the admin to be filtering statements about the virus with politics, not the public's health, in mind.

WH Moves To Screen Scientists’ Statements On Coronavirus
WH Moves To Screen Scientists' Statements On Coronavirus

As fears grow of a politicized White House response to the coronavirus outbreak, the White House has placed Vice President Mike Pence in charge of messaging about the virus, the New York Times reported Thursday.

Pence, who Trump said Wednesday night would be the White House point person on the outbreak, will clear public health officials’ statements on the virus, the Times reported citing several unnamed people familiar with the matter.

The White House also announced Thursday that top economic adviser Larry Kudlow, along with the surgeon general and the Treasury secretary, would join the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

If the Trump administration is telling public health officials at CDC or the National Institutes of Health what they can say, the Obama administration’s Ebola czar Ronald Klain tweeted of the Times’ report, “it is a danger to public health.”

Public health officials — rather than Trump loyalists like Kudlow — have been praised for speaking bluntly about the virus.
LMAO. More cut and pastes from this Bernie Bro or as he calls himself, “Berg”. Never an original thought. Like Sanders himself.

This thread almost sickens me. It is indicative of the complete lack of morals of many in our country on both sides, but particularly on the Democratic side if the aisle, where these types are glorified. So glad I am not part of that crowd...a completely Godless, mean spirited group who has absolutely no hope beyond their earthly lives and no accountability accept to the government.

What a crock of shit.

The wretchedness of DBAs own life is the source if its sickness.

Yeah, us God fearing, moral folks live such "wretched" lives.

I feel so sorry for folks like you.

You are one of the sorriest posters on USMB.

Never fear, I too am one of the SORRIEST posters on USMB, so sorry for you that I have to report this---------------->Israeli scientists say they are just WEEKS away from developing a vaccine to beat coronavirus | Daily Mail Online
This thread almost sickens me. It is indicative of the complete lack of morals of many in our country on both sides, but particularly on the Democratic side if the aisle, where these types are glorified. So glad I am not part of that crowd...a completely Godless, mean spirited group who has absolutely no hope beyond their earthly lives and no accountability accept to the government.

What a crock of shit.

The wretchedness of DBAs own life is the source if its sickness.

Yeah, us God fearing, moral folks live such "wretched" lives.

I feel so sorry for folks like you.

You are one of the sorriest posters on USMB.
Pot to Kettle...”you’re black”
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Highlights of CDC’s Response

Continue reading if you want...........but the response is ADEQUATE...........and the Gov't issued Travel restrictions early in the game..............which was the right thing to do..

It is code meaning ... they filled the cocktail cabinets and storerooms with beer for the long haul.
On your knees knaves and Trump supporters.

Space Captain, VP, Mike Penis is incompetent and is a lip-service warrior led by, and subservient to a demented orange buffoon, Donald Trump.

The stock market is plunging and US store shelves are emptying of Chinese goods as supplies dry up.

It won't be long before the effect is serious enough in US business to trigger a recession.

There could be a hidden benefit in the coronavirus, it could make Trump a victim as his chaotic presidency is ended by the voters.

Sanders rips Pence: His last response to an epidemic was to 'pray' it away

Sanders rips Pence: His last response to an epidemic was to 'pray' it away
BY ZACK BUDRYK - 02/27/20 08:58 AM EST

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday slammed President Trump’s appointment of Vice President Pence as point man on the coronavirus outbreak, noting the HIV outbreak that occurred during Pence’s tenure as governor of Indiana as well as Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar’s refusal to promise that a coronavirus vaccine would be affordable to all.

“Trump's plan for the coronavirus so far:

-Cut winter heating assistance for the poor

-Have VP Pence, who wanted to 'pray away' HIV epidemic, oversee the response

-Let ex-pharma lobbyist Alex Azar refuse to guarantee affordable vaccines to all

Disgusting,” Sanders tweeted Wednesday. ...

Let me ask why China was unable to contain the virus in the first place?

I understand you believe the virus is a blessing and Pence is a moron but you do know we do most of our trade for food with Mexico and not as much with China.

So who cares if you can bot get your neo-yellow switch joycon...

Let me ask why the US was unable to contain the influenza virus which has killed 30,000+ US citizens and is still killing.

Influenza kills thousands EVERY year. You should probably focus on learning how to count votes and run a simple app. Idiots.
Kind of funny, right? The states that pray the most sin the most as well. It is a cool story, it's just not mine.
Your next cool story will be your first because you’re a devout Leftist.

You got a problem with fat horny Christians or something?

Fat people are unhealthy. Regardless of religion.
Lose some weight. It’s easy.

Your 'dear leader' is obese physically and mentally.

Why would you talk that way about my wife? You’re a terrible person.

You have an inflatable Donald Trump?
On your knees knaves and Trump supporters.

Space Captain, VP, Mike Penis is incompetent and is a lip-service warrior led by, and subservient to a demented orange buffoon, Donald Trump.

The stock market is plunging and US store shelves are emptying of Chinese goods as supplies dry up.

It won't be long before the effect is serious enough in US business to trigger a recession.

There could be a hidden benefit in the coronavirus, it could make Trump a victim as his chaotic presidency is ended by the voters.

Sanders rips Pence: His last response to an epidemic was to 'pray' it away

Sanders rips Pence: His last response to an epidemic was to 'pray' it away
BY ZACK BUDRYK - 02/27/20 08:58 AM EST

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday slammed President Trump’s appointment of Vice President Pence as point man on the coronavirus outbreak, noting the HIV outbreak that occurred during Pence’s tenure as governor of Indiana as well as Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar’s refusal to promise that a coronavirus vaccine would be affordable to all.

“Trump's plan for the coronavirus so far:

-Cut winter heating assistance for the poor

-Have VP Pence, who wanted to 'pray away' HIV epidemic, oversee the response

-Let ex-pharma lobbyist Alex Azar refuse to guarantee affordable vaccines to all

Disgusting,” Sanders tweeted Wednesday. ...

So you are saying it is okay for a young woman to have several babies with different fathers. For this is what your Prog programs represent when enacted.

As long as they aren't yours.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Highlights of CDC’s Response

Continue reading if you want...........but the response is ADEQUATE...........and the Gov't issued Travel restrictions early in the game..............which was the right thing to do..

It is code meaning ... they filled the cocktail cabinets and storerooms with beer for the long haul.
And yet WHO and China condemned Trump for OVERREACTING..............while the Dems say he DIDN'T DO ENOUGH................

All political BS...............many other countries did the same as try and minimize the spread.....don't see the Dems going THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA...........they ONLY HARP ON POLITICAL ATTACK NARRATIVES..............
On your knees knaves and Trump supporters.

Space Captain, VP, Mike Penis is incompetent and is a lip-service warrior led by, and subservient to a demented orange buffoon, Donald Trump.

The stock market is plunging and US store shelves are emptying of Chinese goods as supplies dry up.

It won't be long before the effect is serious enough in US business to trigger a recession.

There could be a hidden benefit in the coronavirus, it could make Trump a victim as his chaotic presidency is ended by the voters.

Sanders rips Pence: His last response to an epidemic was to 'pray' it away

Sanders rips Pence: His last response to an epidemic was to 'pray' it away
BY ZACK BUDRYK - 02/27/20 08:58 AM EST

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday slammed President Trump’s appointment of Vice President Pence as point man on the coronavirus outbreak, noting the HIV outbreak that occurred during Pence’s tenure as governor of Indiana as well as Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar’s refusal to promise that a coronavirus vaccine would be affordable to all.

“Trump's plan for the coronavirus so far:

-Cut winter heating assistance for the poor

-Have VP Pence, who wanted to 'pray away' HIV epidemic, oversee the response

-Let ex-pharma lobbyist Alex Azar refuse to guarantee affordable vaccines to all

Disgusting,” Sanders tweeted Wednesday. ...

Let me ask why China was unable to contain the virus in the first place?

I understand you believe the virus is a blessing and Pence is a moron but you do know we do most of our trade for food with Mexico and not as much with China.

So who cares if you can bot get your neo-yellow switch joycon...

Let me ask why the US was unable to contain the influenza virus which has killed 30,000+ US citizens and is still killing.

Influenza kills thousands EVERY year. You should probably focus on learning how to count votes and run a simple app. Idiots.

It didn't help you.
HIV or be fat hmmm lol

Gluttony is a sin.
So is lust.

Two of the deadly sins.

I guess that went over your head.
Cool story

Kind of funny, right? The states that pray the most sin the most as well. It is a cool story, it's just not mine.
More rape and sexual assault happens in towns run by democrats go away loser

On a per capita basis? Hmm, have a link to that?
90% of the time

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