Town Mayor Beaten Unconscious By Locals After Announcing Plan To Welcome Migrants (Germany)

In one generation from now, Europe will be unrecognizable. People in Europe now largely seem to feel that the identity of their civilization is threatened primarily by a frivolous libertarianism, an ideology under the guise of freedom, which wants to deconstruct all the ties that bind man to his family, his parentage, his work, his history, his religion, his language, his nation, his freedom. It seems to come from an inertia that does not care if Europe succeeds or succumbs, if our civilization disappears, drowned by ethnic chaos, or is overrun by a new religion from the desert.

An agnostic and sterile continent — deprived of its gods and children because it banished them — will have no strength to fight or to assimilate a civilization of the zealous and the young. The failure to counter the coming transformation seems to come down on the side of Islam. Is what we are seeing the last days of summer? Europe: The Substitution of a Population Giulio Meotti | MIDEAST OUTPOST

So it will be very similar to the euro colonization of N America.
Celebrating violence?

What a loser.
It beats getting your head sawn off.

So you're saying they should have sawn the mayor's head off?


You are an outstanding human being.
Violence begets violence.....he clearly was intending to do violence to his constituents....the record is clear....where ever muslim "refugees" go violence follows

Violence is as american as apple pie, we must be muslim.
Celebrating violence?

What a loser.
It beats getting your head sawn off.

So you're saying they should have sawn the mayor's head off?


You are an outstanding human being.
Violence begets violence.....he clearly was intending to do violence to his constituents....the record is clear....where ever muslim "refugees" go violence follows

Violence is as american as apple pie, we must be muslim.
Celebrating violence?

What a loser.
It beats getting your head sawn off.

So you're saying they should have sawn the mayor's head off?


You are an outstanding human being.
Violence begets violence.....he clearly was intending to do violence to his constituents....the record is clear....where ever muslim "refugees" go violence follows

Violence is as american as apple pie, we must be muslim.
Funny how in EU rape was virtually unknown,,,,,,,and now is epidemic.......large scale slaughter approaching commonplace
Celebrating violence?

What a loser.
It beats getting your head sawn off.

So you're saying they should have sawn the mayor's head off?


You are an outstanding human being.
Violence begets violence.....he clearly was intending to do violence to his constituents....the record is clear....where ever muslim "refugees" go violence follows

Violence is as american as apple pie, we must be muslim.
Funny how in EU rape was virtually unknown,,,,,,,and now is epidemic.......large scale slaughter approaching commonplace
No doubt, the most violent cult the world has ever seen is Islam… Fact
In one generation from now, Europe will be unrecognizable. People in Europe now largely seem to feel that the identity of their civilization is threatened primarily by a frivolous libertarianism, an ideology under the guise of freedom, which wants to deconstruct all the ties that bind man to his family, his parentage, his work, his history, his religion, his language, his nation, his freedom. It seems to come from an inertia that does not care if Europe succeeds or succumbs, if our civilization disappears, drowned by ethnic chaos, or is overrun by a new religion from the desert.

An agnostic and sterile continent — deprived of its gods and children because it banished them — will have no strength to fight or to assimilate a civilization of the zealous and the young. The failure to counter the coming transformation seems to come down on the side of Islam. Is what we are seeing the last days of summer? Europe: The Substitution of a Population Giulio Meotti | MIDEAST OUTPOST
Excellent summary.

Very well said!
What a beautiful day that will be!

I despise Socialism--ALL forms.
These are a kind of civic nationalist, I would argue, except even more into legalism and "muh ideas" than they are about an actual identity. They have a paper fetishism for the Constitution and the US legal system, even when it works against them. For example, the (((Supreme Court))), or the Sanhedrinas I call it, currently has three Jews and five Catholics. Justice Antonin Scalia (pbuh) once suggested that there should be more Protestants on the bench, since America has a lot of Protestants and they are totally unrepresented in one of the most powerful organs of the federal government. Obama's proposed nominee is (((Merrick Garland))), "a white guy, but he’s a really outstanding jurist." Thankfully he's being stonewalled by Cuckgressional Republicans, who are doing something useful for once.

For Constitutionalists, not identity, but legal documents are the source of the nation. Tell me how that works out for you when this happens, because the Constitution has glaringly failed to defend the liberty of our posterity:

What a beautiful day that will be!

I despise Socialism--ALL forms.

Too bad you've had a blended economy all your life.
You do know any form of socialism has never worked long term in the history of the world? You can't be that big of a dumbass to think that it's possible that "this time" it will work?

Is your economy working? Has it the past 100 years?

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