Toy Gun Buy-back program in Kalifornia


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I've learned to shrug and accept so very many of the insane and inane beliefs and programs that Liberals come up with to find Utopia here on earth...or at least in California.

But when I read this on, I just shook my head ...

1. "Strobridge Elementary Principal Charles Hill has a brilliant idea: he’s holding a toy gun exchange next Saturday in which students of the Hayward, CA school can turn in a toy gun to receive a book and a raffle ticket to win one of four bicycles.

2. “Playing with toy guns, saying ‘I’m going to shoot you,’ desensitizes them, so as they get older, it’s easier for them to use a real gun,” he claims.

3. At Strobridge Elementary Safety Day, a local policeman will demonstrate bicycle and gun safety, (does he get to use a real gun?),....

4. Hill, defending his take-away program, asserted that police are justifiably afraid when they face armed suspects, and toy guns have been mistaken for real ones.

5. ...Yih-Chau Chang, spokesman for Responsible Citizens of California, said, ”Having a group of children playing cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians is a normal part of growing up.”
Elementary School Beginning Toy Gun Turn-In Program

Before any say it's a fine idea....

....even a buy-back for real guns:

6. “Researchers who have evaluated gun control strategies say buybacks – despite their popularity – are among the least effective ways to reduce gun violence. “Gun buybacks popular but ineffective, experts say John Lott states that the vast majority are old or inoperable.

How is it that educrats seem oblivious to any real data, and eschew scholarship for feel-good plans?

Could this be the explanation for the horrid job they do?
Bay Area elementary school holds toy-gun exchange

Bay Area elementary school holds toy-gun exchange

Strobridge Elementary School in Hayward, Calif., held a toy-gun exchange program over the weekend, according to a report from CBS-5 San Francisco.

Inspired by gun buy-back programs that focus on getting weapons off the streets, Principal Charles Hill felt a similar program for toys made a lot of sense.

"Playing with toys guns, saying 'I'm going to shoot you,' desensitizes them," said Hill, "so, as they get older, it's easier for them to use a real gun."

Bay Area elementary school holds toy-gun exchange

Bay Area elementary school holds toy-gun exchange

Strobridge Elementary School in Hayward, Calif., held a toy-gun exchange program over the weekend, according to a report from CBS-5 San Francisco.

Inspired by gun buy-back programs that focus on getting weapons off the streets, Principal Charles Hill felt a similar program for toys made a lot of sense.

"Playing with toys guns, saying 'I'm going to shoot you,' desensitizes them," said Hill, "so, as they get older, it's easier for them to use a real gun."


May as well amputate their trigger finger too while their at it. If they get bored while they are recovering they could teach em how to read or something.
Before the turns into a "evil liberal teachers" thread. I wonder if the OP has any experience in the life of say a 4th grader in an inner city community.

You can't teach a child to read, if they don't come to school because they get sidetracked by the local gang. You can't only focus on the basics and ignore gangs, prostitution and crime, and expect the children to learn anything.

I lived 3 blocks from my elementary school, and every afternoon I rode the school bus home. A 5 min. walk turned into a 45 min drive as I was the last child dropped off before the bus went back to the school. Why? Because it wasn't safe for me to walk those 3 blocks home.
Before the turns into a "evil liberal teachers" thread. I wonder if the OP has any experience in the life of say a 4th grader in an inner city community.

You can't teach a child to read, if they don't come to school because they get sidetracked by the local gang. You can't only focus on the basics and ignore gangs, prostitution and crime, and expect the children to learn anything.

I lived 3 blocks from my elementary school, and every afternoon I rode the school bus home. A 5 min. walk turned into a 45 min drive as I was the last child dropped off before the bus went back to the school. Why? Because it wasn't safe for me to walk those 3 blocks home.

"Before the turns into a "evil liberal teachers" thread."

Let's be very clear.

This was not about teachers, but about the folks in charge, the 'evil liberal educrats.'

The article in the OP specified a principal.
That's funny, when I was a kid we had ultrarealistic looking and feeling cap guns and kids didn't go on shooting sprees.
Next will be cross dressing day. It's all part of their agenda. to indoctrinate kids that their rights are bad, but being a freak is good.
California is the laughing stock of the nation.......its should be home for all far left k00ks. They'd feel right at home!!!
Geologists ay its only a matter of time 'till it falls into the ocean, which really would be what you'd call mercy killings. Remember "Escape From New York" with Curt Russell? The sequel will be shot in California in real life in about a decade!! No actors will be needed.:2up:
Next will be cross dressing day. It's all part of their agenda. to indoctrinate kids that their rights are bad, but being a freak is good.

Cross dressing day in school is already happening:

Cross-dressing day at elementary school causes controversy | The Daily Caller

Amazing how the people who scream the longest and loudest about how christian religious symbology of any type in public schools should be banned and abolished because they view it as "indoctrination" are the very same people who demand children be indoctrinated into "alternative lifestyles". Yes, it is absolutely all about an agenda. If such paragons were truly interested in an all-inclusive environment, they would not be demanding the removal of what they consider "offensive" material. Hypocrisy is alive and well in the liberal ideological lexicon.
Next will be cross dressing day. It's all part of their agenda. to indoctrinate kids that their rights are bad, but being a freak is good.

Cross dressing day in school is already happening:

Cross-dressing day at elementary school causes controversy | The Daily Caller

Amazing how the people who scream the longest and loudest about how christian religious symbology of any type in public schools should be banned and abolished because they view it as "indoctrination" are the very same people who demand children be indoctrinated into "alternative lifestyles". Yes, it is absolutely all about an agenda. If such paragons were truly interested in an all-inclusive environment, they would not be demanding the removal of what they consider "offensive" material. Hypocrisy is alive and well in the liberal ideological lexicon.

And, in a related story:

Report: Homeschooling Growing Seven Times Faster than Public School Enrollment
You gotta' train them when they're young to accept authority without question.

We'll take all of America's Freedoms sooner or later. And if the responses from the so-called "Liberals" on this board about the US Government Spying scandals is any indication, it'll be sooner.

California is the laughing stock of the nation.......its should be home for all far left k00ks. They'd feel right at home!!!
Geologists ay its only a matter of time 'till it falls into the ocean, which really would be what you'd call mercy killings. Remember "Escape From New York" with Curt Russell? The sequel will be shot in California in real life in about a decade!! No actors will be needed.:2up:
the laughing stock of the Nation?.....i bet this States Economy makes yours look like a laughing stock....still riding our coat tails?.....picking up any left overs?.....
Note to Principal Hill:

Suggest you check out how successful the buy-back of real guns has been in Chicago the past 5-6 years. Spent millions and took a lot of guns off the street, yet the shootings and killings and mayhem continue every day of the year.

Rule # 1 for liberals...

If it feels good it probably won't work, but it could be a good way to spend taxpayers' money nonetheless.

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