Toy makers blurring boys-girls gender line, making their products more inclusive


Everybody shit their pants, it's a girl with a light saber! :mad:

Everybody shit their pants, it's a girl with a light saber! :mad:

It's funny and all but you are missing the point as mentioned the toys are not the problem it is the brainwashing behind it all that is the problem
They are pushing an agenda and it sure in the hell has nothing to do with spreading the love of fairness.

Everybody shit their pants, it's a girl with a light saber! :mad:

It's funny and all but you are missing the point as mentioned the toys are not the problem it is the brainwashing behind it all that is the problem
They are pushing an agenda and it sure in the hell has nothing to do with spreading the love of fairness.

Brainwashing is something that happens to us every day, whether you believe it or not. It doesn't take fancy tools or space-age technology. Even if our country didn't intentionally brainwash people (believe me, they do), our country's media is brainwashing people nonstop. Just sit back and think about it for a second—about the way things work in the world and media. But before you do that, let's learn what brainwashing really is.


Advanced Social Engineering: The Mind Hacks Behind Brainwashing « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo

And this is only a SMALL few ways it is being done.

Everybody shit their pants, it's a girl with a light saber! :mad:

It's funny and all but you are missing the point as mentioned the toys are not the problem it is the brainwashing behind it all that is the problem
They are pushing an agenda and it sure in the hell has nothing to do with spreading the love of fairness.

The agenda for Hasbro is to make money. They must be doing something right considering their stock has gone through the roof this year.
Toy Makers Blurring Boys-Girls Gender Line, Making Their Products More 'Inclusive'
Now the confusion has extended to the choice of toys for children. For instance, Hasbro, one of the biggest U.S. toymakers, has announced that it has changed its thinking regarding certain toys being geared toward particular genders.

Yes lets create more confusion, and push this bs of brainwashing children who have no choice to believe anything because they're already so far indoctrinated into the cult of everything wrong is right and everything right is wrong.

These schools , parents, companies should all be banned for CHILD ABUSE" this is mind control, it is manipulating for the wrong reasons and for selfish motives.

Wait, do you think that parents and children need toy makers to market toward a specific gender in order to understand gender? The HASBRO CEO just said that since some toys they normally market specifically to boys are becoming popular with girls, and vice versa, that they would stop targeting genders. Where is the confusion? If Star Wars toys are shown being played with by both girls and boys, do you think young girls and boys will suddenly be unable to understand gender?

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So we don't have a generation of this.

Because HASBRO not marketing Star Wars toys specifically toward boys is going to lead to people identifying as dogs......
Toy Makers Blurring Boys-Girls Gender Line, Making Their Products More 'Inclusive'
Now the confusion has extended to the choice of toys for children. For instance, Hasbro, one of the biggest U.S. toymakers, has announced that it has changed its thinking regarding certain toys being geared toward particular genders.

Yes lets create more confusion, and push this bs of brainwashing children who have no choice to believe anything because they're already so far indoctrinated into the cult of everything wrong is right and everything right is wrong.

These schools , parents, companies should all be banned for CHILD ABUSE" this is mind control, it is manipulating for the wrong reasons and for selfish motives.

What I see at the heart of all of this is that they have some Liberal Progressive on the BOD who championed this idea as the next great market to get into, but THINK about the effect this will have.

What did the article say? "Stereotypical gender habits?"

Let me translate that. This is PsychOps for MALE BASHING. Males have been under attack for years ever since women were given the right to vote and equality. Believe it or not, women do not see things the way they do! They have the estrogen thing going while we have the testosterone.

Girls who act feminine, won't be attacked, it is the boys who ACT LIKE BOYS. Boys who are rock em sock em, rough and tumble will be discipline and censured in school and eventually at home, "male" behavior is being gradually built up into a "disorder" and boys will be conditioned to see it as acting bad, sent to sensitivity class and little by little, the male is being feminized under the guise of "gender sensitivity" and civil behavior. They will explain it as treating Violent tendencies and Aggression (already recognized and treated as a mental disorder with Ritalin and other drugs). Now think was drives ambition to get to the top of a company, be a leader, a soldier, an explorer, an Innovator, fight in a war, become a General? You don't get there by being nice. Women or some faction of them are trying to CHANGE THE WORLD TO WHERE THEY BETTER FIT IN AND HAVE A BETTER CHANCE AT COMPETING AND SUCCEEDING IN IT. What advantage will our enemies have while all of our young men are running around learning gender sensitivity?

Just think of how the male has changed over the past 100 years! All that he has given up. The man of today could not survive in the world of 1915! You have it too soft. The average middle class of today probably lives like what it took a very wealthy man to attain back then. Just as other behaviors like smoking and such is being conditioned as a no no by shunning smokers and treating them like lepers, overt male behavior will be slowly drummed out of society as a behavior disorder. Look at your football already--- the contact part of the sport is being eliminated and half the time they are running around wearing hot pink bows and ribbons! Soon it will be tag football.

I feel sorry for the future of this country.

There is something wrong with a boy who wants to play with My Little Pony. In my day, a kid playing with dolls and ponies would have had the crap beaten out of him as a sissy. But then, I have a male mental disorder.

READ 6 and 7 Notice how everywhere you look GOD is being stripped from the system/ society then add " Lets teach kids to not know who ro wtf they are because why we'ere telling them they don't know who or what they are.

By going through the PUBLIC School system they begin the creation of confusion............they start thee brainwashing of the kids.

It has been going on for decades and we've reached the final core of it , If more people paid attention to the information titled " DUMBING DOWN AMERICA" , they'd finally realize what is going on provided they aren't on the far left liberal side of things.

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Yep. It has always been about Alinsky. He was Hillary's mentor in college. She patterned her life after what he taught!
Capitalism. Funny how the right LOOOOVE capitalism when it gives them what they want, but when it does things they don't like, capitalism is sooooooo bad.

Do you like your automobile? I bet you love your car, but wouldn't like it if I used it to run you over. Is that hypocrisy? Not at all. Just that there are good and bad sides to everything, so don't insult us by trying to make us believe we are hypocrites when someone speaks out about a very bad idea. Capitalism is not at question here, it is the ideas behind certain promotional ideas, worst of all, to impressionable children.

Why is this particular idea a very bad one? Why do the toys in question need to be marketed specifically to boys or girls?

That's a good question. It is still the same toy. Just put it on the shelf and let whomever wants it buy it! But what is behind this and in question is the very /ideology/ of gender neutrality.

There ARE Boys!

There ARE Girls!

We are different. Not just physically but in our psychological make-up. This is just another liberal social experiment.

Would you believe that New York City legally recognizes 31 different genders?

New York City Lets You Choose From 31 Different Gender Identities

Here Are the 31 Gender Identities New York City Recognizes

This is why Liberalism is a mental disorder and the Left are becoming the ruination of the world.

Why do you assume this decision had to do with liberalism or the ideology of gender? What has been done or was said that leads you to that conclusion? Do you think that any change which involves gender must be based on liberalism?

Not marketing toys to a specific gender seems like a far cry from NYC recognizing 31 genders.
Capitalism. Funny how the right LOOOOVE capitalism when it gives them what they want, but when it does things they don't like, capitalism is sooooooo bad.

Do you like your automobile? I bet you love your car, but wouldn't like it if I used it to run you over. Is that hypocrisy? Not at all. Just that there are good and bad sides to everything, so don't insult us by trying to make us believe we are hypocrites when someone speaks out about a very bad idea. Capitalism is not at question here, it is the ideas behind certain promotional ideas, worst of all, to impressionable children.

Why is this particular idea a very bad one? Why do the toys in question need to be marketed specifically to boys or girls?

That's a good question. It is still the same toy. Just put it on the shelf and let whomever wants it buy it! But what is behind this and in question is the very /ideology/ of gender neutrality.

There ARE Boys!

There ARE Girls!

We are different. Not just physically but in our psychological make-up. This is just another liberal social experiment.

Would you believe that New York City legally recognizes 31 different genders?

New York City Lets You Choose From 31 Different Gender Identities

Here Are the 31 Gender Identities New York City Recognizes

This is why Liberalism is a mental disorder and the Left are becoming the ruination of the world.
I really think it's the toy makers' wish to make more sales. Appeal to more kids. Not about selling trannie dolls.

Everybody shit their pants, it's a girl with a light saber! :mad:

It's funny and all but you are missing the point as mentioned the toys are not the problem it is the brainwashing behind it all that is the problem
They are pushing an agenda and it sure in the hell has nothing to do with spreading the love of fairness.

What is the specific agenda being pushed by not marketing Star Wars toys to boys only?

Everybody shit their pants, it's a girl with a light saber! :mad:

It's funny and all but you are missing the point as mentioned the toys are not the problem it is the brainwashing behind it all that is the problem
They are pushing an agenda and it sure in the hell has nothing to do with spreading the love of fairness.

Brainwashing is something that happens to us every day, whether you believe it or not. It doesn't take fancy tools or space-age technology. Even if our country didn't intentionally brainwash people (believe me, they do), our country's media is brainwashing people nonstop. Just sit back and think about it for a second—about the way things work in the world and media. But before you do that, let's learn what brainwashing really is.

View attachment 141265

Advanced Social Engineering: The Mind Hacks Behind Brainwashing « Null Byte :: WonderHowTo

And this is only a SMALL few ways it is being done.
YES, in subtle ways we are brainwashed to fit into the role accepted for our gender from the time we are born. As a woman, you should be glad that gender roles are opening up for us and what is "proper" for a girl is no longer so proscribed as it once was. For men, things are still pretty inflexible. I imagine a lot of Dads would start sweating it if their boy gravitated to the Easy Bake Oven and walking the teddy in a baby carriage a lot.

Everybody shit their pants, it's a girl with a light saber! :mad:

It's funny and all but you are missing the point as mentioned the toys are not the problem it is the brainwashing behind it all that is the problem
They are pushing an agenda and it sure in the hell has nothing to do with spreading the love of fairness.

What is the specific agenda being pushed by not marketing Star Wars toys to boys only?

Kids playing with toys that are for girls or boys IS NOT THE PROBLEM, it is the reasoning behind it all.

From Schools, to toys, to tv shows, commericials is SOCIAL ENGINEERING , it is all being used to brain wash the public .

Safe Schools: Education or social engineering?

And no the Country doesn't matter it is being done here as well.

This is only one small, small example. Anything more than this only causes confusion for those not able to pick up on the very tactics being used.
Capitalism. Funny how the right LOOOOVE capitalism when it gives them what they want, but when it does things they don't like, capitalism is sooooooo bad.

Do you like your automobile? I bet you love your car, but wouldn't like it if I used it to run you over. Is that hypocrisy? Not at all. Just that there are good and bad sides to everything, so don't insult us by trying to make us believe we are hypocrites when someone speaks out about a very bad idea. Capitalism is not at question here, it is the ideas behind certain promotional ideas, worst of all, to impressionable children.

Why is this particular idea a very bad one? Why do the toys in question need to be marketed specifically to boys or girls?

That's a good question. It is still the same toy. Just put it on the shelf and let whomever wants it buy it! But what is behind this and in question is the very /ideology/ of gender neutrality.

There ARE Boys!

There ARE Girls!

We are different. Not just physically but in our psychological make-up. This is just another liberal social experiment.

Would you believe that New York City legally recognizes 31 different genders?

New York City Lets You Choose From 31 Different Gender Identities

Here Are the 31 Gender Identities New York City Recognizes

This is why Liberalism is a mental disorder and the Left are becoming the ruination of the world.
I really think it's the toy makers' wish to make more sales. Appeal to more kids. Not about selling trannie dolls.

That is true to an extent. The problem is these toy companies have experts that have psychological training in what methods they should or shouldn't use to tell toys. By jumping on board with the so called " TREND" which is this gay bs, etc is way beyond just a trend. They are contributing to brainwashing the children of tomorrow.
Capitalism. Funny how the right LOOOOVE capitalism when it gives them what they want, but when it does things they don't like, capitalism is sooooooo bad.

Do you like your automobile? I bet you love your car, but wouldn't like it if I used it to run you over. Is that hypocrisy? Not at all. Just that there are good and bad sides to everything, so don't insult us by trying to make us believe we are hypocrites when someone speaks out about a very bad idea. Capitalism is not at question here, it is the ideas behind certain promotional ideas, worst of all, to impressionable children.

Why is this particular idea a very bad one? Why do the toys in question need to be marketed specifically to boys or girls?

That's a good question. It is still the same toy. Just put it on the shelf and let whomever wants it buy it! But what is behind this and in question is the very /ideology/ of gender neutrality.

There ARE Boys!

There ARE Girls!

We are different. Not just physically but in our psychological make-up. This is just another liberal social experiment.

Would you believe that New York City legally recognizes 31 different genders?

New York City Lets You Choose From 31 Different Gender Identities

Here Are the 31 Gender Identities New York City Recognizes

This is why Liberalism is a mental disorder and the Left are becoming the ruination of the world.
I really think it's the toy makers' wish to make more sales. Appeal to more kids. Not about selling trannie dolls.

Why because you have a mind of mush to stupid to realize what the topic is about and why. AS USUAL .
but i'n sure you as a little snitch will be sure to report and your little bitch will jump to your command.

Don't buy the toys.
-------------------------------------- AGREE , but that ain't going to happen DWind .
I still don't know why I should care. If the toys offend you (generally, not you personally), don't buy them.

Private business has the right to make, market, and sell whatever they wish as long as it isn't an immediate hazard to the public safety.

Toys being that gawd dam leftist created word " OFFENDED" isn't the problem the unfair brain washing of these kids is the problem. Tell a lie long enough and they believe it. it is BRAINWASHING these kids.
Go play with your "My Pretty Pony".
There are hundreds of clinics springing into existence whose purpose is to treat transgendered children. Now the number of transgendered children has to be increased to justify all these clinics. Once a counselor has identified a girl that plays with trucks as transgendered, if she insists she is a girl, she is "confused" by parental misgendering. She needs intensive counseling to help her transition.

That's what's going on.
Capitalism. Funny how the right LOOOOVE capitalism when it gives them what they want, but when it does things they don't like, capitalism is sooooooo bad.

Do you like your automobile? I bet you love your car, but wouldn't like it if I used it to run you over. Is that hypocrisy? Not at all. Just that there are good and bad sides to everything, so don't insult us by trying to make us believe we are hypocrites when someone speaks out about a very bad idea. Capitalism is not at question here, it is the ideas behind certain promotional ideas, worst of all, to impressionable children.

Why is this particular idea a very bad one? Why do the toys in question need to be marketed specifically to boys or girls?

That's a good question. It is still the same toy. Just put it on the shelf and let whomever wants it buy it! But what is behind this and in question is the very /ideology/ of gender neutrality.

There ARE Boys!

There ARE Girls!

We are different. Not just physically but in our psychological make-up. This is just another liberal social experiment.

Would you believe that New York City legally recognizes 31 different genders?

New York City Lets You Choose From 31 Different Gender Identities

Here Are the 31 Gender Identities New York City Recognizes

This is why Liberalism is a mental disorder and the Left are becoming the ruination of the world.
I really think it's the toy makers' wish to make more sales. Appeal to more kids. Not about selling trannie dolls.

Why because you have a mind of mush to stupid to realize what the topic is about and why. AS USUAL .
but i'n sure you as a little snitch will be sure to report and your little bitch will jump to your command.

?? I've never reported you. What would I report, anyway?
Toy Makers Blurring Boys-Girls Gender Line, Making Their Products More 'Inclusive'
Now the confusion has extended to the choice of toys for children. For instance, Hasbro, one of the biggest U.S. toymakers, has announced that it has changed its thinking regarding certain toys being geared toward particular genders.

Yes lets create more confusion, and push this bs of brainwashing children who have no choice to believe anything because they're already so far indoctrinated into the cult of everything wrong is right and everything right is wrong.

These schools , parents, companies should all be banned for CHILD ABUSE" this is mind control, it is manipulating for the wrong reasons and for selfish motives.

Oboy! So girls will get toy bazookas and tanks and trucks and GI Joes so they too can grow up to be mass shooters.

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