Toy makers blurring boys-girls gender line, making their products more inclusive

Don't buy the toys.
Don't buy the toys.
The ads on chidren's TV are designed to hypnotize children into following this latest fag fad. The coddled kiddies will then demand that their parents buy these unnatural fetishes.
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child annot purchase the toy .themselves..
Don't buy the toys.
The ads on chidren's TV are designed to hypnotize children into following this latest fag fad. The coddled kiddies will then demand that their parents buy these unnatural fetishes.
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child cannot purchase the toy .themselves..
Your use of a singular antecedent with a plural pronoun shows that you are easily manipulated into following irrational fads, just like children are. Rational and independent choice is a Free Market myth. You're a sponge, Bob.
LMAO. Oh, look, a wannabe.

The fact that I do not allow Myself to be manipulated either by marketing, children, or morons (that would be you) must frighten you so much that you felt it necessary to try and berate Me. It would be cute if it wasn't so pathetic.
Don't buy the toys.
Don't buy the toys.
The ads on chidren's TV are designed to hypnotize children into following this latest fag fad. The coddled kiddies will then demand that their parents buy these unnatural fetishes.
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child annot purchase the toy .themselves..
Don't buy the toys.
The ads on chidren's TV are designed to hypnotize children into following this latest fag fad. The coddled kiddies will then demand that their parents buy these unnatural fetishes.
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child cannot purchase the toy .themselves..
Your use of a singular antecedent with a plural pronoun shows that you are easily manipulated into following irrational fads, just like children are. Rational and independent choice is a Free Market myth. You're a sponge, Bob.

A singular antecedent followed by a plural pronoun is a fad? :lol:
Don't buy the toys.
The ads on chidren's TV are designed to hypnotize children into following this latest fag fad. The coddled kiddies will then demand that their parents buy these unnatural fetishes.
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child annot purchase the toy .themselves..
Don't buy the toys.
The ads on chidren's TV are designed to hypnotize children into following this latest fag fad. The coddled kiddies will then demand that their parents buy these unnatural fetishes.
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child cannot purchase the toy .themselves..
Your use of a singular antecedent with a plural pronoun shows that you are easily manipulated into following irrational fads, just like children are. Rational and independent choice is a Free Market myth. You're a sponge, Bob.
LMAO. Oh, look, a wannabe.

The fact that I do not allow Myself to be manipulated either by marketing, children, or morons (that would be you) must frighten you so much that you felt it necessary to try and berate Me. It would be cute if it wasn't so pathetic.
There's no reason to be ashamed to admit that you've been manipulated by the overwhelming forces behind sexual confusion. Submitting to their indoctrination just because they present themselves as being on the cutting edge of modernity is nothing to be proud of. Don't shoot the messenger, especially when freeing yourself from mindless conformity to arrogant degeneracy is the message I deliver.
Don't buy the toys.
The ads on chidren's TV are designed to hypnotize children into following this latest fag fad. The coddled kiddies will then demand that their parents buy these unnatural fetishes.
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child annot purchase the toy .themselves..
Don't buy the toys.
The ads on chidren's TV are designed to hypnotize children into following this latest fag fad. The coddled kiddies will then demand that their parents buy these unnatural fetishes.
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child cannot purchase the toy .themselves..
Your use of a singular antecedent with a plural pronoun shows that you are easily manipulated into following irrational fads, just like children are. Rational and independent choice is a Free Market myth. You're a sponge, Bob.
Just as saying "I'm like" for "I said," which itsel

A singular antecedent followed by a plural pronoun is a fad? :lol:
Of course. It is mind-numbing conformity to irrational change. The same goes for replacing "I said" with "I'm like," which itself is a replacement for the fad of using "I go."
Don't buy the toys.
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child annot purchase the toy .themselves..
Don't buy the toys.
The ads on chidren's TV are designed to hypnotize children into following this latest fag fad. The coddled kiddies will then demand that their parents buy these unnatural fetishes.
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child cannot purchase the toy .themselves..
Your use of a singular antecedent with a plural pronoun shows that you are easily manipulated into following irrational fads, just like children are. Rational and independent choice is a Free Market myth. You're a sponge, Bob.
Just as saying "I'm like" for "I said," which itsel

A singular antecedent followed by a plural pronoun is a fad? :lol:
Of course. It is mind-numbing conformity to irrational change. The same goes for replacing "I said" with "I'm like," which itself is a replacement for the fad of using "I go."

In this particular case, I think it is more a matter of themself not being a word. I don't think plural pronouns with singular antecedents constitutes a "fad." ;)
The ads on chidren's TV are designed to hypnotize children into following this latest fag fad. The coddled kiddies will then demand that their parents buy these unnatural fetishes.
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child cannot purchase the toy .themselves..
Your use of a singular antecedent with a plural pronoun shows that you are easily manipulated into following irrational fads, just like children are. Rational and independent choice is a Free Market myth. You're a sponge, Bob.
Just as saying "I'm like" for "I said," which itsel

A singular antecedent followed by a plural pronoun is a fad? :lol:
Of course. It is mind-numbing conformity to irrational change. The same goes for replacing "I said" with "I'm like," which itself is a replacement for the fad of using "I go."

In this particular case, I think it is more a matter of themself not being a word. I don't think plural pronouns with singular antecedents constitutes a "fad." ;)
The ads on chidren's TV are designed to hypnotize children into following this latest fag fad. The coddled kiddies will then demand that their parents buy these unnatural fetishes.
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child cannot purchase the toy .themselves..
Your use of a singular antecedent with a plural pronoun shows that you are easily manipulated into following irrational fads, just like children are. Rational and independent choice is a Free Market myth. You're a sponge, Bob.
Just as saying "I'm like" for "I said," which itsel

A singular antecedent followed by a plural pronoun is a fad? :lol:
Of course. It is mind-numbing conformity to irrational change. The same goes for replacing "I said" with "I'm like," which itself is a replacement for the fad of using "I go."

In this particular case, I think it is more a matter of themself not being a word. I don't think plural pronouns with singular antecedents constitutes a "fad." ;)
You're so desperate to deny that your language is being manipulated by the Knights of Dumbing Downdom that you misquoted Dorkwhined, who used "themselves."

Why are people compelled to use a singular subject in the first place, when they are thinking of a group? For example, the required New Age version of "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" would be "If someone lives in a glass house, they shouldn't throw stones."
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child cannot purchase the toy .themselves..
Your use of a singular antecedent with a plural pronoun shows that you are easily manipulated into following irrational fads, just like children are. Rational and independent choice is a Free Market myth. You're a sponge, Bob.
Just as saying "I'm like" for "I said," which itsel

A singular antecedent followed by a plural pronoun is a fad? :lol:
Of course. It is mind-numbing conformity to irrational change. The same goes for replacing "I said" with "I'm like," which itself is a replacement for the fad of using "I go."

In this particular case, I think it is more a matter of themself not being a word. I don't think plural pronouns with singular antecedents constitutes a "fad." ;)
What? If you don't like the toy, don't buy it. As an adult, I don't give into children wanting things unless I agree with it. Since the child cannot purchase the toy .themselves..
Your use of a singular antecedent with a plural pronoun shows that you are easily manipulated into following irrational fads, just like children are. Rational and independent choice is a Free Market myth. You're a sponge, Bob.
Just as saying "I'm like" for "I said," which itsel

A singular antecedent followed by a plural pronoun is a fad? :lol:
Of course. It is mind-numbing conformity to irrational change. The same goes for replacing "I said" with "I'm like," which itself is a replacement for the fad of using "I go."

In this particular case, I think it is more a matter of themself not being a word. I don't think plural pronouns with singular antecedents constitutes a "fad." ;)
You're so desperate to deny that your language is being manipulated by the Knights of Dumbing Downdom that you misquoted Dorkwhined, who used "themselves."

Why are people compelled to use a singular subject in the first place, when they are thinking of a group? For example, the required New Age version of "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" would be "If someone lives in a glass house, they shouldn't throw stones."

I didn't quote Darkwind at all, how could I have misquoted him?

Here's an actual quote, he said, "Since the child cannot purchase the toy .themselves.." I concluded that he used themselves because themself is not a word. He could have used himself or herself to avoid the singular antecedent/plural pronoun issue, but since "the child" doesn't specify gender, I guessed that he went with the plural "themselves" instead.

In either case, I don't see this particular issue to be a fad. :dunno:
Your use of a singular antecedent with a plural pronoun shows that you are easily manipulated into following irrational fads, just like children are. Rational and independent choice is a Free Market myth. You're a sponge, Bob.
Just as saying "I'm like" for "I said," which itsel

A singular antecedent followed by a plural pronoun is a fad? :lol:
Of course. It is mind-numbing conformity to irrational change. The same goes for replacing "I said" with "I'm like," which itself is a replacement for the fad of using "I go."

In this particular case, I think it is more a matter of themself not being a word. I don't think plural pronouns with singular antecedents constitutes a "fad." ;)
Your use of a singular antecedent with a plural pronoun shows that you are easily manipulated into following irrational fads, just like children are. Rational and independent choice is a Free Market myth. You're a sponge, Bob.
Just as saying "I'm like" for "I said," which itsel

A singular antecedent followed by a plural pronoun is a fad? :lol:
Of course. It is mind-numbing conformity to irrational change. The same goes for replacing "I said" with "I'm like," which itself is a replacement for the fad of using "I go."

In this particular case, I think it is more a matter of themself not being a word. I don't think plural pronouns with singular antecedents constitutes a "fad." ;)
You're so desperate to deny that your language is being manipulated by the Knights of Dumbing Downdom that you misquoted Dorkwhined, who used "themselves."

Why are people compelled to use a singular subject in the first place, when they are thinking of a group? For example, the required New Age version of "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" would be "If someone lives in a glass house, they shouldn't throw stones."

I didn't quote Darkwind at all, how could I have misquoted him?

Here's an actual quote, he said, "Since the child cannot purchase the toy .themselves.." I concluded that he used themselves because themself is not a word. He could have used himself or herself to avoid the singular antecedent/plural pronoun issue, but since "the child" doesn't specify gender, I guessed that he went with the plural "themselves" instead.

In either case, I don't see this particular issue to be a fad. :dunno:
There is no issue; "he" has always been used for "he or she." Only oversensitive femininnies, who also represent an imploding fad, insist that it must represent masculine only. Its root meaning is "this person," just as the related word "here" means "this place." A fad is always createdd and pushed by low people in highly influencial positions.
The toymaker bosses are part of the Estabishment. Their frigid and bossy daughters nag them into turning males into sexually confused sissyboys.
Capitalism. Funny how the right LOOOOVE capitalism when it gives them what they want, but when it does things they don't like, capitalism is sooooooo bad.

Do you like your automobile? I bet you love your car, but wouldn't like it if I used it to run you over. Is that hypocrisy? Not at all. Just that there are good and bad sides to everything, so don't insult us by trying to make us believe we are hypocrites when someone speaks out about a very bad idea. Capitalism is not at question here, it is the ideas behind certain promotional ideas, worst of all, to impressionable children.
Won't the magical free market fix everything?
The toymaker bosses are part of the Estabishment. Their frigid and bossy daughters nag them into turning males into sexually confused sissyboys.

Did you miss that girls playing with toys thought of as being for boys was part of the article?
Ugly Dykelings

Negligent parents, brainwashed into thinking that New Age perversion is acceptable and even desirable, are breeding still another generation of Hillaclones.

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