Toys: Dream-State


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Will consumerism gluttony rob us of our imagination?

Here's a treasure-themed yarn inspired by the imaginarium-gluttony film Toys.

Signing off,


In a special forest in Romania, rabbits played with optimistic fairies who were realistically involved in the improvement of Earth. These tiny winged humanoid fairies talked to the rabbits, and the rabbits were inspired and thrilled enough to lure children towards the realm of the fairies, and if the children caught sight of these fairies, they told their parents. Sightings of fairies became prominent, and the Cottingley Fairies, in particular, caught the attention of mystery-writer Arthur Conan Doyle.


Doyle was already busy studying the metaphysical reality of an imagined world of tiny soldiers. Doyle reasoned that if young boys arrayed figurines of tiny soldiers, they would start daydreaming action sequences of real courage and bravado and hence live-out their fantasies about mobilization and feats of derring-do. Doyle believed these tiny-soldier world daydreams hid a reality hidden to the naked eye and that perhaps the Cottingley Fairies would add some intrigue to his metaphysical studies.


However, on the other side of the world, a precocious 'mad scientist' named Philip LeVay was busy conducting his own studies of magic but from the different end of the spectrum --- from the 'dark side.' LeVay believed that conceptualizations of entrance-ways into realms of the imagination could not only illuminate lively beings of bright emotions but also sinister faces of evil and seduction --- hell itself! LeVay constructed an elaborate hypothesis which he titled The Hellmouth Proposition. The premise of his conjecture was the conceiving of hell would in fact lead to intimations of a completely 'shocking' dominion.


Time would determine which 'branch' of metaphysical investigation would bear more fruit --- Doyle's inquiries into the brightness of the imagination and playspaces and the Cottingley Fairies and their naturalism 'charm' or LeVay's inquiries into the existence of a real hell and the accessing of 'dark consciousness' through basic force of will and wit. While this intrigue was building, young Evelina Trump (ancestor of future U.S. President Donald Trump), was busy collecting fireflies and pennies in two separate jars one summer and ruminating on the tangibility of the human yearning for pure treasure. The world was changing.


When Donald Trump became U.S. President, he began changing America and arguably American culture. An established capitalism-baron, Trump was finance-minded and shark-toothed, and many 'anti-TrumpUSA' protesters took to the streets, worried about the direction this new 'celebrity-president' would take. Trump was quickly involved in a Labor Day scandal involving nuclear-missile tests and North Korea. Trump was sitting in the Oval Office and reading a memoir of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle about governance imagination and civics and remarked to himself, "Commerce breeds militancy about treasures!"



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