Tracking Thread....elements Of The "unprecedented Coalition"

No one with the list of Obama's amazing diplomatic achievements yet.

Color me shocked. No one even has the temerity to come in and admit that this is a clusterfuck.
ISIS just took control of iraqi military base...this despite valiant efferots by the non existent unprecedented coalition.
Turks are firing at the's that for an unprecedented coalition?

Biden apologizing to the UAE

Also apologizing to the Turks

Also the Saudis.

Any body got links to the Iraqi army troop movements.?..I can't seem to find any.

foo...any links? the unified Iraq gummint is in place....where is their fuckin army?
Can I at least get a fucking "informative" fuckers seem braindead...
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BSaki says Kobani is not a priority for the administration...what the fuck is?
Just checking...anyone have any progress reports on the big UC?
Obabble just addressed the press about his unprecedented coalition. He used the same talking points provided to Susan Rice for her appearance on TV Sunday morning. The man remains a useless tool.

Check your local listings
The fox guy is comparing the president's press secretary to Baghdad Bob...pretty accurate description.
Why does Obama need a coalition to go back into Iraq????

He claimed back in 2010-11 Iraq was perfect....
Susan Rice made the rounds lying that Turkey was going to help and let us use their bases. Within hours Turkey called her a liar and refused any assistance at all.
How long will we accept the lies....they are second nature to this administration.
Been out of town...just wanted to see if any LIBTARDS had significant news on the UC. Maybe Notfooooooled?
General Allen is asking the unprecedented coalition to help combat ISIS propaganda. So get on Facebook and Twitter boys an girls and argue the downsides of beheadings and could turn the tide. Maybe then we won't have to use those nasty bombs that kill people.
When your not really serious about doing something it's next to impossible to get anyone to follow you.
General Allen is asking the unprecedented coalition to help combat ISIS propaganda. So get on Facebook and Twitter boys an girls and argue the downsides of beheadings and could turn the tide. Maybe then we won't have to use those nasty bombs that kill people.
They need to bring back this button:

Update it to say "Whip ISIS Now!"
322 people murdered by ISIS just north of Baghdad. Unfortunate that the unprecedented coalition could not prevent it. Notfooled said they would. What an asshole. Not as big an asshole as Obabble....but nevertheless an asshole.

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