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"Trade wars are easy!" Donald Trump, 2016

China and Russia are trying to ally together to Run The World and here we have Leftist AssFucks Defending them like The Putin Chicom Boot Lickers They are.
Yes, here is one leftst assfuck defending the Chicoms:

Ivanka Trump Wins China Trademarks, Then Her Father Vows to Save ZTE

China this month awarded Ivanka Trump seven new trademarks across a broad collection of businesses, including books, housewares and cushions.

At around the same time, President Trump vowed to find a way to prevent a major Chinese telecommunications company from going bust, even though the company has a history of violating American limits on doing business with countries like Iran and North Korea.

Obama punished ZTE, but Trump is attempting to give ZTE amnesty for their crimes. Because Trump and his daughter make a lot of money off China.

Are you telling us that two wrongs make a right?

The timing is questionable but not as obvious as the smell coming from the biden family

BTW bribery is common on china and even daughters of non presidents can get trademarks if the pay money under the table to the right officials
Nope, I sure as shit am not saying two wrongs make a right.

I am saying Trump is a raging hypocrite, as are his defenders.

I'm also saying he is punking the submissive dumb fucks.
I just agreed with you that anyone doing business in china has dirt on their hands

So I am suspicious of the Ivanka trademarks also

As for the rest of your hysterical rant against trump supporters I will just ignore it
I personally think NO US COMPANIES should be doing business in CHINA. Not even Ivanka, but she filed this stuff long before Trump was President.

China is a Predatory Nation, whose sole business model is Intellectual Property Theft and Cheap Labor.

Those people are a bunch of morons whose only skill is copying shit and stealing it, and they haven't invented a single thing since porcelain and silk garments. Chinese men are All Homosexuals because China has killed all female babies over there. It's the first Hairy Man Butt Loving All Queer Military in The World.

We need to cut them off. We also need to get our spending under control, but that is the responsibility of Congress, and they suck at that.
I fully agree with your post
2. Cutting and running from the ME is wrong. Getting out of "endless wars" is a smart move, especially when we're borrowing to fund them.

"Endless wars" is right out of the socialist Bernie Sanders playbook.

3. Far left protectionist trade wars? I'm not seeing that.

I am not surprised you are ignorant of the fact protectionism is a liberal thing. Not at all surprised. Trump depends on that kind of ignorance as he leads you farther and farther leftward.

4. Trillion dollar deficits, as we discussed, Nancy and the democrats write the Budget, so they share the blame.
As I proved, and can prove even more, you blamed EVERY PENNY of debt on Obama that accumulated on his watch, you fucking stinking hypocrite.

I also showed that when the GOP took Congress, they began immediately increasing the deficit, and when Trump came along they worked to DOUBLE it.

Now I have shown you exactly why Trump runs trillion dollar deficits. But you just go ahead and keep being the willfully blind and submissive left wing cuck Trump wants you to be.

5. NK is a work-in-progress. Trump didn't give Kim $billions like Bill Clinton did. Which NK used to develop nukes. Trump still has tough sanctions on NK.
Trump Overrules Own Experts on Sanctions, in Favor to North Korea

Trump literally loves Kim. Comrade Trump gushes over his love of Kim.

Trump on North Korea's Kim: 'We fell in love' over 'beautiful letters'

6. Trump killed many Russians in Syria as well as gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank weapons. Obama gave Ukraine blankets, and was "very flexible" with Putin.
To this day, Trump denies Putin helped him get elected. Trump obstructed Mueller in an attempt to prevent that fact from being proven. Trump obeyed Putin's orders and chased after a hoax that the Ukraine had the Crowdstrike server.

Like I said, you pseudocons deny, deflect, and defend Trump's far left behaviors.

Trump, Navarro, and Lightheizer are working hard on free and fair trade agreements.
Schumer and the democrats do nothing to help with trade, except cheer Trump on for taking on China.
Chuck Schumer urges Trump to 'hang tough on China' after latest tariff threat while other top Democrats are quiet

What about the USMCA trade agreement? The "do nothing democrats" will get burned in 2020 for their inaction.
Of course liberals like trade wars! I've been saying from the start that trade wars are a far left liberal thing.

I've also been saying since 2015 that Trump is a New York limousine liberal Democrat and that he would lead all you tards into the far left cave like the pied piper.

Trump is a "populist" as long as he stays a populist he will get my vote. Trump took on Wall Street and K-Street and China. As long as Trump works to bring back good jobs he has my vote. I like Navarro and Lightheizer playing hardball with China.

I'm not seeing a "far left cave"?! I don't want to list all of Trump's many accomplishments, but he is not promoting liberal or progressive policies. Just look at the tax cuts, the DOD budget, the wall, and immigration policies as a few examples.
Kowtowing to a KGB thug.

Kowtowing to a North Korean dictator.

Trillion dollar deficits.

Far left protectionist tariff wars.

Cutting and running from the Middle East.

Moral depravity.

You all excuse, defend, and deflect from Trump's liberal behaviors.

1. I love that you call "moral depravity" a liberal behavior. We finally agree on something, except that there is no example of Trump's "depravity"
2. Cutting and running from the ME is wrong. Getting out of "endless wars" is a smart move, especially when we're borrowing to fund them.
3. Far left protectionist trade wars? I'm not seeing that. He's protecting US jobs from the Wall Street democrat billionaires. Republicans all agree with Trump, and the democrats all hate his justified trade war. So as the US hits full employment, we'll see who all votes for Trump in 2020.
4. Trillion dollar deficits, as we discussed, Nancy and the democrats write the Budget, so they share the blame. Why can't they propose to roll-back the top rate tax cut?
5. NK is a work-in-progress. Trump didn't give Kim $billions like Bill Clinton did. Which NK used to develop nukes. Trump still has tough sanctions on NK.
6. Trump killed many Russians in Syria as well as gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank weapons. Obama gave Ukraine blankets, and was "very flexible" with Putin.
What do you call cheating on your third wife? Moral?
All Kim had to do to get Trump to fall in love with him was write Comrade Trump a nice letter.

That's how easy it is to manipulate the egomaniacal game show host, people.
Why is no one doing anything about the Budget Deficit?
I've been telling you and telling you and telling you why Trump runs trillion dollar deficits.

He does it because he punked you dumbasses by promising 4 to 6 percent GDP growth. Trump has no fucking clue how to actually enact policies which are good for the economy. In fact, he sabotages the economy with shit like his stupid tariff war.

So Trump does what every other incompetent fuck does in order to artificially boost the GDP. So here it is again:

GDP = C + I + G + (X – M) or GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).

There's the secret sauce of your huckster messiah.

Wake. The. Fuck. UP!

You are preaching to the choir. Trump promised 3% GDP growth, not 4-6%.
Trump and GOP promised economic growth much better than Obama's. That's not what happened
"Throughout the 2016 campaign and since, the president and his party have vowed to kick-start tepid Obama-era economic growth. Specifically, they insisted tax cuts and deregulation would return growth to its post-World War II average of 3 percent — a level, candidate Trump said derisively, that President Barack Obama became “the first president in modern history” never to reach in a single year."

Tax cuts have never been the answer to a balanced budget. The economy never grows as fast as they predict over the long term. They may make a "bubble", then we get the boom-bust-boom-bust cycles. The Fed controls how fast the economy grows, not Trump's policies.

I'm not as concerned with GDP growth as I am with the Budget Deficits and the $23T National Debt. I support a Balanced Budget Amendment except in times of war. The interest on the Debt is about $350b a year and growing fast. That is the disaster we need to address sooner rather than later.
I am still stunned that someone just said they have not seen an example of Trump's moral depravity.

Wow! That's just...

Why is no one doing anything about the Budget Deficit?
I've been telling you and telling you and telling you why Trump runs trillion dollar deficits.

He does it because he punked you dumbasses by promising 4 to 6 percent GDP growth. Trump has no fucking clue how to actually enact policies which are good for the economy. In fact, he sabotages the economy with shit like his stupid tariff war.

So Trump does what every other incompetent fuck does in order to artificially boost the GDP. So here it is again:

GDP = C + I + G + (X – M) or GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).

There's the secret sauce of your huckster messiah.

Wake. The. Fuck. UP!

You are preaching to the choir. Trump promised 3% GDP growth, not 4-6%.
See post 58.
Who prepared the 2019 and 2020 Budget? Its Nancy and the democrats. The Budget Deficit is on them.
How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy, tard?

Obama added about $10-trillion to the Debt

Obama is borrowing more than the sum total every president borrowed since FDR.

Ultimately Obama signed the Budgets. The GOP House gets some blame for the Budgets they prepared and approved. The same applies to Trump, when he signs the Budget he gets part of the blame. History will say Trump is responsible for his Budget Deficit, my point is that the House democrats share some of the blame. Why is no one doing anything about the Budget Deficit?
My recommendation has been to hire another "Grace Commission" to root out "waste, fraud, and abuse", but the swamp doesn't want that. My concern is that in a few years the $23T Debt will become a disaster.
Both deserve blame which is why I support neither. You however clearly still support trump. You have some sort of mental illness it seems.

If I have a political mental illness its called being a "populist".
I happen to like Trump's accomplishments, and look forward to 5-more years of them.

If you don't like Trump you must like these democrat policies (I don't):

1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines
16. No offshore drilling
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants

Spam much?
You definitely know how to copy and paste.

I work hard to keep up with the crazy socialist campaign promises.
If that's "spam" its spam that I like to rub progressives noses in.
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You are preaching to the choir. Trump promised 3% GDP growth, not 4-6%.

“We're looking at a 3 percent, but we think it could be 5, it could even be 6. We're going to have growth that will be tremendous.”

“The Trump campaign's economist estimates that the plan would conservatively boost growth to 3.5 percent per year on average, well above the 2 percent currently projected by government forecasters, with the potential to reach a 4% growth rate.”

“But we're bringing it from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.”

“I think we can absolutely get to sustained 3 to 4 percent GDP, and that is absolutely critical for the country.”

The ISM report for November states GDP growth is currently 1.5%.
Why is no one doing anything about the Budget Deficit?
I've been telling you and telling you and telling you why Trump runs trillion dollar deficits.

He does it because he punked you dumbasses by promising 4 to 6 percent GDP growth. Trump has no fucking clue how to actually enact policies which are good for the economy. In fact, he sabotages the economy with shit like his stupid tariff war.

So Trump does what every other incompetent fuck does in order to artificially boost the GDP. So here it is again:

GDP = C + I + G + (X – M) or GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).

There's the secret sauce of your huckster messiah.

Wake. The. Fuck. UP!

You are preaching to the choir. Trump promised 3% GDP growth, not 4-6%.
See post 58.

OK, so I missed that 6% prediction, that was a bridge too far. Trump is a serial exaggerator, sometimes it bites him on the ass. That 6% prediction was stupid/ridiculous.

If you can't see what's coming?

From Elizabeth Warren's campaign site: Foreign Policy | Elizabeth Warren

From endless wars that strain military families to trade policies that crush our middle class, Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy and well-connected at the expense of everyone else.

Donald Trump is, and always has been, a far left limousine liberal cut-and-run Democrat.

WOLF BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

CUT-AND-RUN DEMOCRAT DONALD TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

Pied Piper Donald has you rubes sounding just like little commies.
Why is no one doing anything about the Budget Deficit?
I've been telling you and telling you and telling you why Trump runs trillion dollar deficits.

He does it because he punked you dumbasses by promising 4 to 6 percent GDP growth. Trump has no fucking clue how to actually enact policies which are good for the economy. In fact, he sabotages the economy with shit like his stupid tariff war.

So Trump does what every other incompetent fuck does in order to artificially boost the GDP. So here it is again:

GDP = C + I + G + (X – M) or GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).

There's the secret sauce of your huckster messiah.

Wake. The. Fuck. UP!

You are preaching to the choir. Trump promised 3% GDP growth, not 4-6%.
See post 58.

OK, so I missed that 6% prediction, that was a bridge too far. Trump is a serial exaggerator, sometimes it bites him on the ass. That 6% prediction was stupid/ridiculous.
And people voted for him. Much of what he says is stupid/ridiculous...
Trump, Navarro, and Lightheizer are working hard on free and fair trade agreements.
Schumer and the democrats do nothing to help with trade, except cheer Trump on for taking on China.
Chuck Schumer urges Trump to 'hang tough on China' after latest tariff threat while other top Democrats are quiet

What about the USMCA trade agreement? The "do nothing democrats" will get burned in 2020 for their inaction.
Of course liberals like trade wars! I've been saying from the start that trade wars are a far left liberal thing.

I've also been saying since 2015 that Trump is a New York limousine liberal Democrat and that he would lead all you tards into the far left cave like the pied piper.

Trump is a "populist" as long as he stays a populist he will get my vote. Trump took on Wall Street and K-Street and China. As long as Trump works to bring back good jobs he has my vote. I like Navarro and Lightheizer playing hardball with China.

I'm not seeing a "far left cave"?! I don't want to list all of Trump's many accomplishments, but he is not promoting liberal or progressive policies. Just look at the tax cuts, the DOD budget, the wall, and immigration policies as a few examples.
Kowtowing to a KGB thug.

Kowtowing to a North Korean dictator.

Trillion dollar deficits.

Far left protectionist tariff wars.

Cutting and running from the Middle East.

Moral depravity.

You all excuse, defend, and deflect from Trump's liberal behaviors.

1. I love that you call "moral depravity" a liberal behavior. We finally agree on something, except that there is no example of Trump's "depravity"
2. Cutting and running from the ME is wrong. Getting out of "endless wars" is a smart move, especially when we're borrowing to fund them.
3. Far left protectionist trade wars? I'm not seeing that. He's protecting US jobs from the Wall Street democrat billionaires. Republicans all agree with Trump, and the democrats all hate his justified trade war. So as the US hits full employment, we'll see who all votes for Trump in 2020.
4. Trillion dollar deficits, as we discussed, Nancy and the democrats write the Budget, so they share the blame. Why can't they propose to roll-back the top rate tax cut?
5. NK is a work-in-progress. Trump didn't give Kim $billions like Bill Clinton did. Which NK used to develop nukes. Trump still has tough sanctions on NK.
6. Trump killed many Russians in Syria as well as gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank weapons. Obama gave Ukraine blankets, and was "very flexible" with Putin.
What do you call cheating on your third wife? Moral?

The discussion isn't about "moral" or "cheating" its about "depravity".
Doing "Stormy" is a lot of things, but "depravity" isn't one of them. Worth every penny of that $136,000. <g>

wickedness, criminality, perversion, profligacy, vice, iniquity, evil, licentiousness, debauchery, debasement, lewdness, degeneracy, sinfulness, vitiation, depravation
Last edited:
Why is no one doing anything about the Budget Deficit?
I've been telling you and telling you and telling you why Trump runs trillion dollar deficits.

He does it because he punked you dumbasses by promising 4 to 6 percent GDP growth. Trump has no fucking clue how to actually enact policies which are good for the economy. In fact, he sabotages the economy with shit like his stupid tariff war.

So Trump does what every other incompetent fuck does in order to artificially boost the GDP. So here it is again:

GDP = C + I + G + (X – M) or GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).

There's the secret sauce of your huckster messiah.

Wake. The. Fuck. UP!

You are preaching to the choir. Trump promised 3% GDP growth, not 4-6%.
See post 58.

OK, so I missed that 6% prediction, that was a bridge too far. Trump is a serial exaggerator, sometimes it bites him on the ass. That 6% prediction was stupid/ridiculous.
Trade wars are easy to win...
Why is no one doing anything about the Budget Deficit?
I've been telling you and telling you and telling you why Trump runs trillion dollar deficits.

He does it because he punked you dumbasses by promising 4 to 6 percent GDP growth. Trump has no fucking clue how to actually enact policies which are good for the economy. In fact, he sabotages the economy with shit like his stupid tariff war.

So Trump does what every other incompetent fuck does in order to artificially boost the GDP. So here it is again:

GDP = C + I + G + (X – M) or GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).

There's the secret sauce of your huckster messiah.

Wake. The. Fuck. UP!

You are preaching to the choir. Trump promised 3% GDP growth, not 4-6%.
See post 58.

OK, so I missed that 6% prediction, that was a bridge too far. Trump is a serial exaggerator, sometimes it bites him on the ass. That 6% prediction was stupid/ridiculous.
And people voted for him. Much of what he says is stupid/ridiculous...

People voted for Trump because the democrat candidate sucks. Its not like we're voting for a pope, we're voting for a president.
Of course liberals like trade wars! I've been saying from the start that trade wars are a far left liberal thing.

I've also been saying since 2015 that Trump is a New York limousine liberal Democrat and that he would lead all you tards into the far left cave like the pied piper.

Trump is a "populist" as long as he stays a populist he will get my vote. Trump took on Wall Street and K-Street and China. As long as Trump works to bring back good jobs he has my vote. I like Navarro and Lightheizer playing hardball with China.

I'm not seeing a "far left cave"?! I don't want to list all of Trump's many accomplishments, but he is not promoting liberal or progressive policies. Just look at the tax cuts, the DOD budget, the wall, and immigration policies as a few examples.
Kowtowing to a KGB thug.

Kowtowing to a North Korean dictator.

Trillion dollar deficits.

Far left protectionist tariff wars.

Cutting and running from the Middle East.

Moral depravity.

You all excuse, defend, and deflect from Trump's liberal behaviors.

1. I love that you call "moral depravity" a liberal behavior. We finally agree on something, except that there is no example of Trump's "depravity"
2. Cutting and running from the ME is wrong. Getting out of "endless wars" is a smart move, especially when we're borrowing to fund them.
3. Far left protectionist trade wars? I'm not seeing that. He's protecting US jobs from the Wall Street democrat billionaires. Republicans all agree with Trump, and the democrats all hate his justified trade war. So as the US hits full employment, we'll see who all votes for Trump in 2020.
4. Trillion dollar deficits, as we discussed, Nancy and the democrats write the Budget, so they share the blame. Why can't they propose to roll-back the top rate tax cut?
5. NK is a work-in-progress. Trump didn't give Kim $billions like Bill Clinton did. Which NK used to develop nukes. Trump still has tough sanctions on NK.
6. Trump killed many Russians in Syria as well as gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank weapons. Obama gave Ukraine blankets, and was "very flexible" with Putin.
What do you call cheating on your third wife? Moral?

The discussion isn't about "moral" or "cheating" its about "depravity.
Doing "Stormy" is a lot of things, but "depravity" isn't one of them. Worth every penny of that $136,000. <g>

wickedness, criminality, perversion, profligacy, vice, iniquity, evil, licentiousness, debauchery, debasement, lewdness, degeneracy, sinfulness, vitiation, depravation

Cheating on your third wife with a porn star seems morally corrupt to me. You have really low morals...

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