Zone1 Traditional patriarchal men versus feminized men

So wait… bringing up a topic to discuss is being feminine?
So wait....constantly complaining about a subject on a message board instead of being proactive and making a real world difference is the sign of being a manly man?
So wait....constantly complaining about a subject on a message board instead of being proactive and making a real world difference is the sign of being a manly man?
If discussion of a topic is equal to “constantly complaining”… well, you’re just letting your emotions and ego get in the way of things.

Perhaps you should stop whining and complaining about what others do on here. And I don’t think you’d be any sort of credible source to decide what a “real man” would be
If discussion of a topic is equal to “constantly complaining”… well, you’re just letting your emotions and ego get in the way of things.

Perhaps you should stop whining and complaining about what others do on here. And I don’t think you’d be any sort of credible source to decide what a “real man” would be
Someone has their panties in a bunch.
Simply put, in today's America you have males and men. But those things are not the same at all. All males are male, but not all males are men.

Not all men have to be big tough, wood chopping, army infantry men, beer guzzling, bear hunting men manly men. A real man doesn't have to be those things at all and still be a man.

Sadly today we have so damn many weak willed, soft, cowardly, ambitionless, sensitive, cowardly males. They have a dick but they are not men at all.
They sure don't wear pancake makeup on their faces or whine all the time.

Simply put, in today's America you have males and men. But those things are not the same at all. All males are male, but not all males are men.

Not all men have to be big tough, wood chopping, army infantry men, beer guzzling, bear hunting men manly men. A real man doesn't have to be those things at all and still be a man.

Sadly today we have so damn many weak willed, soft, cowardly, ambitionless, sensitive, cowardly males. They have a dick but they are not men at all.
Feminizing Males and making Females masculine is no accident. It has been done to facilitate Western women into breeding with incoming masculine 3rd world males; this is why they promote race mixing in the media.

Western standard of living is not sustainable in today's world as it uses too many resources and those resources are sitting in lands occupied by resentful people that want the same standard of living but cannot have it.

The Democrat vice presidential candidate is a weak feminized man. He believes in tampons for boys. Providing Products for boys at public schools and he has an enacted laws to support this.
The legislation calls for feminine products be available to all girls. In high school, sprots teams travel to other high schools. Home teams use their own change rooms. Visiting teams use the other change rooms. Visiting girl teams use the boys change rooms. That's why there are products in the boys change rooms.
The legislation calls for feminine products be available to all girls. In high school, sprots teams travel to other high schools. Home teams use their own change rooms. Visiting teams use the other change rooms. Visiting girl teams use the boys change rooms. That's why there are products in the boys change rooms.
What a cop out.
What cop out? Folowing the legislation?
Most schools have accommodations for visiting teams. Girls don’t have to use the boys room. Using that as an excuse to accommodate tranny psycho politics is just that, an excuse.
Most schools have accommodations for visiting teams. Girls don’t have to use the boys room. Using that as an excuse to accommodate tranny psycho politics is just that, an excuse.
Like what? Most schools have 2 girls and boys change rooms? Get real. Most school only have one facility with change rooms and showers for each gender. Home team gets the one of their gender. Visiting team gets the other one.
Like what? Most schools have 2 girls and boys change rooms? Get real. Most school only have one facility with change rooms and showers for each gender. Home team gets the one of their gender. Visiting team gets the other one.
Most schools have locker rooms designed for sports teams and not for general enrollment use. This goes back to the 1950’s.
Feminized men believe in reparations payments. They complain constantly about racism and things like that. They want reparations. This group represents weakness and complaining. These people are most likely to believe in 100 genders , most likely to be extremely pro abortion

Patriarchal men believe in traditional values, being proud of their history, realizing that all people of history went through dealing with racism and struggles. This group believes the historical scientific fact that there are two genders and they oppose abortion. This group represents strength and someone to look up to for kids.
The TV show MASH did so much damage to the 1970's male. It portrayed a partying wisecracking leftwing girly man getting all the hot nurses. This doesn't happen in real life.
The TV show MASH did so much damage to the 1970's male. It portrayed a partying wisecracking leftwing girly man getting all the hot nurses. This doesn't happen in real life.

It was also quite offensive to Korean people.
We should keep in mind that part of the weak feminized male strategy is to personally attack people and even riot. These were the folks who conducted the BLM riots for example.

Where as the traditional, masculine man and also the traditional, strong willed woman if you will believes in working hard for what they get. They believe in law and order.

So you're saying that the J6 rioters who attacked the Capitol and beat up police officers were "weak feminized men, who didn't believe in working hard" and "don't believe in law and order".

Nice that you would make that admission.
So wait....constantly complaining about a subject on a message board instead of being proactive and making a real world difference is the sign of being a manly man?

Yet you aren't fighting the Zionists in Gaza....

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