Traditional Values Defined

MissileMan said:
I'm quite sure it's the same "Golden Rule" you are familiar with and I'm also pretty sure the "Golden Rule" isn't one of the 10 Commandments.

What about the golden rule in the case of a masochist? Do you want to be whipped by perverts following the golden rule?
Pale Rider said:
Only to you it is. To me you didn't answer squat. I still have no idea what "values" you have.

So I guess I'll just formulate my own opinions as to why you either can't or won't answer specifically.

I answered quite specifically. Values are what you use to make choices in life. As it pertains to how I treat other people, the "golden rule" applies. As to my personal conduct, I stay within the law and guidelines of the "golden rule". If that's not enough info for ya, feel free to formulate anything you wish...I'm certain I'll not lose any sleep if you do.
MissileMan said:
I'm quite sure it's the same "Golden Rule" you are familiar with and I'm also pretty sure the "Golden Rule" isn't one of the 10 Commandments.

OK... the golden rule... "do onto others as you would have others do onto you". Is that it? Is that what you consider your VALUES?
manu1959 said:
define the golden rule in your own words

so you live by 9 of the 10 comandments then?
Where did you get 9 out of 10 from?

Paraphrased (in some instances):

Thou shalt have no other God before me -- Not a law, nor embraced in the Golden Rule.

Thou shalt not make, nor bow down before any graven image -- Not a law, nor embraced in the Golden Rule.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain -- Not a law, nor embraced in the Golden Rule.

Keep the Sabbath -- Not a law, nor embraced in the Golden Rule.

Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother -- Not a law, though an argument could be made for the Golden Rule being relevant.

Thou shalt not kill -- Not all kinds of killing are protected by law, but many are. An argument could be make for the Golden Rule being relevant.

Thou shalt not steal -- Law. Also embraced in the Golden Rule.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor -- a law in some instances, but not generally. The Golden Rule does embrace this.

Thou shalt not covet ... -- Not a law, but the Golden Rule could be relevant.

Only three are embraced in law to any degree, and only five seem relevant to the Golden Rule.
MissileMan said:
I'm quite sure it's the same "Golden Rule" you are familiar with and I'm also pretty sure the "Golden Rule" isn't one of the 10 Commandments.

no idea what you golden rule is.....mine is do unto other before they can do unto you.....what is yours?....

as you were silent on the 9 comandments comment .... shall i assume that you do live by 9 of the 10?
rtwngAvngr said:
What about the golden rule in the case of a masochist? Do you want to be whipped by perverts following the golden rule?

Your statement is nonsensical as is your wont.
Nightwish said:
Some of them practiced Christianity, most of them practiced Deism. That's different. They used the Bible, but also conceded that it was not inerrant or the divine dictation of God. They cared a great deal for the spirituality, but very little for the doctrines based upon it. What you're forgetting is that most of the Bible was written by Jews, not Christians. Some of the FF's did refer to Jesus on occasion, but almost exclusively to his teachings about life, tolerance and interaction, but seemed to care little for most of the mythology surrounding him.

which ones particed deism? why do make assumptions about what i do and don't know? from what document do you draw the conclusion that the founding fathers " seemed to care little for most of the mythology surrounding him" and since you used the word most....which parts did they agree with and which parts did they not? and from which document do you draw this conclusion from?
Nightwish said:
Where did you get 9 out of 10 from?

Paraphrased (in some instances):

Thou shalt have no other God before me -- Not a law, nor embraced in the Golden Rule.

Thou shalt not make, nor bow down before any graven image -- Not a law, nor embraced in the Golden Rule.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain -- Not a law, nor embraced in the Golden Rule.

Keep the Sabbath -- Not a law, nor embraced in the Golden Rule.

Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother -- Not a law, though an argument could be made for the Golden Rule being relevant.

Thou shalt not kill -- Not all kinds of killing are protected by law, but many are. An argument could be make for the Golden Rule being relevant.

Thou shalt not steal -- Law. Also embraced in the Golden Rule.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor -- a law in some instances, but not generally. The Golden Rule does embrace this.

Thou shalt not covet ... -- Not a law, but the Golden Rule could be relevant.

Only three are embraced in law to any degree, and only five seem relevant to the Golden Rule.

go back and read my original question...i asked if he lived bu 9 of the 10 i did not say 9 of the ten are many do you live by?
manu1959 said:
how many do you live by?
6 in regular practice. I also try not to covet, but have fallen short of that mark on plenty of occasions. As an agnostic, I neither know nor care whether there is one god or a thousand. I don't make or bow before graven images, not because of the 10 CCs, but because I think the practice is silly. I care nothing for the Sabbath. Other than that, I find myself embracing most of those ideas, though not because they are in the 10 CCs, but simply because I find them to be common sense, or because they are law.
MissileMan said:
Your statement is nonsensical as is your wont.

You know what a masochist is right? they like pain. They want others to hurt them. If they lived by the golden rule, they would go around hurting others, doing unto others as they want others to do unto them. Your belief that the golden rule is some kind of morality silver bullet is fallacious and misguided, as proven by my worldview shattering example.
manu1959 said:
no idea what you golden rule is.....mine is do unto other before they can do unto you.....what is yours?....

as you were silent on the 9 comandments comment .... shall i assume that you do live by 9 of the 10?

My version of the "golden rule" is "Do unto other's as you would have them do unto you". Very simple, and versatile. As to the Commandments, I don't follow any of them per se. There are however some U.S. laws that are also commandments, namely murder, theft, and perjury.
rtwngAvngr said:
You know what a masochist is right? they like pain. They want others to hurt them. If they lived by the golden rule, they would go around hurting others, doing unto others as they want others to do unto them. Your belief that the golden rule is some kind of morality silver bullet is fallacious and misguided, as proven by my worldview shattering example.

Well, there's nothing in the 10 Commandments that says "Thou shalt not whip your neighbor", so it must be okey dokey by Christian standards too. Got anything better than the foolishness you've offered thus far?
MissileMan said:
Well, there's nothing in the 10 Commandments that says "Thou shalt not whip your neighbor", so it must be okey dokey by Christian standards too. Got anything better than the foolishness you've offered thus far?

How bad is the retardation?
MissileMan said:
Dunno, what did your doctor say?

LOL. That's would've been my response as well. Touche.

Anyway. I guess you did understand what I was saying afterall. I guess that makes you a liar.
so as best as i can tell:

yall do unto other as they would do unto if you come up against a devot christian then you get to live as they would or muslim or whatever....seems odd to bow down before others.....

as for the ten comandments yall seem to say you dont live by any of the except for the three that are law......killing lying and stealing
6) "Thou shalt not kill."
8) "Thou shalt not steal."
9) "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."

so that leaves:

1) "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
2) "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,"
3) "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain;"
4) "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
5) "Honor thy father and thy mother:"
7) "Thou shalt not commit adultery"
10) "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house,.....nor anything that is thy neighbor's

yall worship some other god...thats cool
yall carve idols
yall say jesus christ or god damn a lot and if you have kids you are ok if they say it as well
yall get up early and work on sundays....every sunday
if i call yer mum a **** you are cool with that
if i fuck your wife yall are cool with that
yall envey everthing everyone else has an ply keep up with the jones'

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...i think you are lying
manu1959 said:
so as best as i can tell:

yall do unto other as they would do unto if you come up against a devot christian then you get to live as they would or muslim or whatever....seems odd to bow down before others.....

Not sure how you got to here, but you're a tad off course. I treat people the way I would like to be treated. It's not any more complicated than that.

manu1959 said:
as for the ten comandments yall seem to say you dont live by any of the except for the three that are law......killing lying and stealing
6) "Thou shalt not kill."
8) "Thou shalt not steal."
9) "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."

so that leaves:

1) "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
2) "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,"
3) "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain;"
4) "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
5) "Honor thy father and thy mother:"
7) "Thou shalt not commit adultery"
10) "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house,.....nor anything that is thy neighbor's

yall worship some other god...thats cool (or none at all)
yall carve idols (Uhh, yeah...sure...if you insist)
yall say jesus christ or god damn a lot and if you have kids you are ok if they say it as well (yep)
yall get up early and work on sundays....every sunday (I'm off on Sundays)
if i call yer mum a **** you are cool with that (only if you're cool with me kicking your ass)
if i fuck your wife yall are cool with that (only if you think losing your nads is worth it)
yall envey everthing everyone else has an ply keep up with the jones' (I am the Jones)

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...i think you are lying
A world full of folks who would not steal, kill or lie really would not be a bad place to live!

Just because someone does not worship the God you do, does not mean they are sitting around on the porch carving little wodden calves to kneel to!

Would you be suggesting that no police officers work on Sunday?
Truck Drivers? C-Stores? How about Power Companies Lineman when your power goes out on a below 0 degree night.

Man, nothing is etched in stone. We have taken the Commandments so far out of context in our lives that one side could always come up with ways to attack the other.

In case you all have forgotton there is suppose to be ONE judge, and you are not it! Criticizing what others do is judging. PERIOD!!!!

Your analogy about the other fellows wife was completely unacceptible as Paul would have defined it. You should never discuss even the thought of sex with a man's wife. Corinthians 2

it is honrable that you feel compelled to debate a better way of living with the folks here on this site and I like to read the things that you write. I just thought that was tacky.......
Emmett said:
Criticizing what others do is judging. PERIOD!!!!.

We know how you lefties hate judgement. That's why you seldom exercise that facility. You've abandoned critical thought as well. :rotflmao:
Emmett said:
A world full of folks who would not steal, kill or lie really would not be a bad place to live!

Just because someone does not worship the God you do, does not mean they are sitting around on the porch carving little wodden calves to kneel to!

Would you be suggesting that no police officers work on Sunday?
Truck Drivers? C-Stores? How about Power Companies Lineman when your power goes out on a below 0 degree night.

Man, nothing is etched in stone. We have taken the Commandments so far out of context in our lives that one side could always come up with ways to attack the other.

In case you all have forgotton there is suppose to be ONE judge, and you are not it! Criticizing what others do is judging. PERIOD!!!!

Your analogy about the other fellows wife was completely unacceptible as Paul would have defined it. You should never discuss even the thought of sex with a man's wife. Corinthians 2

it is honrable that you feel compelled to debate a better way of living with the folks here on this site and I like to read the things that you write. I just thought that was tacky.......

Hey, thanks for that. Now what the heck was your point?

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