Traitor or Patriot? Discussing Mark Meadows.

Banks and Jordan were denied by Pelosi, replaced by a couple of soft RINO's.

Basically, Nancy runs her "commissions" much like the KKK used to drag a black man out into the country behind a truck with a rope to a tree asking for a confession. You were guilty before the crime even occurred.
His lawyer, Mr. Twilliger is right on that point.
Not even right on that. The 1/6 protest was fully justified and in fact caused by the Capitol police from what I saw and apparently other plants put there all staged to create yet another justification to keep investigating and harassing the President.

Meadows should be held in contempt for his failure to appear and then dragged to testify before the committee. He may plead the fifth. That is his right. Let him plead it in public.
News flash for ya, Ace. I see and listen to Meadows and Bannon almost everyday for about an hour. These people are sweating nothing nor are they going anywhere. Its all just more theater to rope you idiots in.
On Jan 6

They and even Trump's son were texting Meadows begging him to stop the riot.

They clearly thought it was not only Trump supporters attacking the Capitol but that he could control them.

He refused to do so of course
On Jan 6

They and even Trump's son were texting Meadows begging him to stop the riot.

They clearly thought it was not only Trump supporters attacking the Capitol but that he could control them.

He refused to do so of course
About 186 minutes worth of refusing to do nothing, while some were frantic that he stop.
On Jan 6

They and even Trump's son were texting Meadows begging him to stop the riot.

They clearly thought it was not only Trump supporters attacking the Capitol but that he could control them.

He refused to do so of course
Anything incriminating for anyone?

On Jan 6

They and even Trump's son were texting Meadows begging him to stop the riot.

They clearly thought it was not only Trump supporters attacking the Capitol but that he could control them.

He refused to do so of course
Meadows is capitol police? How about Nancy's texts telling police to open the doors?
The committee is so lopsided, it doesn't want the truth, just the optics for the press.
Don't Taz Me doesn't want the truth either. He's just as much of an establishment loving Trump hater as Liz Cheney, Kinzinger or any of the Dems on the panel.
They have the right to know about fraud too. They never got that chance. All Meadows has to do is take the 5th.
May 7 2018
President Donald Trump has derided the Fifth Amendment as the refuge of mobsters, and during Watergate President Richard Nixon infamously told aides, “I want you all to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment, cover up, or anything else.”

“If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment,” Trump said as a candidate in 2016, complaining about aides to his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, who faced inquires over the use of a private email service when she was secretary of state.

“The mob takes the Fifth,” Trump declared.
I think sometimes we are a little bit casual with Trump’s fascism because he is so inept. But the people around him, while inept, are not as inept as him.
The sham, or rather the shame, is the failure of Republicans to want to get to the truth of the storming of the capital building and whether the President of the United States actively sought to undermine the Constitution by halting the peaceful transfer of power or derelict in his duties to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Too bad we live in a time when personal politics trumps the good of the nation for many so-called "conservatives."
Those for whom politics is the weird worship of one dude fear the truth being exposed, but Meadows already raised the curtain on an abundance of revelatory evidence.

Most amusing was the desperate pleading by Trump's fartcatchers at Fox imploring that he stop the vicious assault upon democracy that the Cry Baby Loser had unleashed and was enjoying on tv for hours.

The docile dupes who are manipulated by these frauds don't like the hypocrisy so blatantly displayed. They want them flailing the Trumpy pom poms, not whining because he pleasures himself with television viewing other than their abject adoration.

The truth will out.
The committee is so lopsided, it doesn't want the truth, just the optics for the press.
If the special investigative committee is "lopsided" it is because Senate Republicans blocked January 6 commission that the violent assault upon Congress and attempt to overthrow a democratic election demanded.

Nevertheless, the truth must be exposed in the interests of national security, no matter who is whining about it.

Meadows' revelation that even inveterate Trump bum kissers were pleading that the Cry Baby Loser call off his goons demands further public disclosure: Who were issuing all those futile pleas? Why did the Cry Baby Loser ignore them for hours, allowing the outnumbered police to be savaged and the Capitol trashed by his goons whom he told to go there and "Fight like hell!"?

Inquiring minds want to know. Weird worshipers of one dude don't want Americans to know.
The January 6th House Committee may be filing criminal contempt charges against Mark Meadows if he continues to refuse to cooperate with their investigation. If Meadows is truly innocent then it shouldn't be a problem for him to come forward and lay out that case. The people have a right to know if malfeasance truly occurred or not.

Why is it that if anyone refuses to cooperate with a committee everyone knows does not give a damn about exposing the truth about what happened on 6 Jan they are a criminal, or enemy of the state?

Refusing to participate in liberal political theatrical bullshit does not make one guilty of anything.

A bipartisan committee has already investigated 1/6 and released its report. In that report the committee primarily faulted the Capitol Police for being under-manned, under-trained, had no supervisors or leaders on-hand, had no way to call / communicate with local police, the FBI, or National Guard.

Their report stated President Trump DID recommend having the National Guard in-place just In case but the decision not to have them on hand was made by the Sergeants-at-Arms of both the House and Senate AND Nancy Pelosi! The reason given for NOT having the National Guard on-hand was 'Optics'. Both Sergeants-at-Arms are now GONE, reportedly retired/quit after the event.

It was proven the FBI warned both the Capitol Police and Pelosi beforehand about the large crowd coming but that Pelosi and the CP did NOTHING.

Why haven't the Sergeant-at-Arms been called to testify? Why hasn't Pelosi been subpoenaed yo testify under oath?

Why hasn't criminal NLM activist SULLIVAN been called to testify?

Sullivan was shown on video before the violence inciting protestors to engage in violence and celebrating when some began to join in. He was later seen inside the Capitol doing the same thing.

Americans who were IDed just walking around peacefully inside the Capitol have been arrested and thrown into 'DC Gitmo' ... why was Sullivan treated like a California shoplifter - arrested and released?!

Why haven't Capitol Policemen shown on video moving barricades, holding Capitol doors open for protestors to enter the building, and then acting as tour guides, leading them through the Capitol, been sworn in and forced to testify?

Why hasn't Ashli Babbitt's murderer been forced to testify?

Why hasn't the proven corrupt / treasonous FBI been forced yo testify and answer kore questions?

This Democrat / Pelosi political shit show is as bogus as Pelosi's 2 failed Impeachment attempts based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.
The really cynical thing is that the Fox News hosts begging Meadows to get Trump to stop the Insurrection were not doing so because it was wrong...but rather because of how bad it made the Republican Party LOOK

And none of them have addressed their comments from that day on air.
Why hasn't criminal NLM activist SULLIVAN been called to testify?

Sullivan was shown on video before the violence inciting protestors to engage in violence and celebrating when some began to join in. He was later seen inside the Capitol doing the same thing.
"NLM"? You can't even TRY to hold back your racism can you...

Oh and Sullivan was involved with the PROUD BOYS. BLM had disavowed him MONTHS before the Insurrection

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