Traitor or Patriot? Discussing Mark Meadows.

Pur president
What does this mean?

And, sticking with trump,
I think you were trying to say that Biden is a con man.

Do you think trump is a con man.
Stay on target, don't answer about Biden.

I'm asking if you think trump is a con man or not.
That's the question.
What does this mean?

And, sticking with trump,
I think you were trying to say that Biden is a con man.

Do you think trump is a con man.
Stay on target, don't answer about Biden.

I'm asking if you think trump is a con man or not.
That's the question.
Con man? What's you're definition of "con"? What is your context fro calling him a con man.
He's a business man and not a politician, that I know
Would you or would hyper partisans left wingers be making excuses for it like you did with the riots that went on all through 2020? I have never defended or excused the actions of those who rioted that day nor have I tried to make into something it wasn’t something few if any on the left can say.
I don't need to make excuses for riots......I didn't riot.....

And no matter if there were 1000 riots in 2020 -- my position on police and judicial reform remains the same......

Morons like you have been trying to discount civil rights for decades by pointing at riots as if it is a justification for bad policing and a racially biased judicial system....

Which is why I KNOW FOR A FACT if you were around during MLK's would have been OPPOSED to the civil rights movement....because they said the same shit to him....

And his response was....
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Nobody cares what some bozo posting on youtube has to say. Except maybe Trump cult bootlickers. The doors are open in the Federal Buildng not far frpm my home. Does that give people the right to run rampage in the place, destroying property, threatening employees & beating cops upside the head to within an inch of their life?

Apparently, you & the cult think it is.

Trump is in on this right up to his neck whether you guys like it or not.
I don't need to make excuses for riots......I didn't riot.....

And no matter if there were 1000 riots in 2020 -- my position on police and judicial reform remains the same......

Morons like you have been trying to discount civil rights for decades by pointing at riots as if it is a justification for bad policing and a racially biased judicial system....

Which is why I KNOW FOR A FACT if you were around during MLK's would have been OPPOSED to the civil rights movement....because they said the same shit to him....

And his response was....
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Wow that is an impressive display of far left stupidity even for this board. Please feel free to cite any post or threads where I have claimed rioting was a justification for bad policing you dumb fuck. You are typical of today’s far left idiots who love state they know this and that for a fact based on nothing but your own stupidly, hatred and political prejudices. Now take your phony self righteous bullshit and shove where does not and never will shine good day and fuck off.
Con man? What's you're definition of "con"? What is your context fro calling him a con man.
He's a business man and not a politician, that I know
1). Trump University. Do you believe trump had the intention of scamming students out of their money or he really wanted to provide an education to these students.
My thoughts: Trump attempted to con students, the courts agreed and he settled a $25 million lawsuit. Yup, I believe trump is a con man.

2). Did trump refuse to pay contractors for doing work for him. This is documented all over. Search it.

Here is one of many webpages.

I believe this classifies trump as being a "Con Man"
Meadows immediately jumped on to Fox and NewsMax to get in front of the story for the rubes, who no doubt bought it.

It's beginning to look like the committee has information that won't be able to be denied away.

I do wonder if we'll see people suddenly become talkative before the shit flies on to them.

Yep. Hannity busted his fat ass to get Meadows on there to blow smoke up the ass of the idiot crowd.

Meadows was at first one of Trump's asseaters. Now, he's a filthy lowlife traitor, just like Trump is.
1). Trump University. Do you believe trump had the intention of scamming students out of their money or he really wanted to provide an education to these students.
My thoughts: Trump attempted to con students, the courts agreed and he settled a $25 million lawsuit. Yup, I believe trump is a con man.

2). Did trump refuse to pay contractors for doing work for him. This is documented all over. Search it.

Here is one of many webpages.

I believe this classifies trump as being a "Con Man"
He even stole money from kids with cancer.

You can't get much lower then Trump.
Meadows wants it all ways, make money off a book, keep in Trump's good graces and for a short while before he realized he can wait out a trial before a new congress, give them a little before going back into won't cooperate mode.
Nobody cares what some bozo posting on youtube has to say. Except maybe Trump cult bootlickers. The doors are open in the Federal Buildng not far frpm my home. Does that give people the right to run rampage in the place, destroying property, threatening employees & beating cops upside the head to within an inch of their life?

Apparently, you & the cult think it is.

Trump is in on this right up to his neck whether you guys like it or not.
what you meant to say is you dont care because you know you cant refute anything he says and it hurts your feelings,,

its OK your not the only snowflake in the snowball,,
Nobody cares what some bozo posting on youtube has to say. Except maybe Trump cult bootlickers. The doors are open in the Federal Buildng not far frpm my home. Does that give people the right to run rampage in the place, destroying property, threatening employees & beating cops upside the head to within an inch of their life?

Apparently, you & the cult think it is.

Trump is in on this right up to his neck whether you guys like it or not.
Con man? What's you're definition of "con"? What is your context fro calling him a con man.
He's a business man and not a politician, that I know
I’ll answer this and Donald Trump Sr. is real estate and businessman that has had many issues in the past with his businesses and was fine many times and settled out of court.

Mr. Trump is known for his dirty dealings and has many times been caught trying to cheat but the question is who hasn’t?

Mr. Trump is a personality that draws the WWE type mindset and knows how to attract people to vote for him…

Now is he a true con-artist?

Yes, but so is every business owner and Trump is not as special as people try to make him out to be…

Trump love negative attention and enjoys the hatred tossed at him, and for people to call him a con, well he love it and enjoy the insults…

As for the investigation and Meadows not cooperating that is his choice but I would rather him, Trump and everyone would cooperate and if they have nothing to worry let the evidence prove it.

Now before you lecture me let me state that I know Pelosi and the Democratic Party are still upset one of their biggest donors in the past beat Hillary Clinton and they want blood, so I do believe they will do everything and anything to make Trump guilty and he might be but I do not trust nor have faith in our government to do the job correctly.

Also the fact remains that I truly believe Trump is a wolf in sheep clothing and he is doing his damndest to destroy the GOP and many of you are following him right off that damn cliff!

That is all I have to say for now…
The January 6th House Committee may be filing criminal contempt charges against Mark Meadows if he continues to refuse to cooperate with their investigation. If Meadows is truly innocent then it shouldn't be a problem for him to come forward and lay out that case. The people have a right to know if malfeasance truly occurred or not.

Did you not hear the text messages read by Cheney? Meadows was complicit at the very least. Meadows himself handed over those text messages before he decided not to cooperate. There is nothing innocent about that. He got caught up in it just like the rest of Trumps toadies. They will vote contempt, and DOJ in the end, will prosecute.
Banks and Jordan were denied by Pelosi, replaced by a couple of soft RINO's.
Wow, your arguments are so second grade. Jordan and Banks actions cannot, and would not ever qualify them to be on this committee. Are you going to have a juror in a trial who knows the defendant personally? Jordan was having conversations with Trump for Gods sake. Come on man, this isn't that hard.
I’ll answer this and Donald Trump Sr. is real estate and businessman that has had many issues in the past with his businesses and was fine many times and settled out of court.

Mr. Trump is known for his dirty dealings and has many times been caught trying to cheat but the question is who hasn’t?

Mr. Trump is a personality that draws the WWE type mindset and knows how to attract people to vote for him…

Now is he a true con-artist?

Yes, but so is every business owner and Trump is not as special as people try to make him out to be…

Trump love negative attention and enjoys the hatred tossed at him, and for people to call him a con, well he love it and enjoy the insults…

As for the investigation and Meadows not cooperating that is his choice but I would rather him, Trump and everyone would cooperate and if they have nothing to worry let the evidence prove it.

Now before you lecture me let me state that I know Pelosi and the Democratic Party are still upset one of their biggest donors in the past beat Hillary Clinton and they want blood, so I do believe they will do everything and anything to make Trump guilty and he might be but I do not trust nor have faith in our government to do the job correctly.

Also the fact remains that I truly believe Trump is a wolf in sheep clothing and he is doing his damndest to destroy the GOP and many of you are following him right off that damn cliff!

That is all I have to say for now…
Trump was/is a thief. But he's never been a businessman

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