Traitor or Patriot? Discussing Mark Meadows.

If a bunch of Muslim Americans stormed the Capitol to try to intimidate Congress from taking up a Congressional action -- would you have this same energy?? reactionary right-wingers had a fucking hissy fit about where those same Muslim Americans wanted to build a mosque
Would you or would hyper partisans left wingers be making excuses for it like you did with the riots that went on all through 2020? I have never defended or excused the actions of those who rioted that day nor have I tried to make into something it wasn’t something few if any on the left can say.
I'm pretty sure that it is YOU that doesn't want the truth.
You want to deny all crimes committed by djt.
The man is a career con man.

We want the truth.
Our president is a career con man, learn the difference.
And, yes, I do want the truth, but the committee made sure that that wasn't going to happen.
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Pur president is a career con man, learn the difference.
And, yes, I do want the truth, but the committee made sure that that wasn't going to happen.
The GOP had its chance at a fully bipartisan committee, and it ran.

Now we know why. It knew its only fallback when the shit hit the fan would be to claim bias.
Your ilk has a track record for choreographing impeachments and investigative committees to fit their mantra.
They don't want the truth....I'm surprised, you're either stupid or a willing stooge. They should have just
left Banks and Jordan on the committee, it would have had a look of legitimacy. But, Pelosi couldn't do that,
there are skeletons in their closet that couldn't have been exposed.
Oh save me your histrionics. Your ilk have become nothing more than Orwellian baboons. You all wanted Jordan and Banks precisely because they would have turned the Committee into a sham. Banks and Jordan had no interest in finding the truth. You know it and I know it. You are angry because it is not the sham you all wanted.
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Biff, she should have been upfront, having said that....why does a person plead the fifth?
According to your cult leader, is because they are a different than the mob in fact...


But I assume that goofy shit only applies to the people you don't like...
Oh save me your histrionics. Your ilk have become nothing more than Orwellian baboons. You all wanted Jordan and Banks because they would have turned the Committee into a sham. Banks and Jordan had no interest in finding the truth. You know it and I know it. You are angry because it is not the sham you all wanted.
Tough questions always equates with a sham with your ilk.
The January 6th House Committee may be filing criminal contempt charges against Mark Meadows if he continues to refuse to cooperate with their investigation. If Meadows is truly innocent then it shouldn't be a problem for him to come forward and lay out that case. The people have a right to know if malfeasance truly occurred or not.

I'm not sure why this thread got a sticky and others didn't. There are more than a few threads on the House Investigation. Maybe it's an effort to "consolidate.

Anyway, Meadows is really neither. The Dems Committee may accomplish finding out that while many Trump allies were all on board pushing the Big Lie and hopeless "recounts" and trying to make Trump's legacy "a stolen election," BUT when Trump's crowd actually stormed the capitol and assaulted the police Meadows and other Trump allies (and even Jr) immediately realized it was a disaster for Trump's political future, and he and they tried unsuccessfully to get Trump on the right side of history, but Trump instead spent hours fascinated by tv.

I'm not a fan of the job Klain is doing, but it said a lot about Trump that he latched onto two corrupt hypocrites in Mulvaney and Meadows. At least Mulvaney quit.
The Fox News personalities who today are saying there was nothing Trump could have done to stop the riot are lying through their cocksucking teeth.

The texts they sent Mark Meadows during the riot, which have now come to light, reveal the truth.

"Hey Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home…this is hurting all of us…he is destroying his legacy." - Laura Ingraham

"Please get him on TV. Destroying everything you have accomplished.” - Brian Kilmeade

“Can he make a statement? Ask people to leave the Capitol.” - Sean Hannity

Even Donald Trump, Jr. jumped in.

“He’s got to condemn this shit ASAP. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough.” - Don Jr.

Members of Congress:

“We are under siege up here at the Capitol.”

“They have breached the Capitol.”

“Hey, Mark, protestors are literally storming the Capitol. Breaking windows on doors. Rushing in. Is Trump going to say something?”

“There’s an armed standoff at the House Chamber door.”

“We are all helpless.”

Administration officials:

“POTUS has to come out firmly and tell protestors to dissipate. Someone is going to get killed.

“Mark, he needs to stop this. Now.”


“POTUS needs to calm this shit down.”

All while Trump sat on his fat fucking ass for over three hours, stroking himself while he watched the insurrection on TV.
Tough questions always equates with a sham with your ilk.
Banks and Jordan are not known for their "tough" questions. They are known for their theatrics and posturing. Banks for heaven's sake said Pelosi was responsible for the insurrection.
Banks and Jordan are not known for their "tough" questions. They are known for their theatrics and posturing. Banks for heaven's sake said Pelosi was responsible for the insurrection.
And for Heaven's sake, Pelosi said Trump was responsible.

Get it all out and lets see where the chips fall. I think that's what the republicans wanted, but it's slanted and we
won't ever get there. This isn't rocket science.
And for Heaven sake, Pelosi said Trump was responsible.

Get it all out and lets see where the chips fall. I think that's what the republicans wanted, but it's slanted and we
won't ever get there. This isn't rocket science.
She's right. But it may turn out that even Trump was surprised by his audience.
And for Heaven's sake, Pelosi said Trump was responsible.

Get it all out and lets see where the chips fall. I think that's what the republicans wanted, but it's slanted and we
won't ever get there. This isn't rocket science.
Exactly, let us see what is out there and what they uncover. The Committee is just starting.
Because it's a sham, and they know it.
I agree. A big sham. The FBI already investigated and found no signs of insurrection or a coup attempt. The lefty loons keep harping on it cause they sure can't tell one and all how great the walking, talking disaster is doing
Four good men died because of the incompetence of Hitlery's State Department. That might not mean anything to you but it sure does to me. Did they have too many hearings on it. I think they did but when four good men get killed its worth the effort.
People get arrested for murder every day. Dumbass. They arrested 600 but most were charged with trespassing. Those that broke the law will pay for it. Your sure are a whiny little shit.
It may have the effect of burying Trump just a tad deeper. And that may be the goal. I'd be surprised in Cheney or Kinsinger thought Biden would be effective, and really there was no reason to think he'd be much of anything unless he'd simply been Obama's third term.

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