Traitorous Obama Sells Out Great Britain !!!


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
In A Most Perfidious Act, Obama Sells Out Great Britain – Revealing Its Nuclear Secrets To Russia.

In probably the most egregious act of the Obama Administration and as far as we can tell, the most perfidious, it secretly agreed to provide Russia with classified information regarding Great Britain’s nuclear capabilities – against that nation’s will and demand. The reason for this unmitigated treachery was to persuade Russia to sign the START Treaty which is so one sided in favor of that country to begin with.

Not only did Putin et. al. crush the abjectly incompetent, naïve and traitorous Obama with this abomination of an agreement, but he also obtained the additional benefit of procuring priceless information about its other enemy’s nuclear weapons.

The START Treaty negates our marked nuclear advantages over Russia – offensively and defensively – and places all Americans as well as citizens in numerous countries around the world in much greater danger. All for a signed piece of paper which, unbelievably, they can still invalidate under certain circumstances.

As for selling out our closest ally, Great Britain, this is a most despicable, inexcusable and treacherous act that is light years worse than any of the other abhorrent acts Obama that has committed against them. Obama has made it a habit to sabotage, undermine and derogate our long time allies – like Great Britain, Israel, Poland, Australia, etc. while coddling up to and appeasing our mortal enemies who are further emboldened by his interminable weakness, incompetence and naivety.

Obama must pay and pay big time for such treason!

Obama's actions warrant impeachment and this MUST be pursued.

Obama is dangerous and must be removed from office ASAP or our and the world’s future is bleak.

He is facilitating conditions for a nuclear Apocalypse.

Obama traitor sold out Great Britain nuclear secrets Russia
The only thing less suprising than this, yes LESS suprising, is that millions of left wing Obama zombie minions have followed obediently at his ankles for 3 years. They gobbled up every crumb of hope and change that Obama has dropped from the crumbling of the once great American cookie.

We told them from day 1, Obama is not pro-America. Not in the sense that our country has always been. He sympathizes with anti-American minds worldwide. He doesnt like our status as the lone superpower. He wants our power, and Englands, to crumble to become even with the power of Eastern Europe and Asia, and the Middle East. He is sympathetic, maybe even leaning towards, the ideals of the Muslim world that the Islamic empire should return to the world. Don't forget, he was raised in a radical Muslim school in Malaysia for quite some time. His father hated with a passion colonialism (aka, American global power).

This president is dismantling our country like a fine wrist watch. One tiny part at a time, until it's completely disassembled.

He is quietly content that Egypt is about to fall into the hands of radical Muslim rule. Along with Iran, Tunisia, Turkey, and eventually Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Those forces combined will bring war upon Israel. The Bible predicts it. Scholars and theology experts worldwide predict it. It's coming to truth, and Obama is aiding the way.

Obama is not a friend of Israel. He may even be an enemy to Israel, as he has taken every step in choosing against Israeli interests in his 2 years. His choice of church attendance for 20 years proves this, along with his radical leanings in his young life choices of education and peers.

The actions of this president are accelerating the world towards the predictions of a united Islamic Middle East that takes it's combined forces into battle to erase Israel. I hope his final 2 years get by with some sort of hope for Israel remaining, and the next president reverses this dangerous path he has led us.

But yes, I'm not suprised even a little bit that he sold out England. of his first acts as president was to box up the White House statue of Winston Churchill and send it back to England.

Seriously, why? Why box up that statue of the great WW2 leader, and mail it back to the country who gave it to us? It's like sending back a Christmas give to you in-laws? He couldn't have just put it in a closet, or left it alone???? And what did he replace it with? Look it up, you'll be shocked.

You follks don't know how dangerous this president is to the world yet.
Been reading a lot on this.

This could be big.

contacts your reps and ask them to look into this folks.
LoLing @ "traitorous."

Lunatics do as lunatics do.

:lol:Laughing at you for laughing at "traitorous" because you laughed at it thinking it was spelled wrong, deploying the usual left wing tactic of avoiding the debate, all the while knowing the word was spelled correctly but you thought it wasn't traitorous - definition of traitorous - synonyms, pronunciation, spelling from Free Dictionary.

So, now that you've been corrected in showing you the word was spelled correctly, and you laughed thinking it was not, you can begin to inform us on how Obama's anti-England, anti-Israeli actions are going to help the world.
Been reading a lot on this.

This could be big.

contacts your reps and ask them to look into this folks.

No need for them to look into this.

The truth is already know. Barack Obama does not like American power. He does not like British power. He does not like Israeli power or protection. He sympathizes with the Islamic world, the communist ideology, and definitely the socialist ideology. He has been taking one tiny step at a time to dismantle traditional roles in the world of American and Western power on the behalf of the nations and ideals that this country has fought against over the last 200 years. Inside his mind, he wants the Eastern European, Asian, Russian and Islamic forces in the world to gain equal power with the West. And he is slowly making every decision to do that.

If not for wikileaks we would not know he just sold out England. It was their missile defense and deterrent strategies he sold to them. Basically, allowing Russia the knowledge of how England would defend itself against a Russian attack. I'm sure England feels much better about this.

But even more dangerous is the steps Obama has taken in allowing Israel to slowly sink into a state of being surrounded by radical Islamic ruled nations. The 6 Day War will repeat itself, only this time, it's gonna drag the entire world into it.
Not that you would lie or anything...

But do you have a source other than a right wing hate site?
Not that you would lie or anything...

But do you have a source other than a right wing hate site?

It was exposed in government documents made public by wikileaks this past week.

I know you lefties don't like to hear any news not spoken by Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann (oh, sorry forgot he got fired), but really, keep up with the times.

Obama's selling out of the Western world and Israel continues. :(

But hey, lets talk about how dumb Palin is again, right!!!:razz:
I was not laughing at the spelling of the word "traitorous."

I was not laughing at the spelling of the word "traitorous."


:lol:YES you were dumbass!!! You were trying to be smug, and point out what you thought was a sign of stupidity. But the ass clown ended up being you:eusa_shhh:.

Marcy-boy, I've seen your posts for months now. You're a liberal retard, that much I know. You've been brainwashed by the radical black power movement and probably a few college professors. It's not your fault, but that does not make you immune from my corrections of your absurd thoughts.

But the reality is, you are not educated enough in the history of global politics and the consequences of betraying allies, combined with the acts of allowing Islamic forces to once again surround Isreal, to be concerned about this issue.

So, meet me over on the 1,000th "Sarah Palin is stupid" thread, where you level of intellect is better suited for debate. This topic is too complex for you man, sorry.
The Telegraph is not a rightwing hate site:

Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week.

Defence analysts claim the agreement risks undermining Britain’s policy of refusing to confirm the exact size of its nuclear arsenal.

The fact that the Americans used British nuclear secrets as a bargaining chip also sheds new light on the so-called “special relationship”, which is shown often to be a one-sided affair by US diplomatic communications obtained by the WikiLeaks website. ...

WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets - Telegraph
No no no you right wing racists, stop showing those hateful, racist right wing propaganda links!!!!

(Says left winger trying to deflect topic)"Didn't...didn't you guys see...Sarah Palin is stupid? Huh, right guys! Hey, did ya'll see, Michelle Bachman is so dumb, right guys? Right?"

Obama is selling out the West piece by piece.
The Telegraph is not a rightwing hate site:

Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week.

Defence analysts claim the agreement risks undermining Britain’s policy of refusing to confirm the exact size of its nuclear arsenal.

The fact that the Americans used British nuclear secrets as a bargaining chip also sheds new light on the so-called “special relationship”, which is shown often to be a one-sided affair by US diplomatic communications obtained by the WikiLeaks website. ...

WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain's nuclear secrets - Telegraph

From what I remember, the left was all for wikileaks when it was exposing Bush and Cheney. What happened? Is it a hack organization now?
In A Most Perfidious Act, Obama Sells Out Great Britain – Revealing Its Nuclear Secrets To Russia.

In probably the most egregious act of the Obama Administration and as far as we can tell, the most perfidious, it secretly agreed to provide Russia with classified information regarding Great Britain’s nuclear capabilities – against that nation’s will and demand. The reason for this unmitigated treachery was to persuade Russia to sign the START Treaty which is so one sided in favor of that country to begin with.

Not only did Putin et. al. crush the abjectly incompetent, naïve and traitorous Obama with this abomination of an agreement, but he also obtained the additional benefit of procuring priceless information about its other enemy’s nuclear weapons.

The START Treaty negates our marked nuclear advantages over Russia – offensively and defensively – and places all Americans as well as citizens in numerous countries around the world in much greater danger. All for a signed piece of paper which, unbelievably, they can still invalidate under certain circumstances.

As for selling out our closest ally, Great Britain, this is a most despicable, inexcusable and treacherous act that is light years worse than any of the other abhorrent acts Obama that has committed against them. Obama has made it a habit to sabotage, undermine and derogate our long time allies – like Great Britain, Israel, Poland, Australia, etc. while coddling up to and appeasing our mortal enemies who are further emboldened by his interminable weakness, incompetence and naivety.

Obama must pay and pay big time for such treason!

Obama's actions warrant impeachment and this MUST be pursued.

Obama is dangerous and must be removed from office ASAP or our and the world’s future is bleak.

He is facilitating conditions for a nuclear Apocalypse.

Obama traitor sold out Great Britain nuclear secrets Russia

Then you'll not object if, on behalf of the people of Britain, I refer to your president as being lower than a snake's belly and a dishonourable piece of shit to boot. Not only does he insult the ordinary people, but he spits in the face of our troops in Afghanistan who fight alongside their American brothers. I wonder how many consider it worthwhile fighting on now!

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