Traitors and treason

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
Leave. Just leave them there. Ignore them. In less than a week they would be gone.
Leave them there?? Since when do folks get to move into public property?

You must hate the shit out of the occupy movement.
Many of whom were arrested.

Damn, there goes your nonsensical point, eh?

Most walked away, very few arrests.
Almost 8,000 arrest is "very few arrests??" :cuckoo:
The Bundys et al wanted to occupy federal property.

They probably will for at least ten years.
Stop the puny threats, you creeps.

What the few on the far right do not understand is that they, who want civil war, are known to their neighbors.

If and when the far right rises up, the LEO and military will not be needed. The traitors' neighbors will take them into their own back yards and put them down. Should the military take any militia traitors with weapons in their hands, summary tribunals will be held that day and punishment carried out by the following dawn.

The far right 'militia' need to understand the only land they will take and hold will be be two by six by six.

I am sure the Joint Chiefs' briefing informed Sassy.
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That's why you're seeing the political situation the way it is. If there were a revolution in this country to throw off liberal fascism, the military will absolutely be part of it.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.
Stupid ass, speak for yourself, don't even try to tell me what I think. Don't be putting words in other peoples mouths.
Don't you lefties wish that it was possible to "put words in other people's mouths"?
Yes, when you try to change the law by force of arms, that is treason. And that is what the militia's and those people in Oregon were trying to do. We have a very good system for changing the laws, if need be. But these people wish to do it against the will of the majority by force of arms. That is treason.

Maybe so but no more treason than when the government does it with unconstitutional orders.
I never disagreed, but if you think I'm going to agree about the refuge and ignore the black lives matter riots, you're sadly mistaken.
No one expects you to ignore Baltimore but to recognize it right along with Oregon.

No, y'all don't even want black lives matter mentioned. That's the reason for all the vitriol.
Nope, you were righteously corrected when you tried a tu quoque argument that got booted.

I was never corrected, because I wasn't wrong.

I exposed Liberal hypocrisy and you people posted nasty comments, hoping to create a smoke screen to hide behind.
The deluded like you need to be told the reality to keep you in the center of things. You tried to excuse Oregon with a tu quoque fallacy "what about Baltimore?" We all agreed Baltimore was bad, too, but in no way excused Oregon. You agreed with that. Then you disagreed with that. They are broth wrong, the Bundys were the equivalents of rioters in Baltimore. Lavoy F. was stupid and died. That is the truth of the matter.

Seems to me that both sides were "in the wrong". The cowboys were trespassers fired on by the government reps. who ambushed them. Killing peaceful citizen for trespassing is way over the line. And a very serious fuckup in my estimation. WTF is tu quoque? You having problems with English?
The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.

I agree, the extremist on both sides are wrong in using violence to protest. I find it amusing the each side excuses their own actions if it furthers their agenda.

The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
Leave. Just leave them there. Ignore them. In less than a week they would be gone.
Leave them there?? Since when do folks get to move into public property?

Aren't city streets and sidewalks public property? I always thought that the public owns public property and that the question is in who controls it. Guess all those Occupy Wall St. folks were lucky not to be gunned down too.
" risk pushing this nation over the edge into a civil war, because there are “no more free Wacos.

Learn to read. That is a request for the Feds. not to start one.
Leave. Just leave them there. Ignore them. In less than a week they would be gone.
Leave them there?? Since when do folks get to move into public property?

You must hate the shit out of the occupy movement.
Many of whom were arrested.

Damn, there goes your nonsensical point, eh?

Most walked away, very few arrests.
Almost 8,000 arrest is "very few arrests??" :cuckoo:
Isn't it funny how they try to alter if we can't check for accuracy?
Most of the conservatives here _still_ refuse to condemn the open treason of the Bundy terrorists.

The two sides are clearly very different. Liberals put country before party, conservatives put party before country.
Most of the conservatives here _still_ refuse to condemn the open treason of the Bundy terrorists.

The two sides are clearly very different. Liberals put country before party, conservatives put party before country.

Bullshit. Some of us put Country before most everything.while liberals put their own well being above anything.
Leave. Just leave them there. Ignore them. In less than a week they would be gone.
Leave them there?? Since when do folks get to move into public property?

You must hate the shit out of the occupy movement.
Many of whom were arrested.

Damn, there goes your nonsensical point, eh?

Most walked away, very few arrests.
Almost 8,000 arrest is "very few arrests??" :cuckoo:

Out of the tens of thousands? Give me a break fruit cake. Over two years and hundreds of different events. And they all deserved to be arrested.
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Most of the conservatives here _still_ refuse to condemn the open treason of the Bundy terrorists.

The two sides are clearly very different. Liberals put country before party, conservatives put party before country.

More liberal bull shit.

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