Traitors and treason

Yes, when you try to change the law by force of arms, that is treason. And that is what the militia's and those people in Oregon were trying to do. We have a very good system for changing the laws, if need be. But these people wish to do it against the will of the majority by force of arms. That is treason.

Maybe so but no more treason than when the government does it with unconstitutional orders.
What unconstitutional orders? Taking care of a large Game Refuge is unconstitutional? Teddy Roosevelt didn't think so when he established it in 1908.

Taking down felons is an unconstitutional order? After all, that take down was co-ordinated at county, state, and federal level. Two County sheriffs, Oregon State Patrol, and FBI involved. I would bet that the were some US Marshals present, also.
The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
Leave. Just leave them there. Ignore them. In less than a week they would be gone.
Leave them there?? Since when do folks get to move into public property?

You must hate the shit out of the occupy movement.
Many of whom were arrested.

Damn, there goes your nonsensical point, eh?
No they were not in fact the general order was to leave them alone.
No one expects you to ignore Baltimore but to recognize it right along with Oregon.

No, y'all don't even want black lives matter mentioned. That's the reason for all the vitriol.
Nope, you were righteously corrected when you tried a tu quoque argument that got booted.

I was never corrected, because I wasn't wrong.

I exposed Liberal hypocrisy and you people posted nasty comments, hoping to create a smoke screen to hide behind.
The deluded like you need to be told the reality to keep you in the center of things. You tried to excuse Oregon with a tu quoque fallacy "what about Baltimore?" We all agreed Baltimore was bad, too, but in no way excused Oregon. You agreed with that. Then you disagreed with that. They are broth wrong, the Bundys were the equivalents of rioters in Baltimore. Lavoy F. was stupid and died. That is the truth of the matter.

Seems to me that both sides were "in the wrong". The cowboys were trespassers fired on by the government reps. who ambushed them. Killing peaceful citizen for trespassing is way over the line. And a very serious fuckup in my estimation. WTF is tu quoque? You having problems with English?
Felons were ambushed. And when they have multiple guns, and have stated the intent to use them, they are fair game. The LEO's there did a fantastic job in that there was only one death. You fail to follow orders in that situation, you are fair game.
No one expects you to ignore Baltimore but to recognize it right along with Oregon.

No, y'all don't even want black lives matter mentioned. That's the reason for all the vitriol.
Nope, you were righteously corrected when you tried a tu quoque argument that got booted.

I was never corrected, because I wasn't wrong.

I exposed Liberal hypocrisy and you people posted nasty comments, hoping to create a smoke screen to hide behind.
The deluded like you need to be told the reality to keep you in the center of things. You tried to excuse Oregon with a tu quoque fallacy "what about Baltimore?" We all agreed Baltimore was bad, too, but in no way excused Oregon. You agreed with that. Then you disagreed with that. They are broth wrong, the Bundys were the equivalents of rioters in Baltimore. Lavoy F. was stupid and died. That is the truth of the matter.

Seems to me that both sides were "in the wrong". The cowboys were trespassers fired on by the government reps. who ambushed them. Killing peaceful citizen for trespassing is way over the line. And a very serious fuckup in my estimation. WTF is tu quoque? You having problems with English?
Reaching for a gun while being arrested is NOT peaceful. I don't care which side you're rooting for.
They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
Leave. Just leave them there. Ignore them. In less than a week they would be gone.
Leave them there?? Since when do folks get to move into public property?

You must hate the shit out of the occupy movement.
Many of whom were arrested.

Damn, there goes your nonsensical point, eh?
No they were not in fact the general order was to leave them alone.
As I posted, about 8,000 were arrested.
I agree, the extremist on both sides are wrong in using violence to protest. I find it amusing the each side excuses their own actions if it furthers their agenda.

The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
Leave. Just leave them there. Ignore them. In less than a week they would be gone.
Leave them there?? Since when do folks get to move into public property?

Aren't city streets and sidewalks public property? I always thought that the public owns public property and that the question is in who controls it. Guess all those Occupy Wall St. folks were lucky not to be gunned down too.
Had any of the OWS folks reached for a gun while being arrested, they might very well have been shot by police; and deservedly so. And public property doesn't mean absolute access. Try seizing the White House the way those loons seized that refuge.
Leave them there?? Since when do folks get to move into public property?

You must hate the shit out of the occupy movement.
Many of whom were arrested.

Damn, there goes your nonsensical point, eh?

Most walked away, very few arrests.
Almost 8,000 arrest is "very few arrests??" :cuckoo:

Out of the tens of thousands? Give me a break fruit cake. Over two years and hundreds of different events. And they all deserved to be arrested.
Seriously? You want to persist with this line of stupidity?

Ok, let me remind you of your moronic statement...

"...very few arrests." - just another imbecile.

In no way, shape or form are some 8,000 arrests, "very few arrests."
Much has been said about the death of LaVoy Finicum. Some here are even trying to make a hero and martyr out of him. So let us review what led up to his death.

And armed occupation of a Federal Installation is not just a protest, it is an act of sedition. Had it been a protest, they would have gone in without weapons, and made the law carry them out, as the Civil Rights protesters did. And they would not have been putting out calls for people to come with guns and full body armor. Their rhetoric and actions all spoke of impending violence, violence they were actively working to provoke. They outright stated that they hoped to bring on a civil war.

Do we really want the US to look like Syria? Is that the wishes of the fruitloops on this board and in these militias? Evidently so, and that brands them for what they are, Traitors actively engaged in treason.

So why should we mourn the death of someone that stated that they wanted to die rather than face the consequences of their actions? Finicum was engaged in treasonous acts, and armed. He had written out his fantasies of killing other humans. No loss to this nation at all.
Finicum was a victim of his own ignorance and stupidity – his ignorance of the law, his ignorance of the Constitution, and his ignorance of the settled and accepted doctrine of Federal supremacy, as originally intended and understood by the Founding Generation.
Finicum was a victim of his own ignorance and stupidity – his ignorance of the law, his ignorance of the Constitution, and his ignorance of the settled and accepted doctrine of Federal supremacy, as originally intended and understood by the Founding Generation.
Lavoy typifies the small, ineffective, and very far right and libertarian groups particular to the LDS Church. They base their political philosophy on a misreading of their own scriptures, as ell as misunderstanding of their church membership's history in the west, and the doctrines of Cleon Skousen, Glenn Beck, and the John Birch Society.

Thus they can't act rationally because their beliefs are not rational. Finecum died for nothing. Such a shame.
What I'd like to know is how are these imbeciles gonna fight a civil war when the cry like little girls when one of them gets shot?
The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
Leave. Just leave them there. Ignore them. In less than a week they would be gone.
Leave them there?? Since when do folks get to move into public property?

Aren't city streets and sidewalks public property? I always thought that the public owns public property and that the question is in who controls it. Guess all those Occupy Wall St. folks were lucky not to be gunned down too.
Had any of the OWS folks reached for a gun while being arrested, they might very well have been shot by police; and deservedly so. And public property doesn't mean absolute access. Try seizing the White House the way those loons seized that refuge.
Oh please. The white hut is wide open. The only guards not high or jacking off are the dogs.
This government, the obama government abandoned its duty and obligation to govern. Instead it became an agent for social change, exactly what obama said he would do. Opposition to this corrupt and evil invasive entity is the highest form of patriotism.

Direct confrontation, such as what happened in Oregon is useless and fruitless. Undermining, burrowing into the foundations and weakening the struts is much more effective. Edward Snowden was much more effective and he is still alive.

Too many trolling for the enemies to people on both ends when you really look into all and understand what is transpiring. Nuclear is not cheap and it is not safe.

Arabs, Chinese mafia or whoever else is willing to pay the Clinton's and their ilk off. The Clintons: is the Oregon standoff really about uranium?

Koch brothers & others
The democrats are the enemy. It's their offices, institutions and bureaucracy that has, and is, destroying this country.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.
Stupid ass, speak for yourself, don't even try to tell me what I think. Don't be putting words in other peoples mouths.
As if it would do any good.
Old rocks is lying, per usual. Finicum wasn't a felon. Neither are the Bundys.

FIirst the feds lied and said the protesters were threatening the community and the schools, and shut down the schools to protect the kids. When that was discovered the schools reoened. Then they said protesters were harassing and spying on locals....when they got busted (repeatedly) dressed up as protesters and harassing locals and trespassing and the FIRE MARSHAL...who was told to keep quiet about it he quit. When the superintendent, principal and a tenured teacher learned the feds had lied in order to take over the school, they quit. Then the story shifted again, and suddenly the protesters were feloniously preventing federal officials from performing their duties. It seems that the refuge idiots feel threatened by the presence of real people, and so refuse to work. And they were going to be doing some Really Important Stuff, too.

Felons, lol. I bet old rocks hasn't been allowed to vote or own firearms for decades the stupid lunatic.
You must hate the shit out of the occupy movement.
Many of whom were arrested.

Damn, there goes your nonsensical point, eh?

Most walked away, very few arrests.
Almost 8,000 arrest is "very few arrests??" :cuckoo:

Out of the tens of thousands? Give me a break fruit cake. Over two years and hundreds of different events. And they all deserved to be arrested.
Seriously? You want to persist with this line of stupidity?

Ok, let me remind you of your moronic statement...

"...very few arrests." - just another imbecile.

In no way, shape or form are some 8,000 arrests, "very few arrests."

You are the one persisting nutter. Seriously.
The tu quoque fallacy does not work for either of you, Ace and Wild

Good thing I was wasn't using it, then.
See, your denial knowingly of what just asserted makes you troll trash. You are wrong and that is obvious to all.

Ah, more insults. The first sign that a Liberal realized his argument is worthless.
Of course, you think so, because you can't argue your point, so you think everyone who corrects you are meanies.. Your tu quoque argument failed, and you pouted. Then you flounced when you were corrected properly that the Baltimore rioters were criminals and not traitors. You just keep digging yourself in deeper.
Many of whom were arrested.

Damn, there goes your nonsensical point, eh?

Most walked away, very few arrests.
Almost 8,000 arrest is "very few arrests??" :cuckoo:

Out of the tens of thousands? Give me a break fruit cake. Over two years and hundreds of different events. And they all deserved to be arrested.
Seriously? You want to persist with this line of stupidity?

Ok, let me remind you of your moronic statement...

"...very few arrests." - just another imbecile.

In no way, shape or form are some 8,000 arrests, "very few arrests."

You are the one persisting nutter. Seriously.
I have nothing to do with your idiotic statement. This isn't about me. It's about you moronically calling almost 8,000 arrests, "very few arrests."
8,000 arrests are a whole lot of arrests, papa.

Watch WildBill come back with something along the lines he has won the discussion.
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The tu quoque fallacy does not work for either of you, Ace and Wild

Good thing I was wasn't using it, then.
See, your denial knowingly of what just asserted makes you troll trash. You are wrong and that is obvious to all.

Ah, more insults. The first sign that a Liberal realized his argument is worthless.
Of course, you think so, because you can't argue your point, so you think everyone who corrects you are meanies.. Your tu quoque argument failed, and you pouted. Then you flounced when you were corrected properly that the Baltimore rioters were criminals and not traitors. You just keep digging yourself in deeper.

I've successfully argued my point. No matter how many times you use your word of the day, that reality isn't going to change,

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