Traitors and treason

Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.

I agree, the extremist on both sides are wrong in using violence to protest. I find it amusing the each side excuses their own actions if it furthers their agenda.

The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
Not a good ending, I am all for protesting and taking the penalty for protesting. To use a gun to protest is wrong. Occupying the building was fine, to bring in weapons is asking for a showdown and someone is going to die.
And that is exactly the point. Had they gone out to the Refuge and forced the law to remove them by picking them up and putting them in a paddy wagon, they would have been protesters, spent a night in jail, and made their point. As is, we saw people in body armor theatening to shoot law officers if they tried to remove them. And creating bitter dissension in a small rural community.

But, burning, looting, assaulting, murdering and screaming, "no justice, no peace", is ok.

They are just as crazy as the bunch in Oregon.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.

I agree, the extremist on both sides are wrong in using violence to protest. I find it amusing the each side excuses their own actions if it furthers their agenda.

The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
Leave. Just leave them there. Ignore them. In less than a week they would be gone.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.

I agree, the extremist on both sides are wrong in using violence to protest. I find it amusing the each side excuses their own actions if it furthers their agenda.

The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
You mean when a black man reaches for something we should all risk life and limb and wait to see? Like that? You realize of Course that Obama's admin has made the argument that until someone actually comes up shooting you are over reacting when ever it is a black man involved?
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.

I agree, the extremist on both sides are wrong in using violence to protest. I find it amusing the each side excuses their own actions if it furthers their agenda.

The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
Leave. Just leave them there. Ignore them. In less than a week they would be gone.

Are you sure? They seemed to keep going for headlines. Just like OWS and BLM or any group, you can't just do what you want and not expect repercussions.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.

I agree, the extremist on both sides are wrong in using violence to protest. I find it amusing the each side excuses their own actions if it furthers their agenda.

The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
You mean when a black man reaches for something we should all risk life and limb and wait to see? Like that? You realize of Course that Obama's admin has made the argument that until someone actually comes up shooting you are over reacting when ever it is a black man involved?

Never said differently did I? I've taken a lot of heat for supporting the police in Baltimore and Ferguson and many other instances. Obama should never have gotten involved with BLM or any other nutter cause.
You finally agree! Good for you.

I never disagreed, but if you think I'm going to agree about the refuge and ignore the black lives matter riots, you're sadly mistaken.
No one expects you to ignore Baltimore but to recognize it right along with Oregon.

No, y'all don't even want black lives matter mentioned. That's the reason for all the vitriol.
Nope, you were righteously corrected when you tried a tu quoque argument that got booted.

I was never corrected, because I wasn't wrong.

I exposed Liberal hypocrisy and you people posted nasty comments, hoping to create a smoke screen to hide behind.
The deluded like you need to be told the reality to keep you in the center of things. You tried to excuse Oregon with a tu quoque fallacy "what about Baltimore?" We all agreed Baltimore was bad, too, but in no way excused Oregon. You agreed with that. Then you disagreed with that. They are broth wrong, the Bundys were the equivalents of rioters in Baltimore. Lavoy F. was stupid and died. That is the truth of the matter.
RGS, you are making up something that has not happened.

WildBill tried to excuse Oregon by pointing to Baltimore.

Yes, both are wrong, and Oregon is not excused by pointing at Baltimore.

You need to stay in reality.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.

I agree, the extremist on both sides are wrong in using violence to protest. I find it amusing the each side excuses their own actions if it furthers their agenda.

The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?

Right, they didn't. End of story.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.
Can you quote a Liberal saying they see nothing wrong with that?
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.
Can you quote a Liberal saying they see nothing wrong with that?

Let's see where you condemned black lives matters as traitors.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.

I agree, the extremist on both sides are wrong in using violence to protest. I find it amusing the each side excuses their own actions if it furthers their agenda.

The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
Leave. Just leave them there. Ignore them. In less than a week they would be gone.
Leave them there?? Since when do folks get to move into public property?
The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.

I agree, the extremist on both sides are wrong in using violence to protest. I find it amusing the each side excuses their own actions if it furthers their agenda.

The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
Leave. Just leave them there. Ignore them. In less than a week they would be gone.
Leave them there?? Since when do folks get to move into public property?

You must hate the shit out of the occupy movement.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.
Can you quote a Liberal saying they see nothing wrong with that?

Let's see where you condemned black lives matters as traitors.
So that would be a resounding, "no." You can't quote any Liberals saying what you claimed.

Thanks! :thup:

And btw, I condemn anyone rioting and/or looting and/or injuring anyone illegally.
I agree, the extremist on both sides are wrong in using violence to protest. I find it amusing the each side excuses their own actions if it furthers their agenda.

The dudes in Oregon didn't use violence.

They didn't but they had guns and threatened to begin a civil war. The guy was reaching for something when he was shot. What are the police supposed to do, just wait them out for years?
Leave. Just leave them there. Ignore them. In less than a week they would be gone.
Leave them there?? Since when do folks get to move into public property?

You must hate the shit out of the occupy movement.
Many of whom were arrested.

Damn, there goes your nonsensical point, eh?
So, you fellas are total idiots. We can well see that from your posts. But lazy idiots, fight the battle from the comfort of your coach, don't want to get a little bloodied actually doing something, other than posting nonsense on an anonymous message board. Nice safe way to go.

And, queue the insults. Its impossible for Liberals to make argument, without vitriol.
Both Baltimore and Oregon are excellent examples of armed criminality by private groups.
Wow! That only took 5
You finally agree! Good for you.

I never disagreed, but if you think I'm going to agree about the refuge and ignore the black lives matter riots, you're sadly mistaken.
They did not get ignored. There were police with AR's out there putting the riots down. And neither I nor the vast majority ever condoned those riots. But there are a lot of you 'Conservatives' posting here that seem to approve of armed felons taking over property that belongs to all of us.
You finally agree! Good for you.

I never disagreed, but if you think I'm going to agree about the refuge and ignore the black lives matter riots, you're sadly mistaken.
No one expects you to ignore Baltimore but to recognize it right along with Oregon.

No, y'all don't even want black lives matter mentioned. That's the reason for all the vitriol.
We discussed Baltimore 6 months ago when it happened.

Were you calling them traitors? Traitors is what the thread is about. If you want to exlude the communist backed black live matter, then the thread shouldn't be open to traitors and treason.
You stupid fuck, most of those involved in black live matter would not know Karl Marx from Groucho Marx. Just like most of the idiots at the Refuge haven't the slightest idea who Adam Smith was. You are ascribing political knowledge to people whose very lives are built on willful ignorance. Proven by the fact that most of the members of these whacko militia groups are on some kind of government dole.
Much has been said about the death of LaVoy Finicum. Some here are even trying to make a hero and martyr out of him. So let us review what led up to his death.

And armed occupation of a Federal Installation is not just a protest, it is an act of sedition. Had it been a protest, they would have gone in without weapons, and made the law carry them out, as the Civil Rights protesters did. And they would not have been putting out calls for people to come with guns and full body armor. Their rhetoric and actions all spoke of impending violence, violence they were actively working to provoke. They outright stated that they hoped to bring on a civil war.

Do we really want the US to look like Syria? Is that the wishes of the fruitloops on this board and in these militias? Evidently so, and that brands them for what they are, Traitors actively engaged in treason.

So why should we mourn the death of someone that stated that they wanted to die rather than face the consequences of their actions? Finicum was engaged in treasonous acts, and armed. He had written out his fantasies of killing other humans. No loss to this nation at all.
Consequences of their actions? remind us how you openly SUPPORT riot and personal Violence when ever someone YOU support is doing it? Blacks riot kill burn and loot and you cheer them on. Remind us how much personal property was destroyed by the Oregon group? How many innocent people's lives were destroyed when their homes and businesses were torched? How many innocent bystanders were raped or killed by the group while it rioted and burned?

Remind us how you do NOT support Obama when he orders cops to stand down and openly sides with people trying to undermine the cops while doing their jobs. How you were affronted by 6 cops being charged with murder because the skin color of a dead suspect was more important then any actual crime that was not actually committed.
Damn. Another lying asshole accusing people of things that they would never do. That is all you dildos have, lies and damned foolish rhetoric.
Other examples of treason might include Bill Ayers and Dan Rather. A couple of decades ago Bill Ayers was terrorizing the Country with IED's detonated at Military recruitment centers and corporate headquarters and even the Pentagon. According to testimony of a gang member, the last bomb his little terrorist cell made was intended for U. S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. The bomb blew up prematurely and killed four members of his gang which made Ayers guilty of four felony murders. He was exonerated by a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for Ayers' unpleasantness. Today he is viewed as a left wing Robin Hood and is a "respected" college professor and a former adviser to the democrat party including the president. Dan Rather's treason didn't include violence but it was intended to derail the electoral process with forged documents. Today Rather makes about 100k per speech to low information democrats.

The Weather Underground got in a gun battle with the cops and robbed an armored car. But, the Liberals don't see anything wrong with that.
Can you quote a Liberal saying they see nothing wrong with that?

Let's see where you condemned black lives matters as traitors.
So that would be a resounding, "no." You can't quote any Liberals saying what you claimed.

Thanks! :thup:

And btw, I condemn anyone rioting and/or looting and/or injuring anyone illegally.

You sure as he'll can't quote any liberals condeming black lives matter

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