Trannies in the military

NY Times links require registration/pay to view. Want people to check a link use another source.

Long as a servicemember's off-duty behaviour doesn't reflect badly on their branch, unit, etc. (as being in drag probably wouldn't no one recognizing them) I don't have a problem with it. Long as they don't wanna wear opposite-sex uniforms. :)
People who have memories of past lives where they were another gender would do well to get counselling to bring them up to date with their current situation. And if their "transgenderism" comes from a revulsion of their own gender in this life for other reasons, such as childhood trauma or poor role modeling by parents or other adults while they were in their formative years, then regressive therapy can help.

The solution is not to seek and obtain medical assistance in amputating one's healthy organs to play-act the opposite gender as a mutilated, incontinent freak. The solution is to understand where it all began.

But that would require the LGBT community to step back and accept therapy for what they are doing, instead of just blindly and adamantly [denial reactionism anyone?] insisting the world stop asking why they do what they do. For instance, I often bring up that gay couples almost always have one "masculine" and one "feminine" member each. One wonders, for example, what a lipstick lesbian is attracted to in her butch counterpart if she dresses, talks, walks and acts like a man? Closet hetero? Same with a butch or "top" gay male. If he likes the sultry, lisping, hip wiggling and slim, hairless lines of his partner, what exactly is he really attracted to if not a female?

These things would all come up of course in counselling trandgenders to accept reality. So naturally, instead, the AMA is on board to shelve the hippocratic oath in this grand and twisted play on "The Emperor's New Clothes". Better to just play along than to call out what's really going on. I guess if you can assist someone in amputating their healthy body parts, we really have gone past the point of no return, haven't we? Or is there still time to recover our collective sanity?...
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