Tranny teen forced to remove makeup for license photo

Culpepper said he thinks people should be able to walk into the DMV and take a picture no matter what he or she is wearing.
Culpepper needs to remember that driving is a privilege, and not a right. Either obey the rules, or no driver's license.
I did not read the link, but if this guy is already been transgendered, then he has the same rights of women who wear makeup during a DMV photop. If he/she had to remove his/her makeup, then DMV should tell all women to remove theirs as well.

Remember when that muslim woman had a hissy because she was told she had to take off her hijab? How can anyone tell who is who if they are wearing a scarf around their face??? Makeup is the same changes appearances if worn heavily enough.
Notice all the libfags can do is post emoticons and obsess about other posters, anything but talk about the story?

Every notice that's all they can do pretty much?
I did not read the link, but if this guy is already been transgendered, then he has the same rights of women who wear makeup during a DMV photop. If he/she had to remove his/her makeup, then DMV should tell all women to remove theirs as well.

Remember when that muslim woman had a hissy because she was told she had to take off her hijab? How can anyone tell who is who if they are wearing a scarf around their face??? Makeup is the same changes appearances if worn heavily enough.

It's a 16 year old male with a penis.
The point of an ID is to ID someone.

Is he a male with a penis or did he already go thru the procedure?
I did not read the link, but if this guy is already been transgendered, then he has the same rights of women who wear makeup during a DMV photop. If he/she had to remove his/her makeup, then DMV should tell all women to remove theirs as well.

Remember when that muslim woman had a hissy because she was told she had to take off her hijab? How can anyone tell who is who if they are wearing a scarf around their face??? Makeup is the same changes appearances if worn heavily enough.

It's a 16 year old male with a penis.

And you're jealous.

So what?

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