Trans activist sparks outrage by going topless at the White House after meeting Joe Biden

Really? Only prudes find it unacceptable to parade your nude titties at the WH during an “alleged” family friendly function?

It is a dude, since when it is wrong to a dude to be shirtless?
NOTE - This man was showing his implants where children are present.
Which shows the level of depravity he is willing to engage in.
And probably why Biden was eager to spend time with him, they share similar interest.
I think the point that seems to be missed here, is this is the fucking White House!! People should not be baring themselves, men or women, or fake men and women!
Are you under the impression that the white house is due some respect? Of course not. If a man can drop trou to piss and shit in a playground a man can shake his implants on the white house lawn.
Why is it that if someone doesnt agree with someone else's lifestyle there has to "hate" involved? I dont hate promiscuous straight people but I dont agree with their lifestyle.

Do you actively let them know you do not approve of their lifestyle the way people do with gay people and trans?

The trans issue is, was and continues to be opposition to the involvement of children

which is hugely overblown.
It is a dude, since when it is wrong to a dude to be shirtless?
When he went out and purchased implants to mimick a topless woman and then pranced around the WH lawn to mock people. He got banned from coming back after all.
When he went out and purchased implants to mimick a topless woman and then pranced around the WH lawn to mock people. He got banned from coming back after all.

Glad we finally found something you and Biden can agree on

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