Trans activist sparks outrage by going topless at the White House after meeting Joe Biden

Do you actively let them know you do not approve of their lifestyle the way people do with gay people and trans?
I would if asked or were in a conversation with them yeah. Why wouldnt I?

which is hugely overblown.

Is it? The instance of "trans children" has skyrocketed. It's almost doubled in the last year and triple what it was in 2017.

Not only are we telling them that their bodies are a problem we giving them drugs we don't really know the long term effects of because we've never given these types of drugs to children before. Not on the scale we are now anyway.

How many instances of trans children had you heard of prior to 3-4 years ago? Now we have adults saying their kids were telling them they were trans before they could talk.
I would if asked or were in a conversation with them yeah.

Is it? The instance of "trans children" has skyrocketed. It's almost doubled in the last year and triple what it was in 2017.

Not only are we telling them that their bodies are a problem we giving them drugs we don't really know the long term effects of because we've never given these types of drugs to children before. Not on the scale we are now anyway.

How many instances of trans children had you heard of prior to 3-4 years ago? Now we have adults saying their kids were telling them they were trans before they could talk.

Nobody had ever heard of this until a couple of years ago. Now it's all the rage.

Or agenda
I would if asked or were in a conversation with them yeah. Why wouldnt I?

Most people attacking gay and trans people do not need to be asked, they just offer their views....try reading some of the threads on here.

Not only are we telling them that their bodies are a problem we giving them drugs we don't really know the long term effects of because we've never given these types of drugs to children before. Not on the scale we are now anyway.

How many instances of trans children had you heard of prior to 3-4 years ago? Now we have adults saying their kids were telling them they were trans before they could talk.

I am against any treatment involving any meds for anyone not old enough to buy a beer.

It is still very small part of the Trans community that is pushing this
Most people attacking gay and trans people do not need to be asked, they just offer their views....try reading some of the threads on here.
They aren't attacking a person though are they? They are stating opinions on a message board. It's literally what this forum is for. You're assigning hate to that opinion because you dont personally agree with it.
I am against any treatment involving any meds for anyone not old enough to buy a beer.

And yet that's exactly what we are doing and laws passed to prohibit it are tagged as transphobic and hateful.
It is still very small part of the Trans community that is pushing this

So? They are the vocal on TV, and media part of the trans community. And groups like Gays against Grooming who advocate against the practice are cast as traitors to their victim group and transphobic.

For fucks sake women who don't toe the line are call TERFs.
still am.

libertarians are not triggered by trans is part of our live and let live view of life.

Not that you all would ever understand that.
I am libertarian as well. On record as saying so as well.

marvin martian laughed at me.

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still am.

libertarians are not triggered by trans is part of our live and let live view of life.

Not that you all would ever understand that.
They are faggots, and should be removed form society.
This trans has a valid point. If you do not consider her a "woman" why are "her" breasts such a big deal?
There is nothing illegal or inappropriate with a man bearing his breasts.
By attacking these people that you claim are not women is just validation to the fact that they are women.
Personally, I say let the breasts hang out for all to enjoy. It might make America safer.

A transgender activist and model triggered outrage by flashing her breasts at the White House after a meeting with Joe Biden.

Rose Montoya, 27, met the US president and First Lady Jill Biden at the largest Pride celebration in White House history on Saturday.

She said: “Why is my chest now deemed inappropriate or illegal when I show it off, however before coming out as trans it was not?

“All you’re doing is affirming that I am a woman. All you’re doing is saying that trans women are women because for some reason, people like to sexualise women’s bodies and say that they’re inappropriate.

“My transmasculine friends were showing off their top surgery scars and living in joy, and I wanted to join them.”

She added: “And because it is perfectly within the law in Washington, DC, I decided to join them and cover my nipples just to play it safe, because I wanted to be fully free and myself.

It is inappropriate...and it is doubly triply quadruptly inappropriate for the President of the United STates to be allowing this behavior at the White House in our nation's capitol. What's next. this person showing his/her new genitals? Maybe engaging in sex acts on White House Grounds. I'm sure Humper would be in attendance for that. No more brazen i guess than this president and his family showing their faces and remarks in public after what we know of them. A sniffing pedo as (p)resident and a slut for Veep.
Is it your position that this is appropriate behavior at the White House.? It certainly appears to be.
Yes it is appropriate behavior for the white house. When you have a senile pedophile pretending to be president, anything goes. Below is a picture of biden preparing to check the exposed parts for ticks.

biden tent city 1.jpg

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