Trans fascists purge dancer Rosie Kay from here own dance company.

When they told us that all they wanted was to marry the people they love and be able to visit their loved ones in the hospital……..people fell for it……

Now, they are actually grooming children in schools and destroying anyone who looks at them the wrong way……

We told you….you didn’t listen.

This woman thought that the left was still concerned about women……..boy, was she wrong. Pretending to care about women doesn’t matter anymore to the left……the feminists served their purpose…giving the left power….now the Trans fascists are the next group of brown shirts….

this woman had some leftists over for dinner……..after providing them jobs and experience in her dance company…..

how did they repay her wonderful support?

In the United Kingdom, Rosie Kay was forced out of the Rosie Kay Dance Company over her trans heresy.

By the way, it’s not a coincidence that the person blacklisted from the Rosie Kay Company is also named Rosie Kay. Rosie Kay founded the Rosie Kay Company. Now she’s out of her own company for expressing concerns about how the Trans Faith can hurt women’s rights.

Then, about 90 minutes after midnight, it all went sideways when the discussion turned to transsexuals and women’s rights:

She resigned in shame.
When they told us that all they wanted was to marry the people they love and be able to visit their loved ones in the hospital……..people fell for it……

Now, they are actually grooming children in schools and destroying anyone who looks at them the wrong way……

We told you….you didn’t listen.

This woman thought that the left was still concerned about women……..boy, was she wrong. Pretending to care about women doesn’t matter anymore to the left……the feminists served their purpose…giving the left power….now the Trans fascists are the next group of brown shirts….

this woman had some leftists over for dinner……..after providing them jobs and experience in her dance company…..

how did they repay her wonderful support?

In the United Kingdom, Rosie Kay was forced out of the Rosie Kay Dance Company over her trans heresy.

By the way, it’s not a coincidence that the person blacklisted from the Rosie Kay Company is also named Rosie Kay. Rosie Kay founded the Rosie Kay Company. Now she’s out of her own company for expressing concerns about how the Trans Faith can hurt women’s rights.

Then, about 90 minutes after midnight, it all went sideways when the discussion turned to transsexuals and women’s rights:

If it is "trans" then it ain't a woman.
This anti trans bigotry has to end.

By “anti trans bigotry”, of course, you mean science, biology.

You want truth to end, so that insane lies can prevail.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living, that you should look down on me for my profession?
By “anti trans bigotry”, of course, you mean science, biology.

You want truth to end, so that insane lies can prevail.
How does this effect your life in any way?

You know, different strokes for different folk. They like to dress as women, you like to wear magic underwear.
Through her lawyer, Kay found out her managers thought she “would need to be re-educated.” These fascists discussed sending her to re-education programs such as those offered by something called Mermaids and another something called Gendered Intelligence.

Remember when we were told…

We just want to get married.

Love means love.

Hey, bigot, how does my marriage affect you?

Now it’s drag queens in public libraries, gay porn and transsexual propaganda in elementary schools, the mutilation of teens for the perfectly natural feeling of not being comfortable in their bodies, re-education camps, blacklists, disgrace, and a woman named Rosie Kay being ex-communicated from the Rosie Kay Company.
It's amazing how the trans community has pulled off something we've been told ad nauseum is impossible. Remember how we've been told that sexual identity is fixed and can't be changed? You can't just decide to be gay or straight. Well, they've done it. Consider:

A gay man becomes a woman. We are told that he/she is now a complete and total woman, that there are no differences between him/her and natural woman, right? But look at what happened. He/she is now a woman that is attracted to men, IOW, straight. What a miracle. Only if he/she switched to being attracted to women, ie, homosexual, is everything "normal".

In all seriousness, somebody is wrong. Either you CAN switch from gay to straight by deciding to, or he/she is NOT a real woman. Somebody is lying to us.
Through her lawyer, Kay found out her managers thought she “would need to be re-educated.” These fascists discussed sending her to re-education programs such as those offered by something called Mermaids and another something called Gendered Intelligence.

Remember when we were told…

We just want to get married.

Love means love.

Hey, bigot, how does my marriage affect you?

Now it’s drag queens in public libraries, gay porn and transsexual propaganda in elementary schools, the mutilation of teens for the perfectly natural feeling of not being comfortable in their bodies, re-education camps, blacklists, disgrace, and a woman named Rosie Kay being ex-communicated from the Rosie Kay Company.

Or she was just another company founder whose outdated views caused the company problems.

When you work in an industry that has a high percentage of LGBTQ employees, being a homophobic or transphobic bigot isn't going to help you much.

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