Trans Navy SEAL: Biden's executive order repealing Trump's trans military ban is "going to give a lot of individuals chance to finally be themselves!"

Text of H.R. 127: Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act (Introduced version) -
undergoes a psychological evaluation conducted in accordance with paragraph (2), and the evaluation does not indicate that the individual is psychologically unsuited to possess a firearm; and
In the United States HR -147 wants people to be tested for mental disabilities so they cannot use firearms. Do you find it kinda ironic that normal US citizens should be tested?

Gender Dysphoria (
Some people who are transgender will experience “gender dysphoria,” which refers to psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity. Though gender dysphoria often begins in childhood, some people may not experience it until after puberty or much later.
So give a lunatic who wants to cut him/her self in bodily mutilation a fully automatic weapon or worse put them in control of canons.

Tranny get your gun....

Hey uniformed asshole, President Trump never “banned” trans in the military. Males were simply not allowed to be classified as females, thus changing their standards in physical uniform, tests, and living quarters. Males are classified as males, and females as females, just as it always has been under every other President. They are free to play make believe in their spare time, off duty.

What idiots like the Hussein and Biden are wanting is to change that, to allow males to pretend to be females and the military has to be forced to accommodate their mental illness. This allows males to be in the same barracks as females, share their restrooms, and shower with them.

Only a sick piece of shit would want to do this to the women of the military. Then again, Dems have always hated the military.
Transgendered people must take hormones for the rest of their lives because they can't produce it naturally. Why in the world would the U.S. Military benefit from a recruit who has to stay close to a hypodermic syringe and a bottle of exotic stuff? Do democrats think the Military is an employment agency?

Hey uniformed asshole, President Trump never “banned” trans in the military. Males were simply not allowed to be classified as females, thus changing their standards in physical uniform, tests, and living quarters. Males are classified as males, and females as females, just as it always has been under every other President. They are free to play make believe in their spare time, off duty.

What idiots like the Hussein and Biden are wanting is to change that, to allow males to pretend to be females and the military has to be forced to accommodate their mental illness. This allows males to be in the same barracks as females, share their restrooms, and shower with them.

Only a sick piece of shit would want to do this to the women of the military. Then again, Dems have always hated the military.

I don't want some stupid underperforming bitch to pretend she's up to a man's job on the battlefield. If a six foot four.... 275 POUND..... muscled out seal wants to call himself Jennifer....I don't really care. In fact I suggest anyone who has an objection take it straight to Jennifer him or herself. As long as he can snap the neck of the opponent on the battlefield when the time comes. The real question is can they do the job and the real answer is NO FUKKIN WAY CAN A WOMAN DO THE JOB OF A SEAL UNLESS THE STANDARDS GET LOWERED.

Please try to argue with me here.

I side with the conservatives on this issue. It's insane to force the military to recognize men as women and vise versa. The military tries its best to keep out the mentally ill and for good reason. If it matters that much to them then they don't need to serve in my opinion. Stay in the civilian world if you want to cut your dick off, put on a wig and call yourself a woman.
I don't want some stupid underperforming bitch to pretend she's up to a man's job on the battlefield. If a six foot four 275 muscled out seal wants to call himself Jennifer....I don't really care. In fact I suggest anyone who has an objection take it straight to Jennifer him or herself. As long as he can snap the neck of the opponent on the battlefield when the time comes. The real question is can they do the job and the real answer is NOFUKKIN WAY CAN A WOMAN DO THE JOB OF A SEAL UNLESS THE STANDARDS GET LOWERED.

Is Jennifer going to live with female soldiers?
I don't want some stupid underperforming bitch to pretend she's up to a man's job on the battlefield. If a six foot four 275 muscled out seal wants to call himself Jennifer....I don't really care. In fact I suggest anyone who has an objection take it straight to Jennifer him or herself. As long as he can snap the neck of the opponent on the battlefield when the time comes. The real question is can they do the job and the real answer is NOFUKKIN WAY CAN A WOMAN DO THE JOB OF A SEAL UNLESS THE STANDARDS GET LOWERED.

Is Jennifer going to live with female soldiers?

If it has a penis it does not belong in a woman's barracks....end of story
Trans Navy SEAL: Biden's executive order repealing Trump's trans military ban is "going to give a lot of individuals chance to finally be themselves!"
i am now officially pro war
I am finding that the vice being promoted and compelled is always in the female to male direction and never the other way around. Women are much more welcome in men's locker rooms and restrooms etc. than the other way around, even when they are given opportunities to press sex charges against men in men's spaces. Male to female transgender is a no-go situation.

Neither the requisite choice of a new gender-appropriate name, nor the notoriety associated with these non-mental-health sexual deformities, nor the emphasis on third-person pronouns is a good sign of any intention on the part of the medical and social worker communities to help rather than harm and punish.

There are many people (like myself) whose internal and external organs do not match. There are no bona fide medical techniques to correct malformed and disabled sex organs to be representative of one's properly identified sex, and desired gender role. There are too many celibate priests and there is too much choirboy Catholicism being promoted and compelled in hospital waiting rooms for that.

I am concerned that the female-to-male transgender operation is done deliberately in the womb by pro-abortion pro-circumcision OB/GYN docs who inject fetuses with bovine testosterone or other anabolic steroids for the purpose of satisfying the lasciviousness of their own flesh, certainly not at any rate for that of the patients they are operating on.

We live in an era of Old Testament medicine, government-mandated vaccinations, graded restaurant inspections, heart-disease-cancer-diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney dialysis, and other local-yokel public health measures, which have regressed to unparalleled barbarism and brutality even by medieval standards. It is absurd to think in this day and age that any kind of genital reconstructive surgery to help the patient live or exist in the role of the identified sex, rather than simply to cause as much harm and mutilation as possible, is "available" in any modern health care setting.

What would Jesus say?
It's the doctors who are condemned in this passage because they wield needles, knives, chemical substances, and various other instruments of cruelty so wrongfully and unjustly against unborn and newborn babes.
Transgendered people must take hormones for the rest of their lives because they can't produce it naturally. Why in the world would the U.S. Military benefit from a recruit who has to stay close to a hypodermic syringe and a bottle of exotic stuff? Do democrats think the Military is an employment agency?

I know if I was in battle I wouldn't some gender confused psycho anywhere near me.
You'll see more and more individuals joining the military since they know that Dimocrats want to pay for all of their mutilation surgeries and drugs.
You'll see more and more individuals joining the military since they know that Dimocrats want to pay for all of their mutilation surgeries and drugs.
Why do people want mutilation and butchery? The doctors aren't about to do the right thing; their only goal is to get away with as much routine mayhem and mass murder as possible. Military docs traditionally perform stunts like pulling a nerve or cutting a tendon to get someone out of the military on disability (presumably at the victim's request) subject to the vices of officers of superior rank.

This is none other than what happened in Vietnam War, when marijuana and heroin were dealt to inducted enlistees on the front lines, until Communism took over in the United States with the betrayal of JFK+LBJ. There were transgenders back then and ever before in the Army.


Hey uniformed asshole, President Trump never “banned” trans in the military. Males were simply not allowed to be classified as females, thus changing their standards in physical uniform, tests, and living quarters. Males are classified as males, and females as females, just as it always has been under every other President. They are free to play make believe in their spare time, off duty.

What idiots like the Hussein and Biden are wanting is to change that, to allow males to pretend to be females and the military has to be forced to accommodate their mental illness. This allows males to be in the same barracks as females, share their restrooms, and shower with them.

Only a sick piece of shit would want to do this to the women of the military. Then again, Dems have always hated the military.


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