Zone1 Trans Supporters: If you can be Trans-gender, can people also be Trans-racial or Trans-age?

Yeah, those pesky fucking "facts". They can just ruin an emotional opinion thread. :rolleyes-41:
So the "furries" are an actual scientific sex. :auiqs.jpg:
You did not read the study.
Gender is feelings. sorry to burst your bubble, but someone had to do it.
Sex is dealing with the male and female chromosomes.

  • In the study of human subjects, the term sex should be used as a classification, generally as male or female, according to the reproductive organs and functions that derive from the chromosomal complement [generally XX for female and XY for male].
  • In the study of human subjects, the term gender should be used to refer to a person's self-representation as male or female, or how that person is responded to by social institutions on the basis of the individual's gender presentation.
You linked to an article in which the author of the article offers an opinion of medical literature.

Nowhere in the medical literature or studies does it state that gender is homosexuality or transexualism. It does make clear that the science must identify the sex as male or female and not to confuse the science with what people claim they are.

The studies do state a boy who lost his testicles as a baby and was thus raised as a girl later in childhood refused to identify as a girl.

The study found despite the environment, the physical handicap, how he was raised and taught he was a girl, he identified himself as a man, as ones biology dictates.

Gender is not defined by the fad of political correctness, despite whoever confirms your opinion.

Furries? I would say that response was a step in the wrong direction for zone 1 rules so other than stated such, I have to nite my tongue in regards to the direction, furries takes this discussion.

You never read the study, you should of. It does not confirm your opinion of what gender, is.
This is a great example folks of how the left hivemind plagued by the woke virus think.
1) An accepted lie is greater than truth. - What is an accepted lie? Answer that by giving an example... the accepted lie that men can be pregnant. A 100% impossible feat - yet the liberal woke mind will say it is absolutely true. And that their preferred accepted lie trumps biological fact.
2) Pretend something isn't true. No matter how obvious something is that cast a shadow on an accepted lie, simply pretend it isn't true. - Curried Goats response here - is a perfect example of that.
Another great example is most trans-activist believe, and often say, that the alarming increase in suicide among 25 and below trans is made up. It is not true. A normal brained person can only stare at them in disbelief when they keep saying that - but I would refer you to #2.

You seem triggered. You ok bro?
Interesting Joe, and revealing. Especially the part about the indecency of keeping women in the kitchen. Which, in fact is what transgenders are doing to them today with the full support of the cult left.

After centuries of righting the wrongs, Joe and his cult think it just fine to replace them with female wannabes.

Nothing to see here, right Joe?
Look, man, if you mistook a transgender for a cisgender woman, that's totally on you...
Predictable that you would plead lies and deceit about leftist grooming. It's gotten so bad that 22 states now ban gender ideology indoctrination in public schools.
The right wing wants you afraid. That's why it's happening. You keep falling for it.

How many kids do you see in that picture?
Are you claiming that there are no kids at Mardis Gras.

The right wing wants you afraid. That's why it's happening. You keep falling for it.

Are you claiming that there are no kids at Mardis Gras.

See any vulgarity in the photo Joe?

You are a strange lil fella.
I forgot #3 - If all fails just refer to the other person as being racist/sexist/transphobic or any other means to deflect what they say so you don't have to answer
You ok guy? All I asked was proof of your claim and I've seem to have broken you. 😄
The right wing wants you afraid. That's why it's happening. You keep falling for it.

Are you claiming that there are no kids at Mardis Gras.

Leftist groomers are preoccupied with goofy conspiracy theories. They don't understand that a 5 year old may well be scared at the sight of a fat, balding man dressed up as a grotesque caricature of a woman.
The right wing wants you afraid. That's why it's happening. You keep falling for it.

Are you claiming that there are no kids at Mardis Gras.

I said that I saw no kids in that picture.

Produce a picture of parents having their kids watch a performance not appropriate for kids and I'll condemn it, be it at a pride event, Mardi Gras, Drag Queen Story Hour, or a stag party attended by Republicans.
This tranny madness is a group psychosis being orchestrated by the elites.

Nobody in this tranny cult is even sentient enough to realize that what they are championing today is NOT what they were all about a few years ago.

It's all just the herd instinct in action coupled with low self esteem looking for validation and a false sense of superiority.
An allusion to common sense is also not an objective argument.

Are you finally dropping any and all pretense of an objective argument?

I already posted the link from the people who wrote the DSM-5 that says trans and gender dysphoria are not the same thing and diverse gender identities and expressions aren't mental illnesses. I've also posted links that show the physiology of the brains of trans people are shifted towards the sex they identify with. That's a physical and biological correspondence.
What is with you and flocking from using your own brain and dying on the hill of “appeal to authority” arguments?

I’m sure you used Anthony Fauci to bash over the head of people as well… and he ended up being wrong on most things he declared. It’s not smart to assume people with degrees always know what they’re talking about. They are valuable resources, but if a doctor says my mosquito bite requires my arm to be amputated, I’m not just saying “okay Mr Expert!!” And putting my arm on the table.. you seem to be though.

The DSM5 is a single source that clearly lacks wisdom if it says a person with a penis can be female. That would tell me they are actually very stupid… or crazed, ideologues who worked hard to earn degrees to spout unprovable theories. All of this sociological discussion is theory only. You and these oddballs you are referencing are basically on the same plane as flat-earthers or a denial of gravity. Your claims don’t hold weight. They don’t make sense. They’re theories you’re welcome to hold, but that’s it.

This tranny madness is a group psychosis being orchestrated by the elites.

Nobody in this tranny cult is even sentient enough to realize that what they are championing today is NOT what they were all about a few years ago.

It's all just the herd instinct in action coupled with low self esteem looking for validation and a false sense of superiority.
Virtue Signaling IS the predominant religion among the left.
Virtue signaling is the believed act of proclaiming and re-establishing one's moral self and superiority over those not making the same proclamations, whatever it may be depending on what day it is.
It is how they measure their morality.
Morality, to them, is no longer measured by your actions, but what you pretend to support and how well you will repeat the accepted lie of whatever the current virtue signaling is about. As well as how willing you are to remain steadfast no matter how factually wrong you are.
Virtue Signaling IS the predominant religion among the left.
Virtue signaling is the believed act of proclaiming and re-establishing one's moral self and superiority over those not making the same proclamations, whatever it may be depending on what day it is.
It is how they measure their morality.
Morality, to them, is no longer measured by your actions, but what you pretend to support and how well you will repeat the accepted lie of whatever the current virtue signaling is about. As well as how willing you are to remain steadfast no matter how factually wrong you are.
On Kohlberg's moral reasoning scale, they are at the most primitive level. It is called "pre-conventional" and represents that stage of childhood when children base their sense of right and wrong entirely upon whether or not they are punished.

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