Zone1 Trans Supporters: If you can be Trans-gender, can people also be Trans-racial or Trans-age?

Does anyone else see any anal fisting happening in my avatar? Or does Marvin just tend to imagine and fantasize about gay sex? 😄

Once again, I don't have a problem with your gay sex life. Just stay away from the kids. A HUGE red flag went up when you said you "love messing with children".
Once again, I don't have a problem with your gay sex life. Just stay away from the kids. A HUGE red flag went up when you said you "love messing with children".
A huge red flag in your imagination which isn't saying much. After all it's an established fact that you frequently imagine gay sex.

Truth is I was messing with my little grandson yesterday. We went to a baby shower with a bounce house and I kept sweeping the leg like the hero of Karate Kid.
Deflect away, I didn't have to use Google as with my prior posts. You seemed to have an issue with
my opinion, so I used google to give it to you in a linked source from Yale (of all places).
Say what you want, I really don't care what your opinion is.
Opinion, at least you can be creative enough not use my words.

Deflect? I did not deflect, I answered your link with truth. You have no comment ither than to insist that your google link dictates your opinion.

Regardless of what you posted before you are attempting to substantiate your opinion with google links.

Google, the democratic party propaganda tool and two lesbuan professors dictate what gender will be now, and for the future? Ignoring history, culture, and how society has defined and used the word for over a thousand years.

Opinion? I presented facts, facts that can be traced to the latin origin of the word, gender.
A huge red flag in your imagination which isn't saying much. After all it's an established fact that you frequently imagine gay sex.

Truth is I was messing with my little grandson yesterday. We went to a baby shower with a bounce house and I kept sweeping the leg like the hero of Karate Kid.

Yo spoiler alert that shit. Some of us might of been caught up in where your gay fanfiction was going. Are you writing a drama or comedy instead?

Who said I was flirting? You really have quite the imagination though I suppose that helps with fanfiction writing. No. I'm simply flattered to be the center piece of your fanfiction work. Your muse if you will, but no homo.

So you're writing like a gay 50 Shades of Grey type short story?
Just letting you know that I'm not interested so you can stop cooing and forget your fantasy about sending me fawning PMs.
Opinion, at least you can be creative enough not use my words.

Deflect? I did not deflect, I answered your link with truth. You have no comment ither than to insist that your google link dictates your opinion.

Regardless of what you posted before you are attempting to substantiate your opinion with google links.

Google, the democratic party propaganda tool and two lesbuan professors dictate what gender will be now, and for the future? Ignoring history, culture, and how society has defined and used the word for over a thousand years.

Opinion? I presented facts, facts that can be traced to the latin origin of the word, gender.
Yeah, those pesky fucking "facts". They can just ruin an emotional opinion thread. :rolleyes-41:
So the "furries" are an actual scientific sex. :auiqs.jpg:
Your own link indicates that social acceptance is what's driving more people to acknowledge their sexual identities where in previously repressed cultures that sort of thing would be found upon our ostracized.
You’re incorrect here. If that were the case, then all generations would be increasing at the same rate from the same social acceptance.

That’s not true, so it’s probably more to do with other internal cravings for attention, as the younger generations are increasingly narcissistic, entitled, lost, and depressed.

An irrational offer to suddenly solve all their problems during a time of confusion that glorifies them and allows them to spice their boring life up may seem like a good idea initially, but like the extremely high suicide and depression rates, the growing number of crushed, regretful detransitioners (who report being groomed and coaxed by activist doctors) is very real and very suppressed by pro-trans bottleneck institutions like the MSM, woke corporations, and big tech censorship

They cut these detransitioners loose, attack and vilify them, owning no responsibility for their ideology’s consequences.
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Just letting you know that I'm not interested so you can stop cooing and forget your fantasy about sending me fawning PMs.
You and marvin martian are the only ones in this thread who can be literally described as having fantasized about me. I didn't force you to. You chose that path for yourself. 😄
You’re incorrect here. If that were the case, then all generations would be increasing at the same rate from the same social acceptance.
I'm not incorrect and your own link supports my argument. Maybe read it better next time. Why would rates increase at the same rate when social acceptance hasn't? We were less socially accepting before and so fewer people came out. That's easy logic to follow.
That’s not true, so it’s probably more to do with other internal cravings for attention, as the younger generations are increasingly narcissistic, entitled, lost, and depressed.
Where is your evidence? Your first attempt at object evidenced boomeranged back into your face.
An irrational offer to suddenly solve all their problems during a time of confusion that glorifies them and allows them to spice their boring life up may seem like a good idea initially, but like the extremely high suicide and depression rates, the growing number of crushed, regretful detransitioners (who report being groomed and coaxed by activist doctors) is very real and very suppressed by pro-trans bottleneck institutions like the MSM, woke corporations, and big tech censorship
Where is your objective evidence trans treatment is irrational?
They cut these detransitioners loose, attack and vilify them, owning no responsibility for their ideology’s consequences.
Can you provide a link to a medical provider doing any such thing or is this just another claim which you can provide no objective evidence for?

Also why cry for objective debate if you don't know what objective debate is?
Being trans isn't a mental illness. Gender dysphoria is the distress some trans people feel.
Being encouraging or discouraging isn't going to stop anyone from being trans just as neither of those things would stop a loved one from being deaf or blind.
This is where common sense just dictates your wrong.

Just as an atheist says God doesn’t and believers are incorrect, a person who claims to be the opposite sex/gender is simply incorrect even if they feel it.

If You’re saying trans people exist beyond feeling/dysphoria. That’s simply biologically untrue.

A man has a penis and cannot give birth. They have XX chromosomes and usually have tons of traits behaviorally and physically that are naturally primarily in men.

Do you disagree with this?
3. Being discouraging as they go through the process of trying to figure out what level of care is right for them is very harmful.
That’s a hostage argument. The “if you deny what they feel they’ll kill themselves” which even the Biden administration stated.

You want to give the child the candy bars and donuts they want now.. I want to give them
The vegetables and nutrition mindset for their long term health.
Do all groups receive the same level of vitriol?
No, the trans community is probably the most glorified, socially supported, and protected class in out culture currently.
Typical "Everyone to the right of Mitt Romney is a WP idiot" false narrative from the left.

Anti-fa doesn't need any help being destructive, they are the children of the WTO black bloc protesters from the late 90's early 2000's.
ANTI-FACIST so that means you are a fascist?

Whoda guessed?

And there's that racism that proves the point.
This is where common sense just dictates your wrong.
An allusion to common sense is also not an objective argument.
Just as an atheist says God doesn’t and believers are incorrect, a person who claims to be the opposite sex/gender is simply incorrect even if they feel it.
Are you finally dropping any and all pretense of an objective argument?
If You’re saying trans people exist beyond feeling/dysphoria. That’s simply biologically untrue.
I already posted the link from the people who wrote the DSM-5 that says trans and gender dysphoria are not the same thing and diverse gender identities and expressions aren't mental illnesses. I've also posted links that show the physiology of the brains of trans people are shifted towards the sex they identify with. That's a physical and biological correspondence.
A man has a penis and cannot give birth. They have XX chromosomes and usually have tons of traits behaviorally and physically that are naturally primarily in men.
Usually we classify people with XY chromosomes as male but as I've pointed out previously Caster Semenya has XY chromosomes and a vagina. These aren't objective distinctions. Categories, which are created by people, are inherently subjective by the very nature of being created by people.
Do you disagree with this?
Yes and I challenge you to find an objective biological definition that isn't inconsistent when we include the intersexed or that doesn't leave out infertile cisgendered people.
That’s a hostage argument. The “if you deny what they feel they’ll kill themselves” which even the Biden administration stated.
It's basic human sociology. We are social creatures. If society ostracizes an entire group of people those people are going to suffer more mental health ailments. That isnt surprising our counter intuitive.
You want to give the child the candy bars and donuts they want now.. I want to give them
The vegetables and nutrition mindset for their long term health.
The people who confirm, objectively, that vegetables are better for you than candy are doctors and biologists, and they are exactly who you are ignoring now.
No, the trans community is probably the most glorified, socially supported, and protected class in out culture currently.
Probably is a shit way to start an objective argument, objectively speaking.
No, it doesn’t at all. So, I guess we’re at an impasse.
Well if you're not going to acknowledge quotes I provide from your link then I guess so. 😄
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ANTI-FACIST so that means you are a fascist?

Whoda guessed?

And there's that racism that proves the point.

They call themselves that, but they are really the modern version of the Red Guards.

They are far more authoritarian than anyone they oppose.

Of course you play the same word games they do.
It's an honest question, because it follows the exact same logic, which is very simple:

"If I feel it, it is, and should be respected by all, or else you're a bigot"

That's basically the mantra, I don't think any leftist/woke LGBTQ activist could deny it.

So, if you can "feel" a different sex/gender, can you "feel" a different race? Can a white girl "feel" like she's an oppressed minority black woman? Can a 65 yr old man "feel" like he's 25 and demand to be called as such?

And if you say no, aren't you a bigot for denying their supposed right to feel how they believe they are?

There is another half of this.
Go ahead and try to get one left poster here to outright admit that a substantial percentage of "trans" people are effeminate gay men and cross dressers.
Go ahead and try.
They won't do it. No way. Because if they do, this immediately illegitimatizes the demands to force people to call someone by a preferred pronoun. As well as - also immediately throws cold water on the demand that "trans" men should have the right to use a woman's restroom.
There is another half of this.
Go ahead and try to get one left poster here to outright admit that a substantial percentage of "trans" people are effeminate gay men and cross dressers.
Go ahead and try.
They won't do it. No way. Because if they do, this immediately illegitimatizes the demands to force people to call someone by a preferred pronoun. As well as - also immediately throws cold water on the demand that "trans" men should have the right to use a woman's restroom.
Why would we admit to something you have no objective evidence of?
Why would we admit to something you have no objective evidence of?
This is a great example folks of how the left hivemind plagued by the woke virus think.
1) An accepted lie is greater than truth. - What is an accepted lie? Answer that by giving an example... the accepted lie that men can be pregnant. A 100% impossible feat - yet the liberal woke mind will say it is absolutely true. And that their preferred accepted lie trumps biological fact.
2) Pretend something isn't true. No matter how obvious something is that cast a shadow on an accepted lie, simply pretend it isn't true. - Curried Goats response here - is a perfect example of that.
Another great example is most trans-activist believe, and often say, that the alarming increase in suicide among 25 and below trans is made up. It is not true. A normal brained person can only stare at them in disbelief when they keep saying that - but I would refer you to #2.

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