Zone1 Trans Supporters: If you can be Trans-gender, can people also be Trans-racial or Trans-age?

Why would that be a mistake? I thought they were exactly the same, a woman is a woman.

Not so much?

Joe carry’s a dose of morning after pills for trans women every time he sleeps with one.

No, seriously. Even the trans women find it weird
They call themselves that, but they are really the modern version of the Red Guards.

They are far more authoritarian than anyone they oppose.

Of course you play the same word games they do.
And there's the old "I know you are but what am I" 4th grade response.
On Kohlberg's moral reasoning scale, they are at the most primitive level. It is called "pre-conventional" and represents that stage of childhood when children base their sense of right and wrong entirely upon whether or not they are punished.
Take the recent Pulitzer prize winner who is trans (I'm sure his "trans" status has no effect on that win... :rolleyes: )
A couple years ago he wrote the reason he became trans is pornography.
Well... THAT is very much not accepted by trans activist... so he is now blacklisted and hated.
Indeed primitive thinking, as intolerant people always are
Want to know what objective evidence is?
Things like Chromosomes and genitalia/body structure.

All things that have to do with biological sex and nothing to do with gender since gender is not a term of science.
In don’t think you’re correct. The claim of “transphobia” and “bigotry” is nearly always assigned to those who simply disagree with the trans ideology. Disagreement is instantly spun as “hate”, insulting, and denying their existence as humans, and even violence claiming they aren’t safe. This is done not just be common leftists, but by Democrats and the Biden administration. I think you may be naive to how much they irrationally attack the right.

Yes, they absolutely do, or else the reasons I listed above.

This is precisely correct. Christians do not demand by totalitarian methods that you must believe, and if you don’t immediately victimize themselves as unsafe, hated, etc. The LGBTQ community/Democrats/Biden does not allow this respect.

Christians May plead and evangelize, but the faith is spread by free will and acceptance of Christ on your own, not by social attack, censorship of counter beliefs, economic attack on livelihoods, even govt force (Canada) like the LGBTQ does

I couldn’t agree more, and I wish the LGBTQ community, the MSM, Democrats, and the Biden administration would be as rational as you are being here
At the risk of treading further into this rabbit hole…what totalitarian methods have “they” used to force you, personally, to accept them?

Speaking of “economic attacks on their livelyhood”, is that like the right has done to Target, Bud Lite, etc.? Or the small family owned businesses that might host a Drag Queen brunch?
You did not read the study.

You linked to an article in which the author of the article offers an opinion of medical literature.

Nowhere in the medical literature or studies does it state that gender is homosexuality or transexualism. It does make clear that the science must identify the sex as male or female and not to confuse the science with what people claim they are.

The studies do state a boy who lost his testicles as a baby and was thus raised as a girl later in childhood refused to identify as a girl.

The study found despite the environment, the physical handicap, how he was raised and taught he was a girl, he identified himself as a man, as ones biology dictates.

Gender is not defined by the fad of political correctness, despite whoever confirms your opinion.

Furries? I would say that response was a step in the wrong direction for zone 1 rules so other than stated such, I have to nite my tongue in regards to the direction, furries takes this discussion.

You never read the study, you should of. It does not confirm your opinion of what gender, is.
Everyone already knows your feelings, but it's real hard to get past the XX's and the XY's.
When a trannie male can carry a fetus in his womb, get back to me, okay?
Or the small family owned businesses that might host a Drag Queen brunch?
Drag Queen Brunch at a small family business? Are drag queens really able to get up and put on the womanface and shapewear in time for brunch?

Just kidding!
At the risk of treading further into this rabbit hole…what totalitarian methods have “they” used to force you, personally, to accept them?

Speaking of “economic attacks on their livelyhood”, is that like the right has done to Target, Bud Lite, etc.? Or the small family owned businesses that might host a Drag Queen brunch?
I don't "accept" even homosexuality. But that doesn't stop the culture from pushing this perversion in every aspect of your life. Some of us (most of us) don't want this treated as normal. It is a mental illness

At the risk of treading further into this rabbit hole…what totalitarian methods have “they” used to force you, personally, to accept them?
Censorship for disagreeing.
Speaking of “economic attacks on their livelyhood”, is that like the right has done to Target, Bud Lite, etc.? Or the small family owned businesses that might host a Drag Queen brunch?
No, boycotts are of free will by individuals no matter who does them.

The LGBTQ movement tries to get advertisers to pull support and banks to not give loans to businesses who disagree with them. They pressure HR departments to fire people from their jobs if they publicly support opposing viewpoints.
It’s my theory that women tattoo themselves when they have a bad life experience like a break up or assault.
What is with you and flocking from using your own brain and dying on the hill of “appeal to authority” arguments?
I've also posted objective studies. It just so happens that the people who usually conduct these studies or do this research are the authorities. Just because some piece of objective evidence comes from people in authority doesn't make it a fallacy of appealing to authority. It's only a fallacy if I appeal to authority without any corroborating, objective evidence. Also where is any of your objective evidence? Appeals to ignorance aren't better arguments.
I’m sure you used Anthony Fauci to bash over the head of people as well… and he ended up being wrong on most things he declared. It’s not smart to assume people with degrees always know what they’re talking about. They are valuable resources, but if a doctor says my mosquito bite requires my arm to be amputated, I’m not just saying “okay Mr Expert!!” And putting my arm on the table.. you seem to be though.
I'm not. Feel free to question any evidence I present. My question is do you have any evidence whatsoever to support any of your arguments? The answer appears to be no.
The DSM5 is a single source that clearly lacks wisdom if it says a person with a penis can be female.
See, saying they clearly lack wisdom isnt an objective counter. I merely point to the DSM-5 as the source of my information, I'm more than happy to argue about what that information contains. I'm simply wondering what source you are getting your information from.
That would tell me they are actually very stupid… or crazed, ideologues who worked hard to earn degrees to spout unprovable theories.
So your objection rest on an ad hominem?
All of this sociological discussion is theory only. You and these oddballs you are referencing are basically on the same plane as flat-earthers or a denial of gravity. Your claims don’t hold weight. They don’t make sense. They’re theories you’re welcome to hold, but that’s it.
Based on what evidence?
Want to know what objective evidence is?
Things like Chromosomes and genitalia/body structure.
Sure. What chromosomes and genitalia you have is objective. How we arrange those features into sex categories however is subjective.
Want to know what objective evidence is not? People expressing their exclusively ideological theories in a book.
You don't seem to understand what scientific theory is.
No it is used to describe one of only two sexes, male = Men, female = Women.

Pretty simple.

Yes, two sexes....sexes and genders are not one in the same. The latter is related to the former, but they are not, and should not, be interchangeable words
Yes, two sexes....sexes and genders are not one in the same. The latter is related to the former, but they are not, and should not, be interchangeable words

The genders were simply words to describe a He = Male and a She = Female.

That’s it.
The genders were simply words to describe a He = Male and a She = Female.

That’s it.

Words can have one of 4 different genders, Masculine, Feminine, Neuter and Common. This is where the whole concept of gender came from, literature and not science.

Common decency.

How can something you lack stop you from doing anything?

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