Zone1 Trans Supporters: If you can be Trans-gender, can people also be Trans-racial or Trans-age?

Words can have one of 4 different genders, Masculine, Feminine, Neuter and Common. This is where the whole concept of gender came from, literature and not science.

How can something you lack stop you from doing anything?

Decency to you is encouraging childrens castration and men being allowed to enter womens locker rooms.

Now I hear that in some school districts in Vermont, gay boys were allowed in the girls bathrooms? The reasoning was that gays aren’t sexually attracted to females.

Never mind that it made the girls extremely uncomfortable, cuz it’s all about the gays.
I've also posted objective studies. It just so happens that the people who usually conduct these studies or do this research are the authorities. Just because some piece of objective evidence comes from people in authority doesn't make it a fallacy of appealing to authority. It's only a fallacy if I appeal to authority without any corroborating, objective evidence. Also where is any of your objective evidence? Appeals to ignorance aren't better arguments.

I'm not. Feel free to question any evidence I present. My question is do you have any evidence whatsoever to support any of your arguments? The answer appears to be no.
I can easily support my position with ironclad evidence that is well established and known in the medical community.

XY/Penis/testosterone/body structure/larger lung capacity/etc = male/man

XX/Vagina/designed for child bearing/body structure/estrogen/less physical stature = female/woman.

There’s no need for studies. This is just fact. You’re like a flat earther here, demanding I prove the earth is round. The onus is on you to break through with definitive smoking gun proof. You have theories, maybes, hopes, “if you look at it this way” statements.

Meanwhile. Your attempt to portray some equivalence in the medical authority of our statements is as pretentious as it is oblivious. Again, you’re the niche, extreme fringe radical here. We’re not starting at 0-0.. my factual statement is up 1000-0, and you have to catch up
See, saying they clearly lack wisdom isnt an objective counter. I merely point to the DSM-5 as the source of my information, I'm more than happy to argue about what that information contains. I'm simply wondering what source you are getting your information from.

So your objection rest on an ad hominem?
If a psychologist purports a radical theory that is very stupid, then in this moment on this issue he’s being stupid. They may be intelligent, but intelligent people are wrong all the time.

If some credentialed fellow comes and tells me an apple is actually a banana.. and he’s serious, and his supporters shame me and fight with all the gusto to try to social engineer the claim that apples are actually bananas… they would be stupid to do that. They may be intelligent in some areas, but that is a stupid thing to suggest.

An apple is an apple, a banana is a banana.
A male is a man, a female is a woman.

There’s no need for credentials, we learn this in early elementary school.
Based on what evidence?


You’re asking me to provide evidence that you’re spouting theories?
Sure. What chromosomes and genitalia you have is objective. How we arrange those features into sex categories however is subjective.
Exactly… so you have a radical, subjective theory which most people and most biologists and clinical psychologists disagree with. That’s my point all along. Thank you for ceding that.
Decency to you is encouraging childrens castration and men being allowed to enter womens locker rooms.

Now I hear that in some school districts in Vermont, gay boys were allowed in the girls bathrooms? The reasoning was that gays aren’t sexually attracted to females.

Never mind that it made the girls extremely uncomfortable, cuz it’s all about the gays.
It’s shocking to see how much the left has discarded women… if they feel uncomfortable, the left shames them for their genuine discomfort.

They lecture how feeling defines reality, but if someone’s feelings don’t align with their ideology, those feelings not only don’t matter, but are dangerous, hateful, transphobic, etc.

No standards from the left. It’s saying what they have to in the moment to achieve power, and denying their behavior yesterday
Decency to you is encouraging childrens castration and men being allowed to enter womens locker rooms.

Nope, nice try but I am against both those things and have said so 100s of times on this very forum.

Just because I am not like you and hate all gay and trans people does not mean I support those things.

Now I hear that in some school districts in Vermont, gay boys were allowed in the girls bathrooms? The reasoning was that gays aren’t sexually attracted to females.

Never mind that it made the girls extremely uncomfortable, cuz it’s all about the gays.

Schools have a long history of doing stupid shit, does not make it right or something most people, gays included, support
I can easily support my position with ironclad evidence that is well established and known in the medical community.

XY/Penis/testosterone/body structure/larger lung capacity/etc = male/man

XX/Vagina/designed for child bearing/body structure/estrogen/less physical stature = female/woman.

There’s no need for studies. This is just fact. You’re like a flat earther here, demanding I prove the earth is round. The onus is on you to break through with definitive smoking gun proof. You have theories, maybes, hopes, “if you look at it this way” statements.
If you're so confident in this then entertain some challenge to it.

What about people with ambiguous genitalia? Or XY chromosomes and a vagina? Or XX chromosomes and a penis? Or people with XXY or XYY?

It's an objective fact that people with XY chromosomes can have vaginas and that people with XX chromosomes can have a penis. You don't really have an objective argument against this fact because they do exist. You simply have a subjective argument about what to call them.
Meanwhile. Your attempt to portray some equivalence in the medical authority of our statements is as pretentious as it is oblivious. Again, you’re the niche, extreme fringe radical here. We’re not starting at 0-0.. my factual statement is up 1000-0, and you have to catch up
And in the medical community you're ignorant Bingos.
If a psychologist purports a radical theory that is very stupid, then in this moment on this issue he’s being stupid. They may be intelligent, but intelligent people are wrong all the time.
Which psychologists support your strategy?
If some credentialed fellow comes and tells me an apple is actually a banana.. and he’s serious, and his supporters shame me and fight with all the gusto to try to social engineer the claim that apples are actually bananas… they would be stupid to do that. They may be intelligent in some areas, but that is a stupid thing to suggest.
And when I present a study on the brains of trans people with MRIs that show the physiological functioning of their brains showing similar activity to the sex they identify with and your best retort is to make declarations you provide no evidence for why shouldn't I take you for a Bingo?
An apple is an apple, a banana is a banana.
A male is a man, a female is a woman.
What makes an apple distinct from a banana or a man distinct from a female. You seem very reluctant to have that debate, objectively.
There’s no need for credentials, we learn this in early elementary school.
So you're appealing to the authority of your 4th grade class? You don't think reality is a little more nuanced than what you learned in elementary school?

You’re asking me to provide evidence that you’re spouting theories?
You don't seem to understand what scientific theories are. They aren't guesses.
Exactly… so you have a radical, subjective theory which most people and most biologists and clinical psychologists disagree with. That’s my point all along. Thank you for ceding that.
You haven't presented any evidence of what most scientists or biologists agree with and are yourself in this instant, appealing to authority. Poorly I might add.
Nope, nice try but I am against both those things and have said so 100s of times on this very forum.

Just because I am not like you and hate all gay and trans people does not mean I support those things.

Schools have a long history of doing stupid shit, does not make it right or something most people, gays included, support
Show one statement of my gay or trans hate.
Everyone already knows your feelings, but it's real hard to get past the XX's and the XY's.
When a trannie male can carry a fetus in his womb, get back to me, okay?
Feelings, you cant stay on topic.

The study you linked to says you are a liar, that men can not get pregnant. That contrary to your opinion there are onky two sexes.

Further, it expkains in detail how hormone therapy is damaging to the body.

Any women who has cut off her breasts, been on hormone therapy to be a man, then gets pregnant is damaging the baby. The chemicals in our bodies are different for a msn and women

You are ignorant of the studies you linked to, gave me to read. Thet explicitedly spell out it is harmful to transition, injecting hormones, unnaturally.

yes, i have feelings for that baby who now must overcome the medical frankenstien that created the health peoblems that baby will suffer, being in a womb that is a body poisoned by the hormones that do not belong

read what you link to, they ralk about the x and y chromosone, the talk abiut the male chromosone women are not born with.

You keep walking the line on these zone 1 rules. Ni trilling and flamming, yet you are trolling and flamming wgen you start talking about my feelings.
And there's the old "I know you are but what am I" 4th grade response.

Nope, it's just showing that the name of a group doesn't always represent what the group believes.

They are anarchists, Maoists, and probably some left over Trotskyists.
I see, bold statement with no backup? Cool.

If I hate these people, give us the evidence

Though less bold than the claims you made about me with no back up.

I already told you I would provide them as soon as you provide the post from me supporting childrens castration and men being allowed to enter women's locker rooms.

You made that claim, why can you not back it up?
Though less bold than the claims you made about me with no back up.

I already told you I would provide them as soon as you provide the post from me supporting childrens castration and men being allowed to enter women's locker rooms.

You made that claim, why can you not back it up?

So, let’s stipulate that you are correct, which I would applaud in fact, and that it then is impossible for men to become women, and women to become men. That being true, it is absurd to demand society accept the premise to begin with.

So now show me where I indicated I hated trans or gays
So, let’s stipulate that you are correct, which I would applaud in fact, and that it then is impossible for men to become women, and women to become men. That being true, it is absurd to demand society accept the premise to begin with.

So, is this your round about way of admitting you lied about me supporting childrens castration and men being allowed to enter women's locker rooms?
So, is this your round about way of admitting you lied about me supporting childrens castration and men being allowed to enter women's locker rooms?

Just setting the record straight. I assume leftist believe the trans ideology.

And you may not. If not, you can simply state that you oppose the Left when they try to block minor gender affirming care laws.
Just setting the record straight. I assume leftist believe the trans ideology.

So, you again did not answer the question.

I do not even know what "trans ideology" is. My ideology is that if a grown adult wants to say they are a different gender than their sex I really could not care less as it has zero impact on my life.

If not, you can simply state that you oppose the Left when they try to block minor gender affirming care laws.

I have done so multiple times. I have said all gender changing actions should not be allowed till the person is old enough to be trusted to buy a beer. I have been very consistent in this.
So, you again did not answer the question.

I do not even know what "trans ideology" is. My ideology is that if a grown adult wants to say they are a different gender than their sex I really could not care less as it has zero impact on my life.

I have done so multiple times. I have said all gender changing actions should not be allowed till the person is old enough to be trusted to buy a beer. I have been very consistent in this.

I think I did. And good for you on the minor castration. It is appalling.
last list I saw was like 30 long or some other such shit. Most of them I did not even understand but it harms me not at all if someone wants to use one of them.
Doesn't harm me at all if grown people believe in the tooth fairy, either. If they pulled out their healthy teeth when they needed money, I would believe that they are not mentally stable and need help. It would harm children and I would feel compelled to say something if grown people started pulling out children's healthy teeth to make money from the tooth fairy.

You obviously believe that gender is real, or you could have just concluded the conversation by saying "gender isn't real." I asked you how many genders there are to understand how many you believe there are. The answer you gave me was about a list you saw and speak of dismissively.

How many genders do you, Golfing Gator, believe that people have?
You obviously believe that gender is real, or you could have just concluded the conversation by saying "gender isn't real." I asked you how many genders there are to understand how many you believe there are. The answer you gave me was about a list you saw and speak of dismissively.

How many genders do you, Golfing Gator, believe that people have?

Yes, it is real just like many other societal constructs are real.

How many genders are there? As many as people want their to be. Who am I to say they are wrong?

The spouse of a co-workers is trans...their gender went from male to non-binary to female. I do not understand a lick of it personally but they seem far happier now than they were two years ago so I am happy for them.

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