Zone1 Trans Supporters: If you can be Trans-gender, can people also be Trans-racial or Trans-age?

Are you serious? That gender is the same as sex when sex means male or female isn't something I made up. This whole "gender-fluid, non-binary, I was a boy, but now I am a girl" because "feelings and shit" is the made up definition.

Yes, tragic when a person of the female gender does that to herself. What does that have to do with changing gender?

In female-to-male transsexuals, the operative procedures are usually performed in different stages: first the subcutaneous mastectomy which is often combined with a hysterectomy-ovarectomy (endoscopically assisted). The next operative procedure consists of the genital transformation and includes a vaginectomy, a reconstruction of the horizontal part of the urethra, a scrotoplasty and a penile reconstruction usually with a radial forearm flap (or an alternative). After about one year, penile (erection) prosthesis and testicular prostheses can be implanted when sensation has returned to the tip of the penis.

The sad part is that the surgery and the hormones are completely unnecessary.

Take your friend. If he belives that he is now female, why not continue to accept his body as it is now? Why have a surgery that is just as grusome as the one you posted for so-called "female-to-male" surgery? He has friends who accept him. Anyone who does not accept him now, is unlikely to accept him because he gets his body altered.

Most of the cosmetic changes provided by the surgery can be accomplished with shapewear, female clothing and makeup, and maybe some facial surgery. It is unlikely he will then look like anything but a man trying to look like a woman, but the same is true for people who have the surgery.

I hope as a friend, you would encourage him to accept himself as he is, and not find a doctor to profit from mutilating him.
You're the one refusing to accept people as they are.
Every definition is a made up definition. But that particular one of gender meaning biological sex was made up long before I was born. I heard it used that way until very recently, when it became convenient for transactivists to redefine it.

Just the opposite is true, the transactivists need you all to use the words interchangeably, they win when you do.

Physical changes to gender?

That is an oxymoron.
You're the one refusing to accept people as they are.

So you accept transracialism?

No, it is you who play into their hands.

My view solves the problem of wrong people in wrong bathrooms/lockers and playing the wrong sports. Yours helps all those things to happen

So what did you mean by posting it? How did it show a change in gender?

Just a distraction?

You were fixated on physical changes so I showed you some.
My view solves the problem of wrong people in wrong bathrooms/lockers and playing the wrong sports. Yours helps all those things to happen
It would solve those problems if the same people who convinced you about the sex=/= gender would accept it. They won't. They will continue to insist, as they do now, that they be allowed to use the bathrooms/lockers and teams that correspond with "the gender they identify as."

If you think that they will admire you for accepting their gender, and be all about compromise on the facilities, you are very mistaken. The left don't compromise, they plateau bargain, which is how they managed to convince people to let them get as far as they have.

So far they are winning on this issue of boys/men using girls/women lockers bathrooms and teams, thanks to people trying to compromise with them. If they lose, it will not be by us accepting their delusions. It will be by us telling them their delusions will not govern how we protect the rights of girls/women.
You were fixated on physical changes so I showed you some.
Then you could have shown water changing into ice and it would have been just as relevant. I knew it was intended as a distraction, because you just showed the link but did not say what it was supposed to prove.

I'm glad you understand that "gender affirming" surgery changes neither sex nor gender. It changes a healthy body into a less healthy body.
It would solve those problems if the same people who convinced you about the sex=/= gender would accept it. They won't. They will continue to insist, as they do now, that they be allowed to use the bathrooms/lockers and teams that correspond with "the gender they identify as."

If you think that they will admire you for accepting their gender, and be all about compromise on the facilities, you are very mistaken. The left don't compromise, they plateau bargain, which is how they managed to convince people to let them get as far as they have.

So far they are winning on this issue of boys/men using girls/women lockers bathrooms and teams, thanks to people trying to compromise with them. If they lose, it will not be by us accepting their delusions. It will be by us telling them their delusions will not govern how we protect the rights of girls/women.

You are the one compromising with them by using their definition of gender
So, anyway . . . yes of course if people can change their gender by simply announcing it, they can change their race as well. There are way more inter-racial poeple than the extremely rare occurance of inter-sex people. There are also people who were raised in the culture associated with a race different from their own, such as when they are adopted.

Still, it would be an outrage if a white person claimed to be black in order to fraudulently benefit from Affirmative Action, for example. It is even more an outrage if a male claims to be female in order to fraudulently benefit from women's sports and women's private spaces. Still more outrageous that people will actually pretend that the second is not a fraud.
Still, it would be an outrage if a white person claimed to be black in order to fraudulently benefit from Affirmative Action, for example. It is even more an outrage if a male claims to be female in order to fraudulently benefit from women's sports and women's private spaces. Still more outrageous that people will actually pretend that the second is not a fraud.

Both are wrong
This should be mandatory viewing for parents and kids who are considering transitioning. FF to 2:58, when the panel starts to introduce themselves.

One thing that struck me I also noticed about Chloe above: Some of the girls who transitioned to males and then detranistioned still have the husky voices they got by taking male hormones. The opposite does not seem to happen to males as you can tell from the two males who transitioned to females.

It's a little confusing because the first one is a medical detransitioner, but is not socially transitioning. I believe that social transitioning, is the only kind of transitioning that would actually bring any relief for the mental disorder of gender dysphoria. It can also be used safely by people with gender confusion rather than full blown gender dysphoria.

Obviously that would not be as profitable to the transgenderization industry.
Feelings, you cant stay on topic.

The study you linked to says you are a liar, that men can not get pregnant. That contrary to your opinion there are onky two sexes.

Further, it expkains in detail how hormone therapy is damaging to the body.

Any women who has cut off her breasts, been on hormone therapy to be a man, then gets pregnant is damaging the baby. The chemicals in our bodies are different for a msn and women

You are ignorant of the studies you linked to, gave me to read. Thet explicitedly spell out it is harmful to transition, injecting hormones, unnaturally.

yes, i have feelings for that baby who now must overcome the medical frankenstien that created the health peoblems that baby will suffer, being in a womb that is a body poisoned by the hormones that do not belong

read what you link to, they ralk about the x and y chromosone, the talk abiut the male chromosone women are not born with.

You keep walking the line on these zone 1 rules. Ni trilling and flamming, yet you are trolling and flamming wgen you start talking about my feelings.
You are backing what I'm saying.......iF a male trannie thinks he's a chick, it's because he feels he's a chick, not that he IS a chick.
He has a mental issue. That has been my premise all along. :rolleyes-41:
Transsexual is legit, so is transracial and trans animal. How can you accept ones belief and not the other?
You are backing what I'm saying.......iF a male trannie thinks he's a chick, it's because he feels he's a chick, not that he IS a chick.
He has a mental issue. That has been my premise all along. :rolleyes-41:
I wont participate in changing the meaning of words according to today's political correctness

To use the language of the politically correct is to be incorrect
Censorship for disagreeing.

How are you censored? (bare on mind that thus far, only thr political right has been passing laws censoring free speech).

No, boycotts are of free will by individuals no matter who does them.

I agree. So why do you have an issue with “economic attacks on their livelyhood”?

The LGBTQ movement tries to get advertisers to pull support and banks to not give loans to businesses who disagree with them. They pressure HR departments to fire people from their jobs if they publicly support opposing viewpoints.
No different than the boycotts, protests, mob violence and pressure campaigns you all indulge in.
This former gender clinic case manager talks about how manipulative the medical and counseling staff were once a child came to them. Everything was scripted and coordinated to convincing the child and parent to start the transition as soon as possible and as aggressively as possible, both medically and surgically.

Fear, and the lies about suicide rates, were the key talking points for applying pressure to reluctant parents.

It’s shocking to see how much the left has discarded women… if they feel uncomfortable, the left shames them for their genuine discomfort.

They lecture how feeling defines reality, but if someone’s feelings don’t align with their ideology, those feelings not only don’t matter, but are dangerous, hateful, transphobic, etc.

No standards from the left. It’s saying what they have to in the moment to achieve power, and denying their behavior yesterday
Seems like all the “feeling” stuff is emoting from you in this thread.

Maybe you need to chill a bit :dunno:

If you are hoping all this trans stuff is going to send women flocking to the far right, I kind of doubt it. Trannies aren’t all that important an issue.

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