Zone1 Trans Supporters: If you can be Trans-gender, can people also be Trans-racial or Trans-age?

It's an honest question, because it follows the exact same logic, which is very simple:

"If I feel it, it is, and should be respected by all, or else you're a bigot"

That's basically the mantra, I don't think any leftist/woke LGBTQ activist could deny it.

So, if you can "feel" a different sex/gender, can you "feel" a different race? Can a white girl "feel" like she's an oppressed minority black woman? Can a 65 yr old man "feel" like he's 25 and demand to be called as such?

And if you say no, aren't you a bigot for denying their supposed right to feel how they believe they are?
I self identify as the POTUS and demand to be referred to as Mr. President.
The Rodney King Incident was horrifying.
The police officers involved represent a tiny fraction of a percent of all LE officers.
And it was over 30 years ago.
That's when I started waking up.

Too bad you missed the wake up call.

It actually represents the training of every police officer in the country.
That's why I say there's no black or white in policing, only Blue.
So not only have dropped all pretense of an objective argument now you're just making things up wholesale.

Taken all together the intersexed make up about 1.7% of all births which make them as about as common as red heads. is estimated that up,identifiable sexual or reproductive variations.

I will rue the day will I? What a bunch of Scooby-Doo bulllshit your argument turned out to be.
Get mad all you want, this is just a pointless, non-compelling argument. Men are men, women are women. Deal with it.

Do you think men/males give birth?

Do you think females/women have a penis?
I self identify as the POTUS and demand to be referred to as Mr. President.
I identify as “the hottest man in the world”, and if you don’t respect that you’re hateful, and I don’t feel safe.
Get mad all you want, this is just a pointless, non-compelling argument. Men are men, women are women. Deal with it.

Do you think men/males give birth?

Do you think females/women have a penis?
Why do you think I'm mad that you can't manage an objective argument? 😄
all of my claims are objective. Why don’t you answer the questions:

Do you think men/males give birth?

Do you think females/women have a penis?
It's you who can't answer objectively exactly what a male is in a way that doesn't exclude the infertile or people who were born with XY chromosomes and vaginas or XX chromosomes and penises.

That's a claim by one former patient who went through years of puberty blockers, testosterone and finally surgery before detransitioning. What are you trying argue or prove with this video? That one patients regret invalidates all of trans care? Do you know how common regret is for other medical procedures? Do higher levels of regret invalidate those procedures? Is that the logic you're using?

In this study of young beast cancer patients 24% regretted surgery, 21% regretted chemo/ radiation and 17% regretted reconstruction surgery.

Detransition regret on the other hand is around 1%.

How common is transgender treatment regret, detransitioning?

She's doesn't have a medical degree, wasn't in the room when patients met with doctors and her account is being discredited by those very patients and their families.

Parents hit back at Missouri trans clinic whistleblower Jamie Reed
You asked for evidence that there are people who want to medicate and mutilate kids. I posted examples of people who were medicated and mutilated as kids and of an adult who witnessed gender specialists pushing to do it.

Is your only response to call all of them liars?

We'll know more about the rate of regret after more time has passed and valid studies have been done.

Doing this to kids is too recent for valid stats to have been gathered. Meanwhile the anecdotes are tragedies for each detransitioner who was victimized.
It's you who can't answer objectively exactly what a male is in a way that doesn't exclude the infertile or people who were born with XY chromosomes and vaginas or XX chromosomes and penises.

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Extreme Exceptions don’t make a rule. It’s the sign of a desperate person whose claim isnt holding up.
Answer these objectively

Do you think men/males give birth?

Do you think females/women have a penis?
Extreme Exceptions don’t make a rule. It’s the sign of a desperate person whose claim isnt holding up.
Answer these objectively

Do you think men/males give birth?

Do you think females/women have a penis?
1. I've given objective evidence for every one of my claims. The one claim you tried to provide evidence for ended up supporting my argument. 😄

2. Before I answer your questions you need to define what a male or female is, objectively. You can't do it.
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You asked for evidence that there are people who want to medicate and mutilate kids. I posted examples of people who were medicated and mutilated as kids and of an adult who witnessed gender specialists pushing to do it.
No. You posted one video of one patients claim that is currently being adjudicated in court. We have no idea how the court is going to rule in that case.
Is your only response to call all of them liars?
I didn't call anyone a liar. You just lied about that.
We'll know more about the rate of regret after more time has passed and valid studies have been done.
What makes the current studies invalid?
Doing this to kids is too recent for valid stats to have been gathered. Meanwhile the anecdotes are tragedies for each detransitioner who was victimized.
You haven't validated that claim.
70% of Americans support gay marriage
Broad based support for LGBTQ+ equality
2/3 of Americans support Trans persons serving in the military

Here's your trends squidly.

Surveys using loaded statements to get the results they want.

A Majority of Americans support abortion restrictions in the 12-15 week range, you gonna tout that survey?
1. I've given objective evidence for every one of my claims.
I’ve used physical attributes, which are objectively observable, to define my arguments. I don’t get what your obsession is with using the term objective is, and saying anyone’s argument who disagrees with you is not objective.

Objective, objective, objective… ha, I cornered you.
The one claim you tried to provide evidence for ended up supporting my argument. 😄
No it didn’t at all, but carry on your spin
2. Before I answer your questions you need to define what a male or female is, objectively. You can't do it.
I did. Go back and reread.

Third attempt at you answering basic questions:

Do you think men/males give birth?

Do you think females/women have a penis?
I’ve used physical attributes, which are objectively observable, to define my arguments. I don’t get what your obsession is with using the term objective is, and saying anyone’s argument who disagrees with you is not objective.

Objective, objective, objective… ha, I cornered you.

No it didn’t at all, but carry on your spin

I did. Go back and reread.

Third attempt at you answering basic questions:

Do you think men/males give birth?

Do you think females/women have a penis?
Are they objective definitions though? People with XY chromosomes can have vaginas. People with XX chromosomes can have testes. People can have both sets of chromosomes or ambiguous genitalia that isn't clearly one sex or the other. These are also observable physical attributes. Calling them exceptions isn't an objective counter argument. Its a side step and a dodge. That's what I meant when I said you don't know what a scientific theory is. It isn't a guess. It's an explanation for how natural forces behave in all its iterations. An explanation that can only explain how light travels in a vacuum but can't explain how it travels through water or atmosphere isn't much of a theory. There are no exceptions in objective scientific theory. The things we can't account for means our theories aren't accurate or complete.
Are they objective definitions though? People with XY chromosomes can have vaginas. People with XX chromosomes can have testes.
Those are anomalies that, despite deviations from the natural order, fail to dispute that all the other physical markers align with their chromosomal sex/gender.

I get you’re just trying to eye-rollingly poke holes with extreme exceptions, but again, they don’t change the rule.

If a baby is born missing an arm, that doesn’t mean we have to rethink what a human being in nature is… humans naturally have 2 arms, a deformity caused this person to have one. All of the other markers say they’re human, we know what they were meant/designed to be, they just were unfortunately deformed.

The same goes here. You’re referencing deformities, you’re saying we need to question whether humans have one arm or two. I don’t get what purpose anyone would have to do that unless they had some extreme activist agenda.
These are also observable physical attributes. Calling them exceptions isn't an objective counter argument. Its a side step and a dodge.
It is, just because you want to philosophically rethink whether humans have 2 arms or not doesn’t mean you can expect others to Participate and respect such a silly endeavor. It sounds like you need a bottle of wine in front of a comfy fireplace to think deeply about these things the rest of us already know.

Meanwhile… Your lack of providing an objective argument is objectively observable, I object to your use of the word “objective” as you clearly have no idea what it objectively means, and I can objectively see that you just toss the word “objective” around in an objectively incorrect manner.
Are they objective definitions though? People with XY chromosomes can have vaginas. People with XX chromosomes can have testes. People can have both sets of chromosomes or ambiguous genitalia that isn't clearly one sex or the other. These are also observable physical attributes. Calling them exceptions isn't an objective counter argument. Its a side step and a dodge. That's what I meant when I said you don't know what a scientific theory is. It isn't a guess. It's an explanation for how natural forces behave in all its iterations. An explanation that can only explain how light travels in a vacuum but can't explain how it travels through water or atmosphere isn't much of a theory. There are no exceptions in objective scientific theory. The things we can't account for means our theories aren't accurate or complete.
But bottom line, on record, you appear to think that males/men can give birth and females/women can have penises (correct me if I’m wrong)

That’s just objectively not true, and is ridiculous to expect others to agree.
Those are anomalies that, despite deviations from the natural order, fail to dispute that all the other physical markers align with their chromosomal sex/gender.
The natural order as defined by you is not at all an objective observation. It is the very essence of subjective judgment. You, from your subjective perspective, think there is a right way and a wrong way for nature to be ordered but objective observations aren't about making those types of subjective determinations. They are about taking note of what is observed in nature and trying to come up with the best explanation for what we are seeing, for why something responds or behaves the way it does rather than implying there is way it should behave. That is the difference between the objective and subjective. The explanation for the intersexed involves clinical scientific explanations like CYP21A2 gene mutation or AMH and AMHR2 gene mutations. These are scientific explanations for why the intersexed develop as they do. Calling them deviations of the natural order (what is the natural order by the way since you introduced the term) sounds a lot more like a sermon than science.
I get you’re just trying to eye-rollingly poke holes with extreme exceptions, but again, they don’t change the rule.
They prove your rule to be inadequate as an objective scientific explanation for natural phenomenon.
If a baby is born missing an arm, that doesn’t mean we have to rethink what a human being in nature is… they are deficient, but all the other markers say they’re human, we know what they were meant/designed to be, they just were unfortunately deformed.
By every single marker, not by all other markers. Are you trying to imply that being born without an arm is partly an inhuman marker? There is no way that humans are meant to be. There is no designer. That's not science, that's religion.
The same goes here. You’re referencing deformities, you’re saying we need to question whether humans have one arm or two. I don’t get what purpose anyone would have to do that unless they had some extreme activist agenda.
Well if a baby is born one arm then I got news for you, objective observation would tell you that human has one arm. If you want to question whether a baby born with one arm has one arm or two that's on you.
It is, just because you want to philosophically rethink whether humans have 2 arms or not doesn’t mean you can expect others to Participate and respect such a silly endeavor. It sounds like you need a bottle of wine in front of a comfy fireplace to think deeply about these things the rest of us already know.
See I think it's funny that you look at the question of whether someone has one or two arms as a philosophical question. That seems a clear indication to me that you are arguing on behalf of religion. To me, whether or not someone has one or two arms is matter of simply counting their arms.
Meanwhile… Your lack of providing an objective argument is objectively observable, I object to your use of the word “objective” as you clearly have no idea what it objectively means.
You simply don't know that that word means and you prove it more and more with each argument.
But bottom line, on record, you appear to think that males/men can give birth and females/women can have penises (correct me if I’m wrong)

That’s just objectively not true, and is ridiculous to expect others to agree.
I think some females can give birth and some can't and not being able to give birth isn't an indication that a person isn't a female.

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