Zone1 Trans Supporters: If you can be Trans-gender, can people also be Trans-racial or Trans-age?

How are you censored? (bare on mind that thus far, only thr political right has been passing laws censoring free speech).
Which laws.
I agree. So why do you have an issue with “economic attacks on their livelyhood”?
I listed them, reread.
No different than the boycotts, protests,
Very different. If you can’t tell the difference, then I can’t help ya
mob violence and pressure campaigns you all indulge in.
“Mob violence”? LOL
All this new gay and tranny shit is a top-down affair being promoted by the elites, and carried out by both knowing and unknowing accomplices. The mere fact that it has absolutely EXPLODED in recent years should give any thinking person a clue that this is not an organic, grass roots movement. People are all on board with this shit who wouldn't have gone for it 10 or even 5 years ago, but the combination of propaganda and peer pressure has essentially brainwashed them.

I think people are really missing the point, though, when they see this as actually having anything to do with gay or tranny rights. That is just the tactic and a secondary objective to the main objective. The main objective lies in creating a generation that is loyal to the state and not their parents. It is all about the state manipulating these children to be suspicious of their parents, then alienated, and then bonded to the state, instead.

In essence, this is much like the strategy behind the Hitler youth -- get to them early and they will be yours for life.
I don't "accept" even homosexuality. But that doesn't stop the culture from pushing this perversion in every aspect of your life. Some of us (most of us) don't want this treated as normal. It is a mental illness

Well, you can believe whatever you like. Some people consider people who talk to invisible beings inhabiting the sky to be a bit mental, yet here they are demanding they be respected and pushing their perversion on the rest of us. Should they be treated as normal? :dunno:

Ok. So one person was unfairly failed by a professor. Wow. Wrong, but kind of small potato’s in the realm of censorship.

On the other hand, the right is no stranger to censoring other voices.

That's a claim by one former patient who went through years of puberty blockers, testosterone and finally surgery before detransitioning. What are you trying argue or prove with this video? That one patients regret invalidates all of trans care? Do you know how common regret is for other medical procedures? Do higher levels of regret invalidate those procedures? Is that the logic you're using?

In this study of young beast cancer patients 24% regretted surgery, 21% regretted chemo/ radiation and 17% regretted reconstruction surgery.

Detransition regret on the other hand is around 1%.

How common is transgender treatment regret, detransitioning?

This former gender clinic case manager talks about how manipulative the medical and counseling staff were once a child came to them. Everything was scripted and coordinated to convincing the child and parent to start the transition as soon as possible and as aggressively as possible, both medically and surgically.

Fear, and the lies about suicide rates, were the key talking points for applying pressure to reluctant parents.

She's doesn't have a medical degree, wasn't in the room when patients met with doctors and her account is being discredited by those very patients and their families.

Parents hit back at Missouri trans clinic whistleblower Jamie Reed
Mr. Friscus

There was a post earlier that doesn't seem to be here now questioning whether a study of 6 people constituted objective evidence. I will remind you now that you have so far posted zero studies with zero patients that support your argument and while I can and will produce studies with more than 6 people in them 6 is still greater than 0. I will give you half a credit for the one piece of information you tried to provide objective evidence for except its conclusion supported me by affirming the rise in people coming out as LGBTQ was due largely to increased social acceptance. Before I move on to studies that provide objective evidence through MRIs here's one that addresses the so called social contagion argument.

In 2017, 2.4% of adolescents identified as transgender/gender diverse with the ratio of male to female assigned at birth of 1.5 to 1. In 2019, 1.6% identified as transgender/gender diverse and the ratio was 1.2 to 1. The difference in the ratios from year to year were due to a decrease in those assigned male at birth identifying as transgender, according to the study.

Authors said the combination of no prevalence in those assigned female sex at birth plus the drop in adolescents identifying as transgender in 2019 help disprove the social contagion theory.

To test it further, they also looked at rates of bullying victimization. The surveys showed about 39% of transgender/gender diverse youths reported school bullying in 2017 compared to 17% of cisgender heterosexual youths. Likewise, about 45% and 17%, respectively, reported school bullying in 2019.

“These exceptionally high rates of bullying among TGD (transgender/gender diverse) youth are inconsistent with the notion that young people come out as TGD either to avoid sexual minority stigma or because being TGD will make them more popular among their peers, both of which are explanations that have recently been propagated in the media,” authors wrote.

Now as for studies regarding the brains of trans people there are a number of them with participants.

Here's an article about a 2013 study that looked at 24 female to male and 18 male to female trans people.

Is There Something Unique about the Transgender Brain?

This one from 2018 looked at 150 adolescents.

MRI scans suggest transgender people’s brains resemble their identified gender: study - National |

This one looked at 803 non hormonally treated trans people.

The Neuroanatomy of Transgender Identity: Mega-Analytic Findings From the ENIGMA Transgender Persons Working Group
Curried Goats As much as I’d like to poke holes in your singular studies and their methodology to get the results they wanted… I just don’t have the interest or the time to debate with what is on par with a flat-earther.

1. Males are men. Females are women.
2. Only women can get pregnant. Only men have penises.
3. A man who claims to be a woman is usually either gay or just a cross dresser.
4. I don’t need studies to prove the earth is round, it’s just the truth. Same with men and women who get confused with gender dysphoria.. they aren’t what they claim to be, even if they feel it.

If you need to desperately sling radical flat-earth studies at someone who says the earth is round, it just unfortunately makes you look kooky. Same goes with this trans stuff.
No, they are not. They are the Red Guards of this current era. The Left equivalent of the SA.

They are far more dangerous than any MAGA types.

Just look at was has happened, and what may happen down in Atlanta due to the police training facility being built.

After 16 hours, Atlanta City Council approves money for 'cop city'
So people in a majority Black city, killed and harassed by police each and every day because of their race don't want another military style suppression training facility in their neighborhood?

WOW. What's wrong with those peole?

So people in a majority Black city, killed and harassed by police each and every day because of their race don't want another military style suppression training facility in their neighborhood?

WOW. What's wrong with those peole?


The council voted for it, the real people want it.

1000 loud obnoxious SJW assholes aren't the constituency.
The trending in politics says you're wrong.

does that make you and yours Social INJUSTICE Warriors?"

Quoting a small obnoxious loud minority isn't following trending.

And THIS is how it applies to the transgender nonsense.

It's all wordsmithing, saying one thing, and meaning something else.

Lumping in dressing your kid as the opposite sex with surgery and drugs and calling it "gender affirming care"
So people in a majority Black city, killed and harassed by police each and every day because of their race don't want another military style suppression training facility in their neighborhood?

WOW. What's wrong with those peole?

Killed every day? Source?
Or just "harassed every day"? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe it's not their race but their criminality? Of course it hasn't.

But, in any event, they'll sure as hell call the police when they need help, now won't they?
Curried Goats As much as I’d like to poke holes in your singular studies and their methodology to get the results they wanted… I just don’t have the interest or the time to debate with what is on par with a flat-earther.

1. Males are men. Females are women.
2. Only women can get pregnant. Only men have penises.
3. A man who claims to be a woman is usually either gay or just a cross dresser.
4. I don’t need studies to prove the earth is round, it’s just the truth. Same with men and women who get confused with gender dysphoria.. they aren’t what they claim to be, even if they feel it.

If you need to desperately sling radical flat-earth studies at someone who says the earth is round, it just unfortunately makes you look kooky. Same goes with this trans stuff.
So much for objective debate from the Bingo Right. 😄

As for the people arguing for the binary nature of biological sex, well in the field of biology sentiments are beginning to change and we're starting to realize that the real harm is in surgeries for babies born intersexed or with ambiguous genitalia that try to guess what these children will develop as and robs them of the ability to eventually decide for themselves.

'You can't undo surgery': More parents of intersex babies are rejecting operations

A specialist later told Turner, a massage therapist, and her husband, Josh, a construction worker, that their infant had a rare intersex condition called partial androgen insensitivity syndrome with mosaicism. The condition caused Ori to have both XX chromosomes and XY chromosomes and genitalia that doctors did not consider clearly “male” or “female.”

Ori was perfectly healthy, but Turner said surgeons pressured her to agree to cosmetic surgery to make Ori appear more clearly female. She immediately refused.
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And for the spectrum of human biology here's something put together by scientists to visualize what that spectrum looks like when we include the intersex.

Beyond XX and XY: The Extraordinary Complexity of Sex Determination

So much for objective debate from the Bingo Right. 😄

As for the people arguing for the binary nature of biological sex, well in the field of biology sentiments are beginning to change and we're starting to realize that the real harm is in surgeries for babies born intersexed or with ambiguous genitalia that try to guess what these children will develop as and robs them of the ability to eventually decide for themselves.

'You can't undo surgery': More parents of intersex babies are rejecting operations

A specialist later told Turner, a massage therapist, and her husband, Josh, a construction worker, that their infant had a rare intersex condition called partial androgen insensitivity syndrome with mosaicism. The condition caused Ori to have both XX chromosomes and XY chromosomes and genitalia that doctors did not consider clearly “male” or “female.”

Ori was perfectly healthy, but Turner said surgeons pressured her to agree to cosmetic surgery to make Ori appear more clearly female. She immediately refused.
In people in between, you can clearly tell what they were meant to be. You’re using a 0.00001% exception to demand a change in a foundational institution.

It’s the actions of the desperate to do that
Killed every day? Source?
Or just "harassed every day"? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe it's not their race but their criminality? Of course it hasn't.

But, in any event, they'll sure as hell call the police when they need help, now won't they?
I used to think just like you.
Then Rodney King woke me up.
Quoting a small obnoxious loud minority isn't following trending.

And THIS is how it applies to the transgender nonsense.

It's all wordsmithing, saying one thing, and meaning something else.

Lumping in dressing your kid as the opposite sex with surgery and drugs and calling it "gender affirming care"
70% of Americans support gay marriage
Broad based support for LGBTQ+ equality
2/3 of Americans support Trans persons serving in the military

Here's your trends squidly.
I used to think just like you.
Then Rodney King woke me up.
The Rodney King Incident was horrifying.
The police officers involved represent a tiny fraction of a percent of all LE officers.
And it was over 30 years ago.
In people in between, you can clearly tell what they were meant to be. You’re using a 0.00001% exception to demand a change in a foundational institution.

It’s the actions of the desperate to do that
So not only have dropped all pretense of an objective argument now you're just making things up wholesale.

Taken all together the intersexed make up about 1.7% of all births which make them as about as common as red heads. sexual or reproductive variations.

You will be on the wrong side of history on this. Europe is already bailing on it (they were like 5 years ahead)… it makes no sense. This isn’t complex.
I will rue the day will I? What a bunch of Scooby-Doo bulllshit your argument turned out to be.

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