Zone1 Trans Supporters: If you can be Trans-gender, can people also be Trans-racial or Trans-age?

Surveys using loaded statements to get the results they want.

A Majority of Americans support abortion restrictions in the 12-15 week range, you gonna tout that survey?
So you think Gallup is a lib shill?

Please link your poll and the questions.
That's not the question that was asked of you.
That was me being generous. I still haven't received an objective definition from any of you on what objectively distinguishes a male and female. Chromosomes and sex organs can be mixed and dismissing those objective realities as anomalies isn't an answer its a dodge. Its an admission that your answer can't account for observable variance. When it can, then and only then, can it be claimed to be an objective argument.
So you think Gallup is a lib shill?

Please link your poll and the questions.

You referenced them, you find out how they asked the questions.

And I didn't reference a poll, I referenced a general statement that most people would support restrictions on elective abortions in the 6-15 week range, as opposed to full bans and abortion to the last second.
You referenced them, you find out how they asked the questions.

And I didn't reference a poll, I referenced a general statement that most people would support restrictions on elective abortions in the 6-15 week range, as opposed to full bans and abortion to the last second.
"A Majority of Americans support abortion restrictions in the 12-15 week range, you gonna tout that survey?"

You did reference a poll. Or you lied about a poll.
Which is it?
"A Majority of Americans support abortion restrictions in the 12-15 week range, you gonna tout that survey?"

You did reference a poll. Or you lied about a poll.
Which is it?

I referenced no poll, just my opinion, which is being played out more and more in the various States via the legislative process.
I think some females can give birth and some can't and not being able to give birth isn't an indication that a person isn't a female.
Nor do I.. but they have the internal parts to objectively give birth, they just can’t objectively do it. So your point is objectively completely debunked.

The rest of us objectively observe these internal parts/structures that are objectively specific to females/women… and we call them what they are objectively defined as. You get all confused for some reason, even though the glaring obvious answer is objectively in front of your face
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The natural order as defined by you is not at all an objective observation. It is the very essence of subjective judgment. You, from your subjective perspective, think there is a right way and a wrong way for nature to be ordered but objective observations aren't about making those types of subjective determinations. .l
I’ll have to objectively stop you right there. That’s objectively the ridiculous.

You’re saying me or you, who observes a baby born with only one arm, cannot objectively observe it?

Are you saying we cannot know that it’s a deformation even though 99.9% of humans are born with 2 arms? And furthermore though the arm is missing, the baby still has a shoulder blade which assists in moving the arm they’re missing?? (Thus objectively proving the arm was supposed to be there naturally)

You would say we can’t objectively make conclusions?

You would have to make the objective choice to be objectively stupid if that’s what you objectively think.
That was me being generous. I still haven't received an objective definition from any of you on what objectively distinguishes a male and female. Chromosomes and sex organs can be mixed and dismissing those objective realities as anomalies isn't an answer its a dodge. Its an admission that your answer can't account for observable variance. When it can, then and only then, can it be claimed to be an objective argument.
Nope, you objectively ran.

Let’s re-ask it for those who objectively struggle to answer objectively straight questions.

Can someone who isn’t a female/woman give birth?
That was me being generous. I still haven't received an objective definition from any of you on what objectively distinguishes a male and female. Chromosomes and sex organs can be mixed and dismissing those objective realities as anomalies isn't an answer its a dodge. Its an admission that your answer can't account for observable variance. When it can, then and only then, can it be claimed to be an objective argument.
You objectively need to take an objective statistics course so you can update your objectively obtuse and incorrect “all or nothing” worldview.
No. You posted one video of one patients claim that is currently being adjudicated in court. We have no idea how the court is going to rule in that case.

I didn't call anyone a liar. You just lied about that.

What makes the current studies invalid?

You haven't validated that claim.
I posted more videos with multiple detransitioners. Watch and learn.

I already explained why one study you relied on did not support your claim that "gender affirming" hormones and surgery for kids reduces the suicide rate. Post it again and I'll explain it again.

That the detransitioners are experiencing tragedy is validated by watching the videos I posted.
Nor do I.. but they have the internal parts to objectively give birth, they just can’t objectively do it. So your point is objectively completely debunked.
It's not. You didn't actually make any point. At no point did I say people without female gametes or wombs could get pregnant or give birth. What my argument is is that you can have mixed male and female chromosomes and sex organs such that any sex distinction based on these variables, that can come in all sorts of mixes and patterns, is entirely subjective and you don't seem to fully understand the distinction there.

Here's an objective phrase: Only people with female gonads can produce female gametes.

Where am I arguing against this objective observation? My argument is you deciding who counts as male or female when they have characteristics of both is subjective. Stop strawmaning.
The rest of us objectively observe these internal parts/structures that are objectively specific to females/women… and we call them what they are objectively defined as.
That isn't the issue at hand. The issue is you being unable to acknowledge and account for the existence of people who have internal structures of both males and females.
You get all confused for some reason, and choose to be a radical, flat-earther-type activist.
I'm not confused by your strawman. Either you aren't intelligent enough to recognize your argument as such or your strawman is purposeful.
Good luck getting it to work without all the other things that make women women.
"If the anatomical challenges in transgender women can be overcome — and surgeons have said none seem insurmountable — uterus transplants would make it possible for trans women to gestate and give birth to a child."

But I guess you're more skilled and knowledgeable than actual factual surgeons and physicians.
I referenced no poll, just my opinion, which is being played out more and more in the various States via the legislative process.
So you lied.

You think, despite clear evidence to the contrary, that most people agree with your dystopian world view.
"If the anatomical challenges in transgender women can be overcome — and surgeons have said none seem insurmountable — uterus transplants would make it possible for trans women to gestate and give birth to a child."

But I guess you're more skilled and knowledgeable than actual factual surgeons and physicians.

If it's the same level of accuracy you get in the so called trans penises and vaginas, they will never give birth to anything.
That isn't the issue at hand. The issue is you being unable to acknowledge and account for the existence of people who have internal structures of both males and females.
I think the objective intersex issue youre having can be summed up like this.

A machine prints a red card then a blue card.. then a red, then a blue…nonstop for years. Thousands and thousands of red and blue cards in a pile.

Objective Observers: it looks like there are 2 categories, red and blue.

Then, the machine prints a purple card out of nowhere.


Me/the rest of us: “looks like randomness/deformity in nature can happen, but naturally it’s clearly and objectively a binary of red or blue”

You choose to look under rocks and be confused. Go ahead, knock yourself out. The rest of us get it rather easily.

I’ll have to objectively stop you right there. That’s objectively the ridiculous.

You’re saying me or you, who observes a baby born with only one arm, cannot objectively observe it?

Are you saying we cannot know that it’s a deformation even though 99.9% of humans are born with 2 arms? And furthermore though the arm is missing, the baby still has a shoulder blade which assists in moving the arm they’re missing?? (Thus objectively proving the arm was supposed to be there naturally)
I'm saying you don't understand any of the words you use. You don't understand how scientists use the word deformity and you don't understand how to properly use the word natural in its proper context and from there your misunderstanding of the objective from the subjective gets compounded.

Everything in nature is natural and has natural causes, including babies born with one arm. The cause of that certainly isn't magic or voodoo. It's a mutation in a gene or a hormone receptor but whatever it is is also itself, natural. Genes and hormones are natural. Deformity in science doesn't mean unnatural it means not what is normally observed. If the baby is missing the gene to grow an arm then it perfectly natural for them, based on their objective genes and chemistry, to be missing an arm even if that's not what we normally observe in babies.
You would say we can’t objectively make conclusions?
I would say that the argument that there is a right or wrong way for humans to be is not an objective argument, it's a religious one.
You would have to make the objective choice to be objectively stupid if that’s what you objectively think.
You'd be stupid to think a baby born with one arm was caused by unnatural forces.
Nope, you objectively ran.
I didn't. I answered and broke down exactly why it's a silly question. Infertility doesn't make you less of a man or woman.
Let’s re-ask it for those who objectively struggle to answer objectively straight questions.

Can someone who isn’t a female/woman give birth?
Can you objectively define what a female is first?
You objectively need to take an objective statistics course so you can update your objectively obtuse and incorrect “all or nothing” worldview.
Just because something happens infrequently doesn't mean it doesn't objectively happen.
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