Zone1 Trans Supporters: If you can be Trans-gender, can people also be Trans-racial or Trans-age?

I'm fine with you running away when your arguments are challenged. I have no problem with the statement that humans generally have two arms. I question the statement that humans are supposed to have two arms.
People who turn their backs on stupidity are not necessarily "running" any more than saying "No thanks" to bible bashers.
People who turn their backs on stupidity are not necessarily "running" any more than saying "No thanks" to bible bashers.
It's running away. I clearly dismantled Mr. Friscus argument and he has no rational retort. If you want to try and continue his argument, be my guest. My counter is this.

Arguing that there is a way humans are supposed to be is not an objective argument, it's a subjective one. It's a religious and philosophical argument and I can break it down rationally to explain why.

The argument that there is a way humans are supposed to be is the same as arguing there is a right way for humans to be and a wrong way for humans to be. Mr. Friscus looks at a baby born without arms and thinks that's wrong, that nature made a mistake. He's not arguing they dont objectively exist. But right and wrong are moral arguments, not objective ones. They are expressions of religion or philosophy not science. Nature doesn't make mistakes. Who can sit in judgment above nature? Science doesn't judge nature. We don't think it's wrong when an asteroid hits the planet and wipes out the majority of life do we?
The part you cut out of my reply indicates I'm poking fun of Mr. Friscus and his arguments rather than faking. Which one of my objective statements do you imagine is fake? 😄
What I mean is that when you say, "I'm not bothered by opinions..... " I don't think that's true. The part I left out is that you do not think Mr. Friscus is expressing a justifiable opinion. I disagree with you completely.
What I mean is that when you say, "I'm not bothered by opinions..... " I don't think that's true. The part I left out is that you do not think Mr. Friscus is expressing a justifiable opinion. I disagree with you completely.
Opinions don't need justification. That's what makes them opinions. Do you understand the difference between opinions and facts? You don't appear to. 😄
I avoid being subjected to madness. That's why I don't walk passed the insane asylum during their scheduled lunch hour.
It's madness to suggest you don't understand the difference between subjective opinion and objective fact when you suggest Mr. Friscus has to justify his opinion? Why would anyone's opinion be to be justified?
I avoid being subjected to madness. That's why I don't walk passed the insane asylum during their scheduled lunch hour.
The flat-earthers can always say “Ha! You ran away! I won!” When people just realize it’s a waste of time
Questioning your assertion they Nature can be wrong is just like believing in flat earth....😄
Nobody said “nature is wrong”.

Just another example of the many claims you inferred about what I supposedly said that I actually never said. It’s not appropriate to attempt discussions with people who routinely do that.

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