Transgender Afro Americans at West Point Give Black Power Salute

Those twerps do not deserve to be in West Point. When the fuck did THIS happen and who is responsible for this bullshit?!? military they support what the Black Panther Party believes and wishes for??? Because I'm pretty sure that would disqualify their security clearance.

Heck...being affiliated with or having close ties to someone who is affiliated with the BPs would disqualify them from being cops.
Because only Black Panthers hold up a closed fist, eh?

Then what else is it??? Showing the symbol for the size and shape dildo you require?
When the fuck did THIS happen and who is responsible for this bullshit?!?

The same guy who believes there's a "Navy Corpseman".

The same guy who thinks uniformed personnel are "a great photo ops".

The same guy who uses a gentle rain to belittle a Marine.


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Those twerps do not deserve to be in West Point. When the fuck did THIS happen and who is responsible for this bullshit?!?

The same guy who believes there's a "Marine Corpse".

The same guy who thinks uniformed personnel are "a great photo ops".



Yeah, no other president in history of the USA has ever had a photo taken with a soldier, or many soldiers.......Duh!!!......
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Those twerps do not deserve to be in West Point. When the fuck did THIS happen and who is responsible for this bullshit?!?
If its bad for the country, it was most likely the liberals that did it.
Liberals also super glued you butt to a chair..........
I dont recall that happening.
maybe they hypnotized me to forget it also.
Yeah, I am sure it did..
These soon-to-be officers will be quite an inspiration for the troops they command.


Asked about the clenched fist’s esoteric origins, John Lautner, a former top official of the Communist Party USA, told American Opinion magazine (forerunner to The New American) in 1970:

The clenched-fist salute has been used among revolutionaries for many centuries as a symbol of defiance, comradeship, and solidarity. It was employed during the bloody French Revolution of 1789, and again during the industrial revolutions of 1848. At the formation of the First International in London in 1864 (known as the International Workingmen’s Association), Karl Marx and his followers gave the clenched-fist salute, as did his followers at Brussels in 1889 during the formation of the Second International, the so-called Yellow International. And, it had been used by the revolutionary Communards in the Paris Communes of 1871, a violent affair which led to the deaths of over 25,000 Parisians. Since the Third International, the Comintern begun at Moscow in 1919, it has been the official salute of all Communist Parties throughout the world.

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I'm sure they will be excellent leaders in the field. Especially the ones put in charge of an Army military police unit.
Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread.
Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread.
You don't know if these chicks "earned" their way to anything, you imbecile.
Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread. a general rule almost all military officers fit that noble profile. But not all.....

Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread.
You don't know if these chicks "earned" their way to anything, you imbecile.

You believe that they are transgendered don't you? Aren't you precious in your special gullible way.

They earned everything. They are better people than you. Smarter, stronger and harder working. They will have more success than you could even dream of.
Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread.
You don't know if these chicks "earned" their way to anything, you imbecile.

You believe that they are transgendered don't you? Aren't you precious in your special gullible way.

They earned everything. They are better people than you. Smarter, stronger and harder working. They will have more success than you could even dream of.
You can see into the future, eh? Well congrats. You are a special little boy.
When the fuck did THIS happen and who is responsible for this bullshit?!?

The same guy who believes there's a "Marine Corpse".

The same guy who thinks uniformed personnel are "a great photo ops".

The same guy who uses a gentle rain to belittle a Marine.



It was a Navy "Corpseman".
Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread.
You don't know if these chicks "earned" their way to anything, you imbecile.

You believe that they are transgendered don't you? Aren't you precious in your special gullible way.

They earned everything. They are better people than you. Smarter, stronger and harder working. They will have more success than you could even dream of.
It looks more like they will be expelled and will have earned that too.
When the fuck did THIS happen and who is responsible for this bullshit?!?

The same guy who believes there's a "Navy Corpseman".

The same guy who thinks uniformed personnel are "a great photo ops".

The same guy who uses a gentle rain to belittle a Marine.



Do you really think he should stand there in the rain without the umbrella?

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