Transgender Afro Americans at West Point Give Black Power Salute

Do you really think he should stand there in the rain without the umbrella?

You'd make a lot more sense if you took Obama's schlong out of your mouth.

You see, there's this brand new thing called a weather forecast. It's so new, you may not have heard about it. There's also a new thing called indoors.

With this brand new invention called a weather forecast, a president can hold an event in this new thing called indoors.

Unless the president so disrespects the Marines that he wants to show the world how he holds them in contempt.
Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread.
You don't know if these chicks "earned" their way to anything, you imbecile.

You believe that they are transgendered don't you? Aren't you precious in your special gullible way.

They earned everything. They are better people than you. Smarter, stronger and harder working. They will have more success than you could even dream of.
You can see into the future, eh? Well congrats. You are a special little boy.

Why not man up and admit your dopey gullible error? Why be aggressive when you are clearly at a disadvantage?
Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread.
You don't know if these chicks "earned" their way to anything, you imbecile.

You believe that they are transgendered don't you? Aren't you precious in your special gullible way.

They earned everything. They are better people than you. Smarter, stronger and harder working. They will have more success than you could even dream of.
It looks more like they will be expelled and will have earned that too.


Let me take a wild guess, they did not get the grades and SAT scores of cadets in the past, but were allowed in to make West Point more "diverse."

What is it with whites that they never believe a black person makes it on their own merits?
Do you really think he should stand there in the rain without the umbrella?

You'd make a lot more sense if you took Obama's schlong out of your mouth.

You see, there's this brand new thing called a weather forecast. It's so new, you may not have heard about it. There's also a new thing called indoors.

With this brand new invention called a weather forecast, a president can hold an event in this new thing called indoors.

Unless the president so disrespects the Marines that he wants to show the world how he holds them in contempt.
Do you think soldiers guarding our national monuments should be dismissed when it rains?
Do you think soldiers guarding our national monuments should be dismissed when it rains?

That makes no sense at all. You are consistent.

Soldiers performing their duty in the rain is different than Obama choosing to hold an event outdoors when he knows it's raining in order to belittle a Marine in front of the whole world.

It's appropriate that your avi is of Peter Sellers playing the part of Chance Gardner:

A simple-minded gardener named Chance has spent all his life in the Washington D.C. house of an old man. When the man dies, Chance is put out on the street with no knowledge of the world except what he has learned from television.
Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread.
You don't know if these chicks "earned" their way to anything, you imbecile.
And you don’t know they didn’t.

Consequently, you’re in no position to refer to others as ‘imbecile.’

Nope. Get your "news" from more reliable sources. Idiot.
Yep. Moron. They should be kicked out.

They shouldn't be and they won't be. You ought to have a more refined bullshit filter. Yours doesn't work.
Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread.

So they are now officers in the military and they know that as members of the military in uniform political statements are forbidden.

Nope. Get your "news" from more reliable sources. Idiot.
Yep. Moron. They should be kicked out.

They shouldn't be and they won't be. You ought to have a more refined bullshit filter. Yours doesn't work.
You are probably right, because they are black, if it were a white he'd be gone tomorrow.
What is it with whites that they never believe a black person makes it on their own merits?

Easy with the broad brush there CC. If you served, thank you for your service. If you didn't serve, it may surprise you that women and minorities get a break. They eventually have to meet the minimum standard but they are given more chances to meet the minimum standards than the average Joe. This is even the case in Air Force pilot training where I saw it first hand several times.

These highly intelligent young ladies made a terrible error in judgment making this political statement in uniform on campus. They obviously felt empowered to do so. When I was in uniform, I would have never in a million years thought of doing something so irresponsible.

These young ladies are about to be commissioned officers whose judgment will preserve or destroy the soldiers under their command. They have shown poor judgment in a low stress, non combat environment. Will the people reviewing this incident think their judgment will improve under stress or will political correctness force these higher ups to give them a pass? Once given a pass, what lesson of empowerment will they take into the field where they are responsible for the lives of their soldiers?

Army investigates: Are these West Point cadets making a political statement in uniform?

Army Times received the photo Wednesday from several readers who are concerned the women violated Department of Defense Directive 1344.10, Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces. The policy provides a list of political do's and don’ts for service members and cautions against "partisan political activity" when in uniform.

Army investigates: Are these West Point cadets making a political statement in uniform?


Do you really think he should stand there in the rain without the umbrella?

You'd make a lot more sense if you took Obama's schlong out of your mouth.

You see, there's this brand new thing called a weather forecast. It's so new, you may not have heard about it. There's also a new thing called indoors.

With this brand new invention called a weather forecast, a president can hold an event in this new thing called indoors.

Unless the president so disrespects the Marines that he wants to show the world how he holds them in contempt.
Do you think soldiers guarding our national monuments should be dismissed when it rains?

Soldiers do not guard national monuments.
Do you really think he should stand there in the rain without the umbrella?

You'd make a lot more sense if you took Obama's schlong out of your mouth.

You see, there's this brand new thing called a weather forecast. It's so new, you may not have heard about it. There's also a new thing called indoors.

With this brand new invention called a weather forecast, a president can hold an event in this new thing called indoors.

Unless the president so disrespects the Marines that he wants to show the world how he holds them in contempt.
Do you think soldiers guarding our national monuments should be dismissed when it rains?

Soldiers do not guard national monuments.
See above, post 50, at the tomb of the unknown soldier.

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