Transgender Afro Americans at West Point Give Black Power Salute

Nope. Get your "news" from more reliable sources. Idiot.
Yep. Moron. They should be kicked out.

They shouldn't be and they won't be. You ought to have a more refined bullshit filter. Yours doesn't work.

The New York Times is reporting that their Army officer and 03 West Point grad....says their salute wasn't to the Panthers or BLM but instead to honor Beyonce and the stance she is taking on....well....on whatever.

So yeah....political statement in uniform.
Do you really think he should stand there in the rain without the umbrella?

You'd make a lot more sense if you took Obama's schlong out of your mouth.

You see, there's this brand new thing called a weather forecast. It's so new, you may not have heard about it. There's also a new thing called indoors.

With this brand new invention called a weather forecast, a president can hold an event in this new thing called indoors.

Unless the president so disrespects the Marines that he wants to show the world how he holds them in contempt.
Do you think soldiers guarding our national monuments should be dismissed when it rains?

Soldiers do not guard national monuments.
See above, post 50, at the tomb of the unknown soldier.

It is NOT a national monument.

List of National Monuments of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My son was a member of the 3rd Infantry Regiment which is the unit from which the guards for the Tomb of the Unknowns are chosen. He was a member of the honor guard for the burial details at Arlington and a member of the US Ar,my Drill Team
Do you really think he should stand there in the rain without the umbrella?

You'd make a lot more sense if you took Obama's schlong out of your mouth.

You see, there's this brand new thing called a weather forecast. It's so new, you may not have heard about it. There's also a new thing called indoors.

With this brand new invention called a weather forecast, a president can hold an event in this new thing called indoors.

Unless the president so disrespects the Marines that he wants to show the world how he holds them in contempt.
Do you think soldiers guarding our national monuments should be dismissed when it rains?

Soldiers do not guard national monuments.
See above, post 50, at the tomb of the unknown soldier.

It is NOT a national monument.

List of National Monuments of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My son was a member of the 3rd Infantry Regiment which is the unit from which the guards for the Tomb of the Unknowns are chosen. He was a member of the honor guard for the burial details at Arlington and a member of the US Ar,my Drill Team
OK, should those soldiers, in post 50, go in out of the rain?
Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread.
You don't know if these chicks "earned" their way to anything, you imbecile.
He also doesn't know if any of the people posting are actually less intelligent, diligent or honorable.
Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread.
You don't know if these chicks "earned" their way to anything, you imbecile.

You believe that they are transgendered don't you? Aren't you precious in your special gullible way.

They earned everything. They are better people than you. Smarter, stronger and harder working. They will have more success than you could even dream of.
You should share the details of the posters background and current status in society.
I think we would all like to know.
Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread.
You don't know if these chicks "earned" their way to anything, you imbecile.
And you don’t know they didn’t.

Consequently, you’re in no position to refer to others as ‘imbecile.’
I am not the proponent of the assertion that the "earned their way", am I, moron? The proponent has the burden of proof.

Your statement fails as an idiot fallacy.
Those women...some of whom are likey conservative politically, earned heir way into the academy and then worked their asses off to meet the requirements for graduation. They are now officers in the United States Army. They are, to a person, more intelligent, more diligent and more honorable than any person posting in this thread.
You don't know if these chicks "earned" their way to anything, you imbecile.

You believe that they are transgendered don't you? Aren't you precious in your special gullible way.

They earned everything. They are better people than you. Smarter, stronger and harder working. They will have more success than you could even dream of.
You should share the details of the posters background and current status in society.
I think we would all like to know.

Silly nutter. Simply read.
Easy with the broad brush there CC. If you served, thank you for your service. If you didn't serve, it may surprise you that women and minorities get a break. They eventually have to meet the minimum standard but they are given more chances to meet the minimum standards than the average Joe. This is even the case in Air Force pilot training where I saw it first hand several times

Sometimes they are given opportunities yes. But the problem here with saying I have a broad brush is that you borrowed it to say that minorities get breaks but haven't shown THESE women to have been given anything extra.

So I acknowledge that they get chances, what I don't assume is that ALL blacks didn't make it on their own as the OP and several others have alluded to.
nobody noticed they represent the BLM??? that's a terrorist organization. hand out the DD's and kick they're darkie ass's out
So I acknowledge that they get chances, what I don't assume is that ALL blacks didn't make it on their own as the OP and several others have alluded to.

On this we are in complete agreement.

In my profession, (Aviation), 100% of the female and minorities earn their place by passing rigorous selection and ongoing training. Two flight physicals a year, three check rides a year, two class/simulator sessions a year. It is a pure meritocracy. A few slip through the cracks but they don't tend to last in the system for very long. There are no tokens. This is the world where my mindset comes from JFYI.

These young ladies will soon be Army officers. Coming from West Point or not, a young 2nd Lieutenant will be made or broken by the mentoring of the first Senior NCO they work "with".:cool-45:

These young ladies made a serious error in judgment in posting this picture/making this statement. People outside their clique may interpret their statement as supporting BLM, supporting the Black Panthers or supporting Marxists struggles. Their statement is not one of wanting to be inclusive in a very diverse Army. This will not bode well for their budding careers. It's going to hang around their necks like an albatross. The Internet is permanent. They won't be able to escape this error.

It's going to take above average levels of intelligence, hard work and attention to their mentors for them to recover. How their mentors choose to train them in light of their error is to be seen by each as an individual.

This picture and this statement isn't going anywhere. I wish these ladies the best in overcoming it. My best word of advice:
Listen to your senior NCOs.


I learned this long ago:

The worst thing a senior NCO can say to a 2nd Lieutenant is "Yes Ma'am".

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its a known fact that tests and entrance exam and scores are greatly lowered for blacks since they have much lower IQ's.
Theowl32 just posted a thread on this topic in the political forum. Why doesn't he simply participate in this thread?

Let me take a wild guess, they did not get the grades and SAT scores of cadets in the past, but were allowed in to make West Point more "diverse."
Let us guess: yet another example of the fear of change, diversity, and inclusion common to many racists on the right.

actually....the black power salute is a racist salute......of course....racism is the core belief of the democrat party.....and it is not surprising that this sort of racism is accepted by you left wing nuts....

Let me take a wild guess, they did not get the grades and SAT scores of cadets in the past, but were allowed in to make West Point more "diverse."
Let us guess: yet another example of the fear of change, diversity, and inclusion common to many racists on the right.

actually....the black power salute is a racist salute......of course....racism is the core belief of the democrat party.....and it is not surprising that this sort of racism is accepted by you left wing nuts....
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

Adolf Hitler

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