"Transgender" Target Stores: Prepare To Be Sued.

I'd go outside and piss on the tires on your car before going into the same restroom with that thing in the picture............I wouldn't deny him or her or IT the right to fucking pee............by I would stay the hell the way from it...........

Now you will say I would do it out of fear........just stopping you ahead of time..............it's not fear................it's DISGUST..........just heading off your usual posting........

BTW that wetness on your tires isn't water...........

That's excellent. You have decided to remove yourself from the restroom. You are not demanding that someone remove this person. That is progress.
I'm sure you would adapt and make that thing your best friend........now wouldn't you.............Do you accept that thing as NORMAL?

Well......I am very accepting of others. That's true. While I don't make a habit of engaging people in restrooms in conversation, I'd welcome a chance to ask that person a few questions in another setting. I wouldn't freak out like you.

If given a choice between having a beer with that person....who I don't know....and having one with a frightened bigot like you....who I know to be a dumb fuck.....I'd probably choose that person.

So having the freedom to chose who you associate with is good for you, just not anyone else, like bakers, photographers and florist?
Baker,s photographers, and florists can associate with whomever they want.......but let me ask you this......why would one want to be in the wedding business and get a business license in a state with PA laws if they like to pick and choose who has an acceptable "wedding" based on THEIR religion?

It's as stupid as a moooslim or jew getting into the butcher trade knowing that one of the animals they may be butchering is a pig.

First see the first amendment and the free exercise clause, no law that requires you to give up your rights is valid. Second when's the last time you bought a kosher ham?
Ah, go pee in a corner somewhere, Christ lover.

Ah, go pee in a corner somewhere, woman hater

Fixed it

It is fascinating how much the left hates women. Glad you're on board

There it is again! :lmao: It's always so easy to just step back and let RWrs show their true nature themselves.

And that nature is respect for women.

Thanks again
Why Republicans Can't Solve Their Problem With Women Voters
Sue by boycotting their stores. I won't shop at Target again. Simply b/c when I shop I usually have my daughters with me, and I will not put them in a situation where they have to be uncomfortable with a man in the restroom. Fully understanding that it is highly unlikely that would ever happen in my rural area but still....
there will be no men in the restroom
are you clones so ignorant that you can tell the difference between gender neutral and co -ed?

Of course there would be men in the restroom, duh.

There is no such thing as gender neutral, except of course in some very rare cases. And co ed bathrooms would in fact admit that there would be men in the bathrooms, well if they chose to go in them anyway, which of course some would.
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
It's a desperate PC publicity stunt. Target will lose more customers to Walmart as a result. Bet on it.

That's the point I've been trying to make. All the other posters are having fun with the strawmen of "what is transgender" etc. etc. But now that the word is out, regular people without the time to parse out those debates will know that men are going to use the women's restroom. Given that most of Target's customers are regular dowdy older women or younger skittish girls, they're going to choose to go somewhere else; regardless of what fixed and highly-selective polling is being pumped through the media or into Target corporate headquarters to the contrary. This is where false reality falls short of real reality. And that real reality says "Sell your Target shares...fast..."...

Yeah, it's a big gamble on Target's part. I think most mothers & fathers aren't gonna risk it at Target. Creepy dudes hangin with their kids in the restroom, isn't a very appealing prospect. They'll now likely head over to Walmart instead. This could be a huge blunder for Target.
pauli your track record on social matters is as awful as silly wets.
it's the easiest thing in the world to get to phobic nut sacks to agree on something.
that agreement does make it any less inane .

Talk to parents. Then get back to us.
dodge ! classic pauli
Sue by boycotting their stores. I won't shop at Target again. Simply b/c when I shop I usually have my daughters with me, and I will not put them in a situation where they have to be uncomfortable with a man in the restroom. Fully understanding that it is highly unlikely that would ever happen in my rural area but still....
there will be no men in the restroom
are you clones so ignorant that you can tell the difference between gender neutral and co -ed?

Of course there would be men in the restroom, duh.

There is no such thing as gender neutral, except of course in some very rare cases. And co ed bathrooms would in fact admit that there would be men in the bathrooms, well if they chose to go in them anyway, which of course some would.
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

I challenge you to find ANYWHERE where I have stated a concern about molestation. Here's a hint, you won't find one since in fact my only objection is schools being forced to having unisex bathrooms and I only object to that because I don't believe that girls who might be uncomfortable sharing a restroom with boys would be forced to do so if they had to use the restroom.

If your at Target and you have to use the restroom and don't want to share, tough shit, go find a store that doesn't share and use their facilities, but children are captive at school and have no choice.

And of course children do no have the capacity to understand things the way adults do.

Bottom line, I base my decision on protecting CHILDREN. Adults can live and let live.
there will be no men in the restroom
are you clones so ignorant that you can tell the difference between gender neutral and co -ed?

Of course there would be men in the restroom, duh.

There is no such thing as gender neutral, except of course in some very rare cases. And co ed bathrooms would in fact admit that there would be men in the bathrooms, well if they chose to go in them anyway, which of course some would.
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!
I'd go outside and piss on the tires on your car before going into the same restroom with that thing in the picture............I wouldn't deny him or her or IT the right to fucking pee............by I would stay the hell the way from it...........

Now you will say I would do it out of fear........just stopping you ahead of time..............it's not fear................it's DISGUST..........just heading off your usual posting........

BTW that wetness on your tires isn't water...........

That's excellent. You have decided to remove yourself from the restroom. You are not demanding that someone remove this person. That is progress.
I'm sure you would adapt and make that thing your best friend........now wouldn't you.............Do you accept that thing as NORMAL?

Well......I am very accepting of others. That's true. While I don't make a habit of engaging people in restrooms in conversation, I'd welcome a chance to ask that person a few questions in another setting. I wouldn't freak out like you.

If given a choice between having a beer with that person....who I don't know....and having one with a frightened bigot like you....who I know to be a dumb fuck.....I'd probably choose that person.

So having the freedom to chose who you associate with is good for you, just not anyone else, like bakers, photographers and florist?

Silly argument.

Right, so silly you have no rebuttal.
Of course there would be men in the restroom, duh.

There is no such thing as gender neutral, except of course in some very rare cases. And co ed bathrooms would in fact admit that there would be men in the bathrooms, well if they chose to go in them anyway, which of course some would.
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

Do you have any evidence to back that up?
That's excellent. You have decided to remove yourself from the restroom. You are not demanding that someone remove this person. That is progress.
I'm sure you would adapt and make that thing your best friend........now wouldn't you.............Do you accept that thing as NORMAL?

Well......I am very accepting of others. That's true. While I don't make a habit of engaging people in restrooms in conversation, I'd welcome a chance to ask that person a few questions in another setting. I wouldn't freak out like you.

If given a choice between having a beer with that person....who I don't know....and having one with a frightened bigot like you....who I know to be a dumb fuck.....I'd probably choose that person.

So having the freedom to chose who you associate with is good for you, just not anyone else, like bakers, photographers and florist?
Baker,s photographers, and florists can associate with whomever they want.......but let me ask you this......why would one want to be in the wedding business and get a business license in a state with PA laws if they like to pick and choose who has an acceptable "wedding" based on THEIR religion?

It's as stupid as a moooslim or jew getting into the butcher trade knowing that one of the animals they may be butchering is a pig.

First see the first amendment and the free exercise clause, no law that requires you to give up your rights is valid. Second when's the last time you bought a kosher ham?
hot dogs don't count ? despite the makers, claim no hot dog is 100% beef.
It's a desperate PC publicity stunt. Target will lose more customers to Walmart as a result. Bet on it.

That's the point I've been trying to make. All the other posters are having fun with the strawmen of "what is transgender" etc. etc. But now that the word is out, regular people without the time to parse out those debates will know that men are going to use the women's restroom. Given that most of Target's customers are regular dowdy older women or younger skittish girls, they're going to choose to go somewhere else; regardless of what fixed and highly-selective polling is being pumped through the media or into Target corporate headquarters to the contrary. This is where false reality falls short of real reality. And that real reality says "Sell your Target shares...fast..."...

Yeah, it's a big gamble on Target's part. I think most mothers & fathers aren't gonna risk it at Target. Creepy dudes hangin with their kids in the restroom, isn't a very appealing prospect. They'll now likely head over to Walmart instead. This could be a huge blunder for Target.
pauli your track record on social matters is as awful as silly wets.
it's the easiest thing in the world to get to phobic nut sacks to agree on something.
that agreement does make it any less inane .

Talk to parents. Then get back to us.
dodge ! classic pauli

Parents are pretty skittish over this decision. Why risk bringing your child into a restroom that could have a couple creepy dudes hangin in there? They'll just play it safe and head over to Walmart instead.

I know Target thought this would be a great PC stunt, but i think it's gonna backfire on it. Any customers lost to Walmart, will be way too many.
Of course there would be men in the restroom, duh.

There is no such thing as gender neutral, except of course in some very rare cases. And co ed bathrooms would in fact admit that there would be men in the bathrooms, well if they chose to go in them anyway, which of course some would.
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

So you want all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.

You are creepy.
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

Do you have any evidence to back that up?

Not a secret.
Most Sex Offenders Against Children Are Family Members
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

Do you have any evidence to back that up?
it on you to prove it's wrong...
but here's a little taste , Molestation within Families
Ah, go pee in a corner somewhere, woman hater

Fixed it

It is fascinating how much the left hates women. Glad you're on board

There it is again! :lmao: It's always so easy to just step back and let RWrs show their true nature themselves.

And that nature is respect for women.

Thanks again
Why Republicans Can't Solve Their Problem With Women Voters
We are already seeing this here:

Now take all that, and imagine what the atmosphere will be like if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee in 2016. There will be a tsunami of misogynistic hate directed at Clinton, which we know because she's always generated a particularly ugly brand of male sexual panic in conservatives. If she's actually threatening to become president, it'll be worse than ever. In the face of that, the Republicans who try to argue that their party has something to offer women voters are going to get laughed right out of the voting booth.
That's the point I've been trying to make. All the other posters are having fun with the strawmen of "what is transgender" etc. etc. But now that the word is out, regular people without the time to parse out those debates will know that men are going to use the women's restroom. Given that most of Target's customers are regular dowdy older women or younger skittish girls, they're going to choose to go somewhere else; regardless of what fixed and highly-selective polling is being pumped through the media or into Target corporate headquarters to the contrary. This is where false reality falls short of real reality. And that real reality says "Sell your Target shares...fast..."...

Yeah, it's a big gamble on Target's part. I think most mothers & fathers aren't gonna risk it at Target. Creepy dudes hangin with their kids in the restroom, isn't a very appealing prospect. They'll now likely head over to Walmart instead. This could be a huge blunder for Target.
pauli your track record on social matters is as awful as silly wets.
it's the easiest thing in the world to get to phobic nut sacks to agree on something.
that agreement does make it any less inane .

Talk to parents. Then get back to us.
dodge ! classic pauli

Parents are pretty skittish over this decision. Why risk bringing your child into a restroom that could have a couple creepy dudes hangin in there? They'll just play it safe and head over to Walmart instead.

I know Target thought this would be a great PC stunt, but i think it's gonna backfire on it. Any customers lost to Walmart, will be way too many.

According to Daws and Happy Joes links the parents are far more likely, so if there's a creepy dude in the bathroom with the child, the parent should turn around and walk out. Cuz, according to Daws, the kids damned if he does, damned if he don't.
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First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

Do you have any evidence to back that up?
it on you to prove it's wrong...
but here's a little taste , Molestation within Families

WTF? Sir, you make a claim , it's on you to prove that claim, not on someone else to prove it isn't true.
there will be no men in the restroom
are you clones so ignorant that you can tell the difference between gender neutral and co -ed?

Of course there would be men in the restroom, duh.

There is no such thing as gender neutral, except of course in some very rare cases. And co ed bathrooms would in fact admit that there would be men in the bathrooms, well if they chose to go in them anyway, which of course some would.
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
Absolutely not! But in many cases, parents....male parents ARE the pedophiles.
Of course there would be men in the restroom, duh.

There is no such thing as gender neutral, except of course in some very rare cases. And co ed bathrooms would in fact admit that there would be men in the bathrooms, well if they chose to go in them anyway, which of course some would.
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
Absolutely not! But in many cases, parents....male parents ARE the pedophiles.

So your point is?
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

So you want all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.

You are creepy.
they already have it has jack shit to do with wanting it's a fact.
I do not want
all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.
then again you've made hundreds of false accusations like that ,
you like all ignorant people never bother to ask the person you disagree with what their opinion is you just assume the worst and run with it.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

Do you have any evidence to back that up?
it on you to prove it's wrong...
but here's a little taste , Molestation within Families

WTF? Sir, you make a claim , it's on you to prove that claim, not on someone else to prove it isn't true.

It's how he rolls

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