"Transgender" Target Stores: Prepare To Be Sued.

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

So you want all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.

You are creepy.
they already have it has jack shit to do with wanting it's a fact.
I do not want
all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.
then again you've made hundreds of false accusations like that ,
you like all ignorant people never bother to ask the person you disagree with what their opinion is you just assume the worst and run with it.

Yet that's your claim, Right. Men should be allowed in restroom with little girls because she's more likely to be molested by Daddy.

We heard you the first time loon
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

Do you have any evidence to back that up?
it on you to prove it's wrong...
but here's a little taste , Molestation within Families

WTF? Sir, you make a claim , it's on you to prove that claim, not on someone else to prove it isn't true.
So you are going to ignore the links?
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
Absolutely not! But in many cases, parents....male parents ARE the pedophiles.

So your point is?
she should be asking you that.
you've argued yourself in to a corner ,
don't try to weasel out of it by asking shit you already know the answer to.
First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
Absolutely not! But in many cases, parents....male parents ARE the pedophiles.

So your point is?
she should be asking you that.
you've argued yourself in to a corner ,
don't try to weasel out of it by asking shit you already know the answer to.

^^^^ Nonsense warning
Yeah, it's a big gamble on Target's part. I think most mothers & fathers aren't gonna risk it at Target. Creepy dudes hangin with their kids in the restroom, isn't a very appealing prospect. They'll now likely head over to Walmart instead. This could be a huge blunder for Target.
pauli your track record on social matters is as awful as silly wets.
it's the easiest thing in the world to get to phobic nut sacks to agree on something.
that agreement does make it any less inane .

Talk to parents. Then get back to us.
dodge ! classic pauli

Parents are pretty skittish over this decision. Why risk bringing your child into a restroom that could have a couple creepy dudes hangin in there? They'll just play it safe and head over to Walmart instead.

I know Target thought this would be a great PC stunt, but i think it's gonna backfire on it. Any customers lost to Walmart, will be way too many.

I guess if you're a homosexual pedophile you can't relate to what parents feel.
^ every other poster see what I see there?
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

So you want all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.

You are creepy.
they already have it has jack shit to do with wanting it's a fact.
I do not want
all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.
then again you've made hundreds of false accusations like that ,
you like all ignorant people never bother to ask the person you disagree with what their opinion is you just assume the worst and run with it.

Yet that's your claim, Right. Men should be allowed in restroom with little girls because she's more likely to be molested by Daddy.

We heard you the first time loon
nope it's a statement of fact.
the my daughter might see a dick defense has worn thin...
seems you are out of reasonable arguments.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

So you want all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.

You are creepy.
they already have it has jack shit to do with wanting it's a fact.
I do not want
all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.
then again you've made hundreds of false accusations like that ,
you like all ignorant people never bother to ask the person you disagree with what their opinion is you just assume the worst and run with it.

Yet that's your claim, Right. Men should be allowed in restroom with little girls because she's more likely to be molested by Daddy.

We heard you the first time loon
That was never ever said....except by the voices in your head.
Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

So you want all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.

You are creepy.
they already have it has jack shit to do with wanting it's a fact.
I do not want
all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.
then again you've made hundreds of false accusations like that ,
you like all ignorant people never bother to ask the person you disagree with what their opinion is you just assume the worst and run with it.

Yet that's your claim, Right. Men should be allowed in restroom with little girls because she's more likely to be molested by Daddy.

We heard you the first time loon
nope it's a statement of fact.
the my daughter might see a dick defense has worn thin...
seems you are out of reasonable arguments.
I would like to know who is teaching their daughters to look under or over stall doors?
Target just caved to pressure from the Obama administration and liberal activists. They have announced that any “transgendered” person can use the bathroom in their stores, according to the gender they associate with.



Now in Target stores, men are allowed to use the restroom next to your daughter. Once called perverted, this is now a “civil right.” BREAKING: Target Stores Make MASSIVE Announcement... Parents ARE FURIOUS!

Invasion of privacy is a legal cause of action in most states for a civil suit. I suggest quite simply that women start suing their municipalities or businesses who are brazen enough to allow men in their private retreats for personal hygiene.. Emotional distress is also a cause of action. Willful negligence or intentional negligence are also causes of action. There are probably a half dozen more that result from the allowing of men in a women's bathroom.

And rest assured, under examination for facts, the men in question will be asked to lift their skirts so the jury can *see* if the case has merit...

Sue 'em... If it's good enough for the gays, it's good enough for the straights...

Time to start building third bathrooms in each and every store across the nation and in every public building, or get your asses sued off. Hmm, economic stress might actually cause a confrontation of the farce of self-diagnosed "transgenders". This is where the rubber meets the road folks. :popcorn:


Why are you limiting it to women, how about I sue you for invading my privacy next time you cozy up to a urinal next to mine? Hint, there is no expectation of privacy when your in public areas, enclosed stalls are the only place in a public facility where there is any expectation of privacy. You must freak out when you go to a mall and see all those fully clothed people, emotional distress in public areas, give me a break.

Wait. Hold on a sec. Who are you and what have you done with OKTexas?!

My views are consistent, I'm a conservative, not a puritan. The only place in public you can expect privacy is an area intended for a single person, with a locking door. Even then, in most public restrooms, privacy is limited because they aren't sound proof.
or smell proof,
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

Do you have any evidence to back that up?
it on you to prove it's wrong...
but here's a little taste , Molestation within Families

WTF? Sir, you make a claim , it's on you to prove that claim, not on someone else to prove it isn't true.

He did...gave you a link and everything.

My daughter has had two of her best friends molested by their mother's male intimate partner, father and stepfather....Two in a town of fewer than 2000 people.

My daughter, who has been in women's restrooms with transgendered people, was in far greater danger at sleepovers with "normal" families than she was in a restroom with a transgendered woman...pre or post.
there will be no men in the restroom
are you clones so ignorant that you can tell the difference between gender neutral and co -ed?

Of course there would be men in the restroom, duh.

There is no such thing as gender neutral, except of course in some very rare cases. And co ed bathrooms would in fact admit that there would be men in the bathrooms, well if they chose to go in them anyway, which of course some would.
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

I challenge you to find ANYWHERE where I have stated a concern about molestation. Here's a hint, you won't find one since in fact my only objection is schools being forced to having unisex bathrooms and I only object to that because I don't believe that girls who might be uncomfortable sharing a restroom with boys would be forced to do so if they had to use the restroom.

If your at Target and you have to use the restroom and don't want to share, tough shit, go find a store that doesn't share and use their facilities, but children are captive at school and have no choice.

And of course children do no have the capacity to understand things the way adults do.

Bottom line, I base my decision on protecting CHILDREN. Adults can live and let live.
can you rationalize your bullshit any harder?
Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

Do you have any evidence to back that up?
it on you to prove it's wrong...
but here's a little taste , Molestation within Families

WTF? Sir, you make a claim , it's on you to prove that claim, not on someone else to prove it isn't true.

He did...gave you a link and everything.

My daughter has had two of her best friends molested by their mother's male intimate partner, father and stepfather....Two in a town of fewer than 2000 people.

My daughter, who has been in women's restrooms with transgendered people, was in far greater danger at sleepovers with "normal" families than she was in a restroom with a transgendered woman...pre or post.

Truly sorry your daughters went through that, but that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this discussion. I had a cousin who was killed in a motorcycle accident, an old guy pulled out in front of him , sad story, but wouldn't have any place in a discussion about drunk driving, for example.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

Do you have any evidence to back that up?
it on you to prove it's wrong...
but here's a little taste , Molestation within Families

WTF? Sir, you make a claim , it's on you to prove that claim, not on someone else to prove it isn't true.
asked and answered
Yeah, it's a big gamble on Target's part. I think most mothers & fathers aren't gonna risk it at Target. Creepy dudes hangin with their kids in the restroom, isn't a very appealing prospect. They'll now likely head over to Walmart instead. This could be a huge blunder for Target.
pauli your track record on social matters is as awful as silly wets.
it's the easiest thing in the world to get to phobic nut sacks to agree on something.
that agreement does make it any less inane .

Talk to parents. Then get back to us.
dodge ! classic pauli

Parents are pretty skittish over this decision. Why risk bringing your child into a restroom that could have a couple creepy dudes hangin in there? They'll just play it safe and head over to Walmart instead.

I know Target thought this would be a great PC stunt, but i think it's gonna backfire on it. Any customers lost to Walmart, will be way too many.

I guess if you're a homosexual pedophile you can't relate to what parents feel.
making false acusations are we?

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