"Transgender" Target Stores: Prepare To Be Sued.

Of course there would be men in the restroom, duh.

There is no such thing as gender neutral, except of course in some very rare cases. And co ed bathrooms would in fact admit that there would be men in the bathrooms, well if they chose to go in them anyway, which of course some would.
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

I challenge you to find ANYWHERE where I have stated a concern about molestation. Here's a hint, you won't find one since in fact my only objection is schools being forced to having unisex bathrooms and I only object to that because I don't believe that girls who might be uncomfortable sharing a restroom with boys would be forced to do so if they had to use the restroom.

If your at Target and you have to use the restroom and don't want to share, tough shit, go find a store that doesn't share and use their facilities, but children are captive at school and have no choice.

And of course children do no have the capacity to understand things the way adults do.

Bottom line, I base my decision on protecting CHILDREN. Adults can live and let live.
can you rationalize your bullshit any harder?

My "bullshit" was of course a perfectly rational reason for my belief that school children should have gender specific bathrooms. You however being a liberal authoritarian douchebag feel that only your reasoning is rationale. You are exactly the same as the authoritarian right wing douche bags I have seen you complain about.

Have a good day sir.
pauli your track record on social matters is as awful as silly wets.
it's the easiest thing in the world to get to phobic nut sacks to agree on something.
that agreement does make it any less inane .

Talk to parents. Then get back to us.
dodge ! classic pauli

Parents are pretty skittish over this decision. Why risk bringing your child into a restroom that could have a couple creepy dudes hangin in there? They'll just play it safe and head over to Walmart instead.

I know Target thought this would be a great PC stunt, but i think it's gonna backfire on it. Any customers lost to Walmart, will be way too many.

I guess if you're a homosexual pedophile you can't relate to what parents feel.
making false acusations are we?

Who did I accuse of what?
That's excellent. You have decided to remove yourself from the restroom. You are not demanding that someone remove this person. That is progress.
I'm sure you would adapt and make that thing your best friend........now wouldn't you.............Do you accept that thing as NORMAL?

Well......I am very accepting of others. That's true. While I don't make a habit of engaging people in restrooms in conversation, I'd welcome a chance to ask that person a few questions in another setting. I wouldn't freak out like you.

If given a choice between having a beer with that person....who I don't know....and having one with a frightened bigot like you....who I know to be a dumb fuck.....I'd probably choose that person.

So having the freedom to chose who you associate with is good for you, just not anyone else, like bakers, photographers and florist?
Baker,s photographers, and florists can associate with whomever they want.......but let me ask you this......why would one want to be in the wedding business and get a business license in a state with PA laws if they like to pick and choose who has an acceptable "wedding" based on THEIR religion?

It's as stupid as a moooslim or jew getting into the butcher trade knowing that one of the animals they may be butchering is a pig.

First see the first amendment and the free exercise clause, no law that requires you to give up your rights is valid. Second when's the last time you bought a kosher ham?
I would very much like to see where someone's free exercise to practice their religion is restricted by PA laws.

And I am talking about a butcher.....you know, not the store but the person who kills and cuts up the meat.

Try to keep up, ok?

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

Using this logic parents should just hand children over to pedophiles. Right Daws?
Absolutely not! But in many cases, parents....male parents ARE the pedophiles.

So your point is?
she should be asking you that.
you've argued yourself in to a corner ,
don't try to weasel out of it by asking shit you already know the answer to.

^^^^ Nonsense warning
classic weasel out tactic,
I'm sure you would adapt and make that thing your best friend........now wouldn't you.............Do you accept that thing as NORMAL?

Well......I am very accepting of others. That's true. While I don't make a habit of engaging people in restrooms in conversation, I'd welcome a chance to ask that person a few questions in another setting. I wouldn't freak out like you.

If given a choice between having a beer with that person....who I don't know....and having one with a frightened bigot like you....who I know to be a dumb fuck.....I'd probably choose that person.

So having the freedom to chose who you associate with is good for you, just not anyone else, like bakers, photographers and florist?
Baker,s photographers, and florists can associate with whomever they want.......but let me ask you this......why would one want to be in the wedding business and get a business license in a state with PA laws if they like to pick and choose who has an acceptable "wedding" based on THEIR religion?

It's as stupid as a moooslim or jew getting into the butcher trade knowing that one of the animals they may be butchering is a pig.

First see the first amendment and the free exercise clause, no law that requires you to give up your rights is valid. Second when's the last time you bought a kosher ham?
I would very much like to see where someone's free exercise to practice their religion is restricted by PA laws.

And I am talking about a butcher.....you know, not the store but the person who kills and cuts up the meat.

Try to keep up, ok?

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?

Jesus Christ you are truly stupid. Of course a pharmacist could simply choose not to carry any birth control in their store. That is their choice.......

Well, it should be.
Talk to parents. Then get back to us.
dodge ! classic pauli

Parents are pretty skittish over this decision. Why risk bringing your child into a restroom that could have a couple creepy dudes hangin in there? They'll just play it safe and head over to Walmart instead.

I know Target thought this would be a great PC stunt, but i think it's gonna backfire on it. Any customers lost to Walmart, will be way too many.

I guess if you're a homosexual pedophile you can't relate to what parents feel.
making false acusations are we?

Who did I accuse of what?
"guess if you're a homosexual pedophile you can't relate to what parents feel."
are you really gonna claim that not an accusation ?
it's not even a little bit subtle,,,,,
are you a coward ?
Well......I am very accepting of others. That's true. While I don't make a habit of engaging people in restrooms in conversation, I'd welcome a chance to ask that person a few questions in another setting. I wouldn't freak out like you.

If given a choice between having a beer with that person....who I don't know....and having one with a frightened bigot like you....who I know to be a dumb fuck.....I'd probably choose that person.

So having the freedom to chose who you associate with is good for you, just not anyone else, like bakers, photographers and florist?
Baker,s photographers, and florists can associate with whomever they want.......but let me ask you this......why would one want to be in the wedding business and get a business license in a state with PA laws if they like to pick and choose who has an acceptable "wedding" based on THEIR religion?

It's as stupid as a moooslim or jew getting into the butcher trade knowing that one of the animals they may be butchering is a pig.

First see the first amendment and the free exercise clause, no law that requires you to give up your rights is valid. Second when's the last time you bought a kosher ham?
I would very much like to see where someone's free exercise to practice their religion is restricted by PA laws.

And I am talking about a butcher.....you know, not the store but the person who kills and cuts up the meat.

Try to keep up, ok?

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?

Jesus Christ you are truly stupid. Of course a pharmacist could simply choose not to carry any birth control in their store. That is their choice.......

Well, it should be.
should be and reality are mutually exclusive
dodge ! classic pauli

Parents are pretty skittish over this decision. Why risk bringing your child into a restroom that could have a couple creepy dudes hangin in there? They'll just play it safe and head over to Walmart instead.

I know Target thought this would be a great PC stunt, but i think it's gonna backfire on it. Any customers lost to Walmart, will be way too many.

I guess if you're a homosexual pedophile you can't relate to what parents feel.
making false acusations are we?

Who did I accuse of what?
"guess if you're a homosexual pedophile you can't relate to what parents feel."
are you really gonna claim that not an accusation ?
it's not even a little bit subtle,,,,,
are you a coward ?

No, I'm going to flat out state, I didn't accuse anyone of anything. Report me if you believe differently
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

Do you have any evidence to back that up?
it on you to prove it's wrong...
but here's a little taste , Molestation within Families

WTF? Sir, you make a claim , it's on you to prove that claim, not on someone else to prove it isn't true.

He did...gave you a link and everything.

My daughter has had two of her best friends molested by their mother's male intimate partner, father and stepfather....Two in a town of fewer than 2000 people.

My daughter, who has been in women's restrooms with transgendered people, was in far greater danger at sleepovers with "normal" families than she was in a restroom with a transgendered woman...pre or post.

Truly sorry your daughters went through that, but that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this discussion. I had a cousin who was killed in a motorcycle accident, an old guy pulled out in front of him , sad story, but wouldn't have any place in a discussion about drunk driving, for example.
Yes....girls being molested by family members is so easy to dismiss with a flick of the wrist, aren't they?
So having the freedom to chose who you associate with is good for you, just not anyone else, like bakers, photographers and florist?
Baker,s photographers, and florists can associate with whomever they want.......but let me ask you this......why would one want to be in the wedding business and get a business license in a state with PA laws if they like to pick and choose who has an acceptable "wedding" based on THEIR religion?

It's as stupid as a moooslim or jew getting into the butcher trade knowing that one of the animals they may be butchering is a pig.

First see the first amendment and the free exercise clause, no law that requires you to give up your rights is valid. Second when's the last time you bought a kosher ham?
I would very much like to see where someone's free exercise to practice their religion is restricted by PA laws.

And I am talking about a butcher.....you know, not the store but the person who kills and cuts up the meat.

Try to keep up, ok?

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?

Jesus Christ you are truly stupid. Of course a pharmacist could simply choose not to carry any birth control in their store. That is their choice.......

Well, it should be.
should be and reality are mutually exclusive

Actually a pharmacist COULD flat out refuse to carry any form of birth control in their store.
Do you have any evidence to back that up?
it on you to prove it's wrong...
but here's a little taste , Molestation within Families

WTF? Sir, you make a claim , it's on you to prove that claim, not on someone else to prove it isn't true.

He did...gave you a link and everything.

My daughter has had two of her best friends molested by their mother's male intimate partner, father and stepfather....Two in a town of fewer than 2000 people.

My daughter, who has been in women's restrooms with transgendered people, was in far greater danger at sleepovers with "normal" families than she was in a restroom with a transgendered woman...pre or post.

Truly sorry your daughters went through that, but that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this discussion. I had a cousin who was killed in a motorcycle accident, an old guy pulled out in front of him , sad story, but wouldn't have any place in a discussion about drunk driving, for example.
Yes....girls being molested by family members is so easy to dismiss with a flick of the wrist, aren't they?

Your clown avatar is very apropos, you are certainly a clown.
Well......I am very accepting of others. That's true. While I don't make a habit of engaging people in restrooms in conversation, I'd welcome a chance to ask that person a few questions in another setting. I wouldn't freak out like you.

If given a choice between having a beer with that person....who I don't know....and having one with a frightened bigot like you....who I know to be a dumb fuck.....I'd probably choose that person.

So having the freedom to chose who you associate with is good for you, just not anyone else, like bakers, photographers and florist?
Baker,s photographers, and florists can associate with whomever they want.......but let me ask you this......why would one want to be in the wedding business and get a business license in a state with PA laws if they like to pick and choose who has an acceptable "wedding" based on THEIR religion?

It's as stupid as a moooslim or jew getting into the butcher trade knowing that one of the animals they may be butchering is a pig.

First see the first amendment and the free exercise clause, no law that requires you to give up your rights is valid. Second when's the last time you bought a kosher ham?
I would very much like to see where someone's free exercise to practice their religion is restricted by PA laws.

And I am talking about a butcher.....you know, not the store but the person who kills and cuts up the meat.

Try to keep up, ok?

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?

Jesus Christ you are truly stupid. Of course a pharmacist could simply choose not to carry any birth control in their store. That is their choice.......

Well, it should be.
Just to jump in here. You missed the point last time, it's explained to you how you misinterpreted the question, so a new question is asked and you make the same mistake again.

The pharmacist does not equal the pharmacy. So, let's go with Walgreens, that's the location. Pharmacist is the employee, now here is the question again:

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?
That's excellent. You have decided to remove yourself from the restroom. You are not demanding that someone remove this person. That is progress.
I'm sure you would adapt and make that thing your best friend........now wouldn't you.............Do you accept that thing as NORMAL?

Well......I am very accepting of others. That's true. While I don't make a habit of engaging people in restrooms in conversation, I'd welcome a chance to ask that person a few questions in another setting. I wouldn't freak out like you.

If given a choice between having a beer with that person....who I don't know....and having one with a frightened bigot like you....who I know to be a dumb fuck.....I'd probably choose that person.

So having the freedom to chose who you associate with is good for you, just not anyone else, like bakers, photographers and florist?

Silly argument.

Right, so silly you have no rebuttal.

No. So silly that explaining it to you is not worth the effort.
Well......I am very accepting of others. That's true. While I don't make a habit of engaging people in restrooms in conversation, I'd welcome a chance to ask that person a few questions in another setting. I wouldn't freak out like you.

If given a choice between having a beer with that person....who I don't know....and having one with a frightened bigot like you....who I know to be a dumb fuck.....I'd probably choose that person.

So having the freedom to chose who you associate with is good for you, just not anyone else, like bakers, photographers and florist?
Baker,s photographers, and florists can associate with whomever they want.......but let me ask you this......why would one want to be in the wedding business and get a business license in a state with PA laws if they like to pick and choose who has an acceptable "wedding" based on THEIR religion?

It's as stupid as a moooslim or jew getting into the butcher trade knowing that one of the animals they may be butchering is a pig.

First see the first amendment and the free exercise clause, no law that requires you to give up your rights is valid. Second when's the last time you bought a kosher ham?
I would very much like to see where someone's free exercise to practice their religion is restricted by PA laws.

And I am talking about a butcher.....you know, not the store but the person who kills and cuts up the meat.

Try to keep up, ok?

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?

Jesus Christ you are truly stupid. Of course a pharmacist could simply choose not to carry any birth control in their store. That is their choice.......

Well, it should be.
And a baker can choose not to carry any wedding cakes at all. But if they do...........they must serve all.

FYI....got any examples of pharmacies that get to pick and choose what kind of LEGAL prescriptions they fill?
So having the freedom to chose who you associate with is good for you, just not anyone else, like bakers, photographers and florist?
Baker,s photographers, and florists can associate with whomever they want.......but let me ask you this......why would one want to be in the wedding business and get a business license in a state with PA laws if they like to pick and choose who has an acceptable "wedding" based on THEIR religion?

It's as stupid as a moooslim or jew getting into the butcher trade knowing that one of the animals they may be butchering is a pig.

First see the first amendment and the free exercise clause, no law that requires you to give up your rights is valid. Second when's the last time you bought a kosher ham?
I would very much like to see where someone's free exercise to practice their religion is restricted by PA laws.

And I am talking about a butcher.....you know, not the store but the person who kills and cuts up the meat.

Try to keep up, ok?

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?

Jesus Christ you are truly stupid. Of course a pharmacist could simply choose not to carry any birth control in their store. That is their choice.......

Well, it should be.
Just to jump in here. You missed the point last time, it's explained to you how you misinterpreted the question, so a new question is asked and you make the same mistake again.

The pharmacist does not equal the pharmacy. So, let's go with Walgreens, that's the location. Pharmacist is the employee, now here is the question again:

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?

Well clearly I was referring to a person who actually owned the business rather than an employee. But answer me this, let's get off pharmacies and such for a bit and use a different tactic. there have been a few cases lately where Dunkin Donuts employees have refused to serve police. Now CLEARLY that is against their company policy , but there is no law forcing either Dunkin Donuts or their employees to serve police officers. Do you believe there should be a law concerning either? Why or why not?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

Do you have any evidence to back that up?
it on you to prove it's wrong...
but here's a little taste , Molestation within Families

WTF? Sir, you make a claim , it's on you to prove that claim, not on someone else to prove it isn't true.

He did...gave you a link and everything.

My daughter has had two of her best friends molested by their mother's male intimate partner, father and stepfather....Two in a town of fewer than 2000 people.

My daughter, who has been in women's restrooms with transgendered people, was in far greater danger at sleepovers with "normal" families than she was in a restroom with a transgendered woman...pre or post.

Truly sorry your daughters went through that, but that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this discussion. I had a cousin who was killed in a motorcycle accident, an old guy pulled out in front of him , sad story, but wouldn't have any place in a discussion about drunk driving, for example.
it has everything to do with the conversation.
Seawytch, has hit the nail on the head despite the rights imaginative and false vision of a gender neutral restroom being a veritable one stop shop for pedophiles rapists etc.
what all these my daughter might see a dick threads are about is ignorance and paranoia and fear, masquerading as responsible parenting , patriotism, religious doctrine , machoism .
it's amazing that so called good a decent people hide so much nastiness .
So having the freedom to chose who you associate with is good for you, just not anyone else, like bakers, photographers and florist?
Baker,s photographers, and florists can associate with whomever they want.......but let me ask you this......why would one want to be in the wedding business and get a business license in a state with PA laws if they like to pick and choose who has an acceptable "wedding" based on THEIR religion?

It's as stupid as a moooslim or jew getting into the butcher trade knowing that one of the animals they may be butchering is a pig.

First see the first amendment and the free exercise clause, no law that requires you to give up your rights is valid. Second when's the last time you bought a kosher ham?
I would very much like to see where someone's free exercise to practice their religion is restricted by PA laws.

And I am talking about a butcher.....you know, not the store but the person who kills and cuts up the meat.

Try to keep up, ok?

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?

Jesus Christ you are truly stupid. Of course a pharmacist could simply choose not to carry any birth control in their store. That is their choice.......

Well, it should be.
And a baker can choose not to carry any wedding cakes at all. But if they do...........they must serve all.

FYI....got any examples of pharmacies that get to pick and choose what kind of LEGAL prescriptions they fill?

You may as well stop asking me questions. First of all, I've answered every question you've asked me to this point whilst you have refused to address any of the several I have asked you, secondly, it is quite clear that you are dumber than a box of rocks and conversation with you is a waste of time.
oh so they would be just like at home... where's the problem?

First of all, I'm on record as believing that a business should be able to do as they like with their restrooms, or not even have a restroom if that is their preference. My only issue is with schools and such. And the obvious difference between a school bathroom and the bathroom at home is well at home you're the only one in there unless it's family.
gee most child molestations are by family members .
using that logic a child would be far safer in a gender neutral restroom.

I challenge you to find ANYWHERE where I have stated a concern about molestation. Here's a hint, you won't find one since in fact my only objection is schools being forced to having unisex bathrooms and I only object to that because I don't believe that girls who might be uncomfortable sharing a restroom with boys would be forced to do so if they had to use the restroom.

If your at Target and you have to use the restroom and don't want to share, tough shit, go find a store that doesn't share and use their facilities, but children are captive at school and have no choice.

And of course children do no have the capacity to understand things the way adults do.

Bottom line, I base my decision on protecting CHILDREN. Adults can live and let live.
can you rationalize your bullshit any harder?

My "bullshit" was of course a perfectly rational reason for my belief that school children should have gender specific bathrooms. You however being a liberal authoritarian douchebag feel that only your reasoning is rationale. You are exactly the same as the authoritarian right wing douche bags I have seen you complain about.

Have a good day sir.
Here's a question for you....should school children have privacy in their bathrooms....stalls with doors...the bathroom itself with a door?

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