"Transgender" Target Stores: Prepare To Be Sued.

Baker,s photographers, and florists can associate with whomever they want.......but let me ask you this......why would one want to be in the wedding business and get a business license in a state with PA laws if they like to pick and choose who has an acceptable "wedding" based on THEIR religion?

It's as stupid as a moooslim or jew getting into the butcher trade knowing that one of the animals they may be butchering is a pig.

First see the first amendment and the free exercise clause, no law that requires you to give up your rights is valid. Second when's the last time you bought a kosher ham?
I would very much like to see where someone's free exercise to practice their religion is restricted by PA laws.

And I am talking about a butcher.....you know, not the store but the person who kills and cuts up the meat.

Try to keep up, ok?

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?

Jesus Christ you are truly stupid. Of course a pharmacist could simply choose not to carry any birth control in their store. That is their choice.......

Well, it should be.
Just to jump in here. You missed the point last time, it's explained to you how you misinterpreted the question, so a new question is asked and you make the same mistake again.

The pharmacist does not equal the pharmacy. So, let's go with Walgreens, that's the location. Pharmacist is the employee, now here is the question again:

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?

Well clearly I was referring to a person who actually owned the business rather than an employee. But answer me this, let's get off pharmacies and such for a bit and use a different tactic. there have been a few cases lately where Dunkin Donuts employees have refused to serve police. Now CLEARLY that is against their company policy , but there is no law forcing either Dunkin Donuts or their employees to serve police officers. Do you believe there should be a law concerning either? Why or why not?
Show us a state where PA laws cover occupation.
First see the first amendment and the free exercise clause, no law that requires you to give up your rights is valid. Second when's the last time you bought a kosher ham?
I would very much like to see where someone's free exercise to practice their religion is restricted by PA laws.

And I am talking about a butcher.....you know, not the store but the person who kills and cuts up the meat.

Try to keep up, ok?

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?

Jesus Christ you are truly stupid. Of course a pharmacist could simply choose not to carry any birth control in their store. That is their choice.......

Well, it should be.
should be and reality are mutually exclusive

Actually a pharmacist COULD flat out refuse to carry any form of birth control in their store.
Oh really? Show that is allowed. Give examples of such.

According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), "A pharmacy's or pharmacist's refusal to sell birth control does not violate a woman's federal constitutional rights. The U.S. Constitution imposes no limitations on nongovernmental institutions like privately owned pharmacies. Even if the refusal takes place in a state-owned pharmacy, a woman has no federal constitutional right to receive contraception. Although the Constitution protects a woman's right to contraception, it does not ensure that women can access reproductive health services."

Yes, Pharmacists Can Deny You Birth Control

More evidence, unneeded, that you are stupid.
Truly sorry your daughters went through that, but that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this discussion. I had a cousin who was killed in a motorcycle accident, an old guy pulled out in front of him , sad story, but wouldn't have any place in a discussion about drunk driving, for example.
it has everything to do with the conversation.
Seawytch, has hit the nail on the head despite the rights imaginative and false vision of a gender neutral restroom being a veritable one stop shop for pedophiles rapists etc.
what all these my daughter might see a dick threads are about is ignorance and paranoia and fear, masquerading as responsible parenting , patriotism, religious doctrine , machoism .
it's amazing that so called good a decent people hide so much nastiness .

Her anecdotal story has NOTHING to do with it. Even if 99.9% of child molestation were done by family members, that's still .1% that isn't and some people aren't willing to take ANY unnecessary risk with their children, and it isn't YOUR place to tell them they have to.

Which again is why I object to schools doing, you have NO choice but for your child to use that restroom at the school. You do at Target. So, go find another bathroom.
I am NOT believing that you think that is a valid argument......a valid anything.....:ack-1:
How is that not valid?

Don't waste your time, I've yet to see any sort of sense out of Bodecea, just stop responding and let him or her "win" the argument.
It's funny how she seems to think feigning incredulity and posting shocked face emoticon is the equivelant of a counter argument.
Truly sorry your daughters went through that, but that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this discussion. I had a cousin who was killed in a motorcycle accident, an old guy pulled out in front of him , sad story, but wouldn't have any place in a discussion about drunk driving, for example.
it has everything to do with the conversation.
Seawytch, has hit the nail on the head despite the rights imaginative and false vision of a gender neutral restroom being a veritable one stop shop for pedophiles rapists etc.
what all these my daughter might see a dick threads are about is ignorance and paranoia and fear, masquerading as responsible parenting , patriotism, religious doctrine , machoism .
it's amazing that so called good a decent people hide so much nastiness .

Her anecdotal story has NOTHING to do with it. Even if 99.9% of child molestation were done by family members, that's still .1% that isn't and some people aren't willing to take ANY unnecessary risk with their children, and it isn't YOUR place to tell them they have to.

Which again is why I object to schools doing, you have NO choice but for your child to use that restroom at the school. You do at Target. So, go find another bathroom.
I am NOT believing that you think that is a valid argument......a valid anything.....:ack-1:
How is that not valid?

Don't waste your time, I've yet to see any sort of sense out of Bodecea, just stop responding and let him or her "win" the argument.
so desperate you'll side with a fascist who thinks Pinochet was a savoir?
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

So you want all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.

You are creepy.
they already have it has jack shit to do with wanting it's a fact.
I do not want
all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.
then again you've made hundreds of false accusations like that ,
you like all ignorant people never bother to ask the person you disagree with what their opinion is you just assume the worst and run with it.

Yet that's your claim, Right. Men should be allowed in restroom with little girls because she's more likely to be molested by Daddy.

We heard you the first time loon
nope it's a statement of fact.
the my daughter might see a dick defense has worn thin...
seems you are out of reasonable arguments.

Only worn thin to those that imply that it's gonna happen anyway, might as well open it up to the world!
nobody's implying anything pop.
if you could see through the haze you have noticed that already .
your quest to rid the world of transgender people was over before it started.
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

So you want all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.

You are creepy.
they already have it has jack shit to do with wanting it's a fact.
I do not want
all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.
then again you've made hundreds of false accusations like that ,
you like all ignorant people never bother to ask the person you disagree with what their opinion is you just assume the worst and run with it.

Yet that's your claim, Right. Men should be allowed in restroom with little girls because she's more likely to be molested by Daddy.

We heard you the first time loon
nope it's a statement of fact.
the my daughter might see a dick defense has worn thin...
seems you are out of reasonable arguments.

Only worn thin to those that imply that it's gonna happen anyway, might as well open it up to the world!
Only for those teaching their daughters to peek under or over stall doors or between the cracks.
So you want all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.

You are creepy.
they already have it has jack shit to do with wanting it's a fact.
I do not want
all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.
then again you've made hundreds of false accusations like that ,
you like all ignorant people never bother to ask the person you disagree with what their opinion is you just assume the worst and run with it.

Yet that's your claim, Right. Men should be allowed in restroom with little girls because she's more likely to be molested by Daddy.

We heard you the first time loon
nope it's a statement of fact.
the my daughter might see a dick defense has worn thin...
seems you are out of reasonable arguments.

Only worn thin to those that imply that it's gonna happen anyway, might as well open it up to the world!
Only for those teaching their daughters to peek under or over stall doors or between the cracks.

Who's doing that you moron
it has everything to do with the conversation.
Seawytch, has hit the nail on the head despite the rights imaginative and false vision of a gender neutral restroom being a veritable one stop shop for pedophiles rapists etc.
what all these my daughter might see a dick threads are about is ignorance and paranoia and fear, masquerading as responsible parenting , patriotism, religious doctrine , machoism .
it's amazing that so called good a decent people hide so much nastiness .

Her anecdotal story has NOTHING to do with it. Even if 99.9% of child molestation were done by family members, that's still .1% that isn't and some people aren't willing to take ANY unnecessary risk with their children, and it isn't YOUR place to tell them they have to.

Which again is why I object to schools doing, you have NO choice but for your child to use that restroom at the school. You do at Target. So, go find another bathroom.
I am NOT believing that you think that is a valid argument......a valid anything.....:ack-1:
How is that not valid?

Don't waste your time, I've yet to see any sort of sense out of Bodecea, just stop responding and let him or her "win" the argument.
It's funny how she seems to think feigning incredulity and posting shocked face emoticon is the equivelant of a counter argument.
the coming fro a clown who's only and best argument is yer a fag.:rofl:.
it on you to prove it's wrong...
but here's a little taste , Molestation within Families

WTF? Sir, you make a claim , it's on you to prove that claim, not on someone else to prove it isn't true.

He did...gave you a link and everything.

My daughter has had two of her best friends molested by their mother's male intimate partner, father and stepfather....Two in a town of fewer than 2000 people.

My daughter, who has been in women's restrooms with transgendered people, was in far greater danger at sleepovers with "normal" families than she was in a restroom with a transgendered woman...pre or post.

Truly sorry your daughters went through that, but that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this discussion. I had a cousin who was killed in a motorcycle accident, an old guy pulled out in front of him , sad story, but wouldn't have any place in a discussion about drunk driving, for example.
Yes....girls being molested by family members is so easy to dismiss with a flick of the wrist, aren't they?
When debating whether something should be a law or not, emotional appeals are not a valid argument.

There isn't much we can do to family members who molest children until they do it and get reported.

Just because more children get molested by people they know doesn't mean we should therefore make it easier for strangers to do it.

Like F&B said, its horrible that your children were molested by family members, but that's not a valid argument, its an emotional appeal fallacy.
I see you haven't read what Seawytch stated. Her children weren't molested...her friends were...by hetero male family members.
they already have it has jack shit to do with wanting it's a fact.
I do not want
all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.
then again you've made hundreds of false accusations like that ,
you like all ignorant people never bother to ask the person you disagree with what their opinion is you just assume the worst and run with it.

Yet that's your claim, Right. Men should be allowed in restroom with little girls because she's more likely to be molested by Daddy.

We heard you the first time loon
nope it's a statement of fact.
the my daughter might see a dick defense has worn thin...
seems you are out of reasonable arguments.

Only worn thin to those that imply that it's gonna happen anyway, might as well open it up to the world!
Only for those teaching their daughters to peek under or over stall doors or between the cracks.

Who's doing that you moron
oh no! not the yer a moron ploy again!
I would very much like to see where someone's free exercise to practice their religion is restricted by PA laws.

And I am talking about a butcher.....you know, not the store but the person who kills and cuts up the meat.

Try to keep up, ok?

Here's another example....why would someone who "claims" their religion is against birth control work as a pharmacist?

Jesus Christ you are truly stupid. Of course a pharmacist could simply choose not to carry any birth control in their store. That is their choice.......

Well, it should be.
And a baker can choose not to carry any wedding cakes at all. But if they do...........they must serve all.

FYI....got any examples of pharmacies that get to pick and choose what kind of LEGAL prescriptions they fill?

You may as well stop asking me questions. First of all, I've answered every question you've asked me to this point whilst you have refused to address any of the several I have asked you, secondly, it is quite clear that you are dumber than a box of rocks and conversation with you is a waste of time.
so you are giving up ? aint got the stones to conceded like an adult?

I do concede, Bodecea is stupid and arguing with a person who asks stupid questions, lies about what other people have said and refuses to answer any questions is a waste of time. If I wanted that, I would debate the topic with my 3 year old.
And you'd have to run away from that one too.
it has everything to do with the conversation.
Seawytch, has hit the nail on the head despite the rights imaginative and false vision of a gender neutral restroom being a veritable one stop shop for pedophiles rapists etc.
what all these my daughter might see a dick threads are about is ignorance and paranoia and fear, masquerading as responsible parenting , patriotism, religious doctrine , machoism .
it's amazing that so called good a decent people hide so much nastiness .

Her anecdotal story has NOTHING to do with it. Even if 99.9% of child molestation were done by family members, that's still .1% that isn't and some people aren't willing to take ANY unnecessary risk with their children, and it isn't YOUR place to tell them they have to.

Which again is why I object to schools doing, you have NO choice but for your child to use that restroom at the school. You do at Target. So, go find another bathroom.
I am NOT believing that you think that is a valid argument......a valid anything.....:ack-1:
How is that not valid?

Don't waste your time, I've yet to see any sort of sense out of Bodecea, just stop responding and let him or her "win" the argument.
so desperate you'll side with a fascist who thinks Pinochet was a savoir?
I'm not a fascist, faggot. Neither was Pinochet. He was the head of a legal military junta and restored Chilean's economic and social freedom.

You're an idiot who doesn't know what fascism is.
most pedophiles are family members so they already have .
quit while you're behind pop!

So you want all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.

You are creepy.
they already have it has jack shit to do with wanting it's a fact.
I do not want
all parents to hand their children over to pedophiles.
then again you've made hundreds of false accusations like that ,
you like all ignorant people never bother to ask the person you disagree with what their opinion is you just assume the worst and run with it.

Yet that's your claim, Right. Men should be allowed in restroom with little girls because she's more likely to be molested by Daddy.

We heard you the first time loon
That was never ever said....except by the voices in your head.

The voices in my head say your also kinda creepy. So far they've been spot on
Progress! Admitting that you are listening to voices in your head.
"Ah, go pee in a corner somewhere, Christ lover."

So you're what a religious bigot or something? Hating Christ and Christians is okay though, that's not you being a bigot right?

But people not wanting men with penises in female bathrooms, this is being a "bigot" :rolleyes-41:
Maybe we should go back to some of your posts calling gay people names.....or is this a question of "Do as I say, not as I do" for you?

I've never called gay people names, I've never used gay slurs....so yes please find all those posts where I've called gay people names.
Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

An interesting threat

Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Pretending to know what people are going to do

Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Personal insult

Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Another personal insult

Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

And yet another

Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

And yet more

Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Referring to San Francisco and gays

Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?

Self explanatory

Is It Time For Christians To Leave America ?


Men in women's bathrooms

A splattering elsewhere

And with that I challenge anyone else to point out any more of Lucy's "Do as I say, not as I do" insults to gays, transsexuals and anyone else who doesn't fit in her Christer World Order.
“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.

John 15:18-20
Quoting the bible in a non religious discussion is absolute proof the person who quoted it is getting there ass handed to them.
Will Bodecea admit that yes indeed a pharmacist can refuse to provide birth control?
Would F & B admit he's lose an argument with a 3 year old? :D Note: I'm still reading your link.
Ok, now I see why.....Women are protected as a group under PA laws...but women are not refused service because of who THEY are....they are refused because of the product they want. EVERYONE is refused birth control. It's a fine line....and I wonder if it is a line that will eventually be successfully challenged.

Gays are refused service because of who they are in the cases the RW likes to wave like bloody shirts of the martyrs. Everyone else gets Wedding Cakes EXCEPT for gays.
Will Bodecea admit that yes indeed a pharmacist can refuse to provide birth control?
Would F & B admit he's lose an argument with a 3 year old? :D Note: I'm still reading your link.
Ok, now I see why.....Women are protected as a group under PA laws...but women are not refused service because of who THEY are....they are refused because of the product they want. EVERYONE is refused birth control. It's a fine line....and I wonder if it is a line that will eventually be successfully challenged.

Gays are refused service because of who they are in the cases the RW likes to wave like bloody shirts of the martyrs. Everyone else gets Wedding Cakes EXCEPT for gays.

I think it's silly to refuse to bake such cakes, but at the same time I think it's equally silly to demand and sue over such cakes, Just go somewhere else to get your cake.

The bottom line however is this. Why do people keep inviting the federal government into their lives? Both sides. The government has no more business telling gays they can't marry than it has telling a baker he MUST provide them a cake. It's ludicrous to argue otherwise. Two sides of the same coin, each wanting the other to use the government to force someone to do what they want.

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