Transgender teen: 'My death needs to mean something'

He should have been happy he was healthy. Many don't even have that benefit. He should have also been happy of who he was. He was not, nor never would be a woman. It seems insulting to women to suggest it's just a mental state. This boy was never going to become pregnant.

Some transgenders come to grips with the knowledge they will never be women. They will never have a period. They will never be pregnant. Some fight the knowledge that they will simply never smell female. They will never benefit from a gynecologist exam. Medically they are male.

Some never accept these facts and rail against the unfairness of it all.

So intones the most clueless doctor/lawyer/dog washer in the history of humankind.
"The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far."

Most of us never have to face the fear and confusion this girl did. Most of us cannot imagine what it would be like to know we are female and yet have the world continue to call us a male. Even after her death, there are people who will not accept that she was female. How any young person can be strong enough to get through that dark tunnel is beyond my understanding.

Transgender people must be among the bravest people in the world.

Whether you are a man or a woman is physical and easily determined.

What about hermaphrodites? I know this is rare. I agree with IamwhatIseem's post
that just because this occurs does not mean to promote it as commonplace, and try
to make the class of individuals bigger than it is in order to gain validity by numbers.

There is nothing wrong with accepting people even if they are a small minority.
This idea of legitimizing things by propaganda does more harm than good by losing credibility
for the cases that are legit.

Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As for physical gender vs. spiritual gender,
that's the real crisis here. The whole point is
the person's personality is of one gender and their body is another.

One of my friends I met online only (not in person)
decided to go ahead and change his physical male body to match
the female personality. He called it decorating his house.
If he owns his house, he has the right to decorate it anyway he wants.

Now i agree that you shouldn't BLAME society for typing this
person as male if that's how the laws work in that region.

People would have to agree how to handle such issues of gender,
and no I don't believe in forcing it one way or another. It is spiritual
issue how people identify themselves, and so decisions and policies
should be made by free choice and consensus among the people.

If they don't agree, then just like churches, they should split into
separate denominations, such as by district or by party, to prevent from abusing state govt
to impose on anyone's spiritual beliefs about this.

If districts can't divide geographically, I suggest
separating marriage policies etc. by party and managing
benefits that way. This is a spiritual issue and belongs to the people or church,
and not the govt to impose unless and until people form a consensus on law
and agree what policy to mandate through the public level of govt. But as long
as people have different spiritual views, it should remain private until this is proven and agreed upon.
by free choice and informed consent, not by force of govt which is unconstitutional for religious or spiritual issues.

Wasn't a hermaphrodite.

You can change your appearance but not your gender.

What next, somebody will claim to be an elf? This is a mental health problem.

1. The hermaphrodite was in response to the blanket statement
that you are clearly either male or female. Some people are born with both gender features.
I was just pointing out it is possible to be mixed.

2. As for this case, being female personality or spirit inside a male
body does not negate that physically the body is male.

The body can be of one gender
and the person's soul or spirit of the other.

Sure I agree that if the state laws recognize
the physical gender by birth, then people either
need to respect that or change the laws by consensus.

And what if the spirit is an elf?

If it is an Angelic spirit that is positive, based on good will and charity, justice and mercy for all, inclusively.
If it is Demonic, that is negative and based on ill will, retribution and unforgiveness, taking one side against another
or one interest over another.

There are some elfish spirits like little Brownies that try to go good things even in sneaky ways that are cute and charming.
There are selfish spirits that try to do negative things on the sly that are on the flipside of that, and not on the up and up!

the positive spirits attract more positive energy in a positive cycle of multiplying and sharing blessings with others.
the negative spirits attract more negativity in a vicious cycle of retribution and ill will that implodes divides and destroys.

This is what it means to know by the "fruits of the spirit" which are fruitful and productive
vs. which are negative and self-destructive that kill instead of build and heal relationships.

if it generates good will and good faith relations that is one thing, if it creates bad will or division that's another.
To those who feel outcasted or ever need someone in times of despair:

Trans Lifeline can be reached at 877-565-8860.

For LGBT youth (ages 24 and younger) contemplating suicide, the Trevor Project Lifeline can be reached at 1-866-488-7386.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 can also be reached 24 hours a day by people of all ages and identities.

Pay it forward some help and service for those who suffer and feel there is no way out.

In memory of my sister R.I.P. 6/10/2013
People are seeing transgenderism where it doesn't really exist. Merely being a cross dresser is now transgendered. Girls who were tom boys in the past are now transgendered. .
No, I wouldnt take it THAT far to say they're saying tomboys are transgendered. Bisexual, maybe....

People are trying too hard to mainstream it.
Backlash to the backlash that incites more backlash.
To those who feel outcasted or ever need someone in times of despair:

Trans Lifeline can be reached at 877-565-8860.

For LGBT youth (ages 24 and younger) contemplating suicide, the Trevor Project Lifeline can be reached at 1-866-488-7386.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 can also be reached 24 hours a day by people of all ages and identities.

Pay it forward some help and service for those who suffer and feel there is no way out.

In memory of my sister R.I.P. 6/10/2013
Thanks for posting this drifter!

As for me, when I get like I want to leave the planet, I threaten to go on hunger strike.

My politics are more likely to get me clobbered to death by other ppl.
I dont fit in either, but its so tragic it gets
Satirically comic. Wish other ppl could
Laugh at their misery and not lose their strength to live.

Two of my friends came up with ideas for a comedy crisis hotline service. I think there is a need to connect and maintain creative support so ppl dont get lost and fall through cracks and gaps
To those who feel outcasted or ever need someone in times of despair:

Trans Lifeline can be reached at 877-565-8860.

For LGBT youth (ages 24 and younger) contemplating suicide, the Trevor Project Lifeline can be reached at 1-866-488-7386.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 can also be reached 24 hours a day by people of all ages and identities.

Pay it forward some help and service for those who suffer and feel there is no way out.

In memory of my sister R.I.P. 6/10/2013
Thanks for posting this drifter!

As for me, when I get like I want to leave the planet, I threaten to go on hunger strike.

My politics are more likely to get me clobbered to death by other ppl.
I dont fit in either, but its so tragic it gets
Satirically comic. Wish other ppl could
Laugh at their misery and not lose their strength to live.

Two of my friends came up with ideas for a comedy crisis hotline service. I think there is a need to connect and maintain creative support so ppl dont get lost and fall through cracks and gaps

I'm glad you have not left Emily, :smiliehug:
He should have been happy he was healthy. Many don't even have that benefit. He should have also been happy of who he was. He was not, nor never would be a woman. It seems insulting to women to suggest it's just a mental state. This boy was never going to become pregnant.

By that, everyone in America should be happy and grateful for what we have that other ppl die for.

Instead ppl abuse freedom to take drugs that destroy their minds and health.
While ppl in other countries are too poor
To do even that. We must look nuts to ppl
In other countries who would love to work
for the wages we have here. But to so many,they lose the will to live over less.
Transgender people must be among the bravest people in the world.
Bravest for what? ......denying reality?? ..... :cuckoo:

I agree. I see no bravery in wanting to live in fantasy land. In fact most of them probably cause a lot of pain for family members.
The cure for people who want to commit suicide for nonsense like being born the wrong sex is to put them in serious life threatening deprivation. Starve them, freeze them, give them pain. The nonsense will retreat into the background and become forgotten.
^^^ Amen to that! Going through things like that will make them realize that being born the wrong sex is not the worst thing that could happen to a person.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

To those who feel outcasted or ever need someone in times of despair:

Trans Lifeline can be reached at 877-565-8860.

For LGBT youth (ages 24 and younger) contemplating suicide, the Trevor Project Lifeline can be reached at 1-866-488-7386.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 can also be reached 24 hours a day by people of all ages and identities.

Pay it forward some help and service for those who suffer and feel there is no way out.

In memory of my sister R.I.P. 6/10/2013
Thanks for posting this drifter!

As for me, when I get like I want to leave the planet, I threaten to go on hunger strike.

My politics are more likely to get me clobbered to death by other ppl.
I dont fit in either, but its so tragic it gets
Satirically comic. Wish other ppl could
Laugh at their misery and not lose their strength to live.

Two of my friends came up with ideas for a comedy crisis hotline service. I think there is a need to connect and maintain creative support so ppl dont get lost and fall through cracks and gaps

I'm glad you have not left Emily, :smiliehug:
My mind may have gone but im still here.
A Constitutionalist trapped in a Democrat body. Told I cannot be both, booo!

Until I return to my home planet on Pluto or Venus, or whatever alien world I came from. If I can fit into society, anyone can make it. Maybe I should build my own city state for social rejects and retards. And when ppl give up on the world they can come hang out with me. Until they realize the world aint that bad, next to the impossible world I live in!
They would normal compared to me and what I go through trying to fit in with regular human beings. They might laugh and Be glad theyre not me!
To those who feel outcasted or ever need someone in times of despair:

Trans Lifeline can be reached at 877-565-8860.

For LGBT youth (ages 24 and younger) contemplating suicide, the Trevor Project Lifeline can be reached at 1-866-488-7386.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 can also be reached 24 hours a day by people of all ages and identities.

Pay it forward some help and service for those who suffer and feel there is no way out.

In memory of my sister R.I.P. 6/10/2013
Thanks for posting this drifter!

As for me, when I get like I want to leave the planet, I threaten to go on hunger strike.

My politics are more likely to get me clobbered to death by other ppl.
I dont fit in either, but its so tragic it gets
Satirically comic. Wish other ppl could
Laugh at their misery and not lose their strength to live.

Two of my friends came up with ideas for a comedy crisis hotline service. I think there is a need to connect and maintain creative support so ppl dont get lost and fall through cracks and gaps

I'm glad you have not left Emily, :smiliehug:
My mind may have gone but im still here.
A Constitutionalist trapped in a Democrat body. Told I cannot be both, booo!

Until I return to my home planet on Pluto or Venus, or whatever alien world I came from. If I can fit into society, anyone can make it. Maybe I should build my own city state for social rejects and retards. And when ppl give up on the world they can come hang out with me. Until they realize the world aint that bad, next to the impossible world I live in!
They would normal compared to me and what I go through trying to fit in with regular human beings. They might laugh and Be glad theyre not me!

I'll visit your city :lol:
Transgender people must be among the bravest people in the world.
Bravest for what? ......denying reality?? ..... :cuckoo:

I agree. I see no bravery in wanting to live in fantasy land. In fact most of them probably cause a lot of pain for family members.
The cure for people who want to commit suicide for nonsense like being born the wrong sex is to put them in serious life threatening deprivation. Starve them, freeze them, give them pain. The nonsense will retreat into the background and become forgotten.

Well, well, well if it ain't Dick Cheney. Torture, huh? You need to give that transplant heart ain't using it.

Regards from Rosie
Transgender people must be among the bravest people in the world.
Bravest for what? ......denying reality?? ..... :cuckoo:

I agree. I see no bravery in wanting to live in fantasy land. In fact most of them probably cause a lot of pain for family members.
The cure for people who want to commit suicide for nonsense like being born the wrong sex is to put them in serious life threatening deprivation. Starve them, freeze them, give them pain. The nonsense will retreat into the background and become forgotten.
maybe they are being born into a state where they feel that way.
Suicide has always been the ultimate in teen age rebellion. They are teased. They have no friends. They got dumped by the girl or boyfriend. They are fat. Boobs were slow in growing. They wear glasses. They have buck teeth. One boy just killed himself because he was a cheerleader and got teased. He was close to suicide because he thought he wouldn't be chosen as a cheerleader.

Life is inherently unfair and cruel to the teenager.
if they had someone like you around them i bet they felt that way.....
Transgender people must be among the bravest people in the world.
Bravest for what? ......denying reality?? ..... :cuckoo:

I agree. I see no bravery in wanting to live in fantasy land. In fact most of them probably cause a lot of pain for family members.
The cure for people who want to commit suicide for nonsense like being born the wrong sex is to put them in serious life threatening deprivation. Starve them, freeze them, give them pain. The nonsense will retreat into the background and become forgotten.
and if they smoke a joint ....then you can shoot them in the head...right katz?....
So sad that her parents didn't accept her and she felt so isolated.

I wish she has reached out to others.
Does it say in the article that his parents didn't accept him?

He feared that he would never be the woman that he felt like inside.

Not everyone is going to treat him the way he feels he should be treated. He needed psychiatric help to understand that he can't control others. He can't control how they feel or the opinions they have. This is a hallmark of the mentally ill. The need to exert total control over someone else.

His parents should have gotten him psychiatric help and recognized what this need to control could lead to.

Her note said so.

Gender roles are socially constructed.

It's a shame this society is so consumed with it.
She was not a her. He had a dick.

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