Transgender teen: 'My death needs to mean something'

You can read his/her suicide note here: satan s wifey

(S)he also left notes of apology. The one to his parents reads thusly:

Mom and Dad: Fuck you. You can’t just control other people like that. That’s messed up.

If he wanted to hurt his parents, he did a helluva job. That's a mean note to go out on. And the job of parents is exactly about control their children to prepare them for the world. They might have been misguided and uninformed on how to handle a kid like this one, but they certainly don't deserve a vicious last word like that.

His/her suicide note sounds very self-centered. I understand the difficulties such a person must go through, but he was still a child and a child should not be finalizing any decisions as important as a sex change. We don't allow kids to drink or smoke or vote or do any number of things for good reason. A sex change is an even bigger decision making process than any of those.

I am not unsympathetic to this kid. One of my own kids had a friend sleepover once. A girl who was actually a boy. In first grade! This kid wanted to be a girl, grew out his/her hair like a girl and because the child was so young, he was easily able to pass as a girl. My kids never caught on. I would not have caught on either if the grandfather had not told me.

I don't know what the full situation was, but the kid was living with his/her grandfather instead of the parents. I don't know the story behind that.

We were in an extremely awkward situation when the kid arrived. He/she was filthy. His/her clothes were filthy and the kid was covered from head to foot in dirt and grime. This was neglect.

We made the very risky decision to give the kid a bath. I had my wife do it. There was no way I was going to do it, but there was also no way I was not going to take care of this kid, either.

The clothes were so ragged and filthy, we threw them out and gave the kid a new set of clothes.

We informed the grandfather the next day when he picked the kid up, and he just nodded.

God only knows what kind of nightmare world that child is living in.

So I understand how someone like that can have their whole world view narrowed down to a tiny pinpoint of self-centered misery and an attitude of their being no way out.

But there is a way out. The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far. This is a very very sad story through and through.

"The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far."

Most of us never have to face the fear and confusion this girl did. Most of us cannot imagine what it would be like to know we are female and yet have the world continue to call us a male. Even after her death, there are people who will not accept that she was female. How any young person can be strong enough to get through that dark tunnel is beyond my understanding.

Transgender people must be among the bravest people in the world.

Whether you are a man or a woman is physical and easily determined.

What about hermaphrodites? I know this is rare. I agree with IamwhatIseem's post
that just because this occurs does not mean to promote it as commonplace, and try
to make the class of individuals bigger than it is in order to gain validity by numbers.

There is nothing wrong with accepting people even if they are a small minority.
This idea of legitimizing things by propaganda does more harm than good by losing credibility
for the cases that are legit.

Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As for physical gender vs. spiritual gender,
that's the real crisis here. The whole point is
the person's personality is of one gender and their body is another.

One of my friends I met online only (not in person)
decided to go ahead and change his physical male body to match
the female personality. He called it decorating his house.
If he owns his house, he has the right to decorate it anyway he wants.

Now i agree that you shouldn't BLAME society for typing this
person as male if that's how the laws work in that region.

People would have to agree how to handle such issues of gender,
and no I don't believe in forcing it one way or another. It is spiritual
issue how people identify themselves, and so decisions and policies
should be made by free choice and consensus among the people.

If they don't agree, then just like churches, they should split into
separate denominations, such as by district or by party, to prevent from abusing state govt
to impose on anyone's spiritual beliefs about this.

If districts can't divide geographically, I suggest
separating marriage policies etc. by party and managing
benefits that way. This is a spiritual issue and belongs to the people or church,
and not the govt to impose unless and until people form a consensus on law
and agree what policy to mandate through the public level of govt. But as long
as people have different spiritual views, it should remain private until this is proven and agreed upon.
by free choice and informed consent, not by force of govt which is unconstitutional for religious or spiritual issues.
He should have been happy he was healthy. Many don't even have that benefit. He should have also been happy of who he was. He was not, nor never would be a woman. It seems insulting to women to suggest it's just a mental state. This boy was never going to become pregnant.

Some transgenders come to grips with the knowledge they will never be women. They will never have a period. They will never be pregnant. Some fight the knowledge that they will simply never smell female. They will never benefit from a gynecologist exam. Medically they are male.

Some never accept these facts and rail against the unfairness of it all.
The entire world is not subject to an individual's inner conflict.
But resolving it can change the whole world for the better.

The same struggle any one of our souls suffers through,
collectively that is the story of humanity. We struggle
for truth, justice and peace, freedom from fear and unresolved
conflict that otherwise repeats in a vicious cycle.

We learn to quit projecting blame outside of ourselves
and recognize the effort and work it takes is mutual.
Both sides to any conflict have to stretch to include the other
if we are going to put all the pieces of the puzzle together to solve it.

When we cut out one person or one group, we shoot ourselves in the foot.
Eventually we learn that each one has something to contribute we'd be missing otherwise!

None of us is perfect or complete without the other.
We all need to check and balance each other
to correct all the faults and cover all the bases.

We are like an orchestra, and need to learn to play in
harmony, tune and balance, instead of competing to kick out or blast out others
who are part of the same symphony. We each have a part to play
and are learning to pull it all together, so we can complete the score.
There never was two sides to this poor child's inner conflict. It was entirely self imposed..

When you have an orchestra playing Bach and one musician decides to play Shake it Up the result is never going to be anything like music.

You can form two separate bands and have different audiences.
No need to impose one style of music on all classes.

I don't know this person, so I cannot tell how much was
natural or unnatural.

From the description of this person feeling RELIEF and joy/freedom at finding
there were recognized terms for being transgender, that sounds like a natural reaction
of personal recognition of what someone is spiritually.

So that part sounds natural.

But no, the thinking that one's death instead of one's life
is necessary for change, is tragic and doesn' thave to be that way.

In this case, it could be that people like us who would not
have had this conversation, are benefiting from the publicity due to death.

But when I look at cases like Jazz who is using her LIFE to tell the story,
that seems to me the more amenable route with greater opportunity for positive change.

This suicide business must stop, and there are many
who equally attempt suicide who don't want to be
homosexual and might benefit if healing can return them back to normal
as many others have experienced and changed to their "true selves."

This is not something they chose either.
Even the ones who change did not "choose" to be homosexual or have those attractions.
Spiritually we can experience impulses and influences,
and what we CAN choose is if we get help if we KNOW that these things can change.

In some cases they can, in some they cannot.
but anyone who wants to try, should be supported in that.
And anyone who doesn't need to change to feel natural should be supported in that.

And quit pushing it all one way or another, but listen to what is really
natural and true for each person, and hear when they say it is NOT.
And work with them unconditionally, either way, to come to terms with their TRUE SELVES
regardless which way it turns out for them. They will TELL YOU If it is right or not, because they
will either feel joy and love it is true, or despair and grief if it is NOT right for them and isn't working.

Why not go with what people say and work with that? Why the blame and shame, why not just deal with it?
He should have been happy he was healthy. Many don't even have that benefit. He should have also been happy of who he was. He was not, nor never would be a woman. It seems insulting to women to suggest it's just a mental state. This boy was never going to become pregnant.

Some transgenders come to grips with the knowledge they will never be women. They will never have a period. They will never be pregnant. Some fight the knowledge that they will simply never smell female. They will never benefit from a gynecologist exam. Medically they are male.

Some never accept these facts and rail against the unfairness of it all.
Well, the key to healing and full acceptance is FORGIVENESS.

So whatever it is they cannot forgive
that is their spiritual challenge they face
and why they may have been born into these situations.
You can read his/her suicide note here: satan s wifey

(S)he also left notes of apology. The one to his parents reads thusly:

Mom and Dad: Fuck you. You can’t just control other people like that. That’s messed up.

If he wanted to hurt his parents, he did a helluva job. That's a mean note to go out on. And the job of parents is exactly about control their children to prepare them for the world. They might have been misguided and uninformed on how to handle a kid like this one, but they certainly don't deserve a vicious last word like that.

His/her suicide note sounds very self-centered. I understand the difficulties such a person must go through, but he was still a child and a child should not be finalizing any decisions as important as a sex change. We don't allow kids to drink or smoke or vote or do any number of things for good reason. A sex change is an even bigger decision making process than any of those.

I am not unsympathetic to this kid. One of my own kids had a friend sleepover once. A girl who was actually a boy. In first grade! This kid wanted to be a girl, grew out his/her hair like a girl and because the child was so young, he was easily able to pass as a girl. My kids never caught on. I would not have caught on either if the grandfather had not told me.

I don't know what the full situation was, but the kid was living with his/her grandfather instead of the parents. I don't know the story behind that.

We were in an extremely awkward situation when the kid arrived. He/she was filthy. His/her clothes were filthy and the kid was covered from head to foot in dirt and grime. This was neglect.

We made the very risky decision to give the kid a bath. I had my wife do it. There was no way I was going to do it, but there was also no way I was not going to take care of this kid, either.

The clothes were so ragged and filthy, we threw them out and gave the kid a new set of clothes.

We informed the grandfather the next day when he picked the kid up, and he just nodded.

God only knows what kind of nightmare world that child is living in.

So I understand how someone like that can have their whole world view narrowed down to a tiny pinpoint of self-centered misery and an attitude of their being no way out.

But there is a way out. The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far. This is a very very sad story through and through.

"The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far."

Most of us never have to face the fear and confusion this girl did. Most of us cannot imagine what it would be like to know we are female and yet have the world continue to call us a male. Even after her death, there are people who will not accept that she was female. How any young person can be strong enough to get through that dark tunnel is beyond my understanding.

Transgender people must be among the bravest people in the world.

Whether you are a man or a woman is physical and easily determined.

What about hermaphrodites? I know this is rare. I agree with IamwhatIseem's post
that just because this occurs does not mean to promote it as commonplace, and try
to make the class of individuals bigger than it is in order to gain validity by numbers.

There is nothing wrong with accepting people even if they are a small minority.
This idea of legitimizing things by propaganda does more harm than good by losing credibility
for the cases that are legit.

Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As for physical gender vs. spiritual gender,
that's the real crisis here. The whole point is
the person's personality is of one gender and their body is another.

One of my friends I met online only (not in person)
decided to go ahead and change his physical male body to match
the female personality. He called it decorating his house.
If he owns his house, he has the right to decorate it anyway he wants.

Now i agree that you shouldn't BLAME society for typing this
person as male if that's how the laws work in that region.

People would have to agree how to handle such issues of gender,
and no I don't believe in forcing it one way or another. It is spiritual
issue how people identify themselves, and so decisions and policies
should be made by free choice and consensus among the people.

If they don't agree, then just like churches, they should split into
separate denominations, such as by district or by party, to prevent from abusing state govt
to impose on anyone's spiritual beliefs about this.

If districts can't divide geographically, I suggest
separating marriage policies etc. by party and managing
benefits that way. This is a spiritual issue and belongs to the people or church,
and not the govt to impose unless and until people form a consensus on law
and agree what policy to mandate through the public level of govt. But as long
as people have different spiritual views, it should remain private until this is proven and agreed upon.
by free choice and informed consent, not by force of govt which is unconstitutional for religious or spiritual issues.

Wasn't a hermaphrodite.

You can change your appearance but not your gender.

What next, somebody will claim to be an elf? This is a mental health problem.
Why are we so afraid to say that mentally ill people are mentally ill?

This kid was mentally ill PERIOD.

I'd agree the suicidal part is out of an impaired mental state.
However, being transgender may or may not be natural to that person.
Unless they go through spiritual healing, you cannot know what would or would not have changed.

Some people CAN change their orientation by going through healing,
others remain as they are but no longer carry the mixed feelings or conflicts about it.

Either way, by going through spiritual healing and forgiveness therapy/recovery,
whatever will change will change for the better, and anything negative
is eventually removed or at least contained. For extreme cases of pedophilia
that are incureably sick, their physical and chemical sickness in their brains may not change,
but they can be made aware they are sick and seek to stay away from people they would put at risk.
Similar to someone who still has a physical alcohol addiction, but knows to stay away from bars and alcohol
instead of being "in denial" they have a problem. After spiritual healing, even the people who
are still sick with addiction will at least work to get help during recovery, and to manage themselves,
instead of running away in denial and getting into more trouble with their problem that way.
So there are levels of healing, even if someone isn't fully cured yet or if they cannot fully change ever.
You can read his/her suicide note here: satan s wifey

(S)he also left notes of apology. The one to his parents reads thusly:

Mom and Dad: Fuck you. You can’t just control other people like that. That’s messed up.

If he wanted to hurt his parents, he did a helluva job. That's a mean note to go out on. And the job of parents is exactly about control their children to prepare them for the world. They might have been misguided and uninformed on how to handle a kid like this one, but they certainly don't deserve a vicious last word like that.

His/her suicide note sounds very self-centered. I understand the difficulties such a person must go through, but he was still a child and a child should not be finalizing any decisions as important as a sex change. We don't allow kids to drink or smoke or vote or do any number of things for good reason. A sex change is an even bigger decision making process than any of those.

I am not unsympathetic to this kid. One of my own kids had a friend sleepover once. A girl who was actually a boy. In first grade! This kid wanted to be a girl, grew out his/her hair like a girl and because the child was so young, he was easily able to pass as a girl. My kids never caught on. I would not have caught on either if the grandfather had not told me.

I don't know what the full situation was, but the kid was living with his/her grandfather instead of the parents. I don't know the story behind that.

We were in an extremely awkward situation when the kid arrived. He/she was filthy. His/her clothes were filthy and the kid was covered from head to foot in dirt and grime. This was neglect.

We made the very risky decision to give the kid a bath. I had my wife do it. There was no way I was going to do it, but there was also no way I was not going to take care of this kid, either.

The clothes were so ragged and filthy, we threw them out and gave the kid a new set of clothes.

We informed the grandfather the next day when he picked the kid up, and he just nodded.

God only knows what kind of nightmare world that child is living in.

So I understand how someone like that can have their whole world view narrowed down to a tiny pinpoint of self-centered misery and an attitude of their being no way out.

But there is a way out. The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far. This is a very very sad story through and through.

"The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far."

Most of us never have to face the fear and confusion this girl did. Most of us cannot imagine what it would be like to know we are female and yet have the world continue to call us a male. Even after her death, there are people who will not accept that she was female. How any young person can be strong enough to get through that dark tunnel is beyond my understanding.

Transgender people must be among the bravest people in the world.

Whether you are a man or a woman is physical and easily determined.

What about hermaphrodites? I know this is rare. I agree with IamwhatIseem's post
that just because this occurs does not mean to promote it as commonplace, and try
to make the class of individuals bigger than it is in order to gain validity by numbers.

There is nothing wrong with accepting people even if they are a small minority.
This idea of legitimizing things by propaganda does more harm than good by losing credibility
for the cases that are legit.

Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As for physical gender vs. spiritual gender,
that's the real crisis here. The whole point is
the person's personality is of one gender and their body is another.

One of my friends I met online only (not in person)
decided to go ahead and change his physical male body to match
the female personality. He called it decorating his house.
If he owns his house, he has the right to decorate it anyway he wants.

Now i agree that you shouldn't BLAME society for typing this
person as male if that's how the laws work in that region.

People would have to agree how to handle such issues of gender,
and no I don't believe in forcing it one way or another. It is spiritual
issue how people identify themselves, and so decisions and policies
should be made by free choice and consensus among the people.

If they don't agree, then just like churches, they should split into
separate denominations, such as by district or by party, to prevent from abusing state govt
to impose on anyone's spiritual beliefs about this.

If districts can't divide geographically, I suggest
separating marriage policies etc. by party and managing
benefits that way. This is a spiritual issue and belongs to the people or church,
and not the govt to impose unless and until people form a consensus on law
and agree what policy to mandate through the public level of govt. But as long
as people have different spiritual views, it should remain private until this is proven and agreed upon.
by free choice and informed consent, not by force of govt which is unconstitutional for religious or spiritual issues.

Wasn't a hermaphrodite.

You can change your appearance but not your gender.

What next, somebody will claim to be an elf? This is a mental health problem.

1. The hermaphrodite was in response to the blanket statement
that you are clearly either male or female. Some people are born with both gender features.
I was just pointing out it is possible to be mixed.

2. As for this case, being female personality or spirit inside a male
body does not negate that physically the body is male.

The body can be of one gender
and the person's soul or spirit of the other.

Sure I agree that if the state laws recognize
the physical gender by birth, then people either
need to respect that or change the laws by consensus.
You can read his/her suicide note here: satan s wifey

(S)he also left notes of apology. The one to his parents reads thusly:

If he wanted to hurt his parents, he did a helluva job. That's a mean note to go out on. And the job of parents is exactly about control their children to prepare them for the world. They might have been misguided and uninformed on how to handle a kid like this one, but they certainly don't deserve a vicious last word like that.

His/her suicide note sounds very self-centered. I understand the difficulties such a person must go through, but he was still a child and a child should not be finalizing any decisions as important as a sex change. We don't allow kids to drink or smoke or vote or do any number of things for good reason. A sex change is an even bigger decision making process than any of those.

I am not unsympathetic to this kid. One of my own kids had a friend sleepover once. A girl who was actually a boy. In first grade! This kid wanted to be a girl, grew out his/her hair like a girl and because the child was so young, he was easily able to pass as a girl. My kids never caught on. I would not have caught on either if the grandfather had not told me.

I don't know what the full situation was, but the kid was living with his/her grandfather instead of the parents. I don't know the story behind that.

We were in an extremely awkward situation when the kid arrived. He/she was filthy. His/her clothes were filthy and the kid was covered from head to foot in dirt and grime. This was neglect.

We made the very risky decision to give the kid a bath. I had my wife do it. There was no way I was going to do it, but there was also no way I was not going to take care of this kid, either.

The clothes were so ragged and filthy, we threw them out and gave the kid a new set of clothes.

We informed the grandfather the next day when he picked the kid up, and he just nodded.

God only knows what kind of nightmare world that child is living in.

So I understand how someone like that can have their whole world view narrowed down to a tiny pinpoint of self-centered misery and an attitude of their being no way out.

But there is a way out. The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far. This is a very very sad story through and through.

"The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far."

Most of us never have to face the fear and confusion this girl did. Most of us cannot imagine what it would be like to know we are female and yet have the world continue to call us a male. Even after her death, there are people who will not accept that she was female. How any young person can be strong enough to get through that dark tunnel is beyond my understanding.

Transgender people must be among the bravest people in the world.

Whether you are a man or a woman is physical and easily determined.

What about hermaphrodites? I know this is rare. I agree with IamwhatIseem's post
that just because this occurs does not mean to promote it as commonplace, and try
to make the class of individuals bigger than it is in order to gain validity by numbers.

There is nothing wrong with accepting people even if they are a small minority.
This idea of legitimizing things by propaganda does more harm than good by losing credibility
for the cases that are legit.

Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As for physical gender vs. spiritual gender,
that's the real crisis here. The whole point is
the person's personality is of one gender and their body is another.

One of my friends I met online only (not in person)
decided to go ahead and change his physical male body to match
the female personality. He called it decorating his house.
If he owns his house, he has the right to decorate it anyway he wants.

Now i agree that you shouldn't BLAME society for typing this
person as male if that's how the laws work in that region.

People would have to agree how to handle such issues of gender,
and no I don't believe in forcing it one way or another. It is spiritual
issue how people identify themselves, and so decisions and policies
should be made by free choice and consensus among the people.

If they don't agree, then just like churches, they should split into
separate denominations, such as by district or by party, to prevent from abusing state govt
to impose on anyone's spiritual beliefs about this.

If districts can't divide geographically, I suggest
separating marriage policies etc. by party and managing
benefits that way. This is a spiritual issue and belongs to the people or church,
and not the govt to impose unless and until people form a consensus on law
and agree what policy to mandate through the public level of govt. But as long
as people have different spiritual views, it should remain private until this is proven and agreed upon.
by free choice and informed consent, not by force of govt which is unconstitutional for religious or spiritual issues.

Wasn't a hermaphrodite.

You can change your appearance but not your gender.

What next, somebody will claim to be an elf? This is a mental health problem.

1. The hermaphrodite was in response to the blanket statement
that you are clearly either male or female. Some people are born with both gender features.
I was just pointing out it is possible to be mixed.

2. As for this case, being female personality or spirit inside a male
body does not negate that physically the body is male.

The body can be of one gender
and the person's soul or spirit of the other.

Sure I agree that if the state laws recognize
the physical gender by birth, then people either
need to respect that or change the laws by consensus.

If your "spirit" tells you that you are a different gender than your body tells you you are, you are mentally ill.
If the boy didn't feel accepted by those around him, what was stopping him from looking for people who would take him in? To me, suicide solves absolutely nothing.

God bless you always!!!

People are seeing transgenderism where it doesn't really exist. Merely being a cross dresser is now transgendered. Girls who were tom boys in the past are now transgendered. .
You can read his/her suicide note here: satan s wifey

(S)he also left notes of apology. The one to his parents reads thusly:

Mom and Dad: Fuck you. You can’t just control other people like that. That’s messed up.

If he wanted to hurt his parents, he did a helluva job. That's a mean note to go out on. And the job of parents is exactly about control their children to prepare them for the world. They might have been misguided and uninformed on how to handle a kid like this one, but they certainly don't deserve a vicious last word like that.

His/her suicide note sounds very self-centered. I understand the difficulties such a person must go through, but he was still a child and a child should not be finalizing any decisions as important as a sex change. We don't allow kids to drink or smoke or vote or do any number of things for good reason. A sex change is an even bigger decision making process than any of those.

I am not unsympathetic to this kid. One of my own kids had a friend sleepover once. A girl who was actually a boy. In first grade! This kid wanted to be a girl, grew out his/her hair like a girl and because the child was so young, he was easily able to pass as a girl. My kids never caught on. I would not have caught on either if the grandfather had not told me.

I don't know what the full situation was, but the kid was living with his/her grandfather instead of the parents. I don't know the story behind that.

We were in an extremely awkward situation when the kid arrived. He/she was filthy. His/her clothes were filthy and the kid was covered from head to foot in dirt and grime. This was neglect.

We made the very risky decision to give the kid a bath. I had my wife do it. There was no way I was going to do it, but there was also no way I was not going to take care of this kid, either.

The clothes were so ragged and filthy, we threw them out and gave the kid a new set of clothes.

We informed the grandfather the next day when he picked the kid up, and he just nodded.

God only knows what kind of nightmare world that child is living in.

So I understand how someone like that can have their whole world view narrowed down to a tiny pinpoint of self-centered misery and an attitude of their being no way out.

But there is a way out. The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far. This is a very very sad story through and through.

"The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far."

Most of us never have to face the fear and confusion this girl did. Most of us cannot imagine what it would be like to know we are female and yet have the world continue to call us a male. Even after her death, there are people who will not accept that she was female. How any young person can be strong enough to get through that dark tunnel is beyond my understanding.

Transgender people must be among the bravest people in the world.

Whether you are a man or a woman is physical and easily determined.

What about hermaphrodites? I know this is rare. I agree with IamwhatIseem's post
that just because this occurs does not mean to promote it as commonplace, and try
to make the class of individuals bigger than it is in order to gain validity by numbers.

There is nothing wrong with accepting people even if they are a small minority.
This idea of legitimizing things by propaganda does more harm than good by losing credibility
for the cases that are legit.

Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As for physical gender vs. spiritual gender,
that's the real crisis here. The whole point is
the person's personality is of one gender and their body is another.

One of my friends I met online only (not in person)
decided to go ahead and change his physical male body to match
the female personality. He called it decorating his house.
If he owns his house, he has the right to decorate it anyway he wants.

Now i agree that you shouldn't BLAME society for typing this
person as male if that's how the laws work in that region.

People would have to agree how to handle such issues of gender,
and no I don't believe in forcing it one way or another. It is spiritual
issue how people identify themselves, and so decisions and policies
should be made by free choice and consensus among the people.

If they don't agree, then just like churches, they should split into
separate denominations, such as by district or by party, to prevent from abusing state govt
to impose on anyone's spiritual beliefs about this.

If districts can't divide geographically, I suggest
separating marriage policies etc. by party and managing
benefits that way. This is a spiritual issue and belongs to the people or church,
and not the govt to impose unless and until people form a consensus on law
and agree what policy to mandate through the public level of govt. But as long
as people have different spiritual views, it should remain private until this is proven and agreed upon.
by free choice and informed consent, not by force of govt which is unconstitutional for religious or spiritual issues.

Wasn't a hermaphrodite.

You can change your appearance but not your gender.

What next, somebody will claim to be an elf? This is a mental health problem.
Over the last few years people have been sold a bill of goods you can change your gender because gender roles are based on societies prescribed norms and not sex. You can't, but you can manipulate how others see you only - but your DNA will be the same
Transgender people have human rights.

No class of people should be able to vote away the rights of another.

Transgender people have rights under the US Constitution 14th Amendment- equal protection under the law.

Especially if they have undergone all the major changes: surgery, hormones, etc.....they should have the equal rights of the gender they changed to.

Try as you might, eventually the 14th wins and people do get the rights recognized that they really had all along.

Now if righties would just stop freaking out....this has been going on since tennis player Renee Richards!

That was a helluva long time ago. Get yourselves over it already.

Regards from Rosie
Suicide has always been the ultimate in teen age rebellion. They are teased. They have no friends. They got dumped by the girl or boyfriend. They are fat. Boobs were slow in growing. They wear glasses. They have buck teeth. One boy just killed himself because he was a cheerleader and got teased. He was close to suicide because he thought he wouldn't be chosen as a cheerleader.

Life is inherently unfair and cruel to the teenager.
Transgender people have human rights.

No class of people should be able to vote away the rights of another.

Transgender people have rights under the US Constitution 14th Amendment- equal protection under the law.

Especially if they have undergone all the major changes: surgery, hormones, etc.....they should have the equal rights of the gender they changed to.

Try as you might, eventually the 14th wins and people do get the rights recognized that they really had all along.

Now if righties would just stop freaking out....this has been going on since tennis player Renee Richards!

That was a helluva long time ago. Get yourselves over it already.

Regards from Rosie

You can't change gender.
You can read his/her suicide note here: satan s wifey

(S)he also left notes of apology. The one to his parents reads thusly:

If he wanted to hurt his parents, he did a helluva job. That's a mean note to go out on. And the job of parents is exactly about control their children to prepare them for the world. They might have been misguided and uninformed on how to handle a kid like this one, but they certainly don't deserve a vicious last word like that.

His/her suicide note sounds very self-centered. I understand the difficulties such a person must go through, but he was still a child and a child should not be finalizing any decisions as important as a sex change. We don't allow kids to drink or smoke or vote or do any number of things for good reason. A sex change is an even bigger decision making process than any of those.

I am not unsympathetic to this kid. One of my own kids had a friend sleepover once. A girl who was actually a boy. In first grade! This kid wanted to be a girl, grew out his/her hair like a girl and because the child was so young, he was easily able to pass as a girl. My kids never caught on. I would not have caught on either if the grandfather had not told me.

I don't know what the full situation was, but the kid was living with his/her grandfather instead of the parents. I don't know the story behind that.

We were in an extremely awkward situation when the kid arrived. He/she was filthy. His/her clothes were filthy and the kid was covered from head to foot in dirt and grime. This was neglect.

We made the very risky decision to give the kid a bath. I had my wife do it. There was no way I was going to do it, but there was also no way I was not going to take care of this kid, either.

The clothes were so ragged and filthy, we threw them out and gave the kid a new set of clothes.

We informed the grandfather the next day when he picked the kid up, and he just nodded.

God only knows what kind of nightmare world that child is living in.

So I understand how someone like that can have their whole world view narrowed down to a tiny pinpoint of self-centered misery and an attitude of their being no way out.

But there is a way out. The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far. This is a very very sad story through and through.

"The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far."

Most of us never have to face the fear and confusion this girl did. Most of us cannot imagine what it would be like to know we are female and yet have the world continue to call us a male. Even after her death, there are people who will not accept that she was female. How any young person can be strong enough to get through that dark tunnel is beyond my understanding.

Transgender people must be among the bravest people in the world.

Whether you are a man or a woman is physical and easily determined.

What about hermaphrodites? I know this is rare. I agree with IamwhatIseem's post
that just because this occurs does not mean to promote it as commonplace, and try
to make the class of individuals bigger than it is in order to gain validity by numbers.

There is nothing wrong with accepting people even if they are a small minority.
This idea of legitimizing things by propaganda does more harm than good by losing credibility
for the cases that are legit.

Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As for physical gender vs. spiritual gender,
that's the real crisis here. The whole point is
the person's personality is of one gender and their body is another.

One of my friends I met online only (not in person)
decided to go ahead and change his physical male body to match
the female personality. He called it decorating his house.
If he owns his house, he has the right to decorate it anyway he wants.

Now i agree that you shouldn't BLAME society for typing this
person as male if that's how the laws work in that region.

People would have to agree how to handle such issues of gender,
and no I don't believe in forcing it one way or another. It is spiritual
issue how people identify themselves, and so decisions and policies
should be made by free choice and consensus among the people.

If they don't agree, then just like churches, they should split into
separate denominations, such as by district or by party, to prevent from abusing state govt
to impose on anyone's spiritual beliefs about this.

If districts can't divide geographically, I suggest
separating marriage policies etc. by party and managing
benefits that way. This is a spiritual issue and belongs to the people or church,
and not the govt to impose unless and until people form a consensus on law
and agree what policy to mandate through the public level of govt. But as long
as people have different spiritual views, it should remain private until this is proven and agreed upon.
by free choice and informed consent, not by force of govt which is unconstitutional for religious or spiritual issues.

Wasn't a hermaphrodite.

You can change your appearance but not your gender.

What next, somebody will claim to be an elf? This is a mental health problem.

1. The hermaphrodite was in response to the blanket statement
that you are clearly either male or female. Some people are born with both gender features.
I was just pointing out it is possible to be mixed.

2. As for this case, being female personality or spirit inside a male
body does not negate that physically the body is male.

The body can be of one gender
and the person's soul or spirit of the other.

Sure I agree that if the state laws recognize
the physical gender by birth, then people either
need to respect that or change the laws by consensus.

And what if the spirit is an elf?
"The kid who killed himself just didn't make it that far."

Most of us never have to face the fear and confusion this girl did. Most of us cannot imagine what it would be like to know we are female and yet have the world continue to call us a male. Even after her death, there are people who will not accept that she was female. How any young person can be strong enough to get through that dark tunnel is beyond my understanding.

Transgender people must be among the bravest people in the world.

Whether you are a man or a woman is physical and easily determined.

What about hermaphrodites? I know this is rare. I agree with IamwhatIseem's post
that just because this occurs does not mean to promote it as commonplace, and try
to make the class of individuals bigger than it is in order to gain validity by numbers.

There is nothing wrong with accepting people even if they are a small minority.
This idea of legitimizing things by propaganda does more harm than good by losing credibility
for the cases that are legit.

Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As for physical gender vs. spiritual gender,
that's the real crisis here. The whole point is
the person's personality is of one gender and their body is another.

One of my friends I met online only (not in person)
decided to go ahead and change his physical male body to match
the female personality. He called it decorating his house.
If he owns his house, he has the right to decorate it anyway he wants.

Now i agree that you shouldn't BLAME society for typing this
person as male if that's how the laws work in that region.

People would have to agree how to handle such issues of gender,
and no I don't believe in forcing it one way or another. It is spiritual
issue how people identify themselves, and so decisions and policies
should be made by free choice and consensus among the people.

If they don't agree, then just like churches, they should split into
separate denominations, such as by district or by party, to prevent from abusing state govt
to impose on anyone's spiritual beliefs about this.

If districts can't divide geographically, I suggest
separating marriage policies etc. by party and managing
benefits that way. This is a spiritual issue and belongs to the people or church,
and not the govt to impose unless and until people form a consensus on law
and agree what policy to mandate through the public level of govt. But as long
as people have different spiritual views, it should remain private until this is proven and agreed upon.
by free choice and informed consent, not by force of govt which is unconstitutional for religious or spiritual issues.

Wasn't a hermaphrodite.

You can change your appearance but not your gender.

What next, somebody will claim to be an elf? This is a mental health problem.

1. The hermaphrodite was in response to the blanket statement
that you are clearly either male or female. Some people are born with both gender features.
I was just pointing out it is possible to be mixed.

2. As for this case, being female personality or spirit inside a male
body does not negate that physically the body is male.

The body can be of one gender
and the person's soul or spirit of the other.

Sure I agree that if the state laws recognize
the physical gender by birth, then people either
need to respect that or change the laws by consensus.

And what if the spirit is an elf?
Or a kitty. Or an alien, vampire or a furry.

Furries get no respect. They can only dress in furry suits privately. Inside they are pure little woodland creatures. Yet they cannot wear their furry suits to work or school and must hide their real personalities from everyone.
The kid certainly had problems. However, he needed to learn how to cope with those problems. So he wanted to be a woman? If he had toughed it out a few more years he could have saved up money for surgery if he wanted.

Are the parents to blame for his suicide? perhaps. However sometimes kids will do stupid stuff no matter how good the parents. This was the ultimate stupid thing to do.
The kid certainly had problems. However, he needed to learn how to cope with those problems. So he wanted to be a woman? If he had toughed it out a few more years he could have saved up money for surgery if he wanted.

Are the parents to blame for his suicide? perhaps. However sometimes kids will do stupid stuff no matter how good the parents. This was the ultimate stupid thing to do.

His fear was that no matter what he did he would never be a woman. Which is true. Sorry to say. There is nothing that could make him truly a woman.

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